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Mission 1


September 26th & 27th 2009

Issued on 09/26/2009@09:00Z
Updated: 09/29/2009@22:58

General Briefing

Damage Report

With reference to the damage report notification issued at 14:00Z on 11/14/2008, see the Gatewatch Report for CON-074 "OPERATION ANCRUM", be advised that the repair schedule for the Gate Tower's alarm and defence system has been revised following the delay caused by the investigations in to the consequences of the detonation of a nuclear munition on an inbound wormhole at the end of the final mission of CON-74. This resulted in several system failiures and one engineering fatality related to the XAD1471 equipment, which is part of the "Project Midguard" program. Concequentially the work may now not be completed until the end of the present sequence of flight operations (06/2010). Starlabs Gmbh and their staff and technicians have absolute authority during the on-going work on Floor 1 of RGHQ-51. With the exception of any missions the Gate Tower is for the duration of this operation strictly off limits to ALL UNMC personnel. Note that with the exception of flights using the XAD1471, only a basic flight service is available for your mission during CON-77. Flight crews MUST take extra special care in the Gate Tower as many systems still remain exposed (6kv) for on-going repairs and the installation work. It is not practical to shut these sub-systems down, as they constitute essential components of the XAD1471 and the Gatewatch systems.

Estimated Flight Conditions

With reference to the Gatewatch Chart, all signal spikes on the system have stabalised at an energy level 6× above normal, this means that there has been no increase over those recorded at CON-74. The Gate Tower's Gravity Wave detector is likewise continuing to pick up strong signals of a similar magnitude, which means that the Gate is once again "leaking" gravity. Thus as per CON-74 we can not garuntee crew safety within the wormhole. "Anti-G" suits will be issued to Flight Crews to aid in reducing the risks of G-LOC (Gravitationally induced Loss Of Consciousness) in flight. Please be aware these are standard USAF and RAF issue Anti-G suits which are only rated to 9G (the max for fast jet aircrews). Note that any personnel who fail their medical, will automatically lose Flight Status and be asigned to Ground Crew duties, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties. Be aware that during CON-74 the Russian and American Regiments suffered a total of 7 WIA and 3 KIA due to the in-flight G forces, which is an increase over the previous operation, presumedly resulting from the increase severity of flight conditions. See the seperate Gatewatch Chart for additional data on issues arising from the Gate systems current aberrant behaviour.

Alien Biological Contaminant (ABC) Levels

The aggregate post CON-74 M1/M2 ABC level stands at 370 units, that is in excess of tripple the volume detected prior to CON-52 OPERATION BANNOCKBURN 03/4-6/2005. Wherein "100 units" was the base line reference figure for the M1, with M2's at trace levels, a value that had remained stable since 1947. The post CON-74 OPERATION ANCRUM (11/14-17/2008) total of M1 type ABC recovered from equipment deployed off-world, achieved a total of 334 units, which is 234 units over the pre-CON-52 levels, but that is an increase of +11 units over those recorded for CON-73 which only had a +1 increase over CON-72. We are still of the opinion that this data re-enforces the view that the overall rate of increase in M1's has probably now peaked. However, as with CON-72 and -73 there was an extremely significant jump in the recovered levels of the M2 type of ABC at CON-74 when compared to CON-68 (wherein for the first time the M2 level had reached 3 units, whereas prior to CON-66 it was stable at c.0.34u). At CON-74 the level of the M2 type of ABC achieved 37u, almost double that of the previous reading. See the ABC Saturation Report by Major Kira Lewis (RGHQ-51). Special effort must be made to collect air, water, rock, soil and foliage samples, plus Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW), during OPERATION GREAT YARMOUTH to coroborate the data. Type 2+ EPW's are also vital to the ABC recovery program, without which we will eventually have no medical supplies or munitions. See the Alerts section below on the new policy regarding T1 EPW's.

The precautionary principal dictates that CON-77 will be subject to the EXTREME ABC Protection Protocol, as levels are expected to be dangerously high off world. Note that it will be necesary for all exterior gear to be removed for decontamination immediately upon return from off world missions, to ensure personal and collective safety post flight - WITHOUT EXCEPTION! The so-called "boot room" has been specially adapted for this purpose (Level 2, room #208). CON-77 will like CON-74 before it conclude with a 10 day mandatory "lock down" pending a full medical and equipment inspection/decontamination at each of our operational facilities. We at Gatewatch apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation in maintaining bio-security.

