The following simplified bar chart is provided as an aid to visualising the data. The chart is laid out chronologically, starting with The Big Bang, and going via the significant historical events important to the CONTACT Program, such as Admiral Richard E. Byrd's five month solo off-world expedition in 1934, following the discovery in Antarctica of the first known Star Gates in 1928.
Note that the time increments between the beginning of the universe to 1935 have for obvious reasons, been compressed, thereafter all is to scale. The current CONTACT programme begins with CON-01 on 14th July 1996, with the first major changes in the volumes of ABC occuring at CON-052 during 2005 for the M1 type, and at CON-066 in 2009 for the M2 type. As there was no change in either ABC before CON-052, no individual entries for the prior operations have been included, however there after ALL operations are shown, and are identified where space permits. See the Introduction page for a guide to the subject of ABC, then consult the Data Set for a more in depth analysis.
Please note that the level of ABC always appears to be the same on ALL visited worlds, readings only varrying with time and not space. Also, remember that there is no known record of any active M1 or M2 ABC upon the Earth itself. However, it is unlikely that the Earth never had any ABC, thus it has been concluded, that these were lost at some point during the past. Here on Earth there is inconclusive fossile evidence for the presence of both types prior to 65 million years ago ( mya). The two significant differences between the Earth and all other worlds studied to date, is that:
there is no evidence of any kind of KT* type event off-world, and...
the Primate group of mammals appears to be unique to the Earth.
* The Cretaceous/Tertiary event or boundary, which is commonly abbreviated to K/T due to the German Kreide meaning "chalk" as does "Cretaceous". The KT event that formed the KT boundary layer in the Earth's crust, denotes the point, 65 million years ago ( mya) when it is suspected that an asteroid impacted the Earth, wiping out the Dinosaurs and 70% of all other life, allowing the rise of the mammals, and in particular the Primate group. The KT boundary layer is rich in Iridium, a rare mineral on the Earth, which is common in asteroids.
unit of airborne ABC = approximately 1 part per trillion by volume, that is equal to 1ml in 1 million m3 of atmospheric air. NB: comparitive contamination of plants and animals is much higher, and is usually expressed as a definite value, that is in "ml" (millilitres), aka "cc" (cubic centimetres). NB: the density or Specific Gravity of the ABC is equal to that of pure water (1g/ml).
"billions of years ago".
"millions of years ago".
Pale grey indicates that currently there is no evidence of any type of ABC in the geological record of any world during this period of time.
Red marks the first form of ABC ever identified (M1). This is found in all off-world environments as well as within T1 hostiles, both of which are a direct threat to humans (T0).
Blue marks the second form of ABC (M2), again found in all off-world environments, but only in T2, T3, T4 and T5 hostiles. These are a direct threat to the T1's only, and thus indirectly to us (T0) via the T1's.