Military References Page
Abbreviations, Acronyms
Glossary of Terms




The following list of abbreviations, acronyms and terms is the UK edition, provided as an aide, especially for new personnel, unfamiliar with the CONTACT Program. I have listed the most commonly encountered terms and abbreviations, which are shown in strict alpha-numeric order, with "marks" such as # at the beginning. Many operatives find having this document open in a separate page, very useful when writing or studying reports or other UNSGC documentation. All searchable terms are CAPITALISED, and any text that is underlined is a link to another page or site as indicated or implied by the entry.

If you note any errors or ommissions please email the webmaster.

Radio operators will find additional terminology etc., too specialised for these pages in Voice Radio Procedures pages.

List of Satirical & Cynical Entries

And finally, to save you the time and effort of searching, here is a complete alphabetical listing of the various humourous, profane, satirical and; cynical entries you can find in the following table:


Written by A. R. COURTNEY. BGEN. RGHQ-51, UK.

The Abbreviations, Acronyms & Glossary of Terms

As an aid to searching this page, certain entries are colour coded as set out below. Otherwise they are on a grey background.

BLUE BACKGROUNDS Entries on a BLUE background are for special terms for use in CONTACT
RED BACKGROUNDS Entries on a RED background are for weapons related terminology.
GREEN BACKGROUNDS Entries on a GREEN background are for terms related to uniforms, insignia and other military equipment.
# number - used to denote an unknown number of any length (hash mark).
#A ~ #Z 1. the alphabetical suffix to a time entry, defining a NATO TIME ZONE and used in a NATO DATE TIME GROUP (DTG). See also "ALPHA TIME", "DTG". "JULIET TIME", "TIME ZONE" and "ZULU TIME".

2. when used as a suffix to either a G-# or P# it identifies that Gate as the "A" to "Z" Gate on a given planet. NB: the "A" defines the Gate as the first to have been discovered on that specific planet. See also G-# and P#.

(# )IC 1. Number (Ordinal) IN COMMAND - when prefixed with a number this is the appointed POST within the CHAIN OF COMMAND of a UNIT, e.g. an SG Teams "3IC". At the TACTICAL level, the authority of the POST surpasses that of other UNIT members, regardless of rank. See also 1IC, 1IC, 3IC, CO, OC and STRATEGIC.

2. when used as a prefix without a number to a UNIT designation, it identifies that unit's commander, e.g. IC ECHO SQUAD. See also CO and OC.

? unknown - used in table entries where the data is not known (question mark).
~ "to" - a range from ~ and to (tilde).
1IC First IN COMMAND - a rarely used title of the appointed POST within the CHAIN OF COMMAND of a UNIT. At the TACTICAL level, the authority of the POST surpasses that of other UNIT members, regardless of rank. NB: the terms CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) or OC (OFFICER COMMANDING) are preferred as appropriate. See also (#)IC, 2IC, 3IC, CO, OC and STRATEGIC.
1LT First lieutenant - the officer rank above 2LT and below Captain.
2IC Second IN COMMAND - the title of the appointed POST within the CHAIN OF COMMAND of a UNIT. At the TACTICAL level, the authority of the POST surpasses that of other UNIT members, regardless of rank. See also (#)IC, 1IC, 3IC, CO, OC and STRATEGIC.
2LT Second Lieutenant - the lowest officer rank.
3IC Third IN COMMAND - the title of the appointed POST within the CHAIN OF COMMAND of a UNIT. At the TACTICAL level, the authority of the POST surpasses that of other UNIT members, regardless of rank. See also (#)IC, 1IC, 3IC, CO, OC and STRATEGIC.
A 1. ALPHA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "A"
2. when used as a prefix to another abbreviation, it means "Assistant" or "Acting" (context dependent). For example ADI, "Assistant Drill Instructor".