Alerts & Special Orders

1. As you will now know all personnel within the Command have had their ranks dressed downwards due to a change in the promotions system. Durring this period of adjustment please aid your comrades by providing corrections where appropriate.

2. BASE-53 in France is once again operational. Be aware that you may encounter French SG teams durring missions.

3. AREA-50 in the USA is once again on-line, however the CLEGG ("CONTACT Long Endurance Gate Group") program remains suspended. All recorded team members have been recovered and accounted for. Caution is advised if approached off-world by anyone claiming to be CLEGG team members, as they will probably be compromised, either due to enemy action or as afunction of their initial insertion date.

4. It is believed but not yet confirmed that the nuclear detonation on or near the enemy position known as Fort Apache (VXC105), durring the final mission of CON-74, may have cut the Spline at this point. Any intelligence that can confirm or deny this assessment is a priority at this time.

5. The policy on the recovery of Type One Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) has been revised in light of previous operations. Secure accommodation has been created in inaccessible locations, wherein EPW's can enjoy a significant degree of freedom, without fear of M1 extraction (which remains fatal). It is hoped that the less fanatical personnel may choose to surrender rather than fight to the death when capture is inevitable. We arestill seeking the missing UNMC Engineers from the 51ST Regiment, for enterogation and custady. These 27 personnel remain listed as MIA as of CON-68. The unit's default Authentication Code was "ANGEL", but bearing in mind how long they have been off-world, it is unlikely that any of them remain uncontaminated.

6. At the specified times (see chart) and between other Gate activations during CON-77, the Starlabs engineers can, upon receipt of a written authorisation from the base's S3 (Operations Officer), deliver via the authorised channels, i.e. the base's senior ground crew officer (BGEN Courtney), program the XAD1471 system for a launch and a retreval flight to/from:

NB: the XAD1471 system will only function during a standard Gate cycle period (circa 3 days in 60), and require circa 24 hours of pre flight charging. The Ground Crew can then force the Gate to open to or from G-0799 and RGHQ-51 respectively on one or more ocasions. Or for one outbouncd and one inbound flight to another target.

It can only be safely used by prior arrangement at a specified time or when the inter-planetary comunications systems are working adequately, so that an authorised request by the off-world team can be processed to activate the Gate and open the iris to ensure a safe landing. For BIFROST a 35+ minute window of opportunity is required in the natural Gate cycle to allow for flight time, and the earlier the Gatewatch crew are advised of an intended launch or recovery mission the safer it will be for the SG team. NB: the short notice given by the surviving Engineers (OPERATION WINCHESTER, CON-68), resulted in losses during their return flight. Other targets will need their flight times to be assessed pre-launch.

7. With reference to the unauthorised message tagged to the computer readable edition of the GATEWATCH report for OPERATION WINCHESTER (CON-68), it has as yet not been possible to locate it's point of entry on to the RGHQ-51 intrenet. This system is a "stand alone" network, and therefore any additions must have been made within the confines of RGHQ-51. ALL personnel are reminded to maintain maximum vigilance with regard to preventing unauthorised access to the base and the use of it's intrenet and other systems. A copy of original text should be available from the S2 (Intelligence Officer). You are reminded that during the Intelligence Conference (CON-69) it was suggested that the signature on that message "DB" is possibly a reference to Deep Black, the codename for the suspected informal coalition of terestrial national intelligence assets, who's actions in the past have been both friendly and hostile to the CONTACT program. Their true nature and remit remain unknown at this time, and therefore until we achieve clarity, their actions constitute a clear and present danger to the program, and it's personnel. Their operatives should be treated as hostile combatants, and if possible taken as EPW's for subsequent interrogation.

8. Be advised that the former Lieutenant Colonel, now Major James T. Law who was recalled from his assignment as the Commanding Officer of BASE-56 in New Zealand, to resume his position as the UNSGC Auditor during CON-72, has now been assigned to serve in this Regiments Military Police Company as of CON-77. However his report for GHQ is still pending and it is required that ALL operatives cooperate with his investigations in to personnel performance, procedures, security, etc. An abridged edition of his report will be made available at the next Intelligence Conference (CON-81) scheduled for 06/2010., subject to UNSGCHQ adjudication.



Flight Crew
Officers NCO'S Other Ranks
1. First Lieutenant KING. E.

