Military Reference Page
Active & Reserve Duty Roster
Awards Granted Decorations, Medals and Awards Medal Illustrations Decorations Criteria Chart
Promotional Points Criteria Chart Unit Award Criteria Explained Rank & Insignia Who's Who

Below are two (2) tables which are still under reconstruction post enemy action, principly listing all personnel, who are currently either on active or reserve duty with the UNMC's 51ST Regiment, part of the UNSGC at RGHQ-51 in the UK.

In time these tables will be amended to serve as a general historical record and will eventually carry details of all retired, deceased and missing personnel etc. Likewise, the entries are being gradually linked to the 201 File (Personnel File) for each Marine, each of which is updated post active service in a Flight Operation, Support Operation or Combat Readiness Exercise.

Note that any 201 File with a broad black border is for a deceased operative, that is one who has died while not on duty.

Table 1 is an alphabetical listing, while Table 2 is set out in order of serial number for cross referencing. Personal details will be entered thus:

Table 1:

  • NAME - listed in alphabetical order by family name first, followed by the given name and middle initial(s), if any. This is done regardless of the preveiling practise in the Marines country of origin. The name is highlighted and will serve as a link to their 201 File (Personnel File). An asterisk at the start of the name indicates that the 201 File has not yet been uploaded. If relevant contact your unit's S5 for assistance.
  • RANK - The Marine's rank expressed in standard UNMC abbreviated format, followed by the full title for convenience.
  • # - The Marine's six digit Serial Number.
  • NAT. - The Marine's nationality expressed In the two letter ISO Country Code. NB: some Marines have dual nationality.
  • BLOOD - The Marine's blood group given In the standard four letter ABO system format. NB: a special CLASSIFIED variant entered as D UNO may be seen instead.
  • GEN. - The Marine's gender entered as either F for Female or M for Male.
  • BOS - The Marine's chosen and/or assigned Branch Of Service.
  • NOTES - Any other imediatly relevant information, such as MO for Medical Officer or CMO Chief Medical Officer and EOD for Explosive Ordnance Disposal. In the case of personnel whose status is listed as either KIA or MIA, a note of the CON-# at which they were killed or went missing is included here.
  • STATUS - The Marine's current status, expressed as one of the following:
    • ACTIVE - The Marine is currently on active service with the Corps (white on blue).
    • DECEASED - The Marine has died, but not in UNMC service (white on black).
    • KIA - The Marine was Killed In Action when either on an off-world mission, or in a terrestrial action, in either case the body was recovered and processed in accordance with SOP's Standard Operating Procedures, and the Marine's Will (white on black). If the body is missing then they are recorded as MIA qv.
    • MIA - The Marine is listed as Missing In Action, that is that they were declared missing either following an off-world mission or terrestrial action and that their remains are yet to be recovered (white on red). NB in the Notes section the phrase "Believed Dead" or "Believed Wounded" may also appear, but never POW, WIA or KIA, as without the body or other evidence this cannot be confirmed.
    • RESERVE - The Marine is living on Earth and may be available, willing and able to be recalled to active service (white on green).
    • RETIRED - The Marine is retired from active or reserve service with the Corps and living on Earth (black on grey).
    • UNKNOWN - The Marine's whereabouts and STATUS is utterly unknown (black on yellow).

To further assist the reader in the use of this data, with the exception of the STATUS column the remainder of all Active and Reserve entries are highlighted in white, while all others are greyed out (Deceased, Killed In Action, Missing In Action, Retired or Unknown).

Table 2:

  • # - The Marine's six digit serial number.
  • NAME - The Marine's name listed by family name first, followed by their initials.


These listings are currently as accurate as the situation permits. However, be aware that as the result of the various enemy actions taken against the RGHQ-51 archives and the UNSGC in general, a significant proportion of personnel records remain lost. Where possible old files are being recovered or reconstructed, but this data remains incomplete. However, if you note any errors or ommissions please contact the office of this units S5, Brigadier General A. R. Courtney, so as to ensure that corrections/additions can be made ASAP.

Table 1:
Alphabetical Listings

* IMPORTANT: the asterisk * marks the link as TBA, as the file is not ready for uploading.

