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The RTO's Page The RTO's Wiki Links Page 1 Introduction & Equipment. 2 Basic Radio Operations - includes useful learning aids. 3 NATO Phonetic Code 4 Prowords
5 FIVE BY FIVE 6 Authentication Codes 7 Message Precedence 8 Radio Frequencies The Profanity Codes ARAN



The Profanity Codes

The Falcon Code
The Dolphin Code

By Dean C. Wayland

While writing the articles on the use of radio in CONTACT, the issue of swearing on air and the law occurred to me; the result was this page...

⚠ WARNING ! Be advised that this article deals with the subject of profane and transgressive language as used in a military context. Thus the material is presented here in a complete and unbowdlerised format. If you are easily offended then please do not proceed to read this article, because you will be!

The issue of profanity on the airways has always been a tricky one for the military and civilians alike. Most authorities proscribe its use, but under stress things can and do just "pop" out. During the Vietnam War US forces were prevented from expressing themselves in profane language on air and in art on their aircraft, ships, boats and tanks, much to the indignation of their crews. In response fighter pilots of the United States Navy developed the Falcon code, which comprised a sequence of numbers proceeded by the proword "Falcon". Each code equates to a specific message, for example the ever popular classic:

"Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on!"

US Navy pilots would have a crib sheet on the thigh board of their flight suit for quick reference, containing the most commonly used codes. Their advantage apart from avoiding being brought up on charges, was brevity. Short, sharp and very much to the point, it enabled aircrews to transmit their emotional response to the unfolding situation, while not actually interfering with the business at hand.

Naturally this spread to other arms of the service. The US Air Force used the same code with a few additions of their own, while the US Marine Corps adapted it as the Charlie Echo Code, although some sources state that the Marines' code came first, and the Navy's pilots were inspired by it to create the Falcon Code, but I think I will leave it to them to sort out... Finally, I cannot find any evidence of the US Army employing the Falcon Code or anything else like it. I guess for the Army at that time, profanity on the airwaves during combat was the least of their concerns.

Since that time the Falcon Code seems to have fallen out of use, mainly because, although profanity on air is an offence under Article 134 of the UCMJ (US military law), few, if any, service personnel were ever brought up on charges. However, over the last few years there has been a decided effort to "clean up" the military's act, and the issue of profanity is once again on the authorities' radar, much to the incredulity of Sergeants, Privates and more enlightened officers everywhere. So the Falcon Code may well be on its way back to regular service.

Meanwhile back in 1976 one Lieutenant Commander Keith Nesbit and his crew of the HMCS OKANAGAN, members of the Royal Canadian Navy's submariners community, created a less "in your face" code, principly intended for use during naval exercises. This is the Dolphin Code, so-called as the term "dolphin" is a euphemism for a submarine. Inspired by the Falcon Code, it consists of 80 set piece messages which have been unofficially adopted without change by many naval forces including the US Navy, US Coast Guard, and the Royal Navy. This code never quite went away, and seems like the Falcon Code to be having a resurgence. Indeed the Royal Australian Navy have added an additional 95 messages, many of which are uniquely antipodean in nature, but no doubt will see wider service. So, by way of an example here is message #46 which is expressed thus:

"After working with you I now realise why some animals eat their young."

While reading through these two codes it will become obvious to the reader that some parts are by modern standards obnoxiously sexist and homophobic, rendering them no longer funny. Modern users will, I hope make more and better use of the equal opportunities codes, and leave the rest to history.

Despite seeming specific to the original services from which they sprang, these codes can be used imaginatively for almost any situation. Indeed the resulting discontinuities may well render the result far funnier or poignant.

Application to Airsoft

Civilian radio communications in the UK, be they Private Mobile Radio (PMR), Citizens Band (CB) or Amateur Radio, operate under the authority of OFCOM which proscribes profanity and the use of any "private" coded substitutions. Fortunately by being in the public domain both the Falcon and Dolphin Codes do not fall foul of the regulations and so should be perfectly legal to use.

Beyond these codes there are numerous popular military acronyms of a profane nature, SNAFU* and FUBAR** being the most well known. The story that when Elenor Rosevelt, wife of the wartime US president asked a submariner about a tag on a piece of equipment labelled "SNAFU", he reportedly replaced "Fucked" with "Fouled". However, from what I know of Elenor Rosevelt, I somehow doubt she was convinced. For our own use, I suspect we could employ both of these without incurring the wroth of OFCOM. Although less well known acronyms, I believe may well have to be left off our list of 'approved' on-air terminology.

* "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up!"
** "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair!"

Your Vote Counts

So, with all this in mind I have searched the web to assemble as complete a copy as I can of each of these codes, which FYI and your enjoyment I have listed below. But for actual use on air, because we are part-timers, I feel that we should restrict our use to a handful of these codes, so not to overload our delicate little minds!

Apart from the obvious one word expletives, I have refrained from adding in any of my own favourites. It's now up to you the players to decide which ones you would like to see on our approved to use short list. Bear in mind that you can also vote an entry off the list too. So have a read, a laugh and a blush (as appropriate) and cast your vote via the usual channels. Okay over to you:

The Approved Profanity Short List

[Editor's Note: since first uploading on 2nd June 2016, the following have become the front runners for the "official" short list. We have 5 of each code, plus the two basic acronyms.]


The Falcon Code

# Code Expressed As Meaning
69 FALCON SIX NINER Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!
119 FALCON ONE ONE NINER Adios mother fuckers!
221 FALCON TWO TWO ONE Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

The Dolphin Code

# Code Expressed As Meaning
My battery is:
a. 100%
b. 75% (rarely if ever used in CONTACT)
c. 50% (in CONTACT means 50%+/-25%'ish)
d. 25% (rarely if ever used in CONTACT)
46 DOLPHIN FOUR SIX After working with you I now realise why some animals eat their young.
149 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR NINER Okay, Rubber Lips. Take the marbles out of your mouth, relax and pass your message again in a calm, lucid and concise manner.
160 DOLPHIN ONE SIX ZERO We are not amused, Marine, report to me after recovery with suitably humbled stooping gait, bowed head and bar chit book.