4. Staff Sergeant WARD. C.
5. Staff Sergeant STOKES. B.
Special Attachments Ground Crew
Officers NCO's & Other Ranks
NONE 1. Brigadier General COURTNEY. A. R.
2. Major KILKENNY. D. R.
3. Major LAW. J. T.
4. Captain SACKVILLE-WEST. M. B.

Note: Where personnel serve at the same rank, their seniority in the chain of command has been determined firstly by the holding of specific posts, then a comparison between their Promotional Points and their level of training (Expert Infantry Course Units & Battle Practise Units). New personnel, that is, Privates PV1, Specialists and Civilians, have had their seniority determined first by whether they are military, trained or untrained civilians, and secondly by date of enlistment. This latter point is for all practical purposes a pure administrative decision. In the field natural leadership skills would be more important, presuming that it should ever become relevant. Officers on Attachment serve in an advisory capasity only, and those listed in Services have authority with regard to base management and security issues only.


GATEWATCH reports that as of 09:00Z there are a total of 22 fully developed inbound and outbound wormholes for CON-76. This is a huge reduction compared to the 345 detected for CON-74 (Op.ANCRUM 11/14-16/2008), and is still only a fraction of the 51 for CON-68, 107 for CON-72 and the 171 for CON-73. Of these 22 developed signals only 2 as specified below being 1 Outbound and 1 Inbound is relevant to UNMC Flight Crews. Both relate to a previously explored planet. There are NO Pathfinder missions at this time. Like CON-74, there are a large number of outstanding unresolved signal spikes (704), demonstrating incomplete target Gate Locks at various times throughout the operation. We will keep you apprised of the situation as, and if, it produces further useful activations. All these signals are centred upon the target cluster as per CON-74. This is a dramatic increase over CON-74, wherein there were 103 such signals.


Gate Type
Gate ID#
In Flight
10:00 Base Activated
12:00-16:00 Training
18:00-19:21 XAD1471 Available.
01 OUTBOUND G-1394 19:21 19:37 00:16 VP401A
02 INBOUND G-1394 20:01 20:17 00:16 VP401A
03 OUTBOUND G-1591 20:30 20:46 00:16* Mission 1
04 INBOUND G-1591 22:45 23:09 00:24* Return From
Mission 1
22:00-00:00 Training
20:19-00:00 XAD1471 Available
00:01-16:00 XAD1471 Available
10:00+ Breakfast Available
11:30-15:30 Training
15:30-16:00 Operational Debriefing/Meal
18:00 Base Shut Down

CON-77 Roster


# Rank Name Post Personnel
1. Anderson. Simon.
2. Booley. Christopher.
3. Clarke. Stephen.
4. Foster. Patricia.
5. Furlong. Susan. (16th)
6. Rushen. Clive.
7. Wayland. Dean C.

Awards Granted

The Good Conduct Medal:

The Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal:

The Armed Forces Reserve Service Medal:

The Training Ribbon:

See note below

Available EICU = 0

Available BPU = 6
All others = 6 BPU

New promotions system introduced, requiring more points per grade. As a result, most personnel have suffered a demotion to bring their points in to line. See HERE for details.

3 1LT KING. E. S3 FC
4 MAJ LAW. J. T. Auditor GC

CON-77 Mission Log


M# Rank & Name Squad Post Status L-S-C
1 1LT KING. E. A - Returned 0-0-0
2 SSGT STOKES. B. A - Returned 0-0-0
3 SSGT WARD. C. A 2IC Returned 0-0-0

Mission 1

Mission #: CON-077.1
Date: 09/26/2009
Mission Type & Objective(s): Search And Rescue (changed from "Recon")
  • 1. Recover Dr C. R. Smith
  • 2. Provide Smith with his medication
  • 3. Return both Smith and his data disk
Target Gate/Planet: G-1591 (VP1066B)
Outbound Launch/Landing Times: 20:30 - 20:46 Alpha
Outbound Flight Time: 16 minutes
Inbound Launch/Landing Times: 22:45 - 23:09 Alpha
Inbound Flight Time: 24 minutes
Total Exposure Duration: 2 hours 39 minutes
SG Team: 1IC: 1LT KING. E.
Casualties: NONE
Briefing: @20:00-09/26/2009 by 1LT E. KING
Debriefing: @23:30-09/26/2009 by MAJ D. R. KILKENNY