AITKEN. Bradley. MAJ (Major) 203157 US D UNO M Intelligence S2@RGHQ-51 ACTIVE
ANDRIAM. Ciaphas. PVT (Private) 118223 GB B POS M Infantry - ACTIVE
* APPLEBY. Peter. MAJ (Major) 298077 GB D UNO M Cavalry - RETIRED
* BARBISON. Cindy. PFC (Private First Class) 107187 US D UNO F Infantry - RETIRED
BATEMAN. Toby. PVT (Private) 116218 GB D UNO M Infantry DOA CON-97.2 24 SEP 16 KIA
BAUER. Richard. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 191015 GB D UNO M Infantry Field Medic ACTIVE
BEAUMONT. Rosalyn. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 191002 GB O POS F Cavalry - ACTIVE
* BRANNIGAN. Joseph P. CPL (Corporal) 105180 AU A POS M Infantry - RETIRED
* BRODIE. Nicola. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 297062 GB D UNO F Intelligence RGH-51 Archivist RETIRED
BRUNEL. Percy. PVT (Private) 216218 AU D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
CARTER. Thomas George. SFC (Sergeant First Class) 203154 GB D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
* CHURCH. Derek A. SGT (Sergeant) 203156 AU D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* CLARK. Nicholas. PFC (Private First Class) 105179 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* COLLINS. A. PFC (Private First Class) 203151 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
COURTNEY. Alastair Robert. BGEN (Brigadier General) 191001 GB A POS M Cavalry S1@RGHQ-51
Field Medic Class L
* DE BEER. Rosie. CPT (captain) 198073 SA D UNO F Cavalry - RETIRED
* DE BEER. Stephen. 2LT (Second Lieutenant) 198072 SA D UNO M Infantry CO SG14, MIA@CON-021 MIA
* DELPERDANCE. Robert. PFC (Private First Class) 105182 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* EMERY. Daniel. PVT (Private) 110205 GB D UNO) M Infantry - RETIRED
* FISHER. Kim. PFC (Private First Class) 105174 GB D UNO F Military Police - RETIRED
* FLYNN. Marcus. PVT (Private) 111210 GB O POS M Infantry - RETIRED
* FOX. Ray. PVT (Private) 108199 SA A POS M Infantry - RETIRED
FROST. Jonathon. MAJ (Major) 202144 GB B POS M Cavalry MPC ACTIVE
FUCHS. Helena. PVT (Private) 116217 DE A POS F Infantry - ACTIVE
* GATHERCOLE. John. PVT (Privat) 198077 GB D UNO M Infantry SG14, MIA@CON-021 MIA
GILMARTIN. Lucy. CPT (Captain) 203158 GB D UNO F Infantry FA Class C ACTIVE
* GRANA-PRIEGO. Anthony. ? (?) 103157 GB D UNO M Infantry MIA@CON-061 MIA
* GREYSTONE. Dorian. SPEC10 (Specialist#10) 001072 GB D UNO M Staff Specialist Former RGHQ-51 Archivist
MIA@OCSII ("Op.Oxeye") NOV 05
HAZELL. Shea. PVT (Private) 119227 GB D UNO M Infantry Field Medic Class L ACTIVE
HUDSON. Dwain. PVT (Private) 116220 US D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
* JAMESON. James. CPT (Captain) 299096 GB D UNO M Intelligence - RETIRED
JOHANSON. Andrew. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 201140 GB D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
KILKENNY. David R. MAJ (Major) 202142 GB A POS M Cavalry Medical Officer ACTIVE
KING. Elizabeth. MAJ (Major) 105170 GB D UNO F Infantry Field Medic Class C ACTIVE
* KIRK. Alexandra. CPL (Corporal) 103150 GB D UNO F Infantry - RETIRED
KNIGHT. Alice. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 100129 GB D UNO F Engineers - ACTIVE
* LA'BOPAR. Gwido. CPL (Corporal) 204160 FR D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
LAW. James Tiberius. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 298074 GB A NEG M Cavalry S5@RGHQ-51 ACTIVE
* LEE. Michael. PVT (Private) 108198 GB/CN D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* LEWIS. Kira. CPT (Captain) 196053 GB O POS F Intelligence Former S2@RGHQ-51 RETIRED
* LOPEZ. A. PFC (Private First Class) 104161 ES D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
LUTHER. Leroy. SGT (Sergeant) 115216 GB/SA D UNO M Infantry Call Sign: M6YRP
d. 16 OCT 17 Aged 38
