05 DEC 17

Military Ref. Page
Security Clearances Explained
(UK Edition)

Security Classifications Explained

All CONTACT Program documents and materials encountered while in UNSGC service belonging to the participating governments, the United Nations, UN Marine Corps (UNSGC) and the prime contractor Executive Resources Inc., are classified according to the level of Security Clearance or 'SC', required to access them.

By default all our documents are automatically defined as equivalent to the US or British government's 'TOP SECRET' classification, which is in turn equal to the United Nations top level of SC5. However, in addition the UNMC (UNSGC) applies five supplementary levels above UN SC5, as set out in the table below. In all cases this means that they may not be passed to any unauthorised person or persons lacking the appropriate SC, as to do so may result in disclosure, which poses an extremely serious threat to the program, its operatives, associates and to the general population at large.

Within the UNSGC some documents such as military manuals make no mention of the CONTACT Program whatsoever, so are therefore defined as UNCLASSIFIED, and are available to all, unless they have been inappropriately anotated. For this reason most documents are normally only available in electronic format.

In addition there are also several distinct file types and suffixes in use. Most of the time these are invisible to the user, but they do pop up from time to time, and so FYI a list has been provided in Table 4 at the bottom of this page.

Shown in Table 1 below, in descending order are the five additional SC levels (UN SC5+), plus what is regarded in the Corps as UNCLASSIFIED (UN SC1~5).

Table 1. UNMC (UNSGC) SC Colour Code


Where the medium being used permits, each level is colour coded to aid recognition, for example electronic documents are topped with a coloured security strip with the matching text bounded within it in upper case bold text, see the top of this page. Blue is not used, this is not just because this is the house colour for the UN and UNMC (UNSGC), but because some eye conditions can confuse this with green. However, like monochrome documents which commonly have a plain white background, it is always the actual text label that defines the SC, and never the colour.

The associated two letter abbreviations are ONLY ever used in file names, and never as the documents text classification.

Finally, as an initial aid to MP's all security passes are edged in the SC colour to make it easy to determine if its wearer has the appropriate access rights.

MP 'Military Police', aka base security personnel.

The Vetting Procedure

The maintainance of security is paramount, to that end the selection and supervision of the programmes personnel is critical. As a multi-national organisation, several different authorities are required to vet any candidates proposing to be, or already active in the CONTACT Program. Therefore each operative will have passed through seven stages of vetting, prior to full induction to the Corps, complete with Flight Status etc.

UK based operatives will most likely see in their 201 File (Personnel File) alongside the heading 'Security Clearances' the following entry:

Table 3: Security Clearances Entry

UN SC5 Executive Resources
Site Access: RGHQ-51

The meanings of these above terms are made clear in the table set out below.

At each stage the candidate will prior to signing the relevant documentation, be offered the opportunity to decline to proceed. They will be advised of any associated sanction relating to any breech of the terms and conditions therein, specific or implisit, so that they may make a considered decision before signing and concluding that stage.