Profane Military Acronyms

Acronym Meaning
FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair
SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fucked Up


Note the way that the number 9 is always expressed. This pronunciation is done to ensure clarity of transmission, and like the letter codes is part of the standard NATO Phonetic Code. Use the link below to visit the page:
NATO Phonetic Code

The Falcon Code

As far as I can tell this is as complete a list as you will find on the net. There are numerous gaps for which I have no details, presuming these slots were ever filled. Not all codes are used by all services, for example: 0, 00 and 000 are only used by the US Air Force. I have two supposed Falcon messages for which I do not have a code number yet, these are:
  • "Another fucking expert from headquarters!"
  • "Speed up the fan, the shit's coming down in fucking lumps!"
You will notice that there are a number of duplications, this is because some on-line lists give entirely different numbers for one or two codes. Where this has happened I have gone with the most common listing, and the less common variants have their numbers greyed out. For example "Adios mother fuckers" is most often listed as "Falcon 119", but it crops up as both "Falcon 135" and "Falcon 836". The table is laid out thus:
  • At left in column 1 is the numerical designation for each code.
  • Column 2 has the actual expression used.
  • Column 3 is the message.
  • Column 4 are the services listed as associated with that code number.
  • And Column 5 contains any other related or similar code numbers.
  • Finally, where appropriate notes are placed beneath Columns 2~5.
# Code Expressed As Meaning Service See
00 FALCON ZERO ZERO Shit Hot! USAF 10 & 822
000 FALCON ZERO ZERO ZERO [USAF] If the Commanding Officer (CO) saw that they'd shit! USAF 100
10 FALCON ONE ZERO Shit Hot! USN 00 & 822.
69 FALCON SIX NINER Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye! USN -
100 FALCON ONE ZERO ZERO If the Commanding Officer (CO) saw that they'd shit! USN 000
Note that the Navy traditionally uses the title "Commander Air Group" or "CAG" rather than Commanding Officer for the CO of a carrier borne air unit.
101 FALCON ONE ZERO ONE You've got to be shitting me! USAF & USN 801
102 FALCON ONE ZERO TWO Get off my fucking back! USAF & USN 802
103 FALCON ONE ZERO THREE Beats the shit out of me?! USAF & USN 803
104 FALCON ONE ZERO FOUR What the fuck, over?! USAF & USN 804
The word "over" is used at the end of a message as an invitation to transmit. Therefore it is not necessary to say "Falcon one zero four, over" as it is implied in the Falcon code itself. However in one list that I found the word "over" was omitted. Then again even when implied no one is going to complain if you end your message with "over".
105 FALCON ONE ZERO FIFE It's so fucking bad I can't believe it USAF & USN 806
106 FALCON ONE ZERO SIX I hate this fucking place. USAF & USN 805
107 FALCON ONE ZERO SEVEN This place sucks. USAF & USN 807
108 FALCON ONE ZERO EIGHT Fuck you very much! USAF & USN 808
109 FALCON ONE ZERO NINER That god damn SOB! "[Son Of a Bitch"] USAF & USN -
110 FALCON ONE ONE ZERO Beautiful. Just fucking beautiful! USAF & USN 811
111 FALCON ONE ONE ONE Here comes another fucking Commanding Officer's (CO)/Commander Air Group (CAG) brainstorm. USAF & USN -
112 FALCON ONE ONE TWO Big fucking deal. [BFD] USAF & USN 815
113 FALCON ONE ONE THREE Let me talk to that SOB! ["Son Of a Bitch"] USAF & USN -
114 FALCON ONE ONE FOUR Get your shit together! USAF & USN -
115 FALCON ONE ONE FIFE You bet your sweet ass! USAF & USN -
117 FALCON ONE ONE SEVEN I love you so fucking much I could just shit. USAF & USN -
119 FALCON ONE ONE NINER Adios mother fuckers! USAF & USN 135 & 836
"Adios" can be read as "Goodbye", "Farewell" or "So long" in this context. This is the most common code number for this message.
119 FALCON ONE ONE NINER Get this aircraft out of Delta; it has more fuckin' down gripes than the USS Arizona. USN 230
120 FALCON ONE TWO ZERO That's a no-no. USAF & USN -
121 FALCON ONE TWO ONE FIIGMO ["Fuck It I Got My Orders"] USAF & USN -
122 FALCON ONE TWO TWO You piss me off! USAF & USN 126
123 FALCON ONE TWO THREE Fuck off mate! USN -
124 FALCON ONE TWO FOUR That god damn "O" club! ["Officers"] USAF & USN 810
124 FALCON ONE TWO FOUR FUBAR [See Falcon 834] USMC 834
126 FALCON ONE TWO SIX You piss me off! USAF & USN 122
135 FALCON ONE THREE FIFE Adios mother fuckers! [see Falcon 119] USAF & USN 119
136 FALCON ONE THREE SIX If you ask for another low pass one more time you will not get launched for a fucking week! USAF & USN -
137 FALCON ONE THREE SEVEN You may not have any fucking fuel! USAF & USN -
138 FALCON ONE THREE EIGHT My fucking bladder hurts! USN -
139 FALCON ONE THREE NINER I have a fucking prostate overpressure light! USAF & USN -
140 FALCON ONE FOUR ZERO ComEx mother fucker! USAF & USN -
The abbreviation "ComEx" is the instruction to "Commence the Exercise".
141 FALCON ONE FOUR ONE That mother fucking CIC is dreaming again! USAF & USN -
"CIC" means either "Combat Information Centre" or "Command Information Centre". It may also be informally referred to as the "Command Centre", the "Ops Centre" or just the "Ops room". This is the tactical heart of a vessel wherein all information from its Area of Operations (AO) is collected, collated, analysed and turned in to actionable intelligence, enabling the Commander to make decisions. During battle the Commander may be found in the CIC as opposed to the Bridge, as it is deep in the hull and not exposed. However even today many Commanders prefer to take the risk of leading from the Bridge as it affords a better view of the seas immediately around the vessel. CIC is sometimes transcribed as "Christ I'm Confused!"
142 FALCON ONE FOUR TWO The fucking helos are all fucked up again. USAF & USN -
The word "helos" is a contraction of "helicopter". In practise this message can be used to cover any mode of transport, the unit merely needs to agree on what "helos" is standing in for.
143 FALCON ONE FOUR THREE It's the air boss' fault. [Air Officer] USAF & USN -
144 FALCON ONE FOUR FOUR Shut-up and fly the fucking airplane! USAF & USN -
145 FALCON ONE FOUR FIFE With all due regard to your professional status, you fucked it up, cunt! Unspecified -
202 FALCON TWO ZERO TWO You may not like the fuckin' staff, but the staff likes fuckin' you! USAF & USN 222
209 FALCON TWO ZERO NINER While you were gone the whole world turned to fucking shit! USAF & USN -
221 FALCON TWO TWO ONE Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! USAF & USN -
222 FALCON TWO TWO TWO You may not like the fuckin' CAG staff, but the CAG staff likes fuckin' you! USN 202
"CAG" is the Commander Air Group, the US Navy's traditional title for the CO of an aircraft carrier's Air Wing. Similar to Falcon 202, but 222 appears to be the more commonly used code number.
223 FALCON TWO TWO THREE Get your head out of your fucking ass! USAF & USN -
224 FALCON TWO TWO FOUR If I hear you say "I don't know" one more time, I'm gonna shove a sonobouy up your ass! USAF & USN -
A "sonobouy" is a floating tubular electronics package roughly a metre long. It is dropped from an aircraft or helicopter in to the sea, to transmit, receive and relay SONAR signals, as part of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations.