MARTINS. Julian. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 196050 GB D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
* MCREEDY. Ryan. PVT (Private) 108200 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* MONROE. Charles Edward. CPT (Captain) 191013 GB D UNO M Cavalry Master EOD, Diving Supervisor, BSc. RESERVE
* MORGENSTERN. Josephine A. MAJ (Major) 200128 US D UNO F Intelligence Former RGHQ-51 S2 MIA
* MORGENSTERN. Lucinda M. CPT (Captain) 100128 US D UNO F Intelligence - MIA
* MORGENSTERN. Mary. 1LT (First Lieutenant) 001128 US D UNO F Infantry AREA-52 (USA) MIA
MÜLLER. Karl. PVT (Private) 116221 GB/DE A POS M Infantry ACTIVE
NEWMAN. John. CPT (Captain) 301134 GB O POS M Infantry Field Medic ACTIVE
* O'MALLEY. Bruce I. SGT (Sergeant) 203149 AU O POS M Infantry Field Medic RETIRED
* OSES. Charles. PVT (Private) 108201 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
OWEN. Ulysses Nicholas. CPT (Captain) 199098 GB A POS M Infantry Field Medic, EOD ACTIVE
* PALMER. Harry. SGT (Sergeant) 103155 GB A POS M Infantry - RETIRED
PEACOCK. Christopher. PVT (Private) 119225 GB D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
PEACOCK. Drew. PVT (Private) 117222 GB D UNO M Infantry Mechanic ACTIVE
* PEREILA. Carlos. PFC (Private First Class) 107191 BR A POS M Infantry Field Medic RETIRED
PETERSEN. Kathlene. CPL (Corporal) 106183 GB/NO A POS F Infantry- ACTIVE
* PETROV. Vladimir Rasputa. 2LT (Second Lieutenant) 203148 RU A POS M Infantry - RETIRED
REDDMAN. John. MSGT (Master Sergeant) 300118 US A POS M Infantry - ACTIVE
REYNOLDS. Thomas. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 298082 GB D UNO M Intelligence Field Medic Class C, PhD (Physics) ACTIVE
* RHYS. David G. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 193039 GB D UNO M Infantry Former CO@RGHQ-51 RETIRED
* RICHARDSON. Richard Barry. CPT (Captain) 191004 GB D UNO M Cavalry - RETIRED
* ROCKATENSKY. Maxine. SGT (Sergeant) 002128 US A POS F Infantry AREA-52 (US) RESERVE
M. Bertrand.
LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 302143 GB O POS M Cavalry MPC RETIRED
* SCHMIT. Roger. SPEC10 (Specialist #10) 003142 GB A POS M Inspector General GHQ Auditor ACTIVE
* SCHWARTZ. Anna I. PFC (Private First Class) 108192 DE D UNO F Infantry - RETIRED
SMITH. Cornel Richard. SPEC7 (Specialist #7) 002142 GB A POS M Engineer AREA-50 (PhD. Physics) ACTIVE
* STANFORD. Andrew. PFC (Private First Class) 107190 GB B NEG M Infantry - RETIRED
* STANTON. Andrew. PFC (Private First Class) 108194 GB A NEG M Infantry - RETIRED
STEWART. Theresa T. 1LT (First Lieutenant) 199101 GB D UNO F Intelligence Former S2@RGHQ-51 RESERVE
STEYN. Dutch. CPL (Corporal) 116219 BE/GB O POS M Infantry Field Medic Class C ACTIVE
STOKES. Bradley. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 198078 GB D UNO M Cavalry Chief Medical Officer ACTIVE
SWEETWATER. Jason. 1LT (First Lieutenant) 115215 GB D UNO M Cavalry - ACTIVE
TACHIKOMA. Lara Atsuko. COL (Colonel) 300128 US A POS F Intelligence CO/S2@RGHQ-51 ACTIVE
* TUNA. Maximillian. PVT (Private) 108197 US D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* VALENTINE. Nicholas. PVT (Private) 108202 GB D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* VOSLOO. Stephanus Johanus. MSGT (Master Sergeant) 298072 SA D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
* WADER. Wolfgang. PFC (Private First Class) 108193 DE D UNO M Infantry - RETIRED
WARD. Christine. SFC (Sergeant First Class) 105171 GB A POS F Infantry - ACTIVE
* WEBB. Stephen. SPEC4 (Specialist#4) 001142 GB A POS M Engineer - MIA
* WELL. Edward. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 100126 GB D UNO M Intelligence PhD (IT) RESERVE
WOLFE. Carl. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 100125 GB D UNO M Infantry - ACTIVE
* ZUBROWKA. Maksim D. CPL (Corporal) 303147 RU 0 POS M Infantry - KIA CON-061