See also #A~#Z and ALPHA~ZULU

"A1" an unofficial term meaning perfect. See also "A1 ~ F6" below.
A1 ~ F6 The alpha-numeric NATO Intelligence Evaluation Legend, see Table 2 of the UNMC Military Reference Charts .
1. ASSEMBLY AREA - the designated point near the LANDING ZONE (LZ) or DEPARTURE ZONE (DZ) where a unit can regroup and reorganise post or pre JUMP.
2. ANTI AIRCRAFT, or "Ack-Ack"/"AK-AK" (WWII usage).
3. ANTI AIRCRAFT ARTILLERY - guns employed against aircrat. These days often referred to as "Triple A" or less often "Trip A", and can include guided missiles.
AAR AFTER ACTION REPORT - an operative's post operation written report, that is then uploaded to the unit website as a record of events. Contains concise details of what, where, when, who and why in each MISSION participated in, plus remarks and recommendations on the conduct and outcome of the operation. Where appropriate projections for future operations are included. See SALUTE, and the UNMC AAR Template.
ABC Alien Biological Contaminent - the nanite/virus like infection that transforms operatives in to T1's, and T1's in to T2 hostile.forces (See also M1 and M2). NB: in older records the "AB" meant "Air Bourne" or "Airbourne Biological" rather than "Alien Biological", as its origins were unknown at that time. NB: unlike most biological or chemical weapons this hazard can only enter the human body through large openings such as the tear ducts of the eyes, the ears, nose, mouth, anus, penis, vagina and any open wounds, cuts or abrasions. OFF-WORLD crews are therefore required to wear NBC SUITS (jacket, trousers, gloves and boots) and a RESPIRATOR. See MOP, the ABC Reports page, and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.
AB NEG the "AB Negative" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
AB POS the "AB Positive" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
ACHM Achievement Medal
"ACTUAL" - this is the verbalised radio designation of the ACTUAL commander of a UNIT, which is a suffix to its CALLSIGN, e.g. "CHARLIE ACTUAL" or "213 ACTUAL", clearly identifying the speaker as the UNIT commander. Another example: "HELLO HOTEL TWO THREE THIS IS HOTEL TWO ONE ACTUAL" . this is the H21 commander. The H21 station's normal operator would instead just say "HELLO HOTEL TWO THREE THIS IS HOTEL TWO ONE" . See Radio Procedures .
ACU Army Combat Uniform - the current design of US Army issue battle dress, now being made in MULTICAM™ which is designated as OCP (Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern). The ACU was originally produced in what is today called UCP (Universal Camouflage Pattern), a digital camouflage, that was originally known as ACU (Army Camouflage Uniform), then ARMPAT (Army Pattern). ACU now means the cut, not the colour. It officially replaced the BDU cut in 2004. Here are examples of the current US Army issue ACU cut Jacket and Trousers made by Tru-Spec, called their "Tactical Response Uniform" or "T.R.U". See also SDU, the in-base Service Dress Uniform.
NB: the above links are to Propper, one of the key military manufacturers in the USA.

NB: the term BDU is used in the UNMC to mean any style of BATTLE DRESS UNIFORM, see BDU.