Intelligence Summary: G-1591 was previously catalogued as VP1066 ("Visited Planet #" = "1066", Gate # = "B") B, this planet houses the #51 Spline Route (G-1597/VP1066A). The world is in orbit around a SMBH (Super Massive Black Hole). Covered with multiple Gate complexes, including the Russian J Gate (#54 Spline Route) and the other British A Gate both within 500-600m. Otherwise it is a "standard arborial world". Night time flight. Weather was dry, humid and warm. Three contacts found, 1 (Dr Cornel R. Smith) recovered, and 2 (T1) encountered but not engaged. Neither of the T1's were brought back for transferral to Porton Down due to SG Team small size. No scientific samples or readings taken as this was a designated Search And Rescue mission. A disk was recovered along with Dr Smith, on which was a portion of an unauthorised private journal and his scientific data file, containing his astronomical and gravitational readings. The former is shown below, while the later is too large for inclusion on this page but can be seen HERE. Other documents shown below include a copy of the original SAR request from BASE-54, and a copy of a repeat prescription delivered to RGHQ-51 shortly after receipt of the email.

Mission Briefing:

Immediate Post Mission Debriefing:

Prior to our launch the Mission Type was changed from RECON to SAR - see the attached e-mail from BASE-54.

Our mission was to rescue one Astrophysicist Dr Cornel Richard Smith (see the attached 201 File, or go HERE) who was lost by a Russian SG Team while on VP1066 (Gate "J") sometime within the last 48 hours.

1LT King (C/O) completed a formal written request for a gate to be opened using the XAD1471 for an outbound and inbound flight to and from Planet VP1066 Gate "B".

Our landing order was: Ward, King, Stokes.

1LT King’s plans for the rescue:

Plan Alpha: execute a 600 m radius area sweep from the B gate

Plan Bravo: in the event of the failure of Plan A then command decision by King to extend area and direction of search

We all observed that the planet was orbiting a huge Black Hole, which SSGT Ward noted was much larger than at the time of her last visit (CON-065.1 06/15/2007).

We climbed the nearby hill, moving tactically in single file, with Ward in the lead. Ward was challenged 100m from the Gate, by an unknown male using white light. The challenger requested the nationality of our team, we responded by stating that we were UK forces. His response was to ask what we were doing here. The team suspected that based on his abrupt attitude and other signs that this was Dr Smith. We challenged him; his response was, "Do you have my medication?"

SSGT Ward over heard Smith saying he had been there for 2 days; King and Stoke were unaware of this statement

We did not immediately fully interrogate the contact, only later were we able to confirm his identity using some of Smith's personal details from his 201 File.

SSGT Stokes, RGHQ-51's Chief Medical Officer provided Smith with his medication, and his response was positive, becoming more helpful. Smith also added he had been taking this medication "for years". He was rude about the Russians and then he told the team that the Russians had stolen his equipment and left him behind , and that it was part of a "deal". We therefore concluded that the Russians had deliberately abandoned him on the planet for unknown forces to collect.

Dr Smith described his research into the Black Hole, making a noted reference to "option C", meaning that the planet would disappear into the BH "like a Billiard Ball". Smith would not be sure if this would happen in one hour or 1,000 years, as he stated that he needed readings from Spline #51 (GB) to complete his data set.

He was asked about the worms, and Dr Smith responded negatively but in a way which King believed he was hiding information. He treated all but Stokes as "plebs"*, and they had extended private conversations.

*This behaviour is consistent with his psychiatric profile as stated in his 201 File.

The team decided to take cover as Smith had concerns about his safety. 1LT King took the simple action of finding nearby cover and waited for the outbound Gate to cycle (scheduled for 22:45A).

About 1 hour after the team took cover (time unspecified), we spotted two flashing white lights, one was to the teams front and one was to the rear. NB: SSGT Ward disagrees with 1LT King's opinion that there were 2 lights at this point in the mission. King believed the 2 lights were acting in conjunction, trying to cut the team off from the Gate. She decided to hold position until the situation resolved itself.

The light to the rear of the team moved towards the Gate, and then on towards the other light. Stokes believed that the lights were looking for Dr Smith. One light approached the team and then issued a challenge. An unkown male demanded that Dr Smith be handed over, but only identified himself as an "interested party". We issued a counter challenge, but the response was inaudible. He then engaged the team and we returned fire, combat was ineffective/inconclusive. This contact retreated and then a second fire fight began near the Star Gate (distance unspecified), which the team was not involved in.

