Below is an alphabetical listing of all the available articles, most are out of character (OOC), but a handful are in-character (IC). You will find other In-Character documents via the
RGHQ-51 home page, for Intelligence related material, or via the
Military Ref. Page for technical and tactical material.
Most of the IC articles are written as though they were real-world official United Nations Star Gate Command documents, the exception is Doctor Brad's Casebook, which is written as a tongue in cheek blog by our very own Dr Bradly Stokes, aka Simon Anderson, the Chief Medical Officer at our secret lair RGHQ-51, which is why it is on this list.
Finally, I would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to write something for these pages, please get in touch and let me know what you have in mind. Likewise if you spot any errors etc. email me.
Now, go forth and enjoy...
NEW: 10 JUL 16
The Amateur Radio Airsoft Network - a plan for promoting amateur radio and airsofting at the same time.
Battle Dress Uniform (BDU)
An article on the specialist playing kit and uniforms used in base.
Battlefield Communications
Hand Signals
How to communicate without words, just by waving your hands about.
Battlefield Communications
In General
NEW 18 AUG 16
The first of a series of several articles on the art of communications on the battlefield. This one covers everything!
Battlefield Communications
Morse Code
Concentrates on the use of Morse Code with signal lamps and flashlights (torches).
Branch Of Service
(BOS) |
NEW: 06 JUL 16
Complete list of Branch Of Service insignia, and criteria.
Character Creation
NEW: 10 JUL 16
Part 1 of the all new character creation system for CONTACT.
Character Creation
Skills Set
NEW: 10 JUL 16
Part 2 of the all new character creation system for CONTACT, the skills page.
Combat Equipment |
An article on the personal combat kit used by CONTACT players in the field.
Death And Its Consequences*
—Unit Awards Explained—
Hugely Revised: 20 OCT 18
An article forming part of the game rules, dealling with in-game death, which also gives the Out Of Character criteria for the granting of the Security Guard Service Ribbon and the various Unit Awards listed on the two medal pages. These are the ones given to you to mark the passing of a previous character.
* OOC: This article is on all in-character pages entitled Unit Awards Explained, as its new title would be far too incongruous!
Doctor Brad's Casebook
Updated: 04 APR 16
A not altogether serious, yet entertaining in-character blog, by RGHQ-51's very own Dr Bradley Stokes, the Chief Medical Officer, the master of the unethical experiment. You have been warned....
Hand Writing For The Battlefield
The techniques and tools for writing on the battlefield, including the cration of personal aide-memoires.
Knives & Knife Fighting For Use In Airsoft
Updated: 5th January 2017
This is a short piece about the specialist plastic training knives made by Cold Steel in the USA, used in CONTACT for hand to hand combat. Complete with full illustrations and technical specifications.
Military Time
How to use, express and write dates and times in NATO compliant formats, known as the (DTG.or Date Time Group. Complete with a World Time Zone map and full explanation and examples.
Half Uploaded, rest to follow.
An article on the available combat boots in MultiCam™ camouflage pattern as an option for use as part of the UNMC Battle Dress Uniform (BDU).
Updated: 13th May 2016
An introduction to the camouflage pattern used by players of CONTACT.
Updated: 17 JUN 16
An introduction to the methodology of preparing and issuing mission orders.
Updated: 17 JUN 16
A highly abridged version of the above article, that serves as a template for those needing to write orders during a game, and who not need the full text.
POW Tap Code
The skill of communications as a Prisoner Of War, by tapping on pipes, walls, or anything else that comes to hand. Often wrongly referred to as Morse Code, which it is not, as Morse will not work under these circumstances, as it depends upon long and short tones, which tapping a pipe will not produce.
Profanity Codes
NEW! 10 JUN 16
The use and abuse of profanity and transgressive language in radio communications. A complete copy of the military's Falcon Code and the Dolphin Code, with full explanatory notes. A great accessory to the
Radio Voice Procedures and the
Radio Operator's Page.
Be advised that this article deals with the subject of profane and transgressive language as used in a military context. Thus the material is presented here in a complete and unbowdlerised format. If you are easily offended then please do not proceed to read this article because, you will be!
Radio Telephony Operator's Page
NEW: 10 JUL 16
The Radio Telephony Operator's Page, dedicated to the subject of radio for use in CONTACT. Including:
How, where and what's recommended for purchase and use of the many licence free PMR systems for Squad networks.
How to prepare for and pass the various Radio Amateur exams.
How, where and what's recommended for purchase and use of the many llicenced Radio Amateur systems for command networks.
With links to other sites including videos and tutorials.
Radio Telephony Operator's Page
Wiki Links Page
NEW: 10 JUL 16
The Radio Telephony Operator's Wiki Page, the learning tools.
Links to Wiki's extensive radio pages.
Radio Voice Procedures
The approved UNMC radio procedures. Complete with Prowords and terminology too specialised for the Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary of Terms document.
Regimental Mascot
21 APR 17
Every regiment needs its mascot, and the UNMC's 51ST is no different, so here's a piece of cartoon silliness for you...
S Elements of Camouflage
Updated: 03 SEP 15
A guide to the key elements of camouflage.
U.N. Special Forces Operator's Fitness Test
08 AUG 15 NEW!
OK this is just a bit of fun for most of us, as few could keep up with the requirements. It's here as an incentive to get fit, as there are additional Promotional Points to be earned by anyone who passes, and to admitance to the UNSGC's U.N. Special Forces elements for those of you crazy enough!. Try outs for these are run at the annual Bootcamp events, volunteers for suffering welcome in September.
Wayland's Words of Wisdom
NEW! 20 JUL 16
Having played these kinds of games for nearly 50 years, I have collected a few useful bits of wisdom which I share with you in this little article.
Who's Who
Although still under construction, this useful page will eventually list the names of everyone who has ever played CONTACT, detailing the names of all their character names, so you can work who was and is whom. It will eventually cover from the very start at CON-01 on the 14th July 1996 right through to the present day. See also the Active & Reserve Duty Roster, the Awards Granted and the Decorations, Medals & Awards pages linked to above.