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ABC Introduction | ABC Data | ABC Bar Chart |
This short page and the associated charts will serve as a primer regarding the significant threat posed by the airborne Alien Biological Contaminant that all off-world personnel are exposed to. Despite the use of Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) warfare suits, and respirators, prolonged exposure can result in serious behavioural changes, which represent a clear and present danger to our species, and some believe to the continued existance of life upon the Earth.
The charts linked to above show the measurements of the off-world ABC first identified in 1946 during Operation High Jump, now known to be a mix of sophisticated artificial virus-like nano-technologies of alien origin, classified as the M1a-M1k and M2 series. Marines serving in Operation High Jump (1946-7) observed German SS troops donning gas masks prior to exiting via the STAR GATES, at what later became BASE-78 in Antarctica. This action alone alerted allied forces to the potential risks of extraterrestrial excursions. Subsequent evidence indicates that at the time of Admiral Byrd's initial off-world excursion in 1934, the two forms of ABC had been at trace levels since the beginning of Snowball Earth, circa 715~595 million years ago (mya), just prior to the Cambrian Explosion some 540 mya. Whereas prior to this date only evidence for the M1 type can be found, and then only back to circa 3,500~3,900 mya. It then rose to a figure somewhat less than 100u (units*) by Byrd's return five months later in 1935. This can be asserted due to the fact that despite his long and unprotected exposure, Byrd did not suffer the detrimental conversion process typical of later casualties, although it is considered that it was a contributing factor to his death in 1957, and to that of the Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal previously in 1949 [q.v. The Tachikoma Report]. * 1u unit of airborne ABC = approximately 1 part per trillion by volume, that is equal to 1ml in 1 million m3 of atmospheric air. NB: comparitive contamination of plants and animals is much higher, and is usually expressed as a definite value, that is in "ml" (millilitres), aka "cc" (cubic centimetres). NB: the density or Specific Gravity of the ABC is equal to that of pure water (1g/ml). Note that to date no evidence of any form of ABC has been found here upon the Earth, nor in the geological record of any visited world prior to c.3,500~3,900mya, although the off-world record has only been lightly studied due to the military situation since 1996. It is worthy of note that all known worlds, including our own suffered the effects of global glaciation, oft refered to as the Snowball Earth hypothesis, all occuring at more or less the same time (715~595 mya). This is not considered to have been a coincidence, as according to paleological studies on affected worlds, this coincides with the first evidence of AS#2 (Alien Species #2), aka the Worms. A highly hostile and invaisive species, that devours entire biospheres. It is not suggested that they orcastrated the Snowball catastrophies, rather it would appear to have been a defensive act on the part of the builders in an attempt to protect all the worlds on the network. It should be noted that the only three key differences between the Earth and all visited worlds in this deep-time context, is:
By the time of Operation High Jump conducted during the Antarctic summer of 1946-7, the aggregate M1/M2 ABC level on all visited worlds had achieved slightly more than 100u. Here it remained until CON-52 in 2005, where after it began to rise, reaching almost 200u by the last quarter of 2006 (CON-61), and has continued to grow ever since. The only other noted changes during this period include:
* the designation AS1 has been reserved for the presumed Alien Species, often referred to as "The Builders", for which no other evidence has been found, other than the STAR GATES themselves. How, or if, these factors are in any way related remains at this time subject to debate. However it is generally accepted that impirical evidence points to some kind of a relationship existing between the interests of the Type 1 hostiles, the AS1 species and their M1 ABC, and between the Type 2 series of hostiles and the AS2 lifeform and the M2ABC. This is evident in the close association between the Gates themselves and the M1 type of ABC that causes our own missing personnel to convert from Type 0 (regular human) to Type 1 hostiles. Likewise there was the recovery of the so-called "overpositer" fragment, which is believed to be from the "tail" end of the species designated as AS2, and contained a high concentration of M2ABC which are only found in the T2, T3, T4 and T5 series of hostiles, who seek to convert T1's, and only pose an indirect threat to T0's. ConclusionBut in the final analysis it is clear that the two forms of ABC are engaged in a struggle for domination, and to this end they have co-opted the human species as hosts to wage their war across the vast battlefield that is the universe. An ancient war which we inadvertently reawakened by venturing through the STAR GATE network, and one we can possibly only stop, by recovering all our Missing In Action, and denying them our service as weapons platforms.Although now, with the discovery of the Black Hole, it may no longer be quite that simple. P567 has been shown to be in a decaying orbit, which implies that at some point in the not too distant future, the planet, and possibly all other planets connected via the network will be consumed by the black hole. If as suspected this is a deliberate act on the part of the Builders, then it appears to be a supreme act of self-sacrifice, and gross genecide for all the other species, intended to prevent the further spread of the Worms to other galaxies. A. R. Courtney BGEN 51ST Regt. UNMC
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