SG51 Roster
201 File |
Updated: |
03 APR 16
Status: |
Section A: Critical Data
Name |
SMITH. Cornel Richard.
Rank |
Specialist Grade 7 (SPEC7)
|  |
Serial# |
Gender |
Blood Group |
Drug Allergies |
NKA (No Known Allergies)
Medical Issues |
Until CON-77 26-27 SEP 09, it was believed that Smith had no known serious medical conditions that would preclude him from extraterrestrial service, with the exception that at his previous five annual physicals he had been advised to take more exercise due to his age and weight.
However, during the rescue mission conducted during CON-77.1 out of RGHQ-51 it was discovered that Smith suffered with Angina, and was being covertly provided with medication, without which he was at the time at considerable risk of death if injured. His final prescription was acquired via RAF Henlow (UK) and delivered to him by his US supervisors prior to his mission out of AREA-50 in the US.
Despite this, due to the essential nature of his work, his flight status which in consequence remains under regular review is not expected to change in the foreseeable future.
Note that when off-world the accompanying unit medic is required to carry the following medication for Smith's exclusive use:
Psychological Issues |
Dr Smith is a highly competent scientist, who
gets on well with his peers. But finds interaction with less well educated personnel more
difficult. He is clearly highly motivated to pursue his research, to the degree that he could be
considered as suffering boarder line OCD.
Dietary Issues |
None known or suspected
Birth ~ Death |
14 FEB 67 ~ N/A
Languages |
Nationality |
British (GB)
Marital Status |
Special Titles |
Dr/Doctor (Phd) or Specialist (SPEC)
Section B: Administrative
File Opened/Closed |
01 MAY 94 ~ N/A
E-R Contract |
31 DEC 95
Branch |
Assignment |
Pay Grade |
Section C: Death & Disability
Next Of Kin |
Mrs Angela Robertson (sister) GB
Death Letter(s) |
Mrs Angela Robertson (sister) GB
Remains 2 |
To be returned to NOK; Mrs Angela Robertson (sister) GB
Section D: Skills
Specialisations |
Medical Speciality: First Aider Class L
Technical Specialisations: Radio Telephony Operator (RTO)
Weapon Specialisations: Hand Gun (UNMC Specialist Course 2002)
Education |
PhD Dist. Physics (1990 Cambridge, UK)
BSc Hons Astronomy (1996 Cambridge, UK)
Prior History |
29 SEP 85~ 31 JUL 90: Attended University of Cambridge, UK.
31 JUL 90 ~ 30 DEC 95: Post PhD, employed by SSI Inc. USA
31 DEC 95: Contracted by Executive Resources for the CONTACT Program.
Section E: Security Issues & POI |
Spouse/Partner(s) |
Married in 1987, then divorced in1992; to Ruth Williams (now Mrs Ruth Clarke.
Children |
None known or suspected
Parents |
Judith and Ronald Smith, Deceased (1998 and 1999 respectively)
Siblings |
One (1), sister; Mrs Angela Robertson
Other POI |
None known or suspected
Financial Issues |
None known or suspected. See 201FILE
002142FIN1 |
Legal Issues |
None known or suspected. 201FILE
Extraordinary Issues |
Other Security Issues |
A known diarist.
Security Clearances |
Flight Status |
YES (subject to medical oversight and review)
Section F: Special Notes & Remarks |
Smith is the Command's critical researcher on the topic of gravity and wormholes, with the emphasis upon determining the origin and consequences of the increasing gravitational effects within wormholes as experienced by all flight crews. As part of this work he received funding to take an additional science degree in 2000 in astronomy, to reduce the necessity for additional personnel in his extremely sensitive work. He is the originator and developer of the Gravitational Wave
Detection Instrument Package (GWDIP), aka "gravitometer", as carried by SG teams operating on new Splines.