225 FALCON TWO TWO FIFE You must have shit for brains! USAF & USN -
226 FALCON TWO TWO SIX Would you like a kick in the ass to help get you airborne? USAF & USN -
227 FALCON TWO TWO SEVEN What does it take to get a clearance out of this fucking place?! USAF & USN -
228 FALCON TWO TWO EIGHT Just fly the iron bus and leave the mission/AAW/ASW to us. USAF & USN -
The phrase "iron bus" can refer to either an aircraft or a helicopter. While the acronyms "AAW" and "ASW" mean "Anti-Air Warfare" and "Anti-Submarine Warfare" respectively.
229 FALCON TWO TWO NINER You're so fucking stupid you're a menace to society. USAF & USN -
230 FALCON TWO THREE ZERO This bastard has more downing gripes than the USS Arizona. USAF & USN 119 Grey
The phrase "downing gripes" refers to faults or damage that renders the item being discussed as unserviceable. While the reference to the "USS Arizona" alludes to the battleship sunk during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941. The vessel was catastrophically struck by a bomb that exploded in the ship's magazine, sinking it and many of her crew, and remains at the bottom serving as a memorial to the 2,403 Americans who lost their lives during the raid.
231 FALCON TWO THREE ONE Comments and recommendations my ass! USAF & USN -
232 FALCON TWO THREE TWO Just out of curiosity NAV/GATOR where the fuck are we? USAF & USN -
The title "Navigator" can be abbreviated to either "NAV" or "GATOR".
233 FALCON TWO THREE THREE It's interval, as far as I'm circumcised!
["I'm taking a break regardless"]
269 FALCON TWO SIX NINER Excuse me sir/ma'am, but you obviously have me confused with somebody who gives a dam/shit/fuck/fucking-shit/flying-fuck! USAF & USN 827
500 FALCON FIFE ZERO ZERO Those fucking black shoe mother fuckers! USAF & USN -
This is a reference to Officers, and in particular those who are safely back in the rear.
500 FALCON FIFE ZERO ZERO Those fuckin' carrier pukes! USN 600
Found in just one list only, similar to Falcon 600
501 FALCON FIFE ZERO ONE Those fucking Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers! USAF & USN -
Applies to anyone whose post means that they are safely back in the rear. Such people are often referred to as REMF.
600 FALCON SIX ZERO ZERO Those fucking AAW/ASW pukes! USAF & USN -
The acronyms "AAW" and "ASW" mean "Anti-Air Warfare" and "Anti-Submarine Warfare" respectively. The object of the insult can I think be substituted with another term at the unit's discretion.
641 FALCON SIX FOUR ONE Hang it in your fucking ear! USAF & USN 816
700 FALCON SEVEN ZERO ZERO Fucking grunts! USAF & USN -
711 FALCON SEVEN ONE ONE Fucking moron(s) Unspecified -
728 FALCON SEVEN TWO EIGHT If I hear "CV" concept one more time I'm gonna shit/puke. USAF & USN -
The letters "CV" are the hull design designation for a Fleet Aircraft Carrier, and thus this message implies that we have a fledgling wannabe ship nerd/designer on our hands.
750 FALCON SEVEN FIFE ZERO That fucker runs like a well oiled machine. USAF & USN -
775 FALCON SEVEN SEVEN FIFE Your old lady/man wears Boondockers/combat boots. USAF & USN -
800 FALCON EIGHT ZERO ZERO I love this so much I can't/could shit! USAF & USN -
801 FALCON EIGHT ZERO ONE You've got to be shitting me.! USMC 101
802 FALCON EIGHT ZERO TWO Get off my fucking back! USMC 102
803 FALCON EIGHT ZERO THREE Beats the shit out of me?! USMC 103
804 FALCON EIGHT ZERO FOUR What the fuck! USMC 104
805 FALCON EIGHT ZERO FIFE I hate this fucking place! USMC 106
806 FALCON EIGHT ZERO SIX It's so fucking bad, I can't believe it! USMC 105
807 FALCON EIGHT ZERO SEVEN This place sucks! USMC 107
808 FALCON EIGHT ZERO EIGHT Fuck you very much! USMC 108
809 FALCON EIGHT ZERO NINER Lovely, simply fucking lovely. USMC -
810 FALCON EIGHT ONE ZERO That damn club! USMC 124
811 FALCON EIGHT ONE ONE Beautiful, just fucking beautiful USMC 110
812 FALCON EIGHT ONE TWO Fuck, shit, piss! USMC -
813 FALCON EIGHT ONE THREE Hair-pie, fur-burgers. USMC -
"Hair-pie" (slang noun) refers to the external female genitalia with an unshaven mons veneris, while "fur-burgers" (slang noun) is usually used in the context of cunnilingus): A vulva, specifically an unshaven one. This may in turn be a reference to the term Rug Muncher, meaning a lesbian.
814 FALCON EIGHT ONE FOUR I just got screwed! USMC -
815 FALCON EIGHT ONE FIFE Big Fucking Deal! ! ["BFD"] USMC 112
816 FALCON EIGHT ONE SIX Hang it in your ear! USMC 641
This is an instruction to become "bent" in the same way that an aircraft's fuselage can become, rendering it unserviceable.
819 FALCON EIGHT ONE NINER I don't give a shit! USMC -
820 FALCON EIGHT TWO ZERO Merry Fucking Christmas! USMC -
821 FALCON EIGHT TWO ONE Fuck it, just fuck it! USMC -
822 FALCON EIGHT TWO TWO Hot shit! USMC 00 & 10
824 FALCON EIGHT TWO FOUR Tell someone who gives a shit! USMC -
825 FALCON EIGHT TWO FIFE Don't get fucking wise! USMC -
826 FALCON EIGHT TWO SIX I don't give a fuck! USMC -
827 FALCON EIGHT TWO SEVEN Pardon me, sir, you obviously mistook me for someone who gives a shit/fuck/fucking-shit! USMC 269
828 FALCON EIGHT TWO EIGHT I didn't design the fucking thing. I just brought/bought the fucking thing! USMC -
829 FALCON EIGHT TWO NINER Your ass sucks wind! USMC -
830 FALCON EIGHT THREE ZERO It won't fucking work! USMC -
831 FALCON EIGHT THREE ONE Go pound sand up your ass! USMC -
833 FALCON EIGHT THREE THREE Who called this fucking meeting? USMC -
"Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair". In one US Navy list this message appeared as Falcon 124, but the message specified in this list is far more commonly associated with that number.
835 FALCON EIGHT THREE FIFE Unfucking Believable! USMC -
836 FALCON EIGHT THREE SIX Adios mother fuckers! [See 119] USMC 119
839 FALCON EIGHT THREE NINER No fucking shit! USMC -
841 FALCON EIGHT FOUR ONE Ho, fucking, ho! USMC -
901 FALCON NINER ZERO ONE If it's such a good fucking deal, send ____! USAF & USN -
Insert the required names or designations of the substitute individuals or units in the place provided.
902 FALCON NINER ZERO TWO If I called for shit you'd come sliding in on a shovel. USAF & USN -
In the one list for USMC Falcon Codes that I found on-line the numbers between 900 and 926 were, with the following exceptions, civilian additions, as they were mainly concerned with office dating, so I have omitted them. If you really want to see them go HERE.
917 FALCON NINER ONE SEVEN SNAFU ["Situation Normal All Fucked Up"] USMC -
919 FALCON NINER ONE NINER This frigging thing! USMC -
924 FALCON NINER TWO FOUR Plain obscene. USMC -
926 FALCON NINER TWO SIX If you can't take a joke, fuck ya! USMC -
1000 FALCON ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO Cool it the Boss/Padre/Chaplin is here. USAF & USN 900
3000 FALCON THREE ZERO ZERO ZERO Hay for the horses, whiskey for my troopers/crew and a plate of flies for my toad. USAF & USN -
3001 FALCON THREE ZERO ZERO ONE He's/She's so light they're a menace to aviation. USAF & USN -
3002 FALCON THREE ZERO ZERO TWO He/She just had their fucking tubes cut. USAF & USN -
3003 FALCON THREE ZERO ZERO THREE He/She hasn't had their lobotomy yet. USAF & USN -
3031 FALCON THREE ZERO THREE ONE Not so fucking fast! USAF & USN -

