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About Mil-Sim & LRP


Captain Rosie DeBeer treats the wounds of a fellow medic, Master Sergeant Stephanus Vosloo.


The term "Mil-Sim" meaning "military simulation", refers to those kinds of airsoft games that aim to be as realistic as possible. Our events are weekend long, have a 20 year old background of play packed in to a complex story-arc for you to really get your brain wrapped around, or for you to exercise your trigger finger upon when your brains turn to mush!

We have a real underground base, from which we launch both day and night missions, with briefings, debriefings, and even reports. Some players never even go in to the field, while others can't help ending up as bullet ridden casualties lying on a slab in our Med-bay. We aim to make the experience of combat as realistic as we can, with the dry mouthed fear and tension of a real mission, just without the tears, pain and blood.

So for example you hit the deck with realistic quantities of ammunition rather than the impossibly huge bucket fulls carried in quick skirmish type games, and the performance of the airsoft guns are scaled simulations of the real thing, so big guns have greater range and firepower, while tiny ones don't! See the  BLAC  pages.

With "wounds" which have to be acted on, and Medics whose supplies are always critically short, desperately trying to get you patched up while under fire, or evacuate you back to base if things really get tough! To all this you add realistic tactics in a strategic level game, and hopefully enough vital teamwork helping you to survive - well maybe...

Military rank, medals and awards are earned by your actions on and off the field, and by how much responsibility you are prepared to take on or not as the case may be. So once you have played a little you can volunteer to become an officer. The downside is, that to keep their rank Officers have to write and submit mission and operation After Action Reports, which get published on the RGHQ-51 website as a record of what has happened, and what has been learned. If they don't, they get decommissioned to an NCO rank (Non-Commissioned Officer).

NCOs and Other Ranks focus on the tactical issues, while Specialists, that is civilian scientists, try to make sense of the new universe they are fighting to survive in.



The term "LRP" meaning "Live Role Playing", sometimes called "LARP" ("A" for "Action") refers to the type of games which are like taking on a role in a computer game or movie, but where you really have to do the things your character wants to, but without the benifit of a script, or the hinderance of an audiance, apart from your fellow players. You playy a "character", with a different name and background history to your own, necessary if you need to survive death! Use the Who's Who link above to see a list of players by real name and character name.

Great effort is taken to ensure the suspension of disbelief by maximising realism. The authenticity of the venue, the weapons, uniforms, insignia and general atmosphere, draws you in deep to the illusion that you really are working for the United Nations Star Gate Command, in their most secret and vital project to save the world. To go to the in-character pages click the RGHQ-51 link above.

Above: Captain Rosie De Beer, the RGHQ-51 Intelligence Officer (S2), from 1999 to 2003, grabs a well earned cup of coffee or tea between missions. When not dressed in combats, serving as a field medic, she could be found in the bunker wearing the now obsolete "airforce blues" (jacket and skirt), now replaced by black. This photo of Rosie, played by Shanine Gill, was taken on the middle floor of the base, a damn long way underground.

Good Food And Good Company
Big Missions, Regimental Dinners, & Conferences

Medals have been won, and dinner has been served, now pass the Port! Kira Lewis, played by Nikki Swift, won her Legion of Merit for action in the field while packing her favourite gun named Animal, a chunky 20 pound 5.56mm Squad Automatic Weapon! She love's her light machine gun, however the enemy did not share her feelings...

Once every other year or so we run a special event. It starts on the Saturday afternoon with military training and mission rehearsal, followed by a night mission. Then at around 2100 we RTB Return To Base to have a Regimental Dinner event. Medals are awarded, food is eaten, port, wine and whatever is drunk, and tall, sometimes very tall tales of daring do are told, some of them real.

After a late breakfast on the Sunday, we either run an Intelligence Conference, wherein the surviving players tackle the big issue of the plot. Discussions, debates, arguements, duels are fought and honour remains disatisfied! Well what would you expect? Seriously though, this is when the good ideas, breakthroughs, and new strategies and SOPs are created. Plus any amendments, clarifications etc. to the game rules are proposed or sorted out. Alternatively we run the second half of the bootcamp started the day before. Eighteen weeks of military training compressed in to two days, without the shouting, the press-ups or the majority of the pain.

The next one is a biggie, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday the 13th and 14th of April 2019, and is the 20th anniversary of operations at the bunker. But this time the dinner is being combined with a bootcamp and a rescue mission, rather than a conference. Yep, we have a team listed as MIA (Missing In Action), and a SAR (Search And Rescue) mission is planned for the early evenning.

And they think its all over...

....but its not!

Above: Photo of the briefing area, on the middle floor of the bunker at CON-33 in 2001, just before another mission heads for the Star Gate. But this won't be just another mission...

A lot of medals were won that night.

End of Page


Mil-Sim & LRP WHX Weapons & Combat The Bunker The Plot Event Format Costs Gearing Up RGHQ-51 Military Ref. Page Who's Who BLAC Forums Articles
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