Stage 1 Explanation
Authority MoD, on behalf of HMG, UK. Post a recommendation from an approved third party the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will first authorise MI5 to conduct a confidential vetting of the candidate (BPSS). If deemed satisfactory, the candidate will be sent a standard recruitment email, known as an Email From A Friend, inviting them to make contact with Executive Resourses Inc., an originally British based Private Military Company with offices in New York, Washington D.C. and Geneva, and now registered in the USA. Two things are expected of them, firstly, they should contact MI5 to report the initial communication, and secondly, offer to make contact with ER and report back. If the candidate passes this loyalty test, they will then be invited to attend an interview at the MoD in London, where they will first be required to sign/re-sign the Official Secrets Act (OSA). The objective of the interview is to determine whether or not the candidate is willing and able to consider being engaged in a permanent classified contract, possibly overseas. Upon agreement, the candidate will sign Appendix 78 of the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and then undergo the Developed Vetting (DV) procedure. Only if successful, will the candidate proceed to Stage 2.
Security Clearance 1. Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)
2. Developed Vetting (DV)
Access: MoD London & as specified.
Sanction Judicial
Stage 2 Explanation
Authority UN The candidate will be sent by the MoD to a London hotel for the first of a series of interviews with Executive Resourses who are under contract to the United Nations to conduct the vetting process on behalf of the organisation. If after E.R. have completed their interviews and their private investigations, they consider the candidate satisfactory, they will advise the UN, who will issue a Security Clearance Level 5. The candidate will be reminded that as the UK is a senior member of the UN, these proceedings are still covered by the OSA. At this point they will be offered a preliminary contract with the company. Upon agreement and signature, they will move on to Stage 3.
Security Clearance UN Sc5
Access Executive Resourses Inc.
Sanction Judicial
Stage 3 Explanation
Authority US Department of Defense (DoD) E.R. will pass a request to the US Department of Defense (DoD) to have the candidate vetted for the next level of security clearance that is TS or "Top Secret". If successful, the DoD will request that the candidate agrees to being placed under US military law ( UCMJ) and sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. Upon acceptance and signature they will be passed on to Stage 4.
Security Clearance Top Secret (TS)
Access: DoD Specified
Sanction Judicial
Stage 4 Explanation
Authority US Department of Defense (DoD) The candidate must undergo a polygraph test, medicals, and psychological exsamination as part of this stage. If they pass, they will be given a Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) clearance. They will then be asked to enter in to the full contract with E.R. making them suitable for service with the company in exclusively terrestrial work in support of 'The CONTACT Program'. They will not however be informed exactly what the program itself is actually about. The candidate will now be offered the opportunity for full involvement, if they agree and sign the thrird clause of the E.R. contract, they will move on to the next Stage.
Security Clearance Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)
Access DoD Specified
Sanction Judicial
Stage 5 Explanation
Authority US Department of Defense (DoD) Post agreement, the candidate will be subjected to intensive and prolonged interviews, and comprehensive testing. Upon successful completion of these trials they will receive a Special Access Programs (SAP) clearance. At this point the candidate will be offered the final opportunity to back out without risk of sanction. They will be advise that to do so post briefing, will result in a extrajudicial sanction. If after this they sign the final clause of the E.R. Contract (Annex), they will then be fully briefed about the CONTACT Program in detail. After this they will passed to the final stage of the entry process.
Security Clearance Special Access Programs (SAP)
Access The CONTACT Program, as DoD specified.
Sanction Judicial
Or Extrajudicial*
Stage 6 Explanation
Authority UNSGC The recruit will be assessed and assigned Site Access privleges. Normally this will be a single site, which for UK based operatives is RGHQ-51. Some require multiple site access for example RGHQ-51, GHQ. This latter is the SA for the UK base commander, who also requires access to UNSGC General Head Quarters. Very rarely you may encounter "AAA" (Access All Areas) providing unlimited access to all E.R., UNSGC & UNMC facilities. NB: the terms or abbreviations: "Trip-A", "Tripple A" or "A3" only appear in documents such as After Action Reports (AAR), and never in formal records of Site Access.
Security Clearance Site Access (SA), as UNSGC specified.
Access RGHQ-51
Or as Authorised
Sanction Judicial
Or Extrajudicial*
Stage 7 Explanation
Authority UNSGC Recruits are assessed according to role for their UNSGC SC to permit them to perform their job. All CONTACT related material is automatically classified as UNSC5, however for internal use within the UNSGC itself, all documents and materials are additionally classified and labelled as either:
  • UNCLASSIFIED (UN): meaning that anyone inside or outside the program may have access to the data, as no mention of the CONTACT Program is made. Any unlabelled data making mention of the program is automatically deemed as classified UN SC5/UR, unless otherwise specified elsewhere. For example all STAR GATE base's After Action Reports are classified as CONFIDENTIAL, even though this does not always appear on the document.
  • UNRESTRICTED (UR): meaning that anyone within the program has access.
  • RESTRICTED (RE): meaning that only those with a RESTRICTED SC or higher may access the data. This level is often associated with non-Alien Derived technical or logistical information, or material that poses a low risk to the program if disclosed to unauthorised UNSGC personnel.
  • CONFIDENTIAL (CO): meaning that only those with a CONFIDENTIAL SC or higher may access the data. This level is often associated with personnel information, such as pay, medical or minor security issues, or material that poses a moderate risk to the program if disclosed to unauthorised UNSGC personnel.
  • SECRET (SE): meaning that only those with a SECRET SC or higher may access the data. This level is often associated with operational (tactical and strategic) information, or material that poses a high risk to the program if disclosed to unauthorised UNSGC personnel.
  • TOP SECRET (TS): meaning that only those with a TOP SECRET SC or higher may access the data. This level is often associated with information of a strategic nature, or material that poses an extreme risk to the program if disclosed to unauthorised UNSGC personnel.
NB: the two letter abbreviations only ever appear in file names.
NB: the generic label "CLASSIFIED" can mean that the desired data requires the reader to have a higher SC than they currently possess, while at the same time keeping the required level unknown. Alternatively, the materials SC is under review or unknown.
Security Clearance As Authorised
Restricted to: RGHQ-51
Or as Authorised
Sanction Judicial
Or Extrajudicial*
* Dependent upon offence

