B. Features:
(i) Describe key features within and outside the AO.
(ii) Designate known Reference Points.
(iii) MLA - Main Line of Advance
C. Sub-unit AO (Area of Operations)
(i) Define sub-unit AO's.
(ii) AO's of ajacent units.
D. Definitions & Locations of Other Standard Tactical Elements
(i) G - any other known or suspected GATES.
(ii) AA - Assembly Area. (LZAA, DZAA)
(iii) ORP - Objective Rallying Point
(iv) ERV - the pre-planned Emergency Rendezvous point.
(v) CCP- Casualty Collection Point.
(vi) VIPCP - VIP Collection Point.
(vii) EPWCP - Enemy Prisoners of War Collection Point.
(viii) OP - Observation Posts.
(ix) CP - Command Post.
(x) HQ - Head Quarters.
(xi) MSR - Main Supply Route.
B. Enemy Forces:
(i). Strength:
(a) Numbers of each Type of enemy suspected or expected.
(b) Enemy positions, arcs of fire/observation, and dead ground.
(c) Weapons, range, ammunition types and quantity.
(d) Defensive Fire Support.
(e) Air Power, drones.
(f) Enemy morale - if known.
(g) Intentions
(i) Known or suspected enemy intentions.
(ii) Any other intelligence.
C. Reminder: enemy typological, behaviors and counter-measures.
3. Friendly Forces
A. Intent
(i) Statement of our overall aims and objectives.
(ii) Statement of our specific aims and objectives for this mission.
B. Assets, types and # of:
(i) Field Medics.
(ii) Squad level radios.
(iii) RTO's (Radio Telephony Operators) - backpack radios.
(iv) Machine Guns.
(a) GPMG & ammunition.
(b) SAW & ammunition.
(v) 40mm Grenade Launchers & ammunition.
(vi) DMR's (Battle Rifles).
(vii) Sniper Rifle types.
(viii) Spare Ammunition.
(ix) Day/Night Vision Aids:
(a) Daylight scopes (Magnification, and on what).
(b) Weapon mounted tactical lights.
(c) Red Light Dead Mans Beacons.
(d) Infra-Red Beacons.
(e) Passive/Active IR Night Sights/Spotlights.
(f) High Lumen white or red filtered work lights.
(x) Aerial Drones, type, range, duration.
(xi) T2ID (Type 2 Incapacitation Device).
(xii) Pyrotecnics:
(a) Fragmentation Grenades.
(b) Stun Grenades.
(c) Smoke Screening Grenades.
(d) Signal Smoke Grenades.
(e) Flares.
(f) Maroons/Thunderflashes: Mk5, Mk8, Mk9.
(xiii) Mines.
C. Other Friendly Forces
(i) What friendly forces if any are expected in your AO.
(ii) What friendly forces are operating adjacent to your AO.
(iii) Is there a CLEGG unit in or near your AO.
(iv) What are their missions (if known).
(v) What are their Challenge(s) & Password(s) if different?
(vi) What are their Authentication Codes?
B. Future Tasks
(i) List any possible tasks other than the primary objectives.
(ii) List any tasks to be avoided.
B. Control Measures
(i) LD (Line of Departure).
(ii) OOM (Order of March).
(iii) RoA (Rate of Advance).
(iv) LOE (Limit of Exploitation).
(v) Special orders regarding IAD (Immediate Action Drills).
(vi) Special orders regarding Fire & Manoeuvre.
C. ROE (Rules of Engagement).
(I) Limits to the right to shoot:
(a) Special orders/restrictions regarding permission to open fire during the various Phases of the mission.
(b) Special orders regarding the use of heavy/support weapons.
D. Target List
E. Regrouping, Reorganising & Resupply
(i) Special orders for post action procedures for regrouping, reorganising and resupplying.
(ii) Locations for these actions.
(iii) Time limits for these actions (if applicable).
(I) Appoint a designated unit time keeper.
(ii) Set out the timetable for your mission:
(a) Equipment Check - 20 minutes prior to Ready Line.
(b) Ready Line - 10 minutes before launch.
(c) Launch Time - can be moved upon request.
(d) Landing Time - known or ETA.
(e) The Ground Mission Timetable.
(f) Return Gate Time(s) - without comms, times cannot be changed.
(g) Landing Time - Known or ETA.
(h) Debriefing Time - 30~45+ minutes post landing.
(ii) Synchronise Watches
(iii) Challenge & Password (C&P)
(a) Verbal - Select either word and/or number, or the mathematical C&P.
(b) Signal Lamps or Flash Lights (visual Morse Code).
(iv) Authentication Code: Select your unit's Authentication Code.
(i) Squad Radio Net (if available):
(a) Mode - digital or analogue.
(b) Primary & Secondary Frequencies (channels and privacy codes).
(c) Select Callsigns (if not already assigned).
(e) Spare Batteries.
(ii) Platoon & Regimental Radio Nets: your RTO will advise you.
(iii) Pyrotechnic Signals (coloured smoke and flares).
(iv) Signal Lamps - select filter colours, Morse Code characters, and assign meanings