One unknown was eliminated by the other. The survivor (male) then took the opportunity to parley, this was not the first contact, having a different accent entirely, and he was not interested in combat with the team. The first contact who had been shot by the second unknown, reanimated, confirming that he was a T1, moved off towards the Gate. (NB: it is not stated whether or not any attempt was made by either party to impeed his departure).

The second contact revealed his name as "Douglas". 1LT King identified herself and SSGT Ward. Douglas declared his interest in survival(self-preservation), and was there to kill the T1 and collect Dr Smith. He used bravado to attempt to impress /intimidate the team. We responded in an assertive manner, but did not reveal that the team was in possession of the doctor. Then the team requested/negotiated that Douglas should search another area away from the Gate. During these discussions the T1 reanimated and escaped through the Gate (NB: this implies that this T1 was at some point durring this period once again shot, thus putting him down for a second time, preventing an earlier escape through the Gate).

The team believed that Douglas was acting alone without support. The final negotiations happened 5 minutes before the gate home (22:40A). Whilst the discussion was happening Stokes escorted Smith to the Gate, Douglas spotted Stokes and anounced that he was SGC, however it appears that he had not seen Dr Smith.

The team moved to the Gate and performed all round defence, and exfiltrated when the gate activated. SSGT Stokes abandoned his primary weapon (H&K G3 SG-1) at the Gate, to better enable him to escort Dr Smith off the planet. His excuse/explanation is that Smith was more important than his weapon. Unfortunately he also entered the wormhole with a loaded revolver in his hand, resulting in a Neglegent Discharge in flight, causing Smith a single gun shot wound to the right thigh. See the Judicial Notification at the bottom of this report.

Post mission SSGT Stokes (RGHQ-51's Chief Medical Officer) made the team aware he took a telephone call from a "Mr Black" at about 18:00. Black was aware that the target (Smith) had a serious heart condition, and 15 minutes later a package of drugs compatible with that for a diagnosis of "Angina" was delivered (see the copy of the attached prescription below). The information on this was not included on Smith’s official records.

1LT E. King.
SSGT B. Stoke (CMO)
SSGT C. Ward.

Supplementary questions: Appended by Major Kilkenny.

1. How long ago were the prescriptions for Dr Smith started? A: according to Smith sometime durring 1999..
2. When was the repeat requested? A: = According to the pharmasist at 13:01A 09/26/2009.
3. The "paitient's address" on the prescription, an RAF Base, is it Smith's legitimate address? A: = Yes.


After Action Reports:

Report #01: SSGT Christine Ward UNMC RGHQ-51.

We would be using equipment to force Gate to open to VP1066B, a world orbiting a black hole. After starburst from Gate move out to 600 meters and commence an area search for Dr. Cornel Richard Smith essential expert on gravimetric waves who had been left behind by Russian team. It is imperative that Dr Smith and his data disc are recovered and returned together. If there is no trace on first sweep the search area to be extended. No Gravimetric readings or samples to be taken.

A package containing medication needed by Dr Smith was delivered by Courier addressed to Dr STOKES. (Medication needed as he has a heart condition. No mention of this in his personnel file).

Flight very rough but new medication worked well. No injuries. Arrived in woodland, it was very dark. The sky was clear and starlit but one large area just above the horizon was totally black without a single star. I believe this was the black hole; it appeared much larger than on my previous visit (Ed.CON-65.1). The weather was dry and mild. I moved off up hill with the team in an extended line using occasional white light. After 100 meters I was illuminated with white light and was challenged by a male with a British accent. He appeared very angry and suspicious. 1LT KING identified us as UNSGC UK forces. The male said “What are you doing here?” I said “Looking for you”. He said “Do you have my medication”. I said “Yes”. He seemed to calm down and SSGT STOKES moved forwards with the medication. Smith dived into the bag and started rummaging in the medication SSGT STOKES said “Do you need any help?” Smith said “No I have been taking this medication for years”. (He may have mentioned ten years). 1LT KING then asked Smith some questions to confirm his identity. He was not very cooperative and was very angry with the Russian team who had left him here. I believe he said two days ago; however he may have been confused due to missing his medication. Once he had his medication he calmed down. He said that the Russian team had taken his lap top and medication then stunned him before leaving through their Stargate. They said it was part of the deal and that someone would pick him up. He made some comments about option C. Smith was not very impressed with the military but when he found out SSGT STOKES was a Doctor his attitude changed. Smith was placed in SSGT STOKES charge with the orders that whatever happened he was to get Smith through the Stargate and back to base.

