The United Nations Marine Corps is divided in to Branches Of Service (BOS), each with a specified role. Upon enlistment the default BOS is the Infantry (INF), but there are other options to choose from. Access does depend upon
Skill Set and openings for appointment to a given Branch.
The Marines and staff of the UNSGC, are initially assigned to, and trained by, their BOS, that specialise in particular skills. They are then brought together to form Regiments, Task Forces etc., within formations called Commands such as the UNSGC to conduct operations. When it comes to choosing which branch to join, it depends upon whether or not it is directly recruiting, or the Marine is adequately qualified. The initial branch assignment for most Marines is Infantry, as this is the one with greatest need. Marines may move from one branch to another as their careers develop. For most, but not all branches, the minimum period of assignment is one Tour of Duty. The associated Promotional Points (PP) values reflect requirements, difficulty or danger. Some like the Medical and Engineer branches require qualifications for which additional Promotional Points are required, being earned through the Military Education Ribbon of Table 3 of the
Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and explained in depth on the
Skill Set page.
Certain BOS never take on newly minted recruits, prefering to select experienced candidates from other branches. For example, the Cavalry, Military Police and Special Forces.
A pair of bright metal BOS insignia is worn appended to the collar tabs of the SDU (Service Dress Uniform) green shirt or black jacket (if issued). While a pair of subdued metal or sew on insignia is worn upon the BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) jacket for wear in combat.
Only one type of BOS insignia maybe worn at any one time. The exception being members of the Staff Specialist branch attached to another to provide them with administrative services. In this case the left hand collar SS insignia is replaced with that of the assigned branch.
All the branches are listed in alphabetical order in the table set out below. There are fifteen branches, one of which, the General Staff has no special insignia. All branch insignia is drawn from the US Army.
Shown in the first column is the design of the BOS bright metal insignia, with its title, abbreviation and PP value in the second column. The third and final column provides a description of the function of that branch and the criteria for addmittence. If you need help click the link below:
Bright Insignia
Title Initials PP
Description & Criteria Guide
0 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Armour Branch, responsible for the deployment of tracked or wheeled Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV), such as tanks and Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC).
Assignment to this branch is dependant upon technical qualifications, covered by the award of the Military Education Ribbon, see Table 1 below.
This branch is still recruiting despite currently not having any available AFV's,
and so qualified crews are, for the moment being deployed as ground forces.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to theArtillerry Branch, responsible for the deployment of towed and self propelled artillery and air defense systems. Only the AAA elements, providing defense of terrestrial Star Gate bases are currently active.
No direct recruitment. The Marine candidate wishing to serve with a unit's artillery element, must hold at least the rank of Corporal*.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 2,000 PP's and 12 EICU's.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Aviation Branch, responsible for the deployment of fixed and rotary wing transport, drone and combat air power in support of ground forces.
Assignment to this branch is dependant upon technical qualifications, which are covered by the award of the Military Education Ribbon, see Table 3 of the
Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the
Skill Set page for an in depth better OOC explanation.
This branch is still recruiting despite currently not having any available fixed or rotary wing aircraft,
and so qualified crews are, for the moment being deployed as ground forces.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Cavalry Branch, responsible for the provision of rapid deployment infantry as emergency reserves and Search And Rescue (SAR) teams. Some units have airborne, light AFV or sea-surface capability.
No direct recruitment. The Marine candidate wishing to serve with a unit's Cavalry element, must hold at least the rank of Corporal*.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 2,000 PP's and 12 EICU's.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Engineer Branch, responsible for the construction, destruction, maintenance and repair of all UNMC equipment and fasilities. They also cover the roles of signals, electronic warfare, chemical and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), plus light ordnance, that is other than artillery and air defense systems.
Assignment to this branch is dependant upon technical qualifications, which are covered by the award of the Military Education Ribbon, see Table 3 of the
Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the
Skill Set page for an in depth better OOC explanation.
This branch is recruiting directly.
General Staff
0 PP
When assigned to the General Staff Branch, which is responsible for the creation and application of the strategic level policies, and the command and control of the UNMC and its Commands, the candidate continues to wear their original branch insignia, as this is the branch that they represent. Those officers not representing a specific branch wear no branch insignia at all. The members of the GS form the UNMC's General Headquarters (GHQ) which is based in Washington DC (USA).
Selected accession upon promotion to General officer ONLY. The minimum rank requirement is Brigadier General (24,000 PP and 120 EICU).
0 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Infantry branch, responsible for conduct of the majority of UNMC operations.
This branch is recruiting directly.
Inspector General
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Inspector General Branch, responsible for the inspection and regulation of all branches of the UNMC.
No direct recruitment. The Marine candidate wishing to serve with the Inspector Generals office, must hold at least the rank of Corporal*.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 2,000 PP's and 12 EICU's.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Intelligence Branch, responsible for the gathering, analysis and decemination of all intelligence related to operations conducted by the UNMC.
This branch is recruiting directly.
Judge Advocate General
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Judge Advocate General Branch, responsible for the prosicution, defense and ajudication of all legal issues related to UNMC personnel who serve under the
UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Para-Legals and lawyers, conduct investigations, and act as defense and prosecution council and judges at Courts Martial and Courts of Appeal.