Table 2:
J. DOE Listings

DOE. John/Jane. ? (?) # GB D UNO M/F - MIA

Table 3:
Numerical Listings

001072 GREYSTONE. Dorian.
001128 MORGENSTERN. Mary.
001142 WEBB. Stephen.
002128 ROCKATENSKY. Maxine.
002142 SMITH. Cornel Richard.
003142 SCHMIT. Roger.
1???? BLYTHE. Barry.
1???? CASTLE. Todd.
1????? DANIELS. Nicholas.
1????? FOSTER. Jack.
1????? GARIBALDI. Paul.
1????? KLYNE. Vincent.
1????? MUNCH. Paul. PhD
1????? RYAN. Alan.
1????? STERLING. A.
1????? WALTERS. A.
100111 LANDERS. Nicholas.
100112 BURTON. Declan.
100113 HAYTON. Nicholas.
100114 GRAHAM. Ian.
100115 DICKENSON. Alan.
100116 DONCASTER. Marc.
100117 IRVINE. Louise.
100118 VORSFELDE. Karl.
100119 SMITH. Luke.
100120 GALWAY. Clive.
100121 HENDERSON. Paul.
100122 NICHOLSON. Paul.
100123 CRAWSHAW. Michael.
100125 WOLFE. Carl.
100126 WELL. Edward. PhD
100127 METCALF. Richard.
100128 ASH. Lucinda Morticia.
100128 MORGENSTERN. Lucinda Morticia.
100129 CARTER. Yuri R.
100129 KNIGHT. Alice.
101130 KAYS. Mathew.
101131 SHAW. Jeffery.
101132 HOCKEN. Russel.
101133 HUGHES. Richard.
101134 BROWN. A.
101135 REARDON. Brian.
101136 WREN. Helen.
101137 EDWARDS. Ben.
101138 CHRISFORD. Adam.
101139 CAUSELY. James.
101140 BRIGGS. Jackson.
101141 FORSYTHE. Steven.
102142 WEBSTER. David.
102144 MOLLOY. D. John.
103146 LAMB. David.
103147 TREGASKIS. Robin.
103148 NEAL. John.
103149 PLISKIN. A.
103150 KIRK. Alexandra.
103151 BODDICKER. A.
103152 RYE. Kevin.
103153 MARTIN. Christopher.
103154 SMITH. Trevor.
103155 PALMER. Harry.
103156 RIDGEWAY. A.
1O3157 GRANA-PRIEGO. Anthony.
103158 KELLEY. Gillian.
103214 MAURADER. J. J.
104160 BRIDGEY. Mathew.
104161 LOPEZ. A.
104162 ANDERSON. Gerald.
104163 BROWN William Robert. ("Billy Bob").
104164 JACKSON. John.
105168 GRANT. A.
105169 CHEESEMORE. Barry.
105170 KING. Elizabeth.
105171 WARD. Christine.
105172 CHESMAR. Stuart.
105173 BERGIN. Mathew.
105174 FISHER. Kim.
105175 JOHNSON. Lorna.
105179 CLARK. Nicholas.
105180 BRANNIGAN. J. P.
105181 DAVIDSON. A.
106183 PETERSEN. Kathlene.
107187 BARBISON. Cindy.
107190 STANFORD. A.
107191 PEREIRLA. C.
108192 SCHWARTZ. Anna.
108193 WADER. Wolfgang.
108194 STANTON. A.
108197 TUNA. Maximilian.
108198 LEE. Mike.
108199 FOX. Ray.
108200 MCREEDY. R.
108201 OSES. Charles.
108202 VALENTINE. Nicholas.
110205 EMERY. David.
111210 FLYNN. M.
112083 DOE. J.
112264 DOE. J.
115215 SWEETWATER. Jason.
115216 LUTHER. Leroy.
116217 FUCHS. Helena.
116218 BATEMAN. Toby.
