



4 Yarmouth Road, Stevenage,
Hertfordshire, SG1 2LW, UK.
About Us
Wayland Fight System
CONTACT! Airsoft Campaign
SHŌGUN Re-enactment
Updated:  Tuesday 29th August 2023


Mil-Sim & LRP
Weapons & Combat
The Bunker
The Plot
Event Format
Gearing Up
Military Ref. Page
Who's Who

OUR NEXT EVENT: CON-114 Saturday ? (TBA) October 2023


Unique to CONTACT, is the UNSGC patch for the RGHQ-51 unit based at the Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker in Essex, which incorporates the School's crossed swords logo as part of the design, created by us back in 1999 for use on Service Dress Uniforms worn by those who only serve in the Bunker, and for Regimental dinners. A subdued version is worn on Battle Dress Uniforms.

On the range at CONTACT CON-106 OPERATION STOW on 29th and 30th September 2018. Players sighting in and testing their weapons before the missions. Trevor can be seen measuring the distances to the human targets with his laser range finder. The range is just behind the Secret Nuclear Bunker at Kelvedon Hatch in Essex where we have been playing since 1999. Click image to enlarge.

Above top: The intermediately powered 5.56x45mm SCAR-Light assault rifle with its more compact 30 round magazine.
Above bottome: The much more powerful 7.62x51mm SCAR-Heavy battle rifle with its bulkier 20 round magazine.




Welcome to The Fight School's airsoft pages. We run weekend long events called "CONTACT!" This is our very loosely "Stargate" inspired mil-sim science fiction airsoft campaign, which has been continuously running since CON-01 on the 14th July 1996,which will, allowing for COVID, make this our 25th anniversary year.

The very first actual "off-world" mission was CON-03 OPERATION HASTINGS, flown over the night of 26th and 27th October 1996, and played at the old "New Greenham Common" paintball site formerly run by the staff at "Enola Gaye", the well known pyrotechnics company, then known as "Hot Shots". The site was the old US cruise missile base, with over 73 two storey buildings, and we used it until we blew it up at the end of 1998. After which in 1999 we moved to our current venue at the bunker at Kelvedon Hatch.

The events are military simulations/ role playing weekends, for the over 18's, run in a 'campaign' structure, that is, there is a long term mystery or 'story arc' into which individual weekend 'episodes' are fitted. For us the movie Stargate and the spin-off TV show Stargate SG-1 serve in the role of "plausible deniability", in the event of premature disclosure of the "truth". Our plot is unique, being nothing like the movie or the TV shows. It is far darker and has plenty for you the thoughtful player to get your brains wrapped around, or when things get to complicated, plenty for you to exercise your trigger finger upon!

For our main events we now use the BLAC that is the Barrel Length And Calibre system. This limits weapon power to represent the comparative performance differences between the real-world weapons that the airsoft guns are modelled on. This together with our use of real-capacity magazines, truly enhances the military simulation qualities of our campaign. New players don't have to follow the BLAC system until you are sure you want to play more. See the Weapon pages.

We specialise in night fighting, with our scenarios running well into the early hours, we can guarantee you atmospheric tension and excitement.

Even the base of operations is unique, being a fully operational underground ex-government nuclear bunker, now a museum, set in 3,000 acres of darkest Essex countryside. See the link at the top of the page or visit the Google Maps entry.


Worm Hole Xtreme Events


Created and run by one of our players Justin Wells, we have since 2017, been running a series of low cost, low stress, camping and survival events within the Bunker's grounds. Named after a comedy episode of the TV series Stargate SG1, they are intended to be a less serious, more laid back kind of event. Where players can chill out, and experiment with game rules, tactics and scenarios, without their characters coming back in a body bag. In character they are referred to as Combat Readiness Exercises or "CRE", another in-joke. See our  Worm Hole Xtreme  pages for more details.


Additional Information


If you require any more information about CONTACT, getting equipped etc. please get in touch with me, Dean Wayland, at the School, or browse the site and be entertained.



The above lurid link will take you to the character creation pages, where you can work up your own character, and then join us in our adventures beyond the event horizon, meanwhile...


The In-Character Web Pages


Now for the fun part. For all new and most of the old CONTACT players, here's a question for you to ponder: "How do you join a multi-government, multi-national, ultra secret, black ops organisation, which does not exist, without getting yourself killed in the process?" Well, click the "Skull & Crossbones" logo to begin your journey in to the world of black ops and deep, dark and dreadful secrets, read and enjoy the ride. NB: Please remember that this is a 'role-play' site, and therefore the dire warnings and threats of the first pages are only there to give it credibility and atmosphere, and f at any point you want out of the story, find the School's cross-swords logo at the top left of the page, and it will take you back to the Home page. Alternatively, if you are either an old hand, or simply not interested at this moment in the story intro, and you just want to get in to the in-character website click  HERE.


...Welcome aboard!

Dean Wayland

aka The Brigadier *

* For a list of Who's Who in CONTACT, by real name and character name click HERE.

Or, finally, you could just go click the giant yellow "ENLIST" link above and join the Corps, you know it will makes sense, eventually!


2023 & 2024 Events



  • Saturday 17th June 2023: CON-113CRE-WHX-08 – our second one day event since the end of the initial COVID pandemic crisis.

  • Saturday ? (TBA) October 2023: CON-114CRE-WHX-09 – a one day event to round off the year.


  • Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th April 2024: CON-115 OP.NASEBY – the first flight operation since 2019. The operation will be conducted from within the Bunker, and it is from there that individual missions will be launched.

  • Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June 2024: CON-116 OP.LOWESTOFT – the second of this year's flight operations.

  • Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September 2024: CON-117 OP.KILLIECRANKIE – the third of this year's flight operations.

  • Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November 2024: CON-118 OP. X* – the last of this year's flight operations.

* Operations labelled as "OP.X" have yet to be named. These operational names are selected by you the players, using a list of British battles and sieges which you can find  HERE.  Such events are referred to as flight ops, as they are built around in-character off-world missions, and include pre-mission prep and training on the Saturday afternoon, so you are all ready to meet the enemy, usually in the dark...

LINK TO UKARA WEB SITE BLANK As of September 30th 2007 The Fight School is a registered airsoft site with the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailer's Association, which means that our members are able to comply with the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 (VCRA), which came in to effect on October 1st 2007. This means they can legally purchace Replica Imitation Firearms, aka airsoft guns. Visit  UKARA.



© The Fight School 1991~2023