End of the Falcon Code

The Dolphin Code

Set out below are two tables for the Dolphin Code. The first lists the original 80 international codes created by members of the Royal Canadian Navy, while the second lists the Royal Australian Navy's 95 additional codes. Each table is laid out thus:
  • At left in coloumn 1 is the numerical designation for each code.
  • Coloumn 2 has the actual expression used.
  • Column 3 is the message.
  • Finally, where appropriate, notes are placed beneath Columns 2 & 3.
Unlike the Falcon Code above, the meanings of the original 80 messages of the Dolphin Code seem never to have been altered in any way. Nor can I find any other additions, apart from the 95 of the RAN. So I can say with some confidence that this is as definitive a list as you will find anywhere on the net - so far. The RAN edition has five Spare code numbers presumably for future expansion. However it does have one duplication: numbers 142 and 154. I have greyed out the spares and #154 to make it clear they are copies.

One fun point, is that many of the codes can be read as sequential dialogue. Try and you'll see what I mean.

During my researches I did stumble upon one Dolphin Code from a forum, where it was a fond recallection of one of its members. It definitely has the right flavour, but sadly the writer had no idea what number it should have had, so obviously I do not know where it belongs. It is very similar, but not the same as Dolphin 112, and so I list it here FYI. Maybe someday one of the many Navies of the world will give it an official home, meanwhile here it is:

"Apart from moving some water around, what are we achieving sir/ma'am?"

With apologies to the original author, the "sir/ma'am" was my own addition. Anyway maybe the RAN will stick it in one of their spare slots, let's hope so. And while we're profering suggestions, how about one of my very own:

"Am fucking off now!"

I am already receiving suggestions for other additions, which I will append at the bottom of this article once I have enough of a collection to entertain you. So if you have one, send it in.