This branch is recruiting directly.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Medical Branch, responsible for all medical services required by the UNMC, including: A&E, dental, medical support services (Medical Technicians), medical specialists (Psychologists/Surgeons), nursing and vetenary services.
Assignment to this branch is in part dependant upon technical qualifications, such as those necessary for a Doctor to serve as an off-world Field Medic, which requires the award of the
Military Education Ribbon, see Table 3 of
Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the
Skill Set page for an in depth better OOC explanation. Note that a Doctor without these additional qualifications may only serve at terrestrial fasilities, and may not practise medicine off-world. Marines qualified as Field Medics and assigned to a combat arm such as the Infantry, do NOT serve as on-base medical personnel in addition to their normal duties, with the exception of a mass casualty event.
This branch is recruiting directly.
Military Police
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Military Police Branch, responsible for the security of all UNMC fasilities, and in colaboration with JAG for the investigation of offenses committed by UNMC personnel, as covered by the
They are best known by members of the UNSGC for the conduct of the perimeter patrols carried out at Star Gate bases during off-world mission operations.
No direct recruitment. The Marine candidate wishing to serve with a unit's Military Police Company (MPC), must hold at least the rank of Corporal*.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 2,000 PP's and 12 EICU's.
NB: temporary service (attachment) to a Military Police Company, in the role of a Marine Security Guard, does NOT constitute formal reasignment, and so no Promotional Points will be awarded for this period of service. See the Security Guard Service Ribbon, Table 2, of Decorations, Medals & Awards.
100 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Quartermasters Branch, responsible for the management and distribution of stores to the UNMC, and the provision of transport for Marines in and out of theatre, on land and at sea, and in the air, alongside the Aviation branch. Asignment to the QM's is a sign of great trust, as membership of this branch has, in so many armed forces, proven to be potentially subject to abuse. A field unit's S4 "logistics" or "supply" officer, is drawn from this branch.
No direct recruitment. The Marine candidate wishing to serve with a unit's QM's must hold at least the rank of Corporal*.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 2,000 PP's and 12 EICU's.
Special Forces
500 PP
Awarded upon assignment to the Special Forces Branch, responsible for the conduct of special operations, including those of the Contact Long Endurance Gate Group (CLEGG) out of AREA-50 (USA), or reconnaissance missions/elements from other bases such as RGHQ-51.
No direct recruitment. Marine candidates wishing to join an SF unit, must hold the minimum rank of Private First Class*, and have passed the annual
SF Physical Fitness Test. For each subsequent assignment to Special Forces, this fitness test must once again be passed. Upon failiure the Marine is Returned To Unit (RTU), that is sent back to their previous branch assignment, or to the Infantry.
* Thus the Marine must have already earned at least 500 PP's and 12 EICU's before taking the SF Fitness Test.
Staff Specialist
500 PP
Note that this branch recruits personnel who for whatever reason are unable to partake in off-world missions, and are thus confined to operating from within the base or rear areas during combat operations. Personnel who have been incapacitated, by prior wounds, injuries, or illness, will, rather than retire, join this branch so that they can continue to serve their comrades in the field.
Marines of high enough rank who have retired from off-world missions may serve as a regiments Commanding Officer (CO), Executive Officer (XO), Operations Officer (S3), or the Civil Affairs Officer (S5), as these positions require extensive field experience.
Personnel without off-world experience may serve in the following unit appointments:
Adjutant (S1), the unit's admin offocer, responsible for personnel records, financial and other services.
Intelligence Officer (S2), responsible for the gathering, analysis and decemination of all intelligence related to operations conducted by their Regiment.
Quartermaster (S4), aka "logistics" or "supply" officer, is responsible for the management and distribution of stores to the Marines of their Regiment, and the organisation of transport for Marines in and out of theatre, on land and at sea, and in the air, alongside the Aviation branch. Asignment to this appointment is a sign of great trust, as the role of QM has, in so many armed forces, proven to be potentially subject to abuse. Candidates must already hold the rank of Second Lieutenant (2,000 PP) prior to consideration for this appointment. This rank may be achieved while serving as a Staff Specialist.
Communications Officer (S6), responsible for the operation and control of the higher level radio network, that is, the link between troops in the field and the ground crew back in base on Earth.
Chief Medical Officer (CMO), responsible for all terrestrial medical services on base, and especially during combat operations when the base acts as a CCS (Casualty Clearing Station).
As Staff Specialists are Marines who serve as on-base personnel ONLY, and as they will never have Flight-Status to go off-world, they are exempted from the EICU requirements for promotion beyond Private.
Staff Specialist serving with a specific branch or in the appropriate appointment, may elect to wear a single insignia of that branch as an alternative to the left hand one of the Staff Specialist insignia, but will continue to be awarded the Promotional Points for the Staff Specialist branch. No additional PP will be awarded for the other branch.
The high level of points awarded for service in this branch is done firstly to encourage recruitment, but secondly to offset the reduction in Promotional Points that can be earned when not taking part in off-world missions.
This branch is recruiting directly.