Updated: 19 OCT 18
Military Ref. Page
Promotion Points Chart

Decorations Medals & Awards Awards Granted Rank & Insignia Unit Awards Explained Decorations Criteria Chart Promotional Points Chart Medal Only Illustrations

A Brief Guide To Promotional Points

This table shows the minimum Promotional Points (PP), and the Expert Infantry Course Units (EICU) required for each rank within the UNMC. The former are earned by various actions for which awards are granted, while the latter require you to pass the Expert Infantry Course of training run by the Corps. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards for details of these awards and their points values. For a more detailed explanation see the Rank & Insignia pages.

* Note that promotions to those ranks marked with an asterisk depends upon vacancies within your unit, or other postings.

Points Non Commissioned Officers Commissioned Officers
120+ 58,000+ Command Sergeant Major - CSM General of the Marine Corps* - GMC
48,000+ Command Sergeant Major - CSM General * - GEN
39,000+ Command Sergeant Major - CSM Lieutenant General * - LGEN
31,000+ Command Sergeant Major - CSM Major General * - MGEN
24,000+ Command Sergeant Major - CSM Brigadier General * - BGEN
72+ 18,000+ Sergeant Major - SM Colonel - COL
36+ 13,000+ Master Sergeant - MSGT Lieutenant Colonel - LTC
9,000+ Sergeant First Class - SFC Major - MAJ
12+ 6,000+ Staff Sergeant - SSGT Captain - CPT
4,000+ Sergeant - SGT First Lieutenant - 1LT
2,000+ Corporal - CPL Second Lieutenant - 2LT
500+ Other Ranks
Private First Class - PFC Not Aplicable
0+ 250+ Private - PVT
0+ Private - PVT aka 'Recruit' or 'Rookie'