Anyway, back to the business at hand; usage is much like the Falcon Code, but with one difference. In some codes there are alternate options each identified by a letter, which can be used individually or in groups. These are appended to the signal thus:

"My reports/reply/message/letter was (will be) late for the following reason(s): (e) I plain forgot, and (d) We didn't think you'd notice"

And as mentioned at the start of the article, you do need to know the NATO Phonetic Code, which you can find by clicking the following link:
NATO Phonetic Code

The Dolphin Code Part 1

The Royal Canadion Navy Originals

# Code Expressed As Meaning
1 DOLPHIN ONE Your last surfacing procedure was:
a. First class.
b. Surprisingly good.
c. Understandably awful.
d. Indescribable.
2 DOLPHIN TWO I presume you got your ticket in a raffle.
A "ticket" is the common term for a ship's "Masters Licence" . FYI a submarine is never referred to as a "ship" it is always called a "boat".
3 DOLPHIN THREE For the last serial you could have used any fishing vessel.
A "serial" is a planned sub-set of an exercise.
4 DOLPHIN FOUR My battery is:
a. 100%, I will simulate a Nuclear Submarine if you wish.
b. 75%, I will simulate a Nuclear Submarine for a short time if you wish.
c. 50%, I will not simulate a Nuclear Submarine, regardless of your wish.
d. 25%, I wish to simulate a Conventional Submarine, and will hot-pipe if you wish.
e. DEAD, I hot-pipe now, regardless of your wish.
In CONTACT, this code is used by operative's to describe their battery state in a descending scale: "DOLPHIN ALPHA"~"DOLPHIN ECHO"

A "hotpipe" is a snorkel used as an air in-take and exhaust for the submarine's diesel engine when operating submerged.