We decided to move further away from the Stargate and find a defensive position to wait for the gate home. As we were moving I saw a white light ahead being swept back and forwards through the trees as if searching for something. We moved into cover and took up defensive positions. I was aware of lots of animal activity and things falling from the trees. I believe I could hear a second person moving about but did not see anything.

The single white light circled our position and came up behind us. He fired towards our position and a brief exchange of fire forced him further away from us. The male then called to us and demanded we give Dr Smith to him 1LT KING Spoke to him and told him we hadn’t got him. The male moved back away from us and suddenly a fire fight started with a third party and the male. None of the rounds were coming towards our position. Male 1 was put down and male 2 called out to us not to shoot him as he was going to disarm male 1. He said the male was reactivating. White light came on and further shots were fired. (Both males at this time were closer to the Stargate than our team). Male 2 then called for a parlay. Said his name was Doug. 1LT KING agreed and moved forward, I kept the male covered while SSGT STOKES and Smith remained out of sight. Male two stated that he had been sent to collect Dr Smith. 1LT KING again denied that we had seen him the male stated that he did not want to get shot and if there were more of us than him he could go back and explain to his bosses that he could not get him as he was out numbered. He said he had done his job ensuring the other male did not get Smith.

Male 1 then reactivated and gate walked behind male 2. I hear the gate activate. (No way could we have reached him in time to stop him).

We did not have enough troops to guard Smith and bring back prisoners. We agreed to let male 2 continue searching for Dr Smith and as we now had ten minutes to gate home. I directed him to move along the valley (away from the Stargate) and search an area further down the hill. As he moved away he encountered SSGT STOKES who had moved down the hill towards the Stargate, no shots were exchanged and Dr Smith was not seen. Once he was safely clear we moved down the hill and formed a defensive position close to the Stargate. On the Stargate opening SSGT STOKES and Smith moved off followed by 1LT KING and me.

SSGT STOKES abandoned his long arm weapon to assist Dr Smith but entered the Stargate with a loaded revolver. This discharged in the wormhole wounding Smith and causing him to have a heart attack.

Once back at base Smith collapsed but was quickly medivac to a hospital.

Observations/ Questions:

SSGT Christine Ward

Report #02: SSGT Bradley Stokes (CMO) UNMC RGHQ-51

I was looking forward to a nice, quiet re-introduction to the UNSGC - but apparently, that was not to be the case. A sudden urgent rescue mission, and what turned out to be a darkly mysterious phonecall and I was dragged kicking and screaming back into the field, to rescue a British scientist with a heart condition.

Still, we got the job done and all got out safely. I'm sure the LT breathed a sigh of relief at that point.

I'll be interested to see Dr Smiths Diary file again, when it makes it into the archive - it hints at odd goings-on in the other bases he'd been working from. Someone else can worry about what the Russians were thinking of, losing an important team member like that - some might call it careless.

Hopefully, someone with more understanding of these things can work out how to get the necessary readings and add them to the Spreadsheet of Doom - it'd be nice to know how long we've got before things go pear-shaped.


Report #03: 1LT Elizabeth King (Mission CO) UNMC RGHQ-51

Main text to follow.

Questions: Regarding the mysterious phone call received by SSGT Stokes about medication for Dr Smith and subsequent delivery of said medication:

Comments: Operational


Comments: Intelligence


Related Documents

Below are copies of the documents relating to OPERATION GREAT YARMOUTH, CON-77. See also Dr Smith's 201 (Personnel File)HERE, and his scientific data file HERE.

DATE: SEPTEMBER 26 2009 16:57:06Z





This email and any files transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of the E-mail and/or any files, that have been transmitted to you in error: please respond with an error report, then delete immediately. Any storage, copying, distribution or other use of the information contained therein is strictly prohibited

Nothing in this E-mail message amounts to a contractual or other legal commitment on the part of E.R., the UN, its agencies, commissions or other subordinate bodies, involved Governments, unless confirmed by a communication signed on behalf of the Secretary General.

The Network's computer systems may be monitored and communications carried on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes.
All emails were encrypted and scanned for viruses by Mil. Nets Secure Intranet (MNSi) and NiS virus scanning service supplied exclusively by the UNMC Intel. Dev. Unit in partnership with Starlabs GmbH.
On leaving the MNSi sub-system this email was certified secure and virus-free

Doc.1: SAR email request from BASE-54 in Russia.