AD# ALIEN DERIVED # - any piece of non-experimental ALIEN DERIVED technology, with an ID number. See also OWT and XAD#
AD28 The medical chamber employing harvested ABC (Type M1b), to regenorate severely injured MARINES that have been the subject of a CASEVAC or MEDIVAC from an OFF WORLD MISSION. Colloquially known as a SARCOPHAGUS, due to its resemblance to the Egyptian Pharaonic burrial chamber. The British AD28 is housed at Department 51 of DSTL, Porton Down, near Salisbury in Wiltshire.
AD456 an ALIEN DERIVED agent, designed for intramuscular injection, that renders the patient highly suggestable. However it can lead to a psychotic episode, and thus its use is restricted. See also OWT and XAD#.
ADC Aide de Camp - the ppersonal assistant to a "General Officer". The "Executive Officer" (XO) of the commander of a STAR GATE base combines the roles of ADC and Chief of Staff (COS). At the General Staff level the XO's role is split in two to spread the increased work load. ADCs are identified by the wearing of a shoulder cord (aiguillette/aiglet).
ADJ Adjutant - the administrative officer POST (S1) within a UNSGC regiment. The abbreviation"Adj" itself is sometimes used as the spoken title, especially in British sourced unitss. The corresponding POST of G1 at the General Staff level is called the "Adjutant General" (AG), who is the CO of the AG BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS).
AEG Automatic Electric Gun
AFESM Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal
"AFFIRMATIVE" in battlefield speech and voice radio work it is used instead of the words, "Yes" as it can be lost in transmission, and the word "right", which is exclusively reserved for use in giving some kind of spacial directions. See also "CORRECT" and "NEGATIVE". See also Radio Procedures .
AFRSM Armed Forces Reserve Service Medal
AFSM Armed Forces Service Medal
AFV "Armoured Fighting Vehicle" - a catch all term for the majority of military vehicles fitted with protective armour. A wheelled or tracked "APC" or a tank, and even some kinds of tractors are referred to as AFVs. See "APC".
AG 1. Adjutant General - a BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS), responsible for Administration & Finance.
2. the Adjutant General - is the "GENERAL OFFICER's" appointment to the POST of CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) of the AG branch. They serve as a member of the "GENERAL STAFF" as its G1. See also "ADJ" and "S1".
"Automatic Grenade-launcher", "Automatic Grenade Launcher" or "Automatic Grenade-launching System" - a class of weapon that can fire high explosive rounds, smoke or gas grenades, flares or shotshells, and fires fully automatically. Sometimes referred to as "grenade machine guns", for example the belt fed US made 40x53SR Mk19 , or the current Russian 30x29B AGS-30 weapons.
AIR SUPPORT The provision of additional FIREPOWER to ground forces by aircraft.
a series of very popular Russian ASSAULT RIFLEs, starting with the classic AK47.
aka also known as
ALLERGY RECOGNITION CODE an abbreviation used on DOG TAGS and specialist patches as follows:
NKA - meaning "No Known Allergies".
NO PEN meaning "No Penicillin".
ALPHA the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "A". See A, ALPHA TIME and ALPHA~ZULU.
ALPHA~ZULU (SQUAD) the SQUAD designations "ALPHA" to "ZULU" used within the ad hoc Star Gate Team and other military formations. It is always fully capitalised in reports etc. to distinguish it from other text, e.g. "Charlie did X" or "CHARLIE did X", one is a specific person named Charlie, while the other is a unit. Sometimes abbreviated when suffixed to SG TEAM # e.g. SG TEAM 213A, that is the ALPHA SQUAD of the SG TEAM conducting the third mission of the 21st operation.
ALICE All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment. The first all nylon "webbing" system introduced by the US in 1967 under the original designation of M67. Still in common use with US derived forces. It replaced the M56 Load Carrying Equipment system, , and was in turn replaced by MOLLE , which is the current Load Carrying "webbing" system. It came in three varriations LC1, LC2 and lc3, in Olive Green and numerous camouflage patterns.
"ALL PRESENT AND CORRECT" the statement that gets mainly used as part of parades etc., to mean that everyone is there, and correctly turned out/equipped. See also "APAF"