5 DOLPHIN FIFE I was unaware that medical standards had been revised. You must be blind as a bat.
6 DOLPHIN SIX During the last action you displayed noticeably suicidal tendencies.
7 DOLPHIN SEVEN Once again you have demonstrated a commendable ability to practise the basics.
8 DOLPHIN EIGHT The last serial was so bad that we watched a double feature.
A "serial" is a planned sub-set of an exercise.
9 DOLPHIN NINER Your exercise instructions are simple. Simply awful.
10 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO I am unable to act as evasively as I wish.
11 DOLPHIN ONE ONE I am unable to act as unevasively as you wish.
12 DOLPHIN ONE TWO I am surfaced (surfacing) because:
a. I must make repairs.
b. I wish to bale out water.
c. Your chances of locating me are negligible otherwise.
d. I wish to barbecue the next meal.
13 DOLPHIN ONE THREE I must temporarily withdraw from the exercise because of difficulties with:
a. Technical systems which are too difficult to explain.
b. Battery/motors/generators, I no go right.
c. SONAR, I no hear right.
d. Ingress of water, I no float right.
e. Fire/smoke, I no breathe right.
f. Personnel, I no lead right.
14 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR Please accept my apologies for failing to make the assigned rendezvous. My reason is as follows:
a. The navigator is a Newfoundlander.
b. I was doing something else at the time and didn't think you'd miss me.
c. I erroneously assumed that you would be where you said you would be.
d. My navigational equipment has not been updated since the Boer War.
The reference to a "Newfoundlander" is the Canadian equivalent to English humour about the Irish. It is referred to as "Newfi" humour in Canada.
FYI The last Boer War ended in 1902.
15 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE If you don't ask me to raise more masts I won't ask you to fly with your wheels in the water.
A "mast" is the term for the various instruments such as periscopes, snorkels, antennas etc. as mounted on the conning tower of a submarine. Here the caller is talking to an airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) asset.
16 DOLPHIN ONE SIX Your last attack is assessed as follows:
a. Excellent, within 500 yards.
b. Good, within 1000 yards.
c. Marginal, 1000 to 2000 yards.
d. Poor, over 2000 yards.
e. Awful, over 3000 yards.
f. Unmeasurably distant.
17 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN It is difficult to believe that you and I are operating in the same ocean.
18 DOLPHIN ONE EIGHT Your message DTG_______:
a. Appears to have been drafted hastily.
b. Does little to foster good relations.
c. Is a shining example of illiteracy.
d. Is not held by this unit.
e. Is held by this unit, but we wish it wasn't.
f. Requires the sort of reply I am not used to making.
g. Was a crippler.
h. BOHICA (Bend over here it comes again).
The DTG or "Date Time Group" is the formalised notation method for recording military time and it should be placed here, so that the receiving station knows to which message you are referring. See the webpage at UNMC Military Time.
19 DOLPHIN ONE NINER When we were surface sailors we also used to do silly things.
20 DOLPHIN TWO ZERO If you decide to graduate to advanced exercises, please hire a different submarine.
21 DOLPHIN TWO ONE If you ask me to fire another smoke, I'll scream.
This message is referring to the practise of "popping" coloured smoke after an attack or search for you has failled to enable the enemy to locate your position.
22 DOLPHIN TWO TWO Submarines never cheat and rarely lie.
23 DOLPHIN TWO THREE It's a pity that in wartime we'd be on the same side.
24 DOLPHIN TWO FOUR Your approach to the problem was impossible but tactically sound.
25 DOLPHIN TWO FIFE Re your helicopter:
a. Your helicopter frightened me.
b. Your helicopter didn't frighten me.
c. I frightened your helicopter.
d. I wasn't aware you had a helicopter airborne
26 DOLPHIN TWO SIX Re your assistance:
a. Thank you for your valuable assistance.
b. Had assistance been rendered, I would have been thankful.
c. No, thank you, I do not require assistance.
d. Please do not render assistance, I need your help like a hole in the head.
27 DOLPHIN TWO SEVEN You have been on task for several hours. You must be suffering terribly from crew fatigue.
28 DOLPHIN TWO EIGHT We have been on task for several weeks. Next week we will probably begin to suffer from crew fatigue.
29 DOLPHIN TWO NINER Tracking without attacking is the commonest form of military masochism.
30 DOLPHIN THREE ZERO I suppose the worsening weather will mean you'll have to stop the war.
31 DOLPHIN THREE ONE The adverse weather is affecting us greatly: The movie projector has tipped over twice.
32 DOLPHIN THREE TWO If you're so good why aren't you in submarines?
33 DOLPHIN THREE THREE Submariners do it deeper.
34 DOLPHIN THREE FOUR Submariners think deeper.
35 DOLPHIN THREE FIFE Deep down you know it makes sense.
36 DOLPHIN THREE SIX Submariners are super.
37 DOLPHIN THREE SEVEN Submariners have bigger balls.
38 DOLPHIN THREE EIGHT Diesel boats forever.
39 DOLPHIN THREE NINER Black is beautiful.
"Black" here refers to the rubberised sound-proofing coating of a submarines hull.
40 DOLPHIN FOUR ZERO Breaker one nine, this is rubber duck, I think we got us a convoy.
The phrase "Breaker one nine" is a Citizens Band (CB) radio "break in" message on the calling channel (Ch.19).
The expression "Ten-Four" is part of the Citizens Band (CB) radio Ten Code, and means "I acknowledge your call"or"Affirmative".
42 DOLPHIN FOUR TWO Please be gentle with me, this is my first time.
43 DOLPHIN FOUR THREE We think the water has been sufficiently ensonified. Maybe you should try something else.
The word "ensonified" here means excessive use of SONAR.
44 DOLPHIN FOUR FOUR You have the uncanny ability to complicate a very simple exercise.
45 DOLPHIN FOUR FIFE Intelligence is a God-given gift. Doorknobs are man-made. Mental midgets only have God's love. Is my point clear?
46 DOLPHIN FOUR SIX After working with you I now realise why some animals eat their young.
47 DOLPHIN FOUR SEVEN My CO and XO can out drink your CO and XO.
The acronyms "CO" means Commanding Officer, while "XO" means Executive Officer the CO's Second In Command (2IC).
48 DOLPHIN FOUR EIGHT When someone is as good as me it's hard to be modest.
49 DOLPHIN FOUR NINER Happiness is 500 ft in force 12.
"Force 12" refers to the highest wind speed in the Beaufort Scale and equals hurricane strength winds exceeding 118kph and producing waves over 14m high.
50 DOLPHIN FIFE ZERO With friends like you, who needs enemies?
51 DOLPHIN FIFE ONE Don't knock a stern shot until you've fired one.
52 DOLPHIN FIFE TWO If you provide the fresh water, I'll provide:
a. Soap.
b. Towels.
c. 60 dirty bodies.
d. Whiskey.
e. All of the above.
54 DOLPHIN FIFE FOUR DBSFW (Don't Be So Fucking Wet / Don't Be Such a Fucking Whimp)
55 DOLPHIN FIFE FIFE BUFFS (Buck Up For Fucks Sake)
56 DOLPHIN FIFE SIX PPPPPP or P6 (Prior Planning/Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance)
57 DOLPHIN FIFE SEVEN SMF (So long, Mother Fuckers!)
58 DOLPHIN FIFE EIGHT With sub-killers like you around, I look forward to a long life.
59 DOLPHIN FIFE NINER Missed me again.
60 DOLPHIN SIX ZERO Can I go home now?
61 DOLPHIN SIX ONE We may be small but we're slow.
62 DOLPHIN SIX TWO My bite is worse than my bark.
63 DOLPHIN SIX THREE I was delayed in returning to periscope depth because:
a. A large whale was holding me down.
b. I forgot to vent my depth gauge.
c. I was waiting for the last reel to finish.
d. I had to resolve my plot.
e. I wasn't sure if I knew that you knew where I was.
f. I wanted to annoy you.
64 DOLPHIN SIX FOUR Many thanks for:
a. Your kind hospitality.
b. The newspapers.
c. The skin books.
d. Nothing.
e. The OPORDER. (Operations Order)
65 DOLPHIN SIX FIFE Excuse me sir/ma'am, but I think you have confused me with someone who gives a damn/shit/fuck/fucking-shit/flying-fuck.
66 DOLPHIN SIX SIX My reports/reply/message/letter was (will be) late for the following reason(s):
a. Writer's cramp.
b. Typewriter unserviceable due to overheating.
c. My priority list didn't coincide with yours.
d. We didn't think you'd notice.
e. I plain forgot.
f. The XO plain forgot. [Executive Officer, the Commander's 2IC]
67 DOLPHIN SIX SEVEN Request the Pleasure of your Company (RPC) for:
a. Noon cocktails.
b. Informal operational discussion.
c. Post exercise punch-up.
d. Light meal and refreshments.
e. Sarnies and sludge.
68 DOLPHIN SIX EIGHT My Regrets, Unable. (MRU) because:
a. I am otherwise operationally committed.
b. I am otherwise socially committed.
c. Your last such event was disastrous.
d. I am unable to maintain your pace.
e. I don't want to come.
69 DOLPHIN SIX NINER With Much Pleasure (WMP).:
a. You offer so few invitations I can't afford to pass up this one.
b. Let's do it again.
c. for a short time.
d. For as long as you'll have me.
e. With bells on.
70 DOLPHIN SEVEN ZERO Your social event was:
a. First class. Thank you.
b. Disastrous, as expected.
c. One which should never be repeated.
d. Most detrimental to health.
e. A crashing bore. Better luck next time.
71 DOLPHIN SEVEN ONE Unbelievable. Will advise Mr. Ripley.
"Mr. Ripley" is a literary reference to "The Talented Mr. Ripley" a 1955 novel by Patricia Highsmith about a cultured and successful murderer.
72 DOLPHIN SEVEN TWO Our evaluation of your action:
a. Very well done.
b. Well done.
c. Well done. Sort of.
d. Not well done.
e. Badly done.
f. Very badly done.
g. Don't do it again.
73 DOLPHIN SEVEN THREE Have lost the bubble. Will retrieve.
The "bubble" is a reference to the bubble of air in the glass tube of the inclinometer, a gauge that indicates the submarine's vertical trim, or possibly the lack of it.
74 DOLPHIN SEVEN FOUR Bubble found. [See Dolphin 73]
75 DOLPHIN SEVEN FIFE What can I say?
76 DOLPHIN SEVEN SIX Reason(s) is (are) as follows:
a. I goofed.
b. XO goofed. [Executive Officer, the Commander's 2IC]
c. Somebody goofed.
d. Inattention, for which some SOB will pay. [Son Of a Bitch]
e. Temporary decline in usual high standards.
f. Another example of usual low standards.
g. I thought I could get away with it.
h. Misdirected malapropism.
i. Lapsus lingae.
"Malapropism" is the act of using an incorrect word in place of one that is similar in pronunciation.
"Lapsus linguae" is a "slip of the tongue", deliberately misspelled so as to indicate that it was not in fact an error.
77 DOLPHIN SEVEN SEVEN This port is:
a. Fantastic. Better not send surface ships here.
b. Outstanding. Can we come again?
c. Reasonable.
d. Not the sort of place Submariners should visit.
e. Hostile.
f. Only good for storm avoidance.
78 DOLPHIN SEVEN EIGHT Wish you were here.
79 DOLPHIN SEVEN NINER Bet you wish you were here?
80 DOLPHIN EIGHT ZERO Glad you're not here.