Repeat Prescription

Boots the Chemist

Ambassador Avenue


Patients Name: Smith. C. R.

Address: RAF Henlow.

ASPRIN 175mg






Doc.2: Repeat Prescription for Dr C. R. Smith, delivered by currior on 09/26/2009 at circa 18:30, addressed to Dr Bradley Stokes, the RGHQ-51 CMO.

Cornel Smith “Book 4”

16/09/2009 14:25 As usual, I use the term book in the loose sense, as I’m too old to get the book and paper metaphor out of my head. The security goons around here haven’t cottoned onto the hard core note takers habit of using a CDR as notebook, ever since the bastards posted a banning order on taking notebooks through security. Must get a job where they don’t need rubber gloves for some of their searches. Physicist with 20 years experience, and 10 papers, all but 1 suppressed in the public interest – what a CV, and now an email summons with the inevitable, and now tedious, comment attached about my next ‘Indiana Jones’ moment. Ok, something’s up, time to pack, and off to hell in a hand basket.
16/09/2009 22:05 It lives, it scans, it’s really boring in down town night time Oxford without a visible (oxymoron) black hole, even with a Star Gazer (fancy name for software (commonly available, slightly tweaked)+computer controlled mount + telescope). I nearly killed myself laughing when I saw how heavy the stuff UNSGC carried around was – looked like it had been designed with the maximum ignorance, and minimum usability by some defence contractor padding the really simple into something profitable.
17/09/2009 16:25 Pills – check. Small overnight bag – check, laptop check – expenses form check, USB connector, hand built gubbins masquerading as high tech gravimetric detection equipment - Check digital camera – check. Spreadsheet with previous readings – check. Telescope, & drive mount, and batteries, and more fucking batteries - check. Spray in back pocket and prescription for customs, fending off thereof– check. Dog tags – check that they’re on the dog – check. Check list – check – how we laughed. They’re late, as normal, except if it’s me......Main gate in 7 mins 43 secs, usual drill, to an unnamed place, where usually the big clue is the first time somebody says anything. Army crap with bells on for n days, crap food, no beer. Spent more time in the bloody states with their alcohol and flavour lite pisswater than I’ve done in my own country. And to cap it all, most of the time I was at the base that doesn’t exist, with a load of humourless drug crazed psychos who never came back, at least while I was watching. I still haven’t been down the line at 51 - typical, it’s a few miles down the road, and I’ll have to wait to maybe November. I bet it looks identical inside, and with the same mind numbing bull swilling around the heads of the inmates, although doubtless they’ll be politer, as it is old Blighty, after all. Wonder what is going on at the end of the line – wouldn’t get that in a 9-5 job. This next trip might be the breakthrough.
18/09/2009 06:20 The clue may be in the make of the aircraft. Nobody who’s got a choice flies in these death traps any more. And they’re so noisy, I can’t sleep, but the 6 big pallets out the back don’t care about that.....Ah, comrade, I wonder where you hid that bottle and glasses. Glastnost
19/09/2009 12:48 Did I mention international travel adapter – check – nope – useless anyway, Ladas don’t have sockets. This must be the high life – in the US all I got was a ride in a military spec Hummer. So, this is the last of splines I know about, or that RA could swing an invite to. A lot of people must be interested in this shit to get an invite to the good old USSR. So what are the choices It’s normal – nope, 30 seconds, and a sky full of black hole says no. Picky, so it’s not a normal orbit. In today’s starter for 10 is it
a) Elliptical
b) Expanding
c) Decaying
d) Unknown, unobserved binary black hole perturbing the orbit – just overegging the pudding
First visit said a), second visit said a) with small reservations, although losing my lunch en route didn’t help the quality of observations........... Third visit was a calibration issue, after everything fell off a cliff in the worm hole, but if the reading?....So what surprises this time? The gravitational waves all indicate the same underlying source, but that’s been established for years now that they all end up at the same world, and now that I’ve seen all the gates, it’s awesome. JT was pretty handy, what with his dsp background, cough, but he did strip out all the harmonics from the in transit data in about the time it took me to promise him a pint. Then the penny dropped, and then the last 3 visits to anonymous bungalows fronting suspicious hills with comms masts on top, or their near analogues. So they all go tyo the one place, and you can see the black holes rhythm in the waves, and overlay them from different splines, and different times, and they’ll match, assuming you’ve a suitable tame ( luckily mine runs on beer) dsp engineer on tap, of course. Pity he’s no cop with astronomical readings – a little out of my speciality, but then, the paperwork would be reaaal taxing to send somebody else. Good job I’ve whatever his name’s model to plug the data into, and a 2 day course in ‘basic astronomy’ with the lightweight PhD addons... So, a) wouldn’t be problem, and looks ‘wrong’, even to my untrained eye. B) or c)?