ALL ROUND DEFENCE FORMATION a circular defensive FORMATION. At night, each MARINE lies close to their comrade and places their right ankle over the left one of the MARINE to their right, so that silent signals can be passed around the group. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, this FORMATION is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
ALPHA TIME the suffix "A" to a time entry, meaning BST (British Summer Time) or CET (Central European Time), e.g. 1830A, said as "Eighteen thirty alpha". Used in a NATO "DATE TIME GROUP" (DTG). See also "DTG", "JULIET TIME", "TIME ZONE" and "ZULU TIME".
AM Air Medal
AMBUSH 1. The TACTIC of laying in wait for an enemy in a position over-looking a KZ (KILLING ZONE). AMBUSHES come in the following types:
HASTY AMBUSH - an improvised action, instituted to take advantage of an immediate situation.
AREA AMBUSH - one in which there are several KILLING ZONES over a large area being covered by many units acting in concert.
POINT AMBUSH - a single KILLING ZONE with clearly defined boundaries.
NB: the HASTY and POINT AMBUSH can be laid out in three common patterns: I, L and Z.
2. A MISSION type designation, wherein the execution of an AMBUSH is the primary OBJECTIVE. Such MISSIONS require double or higher BATTLE LOADS to be carried by the MARINES. See also COMBAT, LOGISTICS, PATROLS, RAID, RECON, SAD and SAR.
AMR Anti Material Rifle - an extremely large rifle for long range sniping or destruction of soft targets like vehicles. Chambered in HEAVY MACHINE GUN or Cannon calibres such as the Barrett M82 in .50 Browning Machine Gun (12.7x99mm) or the Denel NTW-20 in 20x110mm.
A NEG the "A Negative" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
ANTSM Antarctica Service Medal - maybe suffeixed with either:
B = Bronze Winter Over Disc (1 Winter)
G = Gold Winter Over Disc (2 Winters)
S = Silver Winter Over Disc (3 Winters)
AO AREA OF OPERATIONS - the usually defined GROUND in which a given unit conducts its operations. This can be the size of an entire planet, or as small as the grounds of a single house.
"A-OK" pronounced "Ay-Oh-Kay" and meaning "All Okay".
AP Armour Piercing
APAF "All Present and/or Accounted For" - used both verbally in full, or as an acronym in documents, to confirm that the location/situation of all members of a unit is known. See also "All Present And Correct".
APC Armoured Personnel Carrier - a variety of Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV), specifically designed to carry a unit of infantry on to, and around the battlefield. See for example the US Army's Stryker Infantry Combat Vehicle, which is based upon the less expensive Swiss MOWAG Piranha as used by some US elements of the UNMC in trials.
A POS the "A Positive" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
These are the NATO Military Symbols for Land Based Systems, as used on maps, computers and in documents, for example all forces on the battlefield are colour coded in accordence with APP-6C, or ascribed a shape for black and white media, as follows:
RED DIAMOND = Hostile Forces (sometimes orange is used).
GREEN SQUARE = Neutral Forces
BLUE RECTANGLE = Friendly Forces
See also "BLUE ON BLUE" and this Wiki page.
ARA# Allocated Registered Admin Number - the set of personnel designations issued by GHQ, that form the last five figures of a Marine SERIAL NUMBER. Each nation prefixs the term with a national ID reference, which for Britain is UK, and thus this number is known as the UKARA number. See UKARA# and SERIAL NUMBER.
The degree of latteral movement/observation that a UNIT, ELEMENT or individual MARINE has from a given position, enabling them to see or shoot without restriction.
AREA-50 the USA's UN Special Forces STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
AREA-52 the USA's principle STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
ARMPAT "Army Pattern" - The intermediate name between the original ACU and the current UCP for the US Army's digital camouflage, that is still in service with OFF-WORLD enemy units. See ACU and UCP .
ARROWHEAD FORMATION an EXTENDED LINE bent in to a an inverted V shape. Used during daylight when advancing towards the enemy in high threat areas, aka WEDGE. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, this FORMATION is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
ART# ARTEFACT number: The format for the logging in of all items, materials or personnel recovered during flight operations to permit the identification of each for the purposes of reporting. For example the first item of the first mission of the third operation from the UK Star Gate, would be logged in as "ART51-CON-003.1#01ABC", which breaks down as follows:

  • "ART51" This identifies the item or person as a designated Artefact which was recovered through the UK's Star Gate (SG51).
  • "-CON-003" This is the CON number for the operation during which the item was recovered.
  • ".1" This is the Mission number within the specified operation.
  • "#01" This is the log-in number for an individual or item recovered during the specified mission.
  • "ABC" The three letter or alpha-numeric category guide based upon the SG Teams judgement at the time of capture, in this case a container of liquid ABC. Use the following suffixs:
    • "???" Item category is unknown. Always treated as hazardous.
    • "ABC" For liquid ABC.
    • "AS1" For a sample of Alien Species #1 (the Gate builders).
    • "AS2" For a sample of Alien Species #2 (the "Worms").
    • "BIO" For any item that may contain living or dead organic tissue. Always treated as hazardous.
    • "INT" For any item that may contain intelligence data, such as documents, computers etc.
    • "KIT" For any item of equipment, weaponry, ammunition or other conventional supplies.
    • "T0A" ~ "T5H" The well known "Typologies" for infected or non-infected Humans or Animals, with "A" or "H" suffixed as appropriate.
    • "WMD" Weapons of Mass Destruction, that is any device or material concerned with the production or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

Please take care to log in items correctly as errors will cause confusion for future analysts.

ARTICLE 15 Non-Judicial Punishment - aka NJP, that portion of military law, not requiring a Court Martial, and the mandatory imposition of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), dealing with minor offences that can be dealt with by the offenders COMMANDING OFFICER.
1. Alien Species #"X" - a designation, suffixed with an identification number ("X"), used for any clearly alien life forms encountered OFF-WORLD. So far all species save one, AS#2, have been genetically identical to those found on Earth without exception, and cannot be considered as truly "alien". NB: the M1 and M2 ABC, are regarded as a form of technology, or possibly a virus. They are not considered to be "alive" in the accepted sense, as they are apparently incapable of reproduction.
2. Alien Species #1 - the designation reserved for "The Builders" of the STAR GATE network. To date they remain, as far as we know, unencountered, and no evidence of their biology or structure has been submitted. However, the repeated nature of the Earth clones is indicative of a species requiring an enviroment identical to our own. The sizes of the smallest "end" Gates, which are impossible for humans to pass, implies that they are in all provibility, significantly smaller or far more sinuous than us. The M1 ABC, and T1's may have some kind of a relationship to AS#1, as the M1's appear to be closely associated with the STAR GATEs themselves.
3. Alien Species #2: often referred to as a "Worm", a descriptive term for the only known alien life form actually encountered to date, and sometimes incorrectly recorded as either "ALF#2" or "XM#2", the latter most often in early US records (where "XM" stands for "Xenomorph"). No images exist, as extremely few have survived an encounter with these creatures. Reports state that they vary in size from about 10~200 metres in diameter, and from 100~3,000 metres in length. Their structure is tubular, and segmented like an earthworm, with a wall thickness of 1~10 metres (all figures approximate). Their interior is pink in colour, and likened to silicone rubber in texture. Their exterior is multicolored, with a mixture of mettalic finishes distributed as fine particals. The smaller ones are known to be able to compress their diameter to permit them to pass through the STAR GATEs, which is how they are infesting the network. In terms of appearance, many have referenced the "Sandworms" from the movies and TV mini-series of the novel by Frank Herbert Dune, first published in 1965. Usually with the added comment "but vastly larger and without the teeth" [Chinese Operative], where as a British survivor reported that "their numbers were so great that they covered the land from horizon to horizon, in a great heaving mass, like monsterous maggots." [the ground about the STAR GATE fortunately for the SG team, remained clear, although they were unable to stand due to the ground tremors]. See the "Sandworm Attack" , on YouTube, an extract from the first in the Dune mini series as a very rough guide to their size, power and the level of fear and respect they induce. We have samples of their surface structure, see the DSTL REPORT for the British mission that retrieved it during CON-65 , which corroborates their descriptions of having a brightly coloured almost mettalic finish. Analysis of the material indicates that it is most probably a living creature and not a machine, or hybrid, but one that is ideally adapted to survive in hard vacuum, and that therefore the species may have originally been space faring. Survivors reports, support this last theory, with their observations of the animal in flight, using what appears to be vectored thrust, via their segmented divisions of their body, drawing in vast amounts of air in through their enormous "mouths". The evidence found during CON-65 suggests, that these are the source for the M2 nanite, either merely as carriers or possibly manufacturers. Quite what the relationship is, if any, between AS#2 and the T2 series is, remains subject to speculation at this time. However it is clear that any world landed on by AS#2, have their bio-spheres almost entirely consumed, resulting in the planet becoming a "SNOWBALL EARTH".
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASSAULT a vigorous attack in a single direction at or through an enemy position. See "SAS" and "SMC".