The Dolphin Code Part 2

The Royal Australian Navy Additions

# Code Expressed As Meaning
82 DOLPHIN EIGHT TWO Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa!
This is Latin for "through my own fault" and is taken from the Roman Catholic prayer of confession of sinfulness called the Confiteor.
83 DOLPHIN EIGHT THREE Mea Maxima Culpa!
This is Latin for "through my own most grievous fault" and is taken from the Roman Catholic prayer of confession of sinfulness called the Confiteor.
The meaning is context dependant as a "tube" means both a "can of beer", and the "tube" from which a torpedo is launched. In the latter case it is equivalent to saying "have both barrels" as in from a shotgun.
86 DOLPHIN EIGHT SIX Fair suck of the:
a. Pineapple
b. Sav
An Australian colloquialism expressing consternation and meaning "hey, be fair" or "hey, give us a fair go/share" etc. The "sav" is in fact a saveloy, a type of sausage. As far as I can tell the two alternatives of the pineapple and the sav are interchangeable. I cannot find a reason for having the two options. Of course it maybe more nuanced than that.
87 DOLPHIN EIGHT SEVEN Don't mushroom me, I'll mushroom you. [An Aussie reference to the head of a penis]
88 DOLPHIN EIGHT EIGHT Having a smashing time?
89 DOLPHIN EIGHT NINER All great discoveries are made by mistake.
90 DOLPHIN NINER ZERO Fill what's empty, empty what's full, and scratch where it itches.
91 DOLPHIN NINER ONE A failure will not occur until submarine has passed ORE. [Operational Readiness Evaluation]
92 DOLPHIN NINER TWO Ch, yes - we remember you.
93 DOLPHIN NINER THREE I hate Mondays.
95 DOLPHIN NINER FIFE Your lay-apart store is:
a. Loaded with debris as after raid on Entebbe.
b. Load of shit!
c. Shitty!
d. Dolphin 55.
e. Surprisingly tidy!
A "lay-apart store" is a dock side store for loose kit from a ship undergoing a refit.
The phrase "raid on Entebbe" refers to Operation Entebbe, the successful but destructive hostage rescue carried out by Israeli commandos at Entebbe International Airport in Uganda, on July 4th 1976.
96 DOLPHIN NINER SIX An empty wharf is:
a. Happiness
b. Not a spare lay-apart store [see Dolphin 95]
c. Inboard boat's responsibility
a. Us (the staff)
b. Each other
c. The green [civil or military police]
d. FXP [The Fleet Exercise Programme]
e. OPORD [Operations Order]
f. Get knotted
100 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO ZERO All's well that ends well.
101 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO ONE I say, isn't this fun?
103 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO THREE If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined!
104 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO FOUR With friends like you, who needs enemies?
105 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO FIFE Fish heads give me the shits. [Fish Head - surface personnel]
106 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO SIX And after that I suppose you'd like me to say thank you?
107 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO SEVEN Why do I always get the easy ones?
108 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO EIGHT If you'll stop telling the world your life story, we can get on with killing this fucking submarine!
109 DOLPHIN ONE ZERO NINER You're a fucking liability on this net - shut up!
110 DOLPHIN ONE ONE ZERO Your R/T is elegant, impressive, lucid but it is not brief. [R/T Radio Telephony]
111 DOLPHIN ONE ONE ONE If all I can get out of you is "Roger, Wait..." there's absolutely no point in my being here. Buck up or I fuck off!
The radio Prowords "Roger" and "Wait" which would normally be followed by "Out", mean "I acknowledge your transmission, please wait as I am busy". Sometimes between "Wait" and "Out" a number is inserted, indicating how long the other operator should wait before atempting to re-establish communications with that station.
112 DOLPHIN ONE ONE TWO The general idea was that you were out here to zap my contact, if the best you can do is sail in circles fucking up the water, may I suggest that you can be better employed back in the screen - Sir/ma'am?
The "screen" is a tactical location of a vessel, wherein it is not in direct contact with the enemy. It is in a screened area under protection of other assets or terrain (warships, aircraft , islands, coastline, fogbanks etc.). Often organised as an "inner" and "outer" screens. In this context of this Dolphin Code it means "in the safe place - well out of the way".
113 DOLPHIN ONE ONE THREE It looks like the watch has changed in the Ops room.
The term "watch" refers to the portion of the crew assigned to be on duty at any one time. A "watch" can be as little as 2 hours or more usually 6, 8, 10 or 12 depending upon role, situation and the size of the crew compliment. Other than a special duty watch, broadly the crew will be divided in to 2, 3 or rarely 4 watches.
The term "ops room" is slang for what in many naval forces is titled the "CIC" meaning either "Combat Information Centre" or "Command Information Centre". It may also be informally referred to as the "Command Centre", or the "Ops Centre". This is the tactical heart of a vessel wherein all information from its Area of Operations (AO) is collected, collated, analysed and turned in to actionable intelligence, enabling the Commander to make decisions. During battle the Commander may be found in the CIC as opposed to the Bridge, as it is deep in the hull and not exposed. However even today many Commanders prefer to take the risk of leading from the Bridge as it affords a better view of the seas immediately around the vessel. CIC is sometimes transcribed as "Christ I'm Confused!"
114 DOLPHIN ONE ONE FOUR The staff are active again, the Admiral must be up and about/awake.
115 DOLPHIN ONE ONE FIFE I know you've got the world and his wife breathing down your necks in there, but for fucks' sake get a grip and employ us usefully!
116 DOLPHIN ONE ONE SIX No doubt your Mother thinks you're God's gift to aviation. Frankly at the moment you're in the way, we're busy - don't call us, we’ll call you.
117 DOLPHIN ONE ONE SEVEN There's something you've forgotten/fucked up. Cast an eye/ear around and see if you can sort it out before someone important notices.
118 DOLPHIN ONE ONE EIGHT My arse is sore, advance Charlie Time and you've won a friend.
"Charlie Time" is the assigned time for airborne carrier aircraft to return and land.
119 DOLPHIN ONE ONE NINER Whilst I have the necessary fuel, skill and experience for the task you suggest, I do not hunger for glory. Please feel free to give it to someone else, I won't be upset.
122 DOLPHIN ONE TWO TWO Not sorry.
123 DOLPHIN ONE TWO THREE Even sorrier, come round and claim your beer as convenient.