21/09/2009 20:35 54th – the daytrip – in the evening, as agreed. Excellent. There do seem to be an abnormally large number of locked areas in this place, even allowing for it’s alleged uber security. And lots of vodka. And a large assortment of power adapters, and international adapters. And cashmere suit, black silk poloneck, and attached sunglass and seriously expensive bling wearers – on a military base? So 51, 52, 53, and 54 all allegedly in walking distance. Still can’t get over looking at such normal looking heavens, but with a chunk missing just like those ancient myths, as something devours the sky.
21/09/2009 23:52 Seems to be party central, and my escort team for Thursday seem to be inviting me for lots of drinks. Strange place. Oh, and one of the stereotypes in cashmere also put in an appearance for a drink, or three. I probably don’t get out enough. Don’t prejudge the data, don’t guess – oh what the hell – my money is on c), no b), I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so suar but every year a cuple of pints is owned to celebrate the non winning of the ritual bet on the Grande National. Last cuple, jut bet on the next beir, it’s chaper. Time for bed, no more chilli vodka..
23/09/2009 13:12 Thank the lord for a ruggadised laptop, and he shall save your data..Down to work, and all the usual bull and drills. They did the usual jokes about suit size, but it sounded so much funnier in a real faux Russian accent.
24/09/2009 14:49 Shit, I really am not getting any fitter. Some bastard decided it would be funny to see what colour my face went after the stairs. Apparently, it’ll all be a walk in the park, and that’s where I’ll be going. Not even bothering topping up their bloody airmile account by flying me home. Oh, no, today, comrade, you walk to the gate and the British, they collect you, and carry all your gear to boot.
OK, a) DULL DULL DULL it’s all so normal, so that not why HMG has spent shed loads to send me out here. DULL doesn’t get you into this weird dacha
b) Urm, so the whole planet careens off into the wilderness – everything dies, and the gates??? Could be tomorrow, could be just before the fat lady sings at the close of the universal performance. The maths are nearly beyond me, thank the for brains on sticks who put them into spreadsheets aka models, as they sound better in funding requests.
c) Urm, so the whole planet careens off into the black hole – everything dies, and by all accounts from the many eyewitness accounts, it’s spectacular, and the gates??? Mind you anybody who claims to have seen it/imagine it will supply the timber trade for far longer than poor old Pinnochio.
d) Fascinating, previously unobserved at close hand, but compared to b or c, just a little sedate. Could be totally unpredictable, but still lacks the cachet of b) or c) for cosmic billiards. Just how elastic are the wormholes? Are we talking rubber bands that twang a lot when they break, or a string of pearl s on carbon nanotube fibre?
25/09/2009 17:45 Last will and testament of one Cornel Smith, long not of this parish, I leave all my beers to my best mate - you know who you are , especially after a few too many. Who needs Ex Lax when there’s the prospect of an imminent ride in a variable strength washing machine, where some bastard is trying to stone wash his jeans, as if deliberately trashing clothing makes it any more fashionable.
25/09/2009 21:00 Forgot about the trip when I saw the sky – it’s changed even to my inexperienced eye. It covers more of the sky now – it’s awesome. C) if I was guessing – but check the equipment – stargazer -notional, 45.65% complete, battery life – I’ll have to change the stupid things, they always run out just before the end 68% Nearly there. Errm seems a few more gaps – quell suprise. Ok write to the CDR, change the CDR, write it to another backup, and then make one more just for Murphy’s personal use. I’m going to get me a Noble prize from the Unseen university Df zdfgk ;lkf;lk f;lkskdfsdfkxdjfkj dfkj hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Doc.3: Text of private journal on disk found upon the body of Dr C. R. Smith.

Judicial Notification

Upon the team's return through the Gate SSGT Bradley Stokes was formally charged with Deriliction of Duty in respect of his causing injury through a Negligent Discharge, arising from his failiure to clear his weapon prior to entering the wormhole. The charge of Aidding And Abetting The Enemy, in respect of the lost weapon, was dropped, and due to mitagating circumstances a simple reprimand will appear on his service record in respect of this incident.


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