14 JUL 16 UNSC5PORT397384094PMC-ER
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Looking for Executive Resources?

Well You've Found Us!

Welcome to the new home page of E-R. You can find our former web site HERE.

E-R no longer offers its services as a Private Military Company (PMC) to any other third parties. As of July 1996 we are currently fully contracted and committed to running the CONTACT Program on behalf of Committee 78 of the UN Security Council. To that end we hire and subcontract operatives to serve with the UN Marine Corps. This is of course a highly classified program, which by necessity is both small and relatively poorly funded. As the US government is providing 90% of the personnel, materials and finance, it is necessary to bury the program deep in the Department of Defenses black budget to ensure its security. This incidentally is why much of the organisation, hierarchy (rank structure), rewards and awards are of US origin. And why the most senior post is restricted to former US military personnel, currently General Adam B. M. West (USAF Rtd.).

This site serves two purposes, firstly as a point of contact for serving operatives, who may from time to time, need advice etc., viz their contract with the company, and the company's subcontract with the UN. Including the provision of all necessary personal support services: pay, accounts, accomodation, transport, storage, personal equipment and other stores, legal, medical, funerary and other related benefits. The company will, in those rare cases, as and when relevant arrange suitable special services/provisions in the event of or retirement or resignation, in accordance with Clause 735d of your contract.

And secondly, to provide a point of contact, information and backup for our personnel who conduct the very necessary terrestrial operations in support of said contracts.

Your own personal contract(s) is/are available to view upon request. However, delays are to be expected, as the documents are both comprehensive and extensive and must be double checked by our legal staff prior to release. No copies will be made, originals can be seen at our offices at anytime during normal business hours. You may wish to bring your own authorised legal representative (by appointment only) to assist.

If you have any problems or require to make an appointment, then please contact the company Secretary Mrs. Magda Brandiman, via the e-mail link below. Alternatively in an emergency you can call your personal secure phoneline and arrange a customer call back.

The company and its staff wish to welcome you aboard, and trust your service with us will be long and profitable.

FAQ/FYI: Please note that we are in no way related, formally or informally with any other pmc, including the similarly named "Executive Outcomes", who officially ceased trading in 1999 (nka NBSG).


if you have arrived on this page via a link upon a designated secure client network, or after receiving an email invitation, then your IP address is currently authorised as part of the CONTACT Program, and so please go via the first link to their pages. Or if you have the required authorisation then please enter our UN hosted site via the last link. Finally, to directly interface with our company in extraordinary circumstances please email us using the secure link in the centre.

The CONTACT Program
Email Us

If you have arrived on this site by error please use your back button to exit and return to your original window. You are reminded that any links highlighted in red are unauthorised.

Thank you for your co-operation.

E-R Inc., a family business, since 1989

Ashnak & Magda Brandiman
Magda Brandiman
Chairman of the Board:
William Brandiman
Cheif Executive Officer:
Edward Brandiman

Registered Office:
1 Dunkle Turm Straße,
CH-666, Geneva, Switzerland.
1996 Washington DC, USA.
Caveat Emptor E&OE



© 1989~Present: Dark Tower Productions