Table 4: File Types

Listed below are first the various types of file prefixes, then the suffixes. These latter can be appended to almost any file to indicate content or some other factor about the document/page. As mentioned at the top of the page, for the most part these details are invisible to users, but as they will pop up now and again during your service, they are provide here FYI.

Keep in mind that as you navigate the UNMC (UNSGC) websites, note that any links highlighted in red, and or entries in tables marked CLASSIFIED, indicates that your current IP address does not have authorisation to access the content. If you mistakenly click the link, you will be presented with a warning page from the site, and usually simply using your back button to withdraw will prevent any possible sanction.

File Prefix Types:

  • 101FILE - an Asset File, being the record of individual UNMC (UNSGC) assets, sites, property and equipment.
  • 201FILE - The standard format Personnel File, being a record of individual UNMC (UNSGC) personnel or related Persons Of Interest (-POI).
  • 301FILE - An NGO File, the record for individual Non-Governmental Organisations, including corporations and similar enterties who are partners in the CONTACT Program.
  • 401FILE - a Recovery/Retrieval File, being the record of individual items, unknown persons, samples or enterties 'retrieved' from off-world. Usually cited in 501 Files.
  • 501FILE - a Scientific File, being the record of individual scientific projects, programs, sample reports, studies etc.
  • 601FILE - a Miscellaneous File, a catch-all prefix, being the record of individual miscellaneous elements not covered by any other file type.

File Suffix Types:

  • -DL# - a file suffix for a numbered "Death Letter", drafted by a Marine prior to a Jump. Sometimes there may be either none, or several of these documents referenced in a typical 201 File. They are only opened, vetted and dispatch post mortem.
  • -FIN - meaning Financial, the suffix to a usually TOP SECRET report, forming part of a Marines vetting procedure.
  • -LE - meaning Legal, the suffix to either the Marines' E-R contract, or to a normally TOP SECRET report, forming part of their vetting procedure.
  • -MED - meaning Medical, the suffix used ONLY on TOP SECRET Medical Records/Reports NOT available to view.
  • -NOK - meaning Next Of Kin, normally refering to a -POI document, relating to Marines' family member or partner.
  • -POI - meaning Persons Of Interest, which identifies the individual covered by the document, as a potential security issue. It usually relates to a Marines family members and associates, past and present. These documents are usually classified as SECRET and cannot be viewed by the Marine themselves.
  • -XFILE - meaning an Extraordinary File, an invariably TOP SECRET document, dealing with significant issues. Often encountered in the 201 File of a Marine who has been exposed to either a unusual or a unique situation.

End of Document
