SG51 Roster 201 File Updated:  08 APR 18 Status:  ACTIVE

1 Purple Heart

2 Air Medals

3 Combat Readiness Medals
Section A: Critical Data
Name MARTINS. Julian.
Rank Sergeant (SGT)
Serial# 196050
Gender Male
Blood Group D UNO
Drug Allergies NKA (No Known Allergies) 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -MED1
Birth ~ Death 11 AUG 70 ~ N/A
Nationality British   GB
Language(s) English
Marital Status Single
Special Titles Mr. or by rank
Medical Issues None known or suspected 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -MED1
Psychological Issues None known or suspected 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -MED1
Dietary Issues None known or suspected 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -MED1
Section B: Administrative
File Opened/Closed 01 JAN 94 ~ N/A
E-R Contract 13 JUL 96 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -LE1
Branch Infantry (INF)
Assignment RGHQ-51 (UK)
Pay Grade 5
Section C: Death & Disability
Next Of Kin TBA
Death Letter(s) TBA
Remains 2 Default
Section D: Skill Set
University Education None
Military Training CLASSIFIED
Medical Specialisations TBA
Technical Specialisations TBA
Weapon Specialisations TBA
Section E: Security Issues & POI
Spouse/Partner(s) None known or suspected
Children None known or suspected
Parents Deceased 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -POI1
Siblings None known or suspected
Other POI None known or suspected
Financial Issues None known or suspected. See 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -FIN1
Legal Issues None known or suspected. 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -LE1
Extraordinary Issues CLASSIFIED See 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -XFILE1
Other Security Issues None known or suspected.
Security Clearances
UN SC: SC5  Executive Resources
Site Access: RGHQ-51
Flight Status YES
Section F: History, Special Notes & Remarks
Details of his prior service is CLASSIFIED. See 201_FILE_ 196050_MARTINS_J -XFILE1
Section G: Citations
#1  Purple Heart: awarded as a result of the life threatening double chest wounds sustained during the second mission of Operation BENFLEET (CON-100) 01 APR 18, while in close contact with the enemy. His injuries were dressed in the field, and he was able to extract himself via the GATE with the rest of his unit, but was then transferred to Porton Down for further treatment. He is expected to make a full recovery.

See Decorations, Medals & Awards & Awards Granted

Section H: UNMC Service History
Initial Deployment
RGHQ-51 CON -001 BP#1 14 JUL 96 INFANTRY
Transfer #1:
14 Operations & 3 Combat Readiness Exercises:
CON -01BP#1, -02BP#2, -03*, -07*, -08*, -09*, -10EIC#1, -11*, -12*, -13*, -16*,-98RD#11C#10*,-099CRE-WHX-01,-099CRE-WHX-02,-099EIC#17*,-100CRE-WHX-03, -100*.

Points, Rank & Awards

See also the general award criteria on the Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the special criteria for the Unit Awards, plus the Awards Granted for your whole regiment, and finally the Rank & Insignia, for a full explanation.

7,650 PP
0 Transfers
− 0 Penalties3


Staff Sergeant
(SSGT) 5

Badge Awards: Criteria or Awards Granted
6 INFANTRY Branch Of Service Badge (INF)
Parachutists Wings (PARA): for qualifying as a parachutist (5 jumps).
Senior Astronauts Wings (SNASTW): for 40 hours off-world.
**Astronauts Wings (ASTW): for your first off-world mission.
Expert Infantry Badge (EIB): for 12 EICU's plus an off-world mission.
Combat Medics Badge 1st Award (CMB1): for your 1st requalification as a medic plus a combat mission.
**Expert Field Medics Badge (EFMB): for your qualification as a medic plus an off-world mission.

Unit Awards: Special Criteria Article
None as yet

Decorations: Criteria or Awards Granted
1 Purple Heart (PH): for suffering a critical wound at the hands of the enemy.
2 Air Medals (AM): for Heroism in the 2nd Degree while in aerial non-combat, or for 12 Star Gate missions.
1 Distinguished Unit Citation: for participation in a designated outstanding unit action of the 1st Degree.
2 Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC): for participation in a designated outstanding unit action of the 2nd Degree.
3 Combat Readiness Medals (CRM): in recognition of outstanding personal combat readiness.