116219 STEYN. Dutch.
116220 HUDSON. Dwain.
116221 MÜLLER. Karl.
117222 PEACOCK. Drew.
118223 ANDRIAM. Ciaphas.
119225 PEACOCK. Christopher.
119227 HAZELL. Shea.
191001 COURTNEY. Alastair R.
191002 BEAUMONT. Rosalyn.
191003 GEARING. Michael.
191004 RICHARDSON. Richard Barry.
191013 MONROE. Charles E.
191015 BAUER. Richard.
193030 GRADDY. Malcolm.
194036 GAVIN. David.
194038 DOE. John.
194039 RHYS. David G.
194040 HARRIS. Ian.
194041 DOE. John.
195044 DOE. John.
196046 BREWER. Hans.
196047 KRYER. FRANK.
196048 MORTON. Eric.
196049 TOYOTOMI. Yoshi.
196050 MARTINS. Julian.
196051 FORSYTHE. Michael. PhD.
196053 LEWIS. Kira.
196054 SMITH. Mathew.
196055 GOODING-WILLIAMS. Christopher.
196056 SOWDEN. Steven.
196057 JAMESON. Robert.
196058 NOBES. Alan.
196059 DAY. Ros.
197062 RUSSEL. Gill.
197063 TAYLOR. Robert.
197064 WRETTON. Ian.
197065 STINTON. Paul.
198066 WRIGHT. Philip.
198067 JAMES. Aaron.
198068 COOK. Paul.
198069 GUYET. Steven.
198070 JOSLIN. Jonathon.
198071 WEISSLER. Jonathon.
198072 DE BEER. Stephen.
198073 DE BEER. ROSIE.
198074 BOOLEY. Christopher.
198075 COX. Lez.
198076 WEST. Glyn.
198077 GATHERCOLE. John.
198078 STOKES. B.
198079 RUSHBROOK. Stephen.
198080 TALON. B.
198082 KELLET. Brian.
198083 TODD. Paul.
198084 RAYNER. Philip.
198085 RUSSEL. Alasdair.
198086 CLARK. John.
198087 STEPHENS. Quentin.
198088 RUSSEL. Iain.
199091 FREEMAN. Eric.
199092 JAMES. Kellie.
199096 SLAUGHTER. Martin.
199097 BENTLEY. Mathew.
199098 OWEN. U. Nicholas.
199099 STRATMANN. Mark.
199100 STRATMANN. Linda.
199101 STEWART. Theresa.
199102 BOOLEY. Gordon.
199107 MILMINE. Gregor.
199108 SEED. Ricky.
199109 KELLET. Brett.
199110 CAMPBELL, Richard. PhD.
200118 SCHMIDT. Grant.
200128 MORGENSTERN. Josephine A.
201134 BERNE. A.
201140 JOHANSON. A.
202142 KILKENNY. David R.
202143 RIVINGTON. A.
202144 FROST. J.
203148 PETROV. Vladimir R.
203149 O'MALLEY. Bruce I.
203151 COLLINS. A.
203154 CARTER. George T.
203156 CHURCH. Derek A.
203157 AITKEN. Bradley.
203158 GILMARTIN. L.
204160 LA'BOPAR. G.
204162 PAXTON. Peter.
204163 THOMPSON. A.
204164 BAILY. A.
216218 BRUNEL. P.
297062 BRODIE. N.
298072 VOSLOO. Stephanus J.
298074 LAW. J. T.
298077 APPLEBY. Peter.
298082 REYNOLDS. Thomas.
299096 JAMESON. J.
300118 REDDMAN. J.
300128 TACHIKOMA. Lara A.
301134 NEWMAN. John.
302143 SACKVILLE-WEST. M. Bertrand.
303147 ZUBROWKA Maksim D.


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