SG51 Roster
201 File |
Updated: |
07 APR 19
Status: |
Soldiers Medal
Section A: Critical Data
Name |
STEWART. Theresa Tracie.
Rank |
First Lieutenant (1LT)
|  |
Serial# |
Gender |
Blood Group |
Drug Allergies |
NOPEN (No Penicillin)
Medical Issues |
Psychological Issues |
None known or suspected
Dietary Issues |
None known or suspected
Birth ~ Death |
~ N/A
Languages |
Nationality |
British (GB)
Marital Status |
Special Titles |
Ms or by rank
Section B: Administrative
File Opened/Closed |
01 JAN 99 ~ N/A
E-R Contract |
01 AUG 99
Branch |
Staff Specialist/Intelligence
Assignment |
Pay Grade |
Section C: Death & Disability
Next Of Kin |
Death Letter(s) |
Remains 2 |
Section D: Skills
Specialisations |
Medical Speciality:
Technical Specialisations:
Riverine/Sea Warfare
Weapon Specialisations:
Hand Gun
Education |
Prior History |
Section E: Security Issues & POI |
Spouse/Partner(s) |
None known or suspected
Children |
None known or suspected
Parents |
Siblings |
None known or suspected
Other POI |
None known or suspected
Financial Issues |
None known or suspected. See 201FILE
199101FIN1 |
Legal Issues |
None known or suspected. 201FILE
Extraordinary Issues |
None known or suspected.
Other Security Issues |
None known or suspected.
See 201FILE
Security Clearances |
Flight Status |
Section F: Special Notes & Remarks |
Served as the S2 (Intelligence Officer) for RGHQ-51 from CON-019 EIC#2 09 APR 99, through to CON-33 Op. NEWBURY 23-25 NOV 01
Details of her other service are CLASSIFIED. See 201FILE
Section G: Citations |
-#1 Awarded 17 FEB 07 The Citation Reads:
"During her first Flight operation with the UNSGC, on the night of CON-21 Operation TEWKSBURY, 21 AUG 99, First Lieutenant Theresa Stewart, the then newly appointed S2 (Intelligence Officer) for RGHQ-51, was directly responsible for saving the lives of her comrades, and ensuring the continued serviceability of the base. That night RGHQ-51 had suffered one successfull and one failled attempt to knock out the base. After the initial attack that damaged the terrestrial communications centre, Stewart undertook a sector search of the entire base, which resulted in her locating a large Improvised Explosive Device (IED), placed in the base's atmospheric filtration system in the primary plant room. If this bomb had detonated, the off-world team SG14, would have been stranded and probably lost, as at that time there was no means of redirecting them to another friendly Star Gate base. It would have also resulted in her own death, and would have rendered the base inoperable for many months. Stewart who was supported at a distance by Captain Rosie De Beer and Brigadier General Alastair R. Courtney, voluntarily, soley and successfully disarmed the IED, dispite not being qualified for EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal). In recognition of her outstanding bravery, Stewart, is this day, the 17th of February 2007, is awarded the Soldier's Medal for her personal heroism not involving direct combat with an enemy."
See Decorations, Medals & Awards
Section H: UNMC Service History |
Initial Deployment |
09 APR 99
Redeployment |
9 Operations:
CON-19EIC#2, -21*, -22EIC#4, -27*, -30C#1, -31*, -32*, -33*, -63RD#7.
Points, Rank & Awards
See also the general award criteria on the Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the special criteria for the Unit Awards, plus the Awards Granted for your whole regiment, and finally the Rank & Insignia, for a full explanation.
4,350 PP
0 Transfers −
0 3
1LT or SGT
First Lieutenant
Badge Awards:
Criteria or
Awards Granted
Staff Specialist/Intelligence Branch of Service Badge (INF):
4 years of service in this branch.
Astronauts Wings (ASTW): for your first off-world mission.
Unit Awards: Special Criteria Article
None as yet
Criteria or
Awards Granted
1 Soldiers Medal (SM): for Gallantry in the 2nd Degree while not in combat.
Service Medals & Ribbon Only Service Awards:
Criteria or
Awards Granted
4 Good Conduct Medals (GCM): for each tour of duty served.
2 National Defense Service Medals (NDSM): for participation in a designated campaign.
5 Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM): for participation in a named (Flight) operation.
4 Armed Forces Service Medals (AFSM): for participation in an unnamed (Support) operation.
1 Recruiting Service Ribbon (RSR): for participation in recruitment actions.
5 Armed Forces Reserve Service Medals (AFSM): for each tour of duty in the reserve.
Ribbon Qualifications:
Criteria or
Awards Granted
1 Personal Development Ribbon (PDR): for contributing to a designated Strategic Intelligence Conference.
UN & Long Service Medals:
Criteria or
Awards Granted
None as yet
Notes & Legend:
* Marks a Flight operation, i.e. one with a unique SG base specific operational codename.
** Marks any badge award insignia that has been superceded by a higher award and is therefore no longer worn.
1. Links highlighted in red, and entries marked as CLASSIFIED indicates that your present IP address does not have authorisation to access that data.
2. All remains of off-world personnel will be incinerated as a Level IV Bio-Hazard prior to release. Default indicates disposal is at the unit's discretion.
Any Transfer suffered while serving at the rank of Private (PV1 or PV2) and Private First Class, incur none of the normal rank related minuses.
This is the resulting possible ranks earned under the current promotions system.
This is the Marine's current serving rank. It may differ from the specified earned rank, if so it will be marked (PR), see below.
After Action Report, mission and operational reports/reviews.
BP# -
Battle Practise number X, military exercises.
C# -
Conference number X, normally either strategic or medical, or rarely other.
CON-# -
The numerical operational designation within the CONTACT program.
CRE# -
Combat Readiness Exercise. An acknowledged operator organised training event.
DL# -
Death Letter number X.
EIC# -
Expert Infantry Course number X, also often erroneously known as "Bootcamp".
Expert Infantry Course Units
Financial, the financial issues extension to this file.
Killed In Action, and the body recovered and disposed of.
LE -
Legal, the legal issues extension to this file, plus all contracts.
Missing In Action, regardless of whether alive or dead, no body has been recovered as proof.
Temporary Security Guard Service with a regiments Military Police Company.
N/A -
Not Applicable.
Next Of Kin.
OP. -
Operation, either named or CLASSIFIED.
Persons Of Interest.
PP -
Promotional Points.
(PR) -
Protected Rank, i.e. a rank earned under an earlier promotional system.
RD# -
Regimental Dinner number X.
RDC# -
Regimental Dinner & Conference number X.
Extraordinary File, the highly classified extension to this file.