Service Medals & Ribbon Only Service Awards: Criteria or Awards Granted
6 Good Conduct Medals (GCM): for each tour of duty served.
3 National Defense Service Medals (NDSM): for participation in a designated campaign.
1 Antarctica Service Medal, with Gold Winter Over Disk (ANTSM): for participation in operations from Base-78.
11 Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medals (AFESM): for participation in a named (Flight) operation.
3 Armed Forces Service Medals (AFSM): for participation in an unnamed (Support) operation.
16 Armed Forces Reserve Service Medals (AFSM): for each tour of duty in the reserve.

Ribbon Qualifications: Criteria or Awards Granted
3 Military Education Ribbon (MER): for achievement of a recognised qualification.
1 Personal Development Ribbon (PDR): for contributing to a designated Strategic Intelligence Conference.
3 Training Ribbons (TR): for 12 units of Battle Practice.

UN & Long Service Medals: Criteria or Awards Granted
1 United Nations Special Service Medal (UNSSM): for each 30 days of service with the UNMC.

Notes & Legend:

* Marks a Flight operation, i.e. one with a unique SG base specific operational codename.6
** Marks any badge award or insignia that has been superceded by a higher award and is therefore no longer worn.
1. Links highlighted in red, and entries marked CLASSIFIED indicates that your IP address is not authorised for access. See HERE.
2. All remains of off-world personnel will be incinerated as a Level IV Bio-Hazard prior to release. Default indicates disposal is at the unit's discretion.
3. Any Transfer suffered while serving at the rank of Private (PV1 or PV2) and Private First Class, incur none of the normal rank related penalties.
4. This is the resulting possible ranks earned under the current promotions system.
5. This is the Marine's current serving rank. It may differ from the specified earned rank, if so it will be marked (PR), see below.
6. Subject to a security classification/clearance, See HERE.
101FILE - Asset File, record of individual UNMC (UNSGC) assets.6
201FILE - Personnel File, record of individual UNMC (UNSGC) personnel or POI.6
301FILE - NGO File, the record for individual Non-Governmental Organisations.6
401FILE - Recovery/Retrieval File: the record of individual items, unknown persons or enterties 'retrieved' from off-world.6
501FILE - Scientific File, the record of individual scientific projects, programs, samples, items etc.6
601FILE - miscellaneous File, the record of individual miscellaneous elements not covered by any other file type.6
AAR - After Action Report, mission and operational reports/reviews.6
aka - "also known as".
BP# - Battle Practise number X, military exercises.
C# - Conference number X, normally either strategic or medical, or rarely, other.
CON-# - The numerical operational designation within the CONTACT program. See HERE .
CRE# - Combat Readiness Exercise. An acknowledged operator organised training event.
-DL# - A file suffix for a "Death Letter number X".6
EIC# - Expert Infantry Course number X, also often erroneously known as "Bootcamp".
EICU - Expert Infantry Course Units.
-FIN - Financial, the financial issues suffix to any file.6
KIA - Killed In Action, ONLY ever used when the body has been recovered as proof.
-LE - Legal, the legal issues suffix to any file or contract.6
-MED - Medical, the suffix to a TOP SECRET Medical Record/Report.6
MIA - Missing In Action, used regardless of belief as to status (alive or dead) when no body has been recovered as proof.
MPC (SGS) - Temporary Security Guard Service with a regiments Military Police Company.
N/A - Not Aplicable/Available.
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation.
1. Next Of Kin.
2. A file suffix "-NOK".6
OP. - Operation, either named or CLASSIFIED.
1. Persons Of Interest.
2. A file suffix "-POI".6
PP - Promotional Points.
(PR) - Protected Rank, i.e. a rank earned under an earlier promotional system.
RD# - Regimental Dinner number X.
RDC# - Regimental Dinner & Conference number X.
SC - Security Clearance.
TBA - "To Be Added/Advised"
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice.
WIA - Wounded In Action.
"X" - A place holder for an unknown.6
-XFILE - Extraordinary File, a suffix to any file type.6