124 DOLPHIN ONE TWO FOUR Take first the beam from thine eye - dork! [Bible (Christian), Gospel of Matthew, Ch.7, v.5]
126 DOLPHIN ONE TWO SIX Aircrew are all brown hatters.
The phrase "brown hatters" is a pejorative expression for a homosexual.
127 DOLPHIN ONE TWO SEVEN Aircrew and fish-heads should be friends. [Fish Head - surface personnel]
128 DOLPHIN ONE TWO EIGHT I suppose that one way and another you think you're a pretty good kid.
129 DOLPHIN ONE TWO NINER I must have a chat with you about your sense of humour.
130 DOLPHIN ONE THREE ZERO Fuck me, he's/she's doing it again!
131 DOLPHIN ONE THREE ONE Get off my back and sort your own problems out wise guy!
132 DOLPHIN ONE THREE TWO I've got lots more up my sleeve.
133 DOLPHIN ONE THREE THREE Be nice to him/her, he/she had a broken upbringing.
134 DOLPHIN ONE THREE FOUR Who pulled your string? Piss off!
136 DOLPHIN ONE THREE SIX Seriously folks, you were fucking dreadful.
137 DOLPHIN ONE THREE SEVEN I wish I could help you but I forgot my Nuco/Authentication/ Ramrod etc...
138 DOLPHIN ONE THREE EIGHT Mother's keeling to her PIM as usual, I see. [Path of Intended Motion]
140 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR ZERO Has the MLA changed or are they just going a funny zig-zag. [Main Line of Advance]
141 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR ONE Haven't a clue sport, Which one is Mother anyway?
142 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR TWO Is it something I've said? [same as 154]
143 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR THREE Either you're in my section or I'm in yours.
144 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR FOUR Mine - dork.!
145 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR FIFE I was wondering when you'd notice, let's split it down the MLA and argue the toss later. [Main Line of Advance]
146 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR SIX Listen wings, up to now we've been getting along handsomely, if however you continue to come out with crap like that you may come in line for a few hostile vibes.
148 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR EIGHT Your R/T and appreciation of the situation are above average today. Don't let it go to your head but I'd like you to know it’s been noticed. [R/T - Radio Telephony]
149 DOLPHIN ONE FOUR NINER Okay, Rubber Lips. Take the marbles out of your mouth, relax and pass your message again in a calm, lucid and concise manner.
150 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE ZERO If you were in my squadron/ship you'd be in line for a bollocking on the strength of that.
151 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE ONE When I want the hired hand to chip in, I'll let you know.
152 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE TWO I don’t fancy these sectors much, let’s move around a little to do something more sensible, they’ll never notice.
153 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE THREE You’re too senior for me to say anything else. but you can imagine what's going through my mind, can’t you sir/ma'am?
154 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE FOUR Is it something I've said? [same as 142]
155 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE FIFE What you really mean is that you've run out of coffee, but for the sake of appearances, I'll pretend to believe you.
156 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE SIX Too early - they'll send you back out with a spare.
157 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE SEVEN You are-a wag.
158 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE EIGHT You mean to say that you never make mistakes.
159 DOLPHIN ONE FIFE NINER You're right, I blow it but that doesn't entitle you to be cheeky.
160 DOLPHIN ONE SIX ZERO We are not amused, pilot, report to me after recovery with suitably humbled stooping gait, bowed head and bar chit book.
A "bar chit book" is a record of what the owner owes the mess for their bar bill. A "mess" is a dining area/hall, bar and social club where personnel gather in their off duty hours. In most armed forces there are three types, the Officers Mess, the NCO's/Petty Officers/Sergeants Mess and the Other Ranks or Sailors/Airman's/Privates Mess. The latter sometimes has other names. The UNMC has a "mixed" mess, that is one without rank distinctions.
NB: for use in CONTACT read as "Marine" rather than "pilot".
161 DOLPHIN ONE SIX ONE You'll be asking me to authenticate my authentication next.
The term "authentication" refers to a procedure wherein two parties seek to guarantee one another's identity.
162 DOLPHIN ONE SIX TWO It's all yours, sailor, I'm off to eat my night flying supper.
This code would be used by a carrier pilot who has just carried out a night landing, and is handing their aircraft over to the ship's crew, while they head off to get their well earned out of hours meal. Note that normal meals are provided at set times for the crew, usually in staggered groups, depending on the size of the vessels crew compliment.
163 DOLPHIN ONE SIX THREE He's/She's not still doing his joining message, is he/she?
A "joining" address is a talk given by a vessel's new commander to its crew upon taking over from their predecessor.
164 DOLPHIN ONE SIX FOUR There must be a better way than this?
165 DOLPHIN ONE SIX FIFE If you didn't believe the last gridlocks, for fucks' sake say so, instead of cluttering up the air keeping on asking for more. [map grid location]
166 DOLPHIN ONE SIX SIX If you're trying to crack me, forget it - you're far too late.
168 DOLPHIN ONE SIX EIGHT It's that fucking ship again.
169 DOLPHIN ONE SIX NINER You handle your aircraft with a certain panache, but then it must be difficult flying such an agricultural device smoothly.
170 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN ZERO I don't even like eating crab.
171 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN ONE Transferring your mail by winch is a demanding enough pastime, either you keep the fucking ship still or you get wet mail.
172 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN TWO Relax chaps, the A team have arrived.
173 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN THREE I don't know how we were coping without, but we're prepared to give it a go.
174 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN FOUR So long, thank you for brightening an otherwise unremarkable sortie. ["Sortie" is an airburne mission]
175 DOLPHIN ONE SEVEN FIFE Go shit in your hat!

End of the Dolphin Code

Suggestions List

As and when I have enough suggested additional messages, I will insert a table here for your entertainment.

End of Page


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