He has produced several scientific papers all but one of which have been classified as TOP SECRET
During CON-77 he went missing on P567, and was rescued by an SG team from the UK (RGHQ-51). Smith had been sold by unknown persons from BASE-54, the Russian Star Gate base to one of the T1 factions for $17,000,000. The Russian SG team
was under orders to abandon him on P567 and winded him immediately prior to entering the Gate, so that he was unable
to follow. Although they recovered his computer, they left him with a data stick containing all his research. They also removed his supply of medication, telling him that his new employers have the necessary drugs. As ordered upon return from their mission, the Russian SG team went through the motions of reporting his loss, and as would be customary a request for a
rescue attempt was passed to RGHQ-51 by BASE-54 (Russia). It would appear that this ws intended to fail. The SG team was further interrogated, and its members were murdered in Russia during October 2009 by persons unknown.
One final point, during interrogation the captured T1 operative reported that he had been tasked to recover Smith and the disk, and to prevent the enemy "getting him". He was aware of Smith's heart
condition and was under strict instructions NOT to injure him, or allow him to be wounded, as this may induce a potentially fatal heart attack. He had been provided with a complete set of Smith's medication just in case of it becoming necessary.
After a short spell in hospital, he is now back at AREA-50 continuing his research.
See the AAR for Mission #1 of CON-077 26-27 SEP 09 out of RGHQ-51.
Notes Re Smith's Service History:
All service has been in a scientific/research capacity.
Service commenced at BASE-78 (VOSTOK) in Antarctica on
01 JUL 96.
First off world mission was during CON-001 on 14 JUL 96 out of BASE-78, attached to US Forces.
27 DEC 98 reassigned to AREA-50 (USA).
14 FEB 00 UNSGC provided funding for him to returned to study astronomy at Cambridge, after which in 2002 he began his key research for the UNSGC, operating out of AREA-50.
Temporarily relocated to AREA-52 (USA) during the 2008 emergency.
01 JAN 2009 Reasigned to AREA-50
Section G: Citations |
See Decorations, Medals & Awards
Section H: UNMC Service History |
Initial Deployment |
BP#1 (See note)
14 JUL 95
Note: This was an off-World training mission, out of BASE-78, where Smith was attached to US Forces.
Redeployment |
CLASSIFIED with the following exception:
CON-77. (See Section F.)
Points, Rank & Awards
See also the general award criteria on the Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the special criteria for the Unit Awards, plus the Awards Granted for your whole regiment, and finally the Rank & Insignia, for a full explanation.
Notes & Legend:
* Marks a Flight operation, i.e. one with a unique SG base specific operational codename.
** Marks any badge award insignia that has been superceded by a higher award and is therefore no longer worn.
1. Links highlighted in red, and entries marked as CLASSIFIED indicates that your present IP address does not have authorisation to access that data.
2. All remains of off-world personnel will be incinerated as a Level IV Bio-Hazard prior to release. Default indicates disposal is at the unit's discretion.
Any Transfer suffered while serving at the rank of Private (PV1 or PV2) and Private First Class, incur none of the normal rank related minuses.
This is the resulting possible ranks earned under the current promotions system.
This is the Marine's current serving rank. It may differ from the specified earned rank, if so it will be marked (PR), see below.
After Action Report, mission and operational reports/reviews.
BP# -
Battle Practise number X, military exercises.
C# -
Conference number X, normally either strategic or medical, or rarely other.
CON-# -
The numerical operational designation within the CONTACT program.
CRE# -
Combat Readiness Exercise. An acknowledged operator organised training event.
DL# -
Death Letter number X.
EIC# -
Expert Infantry Course number X, also often erroneously known as "Bootcamp".
Expert Infantry Course Units
Financial, the financial issues extension to this file.
Killed In Action, and the body recovered and disposed of.
LE -
Legal, the legal issues extension to this file, plus all contracts.
Missing In Action, regardless of whether alive or dead, no body has been recovered as proof.
Temporary Security Guard Service with a regiments Military Police Company.
N/A -
Not Applicable.
Next Of Kin.
OP. -
Operation, either named or CLASSIFIED.
Persons Of Interest.
PP -
Promotional Points.
(PR) -
Protected Rank, i.e. a rank earned under an earlier promotional system.
RD# -
Regimental Dinner number X.
RDC# -
Regimental Dinner & Conference number X.
Extraordinary File, the highly classified extension to this file.