UNMC HQ and other non-station specific personnel.
Est. 02 APR 99
AREA-50 United States. CLEGG HQ.
Est. 17 DEC 98
RGHQ-51 United Kingdom. Kelverdon Hatch, Essex. Originally known as the "Regional Government Head Quarters 5.1", but it's UNSGC designation is RGHQ-51.
Est. 02 APR 99
AREA-52 United States.
Est. 02 APR 99
BASE-53 French Republic. Rendered inoperable by hostile forces in 2003. The base was re-fitted for service, and commenced operations during 2013.
Est. 02 APR 99
SITE-54 Russian Federation (North coast of Siberia).
Est. 02 APR 99
REGION-55 People's Republic of China. In service between 02 APR 99 and sometime in 2003, when it was moved after the loss of BASE-53 to N.Korea. Where it was itself lost on 08 SEP 04 when the base CO used the self-destruct system during a Foot Hold situation. Since then personnel have worked from Harbin in N.E. China.
Est. 02 APR 99
Lost 08 SEP 04
BASE-56 in New Zealand. Not a Star Gate base, but one concerned with the recovery of Vostok Base in Antarctica.
Est. 13 AUG 03
BASE-78, aka Vostok Base in Antarctica. Formally under international control. This base which lay deep beneath the ice, in what is now called "Lake Vostok", was lost on 20 AUG 99 just before CON-21, due to a Foot Hold situation, which necessitated the use of the self-destruct system.
Est. 1946.