ASSAULT RIFLE AR - the class of infantry weapon that fires an intermediate powered cartrige, more powerful than a PISTOL round, (9x19mm), and less than a standard BATTLE RIFLE round (7.62x51mm). Today these are the standard service rifle, for example the current Russian 5.45x39mm AK74 , the US 5.56x45mm M16 aka AR-15, and British L85A1 aka SA80, or the classic Russian 7.62x39mm AK47 .
ASSAULT GROUP a FIRE TEAM (2~3 MARINES) or a SQUAD (2~12) whose job is to assault an enemy position during the final phase of an attack, with a SUPPORT GROUP providing COVERING FIRE. In the past this was called the RIFLE GROUP, and was a 5 person team, solely armed with SLRs, whereas its counterpart, the GUN GROUP, was a 3 person team equipped with a GPMG. Typically in armed forces today each FIRE TEAM is the same size, typically 4 persons, and normally has exactly the same weapons, namely ASSAULT RIFLES and a SQUAD AUTOMATIC WEAPON (SAW) each for maximum FIREPOWER during a FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK. In a FLANKING ATTACK all the MACHINE GUNS are assigned to the SUPPORT GROUP, leaving the ASSAULT GROUP with just ASSAULT RIFLES. See FIRE TEAM and SQUAD
ASTW Astronaut's Wings
AS YOU WERE the order to just go back to whatever you were doing before you were interupted. You can also use "CARRY ON".
ANTI TANK or ANTI-TANK WEAPON: a weapon designed to destroy or disable a tank or other armoured fighting vehicle. Some can be used against bunkers and infantry. The Swedish 84mm Carl Gustav is one of the most versitile weapons of this kind, while the RPG-7 is one of the most famous.
ANTI TANK RIFLE: the obsolete precursor to the Anti Material Rifle (AMR) which evolved from it. See the British Boys ATR as an example.
ANTI TANK GUIDED WEAPON: a missile, that is guided to its target by various means, for example the famous TOW missile system.
ATO Ammunition Technical Officer - the person assigned the duty of disposing of UXOs (Unexploded Ordnance), that is bombs, mines or other munitions that pose a threat.
AU 1. Australia - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
2. Astronomical Unit: a unit of measure equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. 1 au = 149,597,870,700 metres (exactly).
any weapon capable of loading, firing and reloading itself with no other action other than the depressing of the trigger. See also "SEMI AUTO" and "FULL AUTO".
AVW Aviator's Wings
AWOL "Absent With Out Leave" - absent from one's POST without permission.
A"X" "Acting X" or "Assistant X" prefix to another abbreviation "X"; e.g. ACO for Acting COMMANDING OFFICER, or ADI for Assistant Drill Instructor.
This is the direction designated as 12 o'clock, when using the clock method of target identification, as in a set of FIRE CONTROL ORDERS. Normally, for a moving UNIT, the direction of travel is always the AXIS OF MARCH or MLA (MAIN LINE OF ADVANCE). Either use is context dependant, so if you are in an OBSERVATION POST, you are clearly not marching. Likewise, if you are in a TRENCH system and you are required to engage an enemy, this maybe refered to as the AXIS OF FIRE. The important word is AXIS, and whatever you have called it, you must only have one of them. Multiple axeswill cause confusion and worse. See also MLA.
B BRAVO - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "B"
BA Bachelor of Arts - a low level university grade educational qualification.
BAND A BAND defines a section of the electro-magnetic spectrum used to send and receive radio signals. In CONTACT three BANDS are used, listed in order of increasing FREQUENCY and decreasing WAVELENGTH:
  • HF BAND or HIGH FREQUENCY 3 ~ 30 MHz / 100 ~ 10 metres.
  • VHF BAND or VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 30 ~ 300 MHz / 10 ~ 1 metres.
  • UHF BAND or ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY 300 ~ 3,000 MHz (3 GHz). / 100 ~ 10 centimetres.
BASE-53 the French Republic's STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
BASE-54 the Russian Federation's STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
BASE-56 the New Zealand UNSGC Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
BASE-78 the former international Antarctic STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
BASEBALL CAPS aka CONTRACTORS CAP. A peaked cap made of soft fabric like NYCO etc., whose crown is made up of segments like an orange, normally these days with a gap at the back with a means of closing and adjusting the size. Available in a wide range of colors, including MULTICAM™ fabric like NYCO. NB: real-world contract soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan were not allowed to wear any kind of camouflage whatsoever, plain colours only.
See also "PATROL CAP" and "WATCH CAP".
BATTALIONS a UNIT comprising 2+ COMPANIES, or at least 64+ MARINES. And serves as the building block for a REGIMENT. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a BATTALION is a pair of vertical bars: ||.
BATTLE LOADS 1. The types and quantities of the necessary weapons, munitions, equipment, food, water and medical supplies, plus specialised kit required to be carried by a MARINE, for the conduct of a given MISSION. This is determined by the following factors:
Duration of MISSION: how long will it last, hours, days, weeks or months, and is it a daylight or nighttime only MISSION.
Climate and Terrain: will it be cold, temperate or hot, dry, rain or snow, flat, hilly or mountainous, grassland, woodland, jungle or urban.
Communications: will you only have your UNITS integral communications, or will you have links to other UNITS, or will you have OFF-WORLD equipment available.
Resupply & Support: does the MISSION have to be self sufficient or will it be supported. What will the frequency and ease of resupply be like. What about friendly UNITS, REINFORCEMENTS, ARTILLERY or AIR SUPPORT.
2. The quantity of ammunition to be carried by a MARINE equipped with a typical weapon is:
Survival Load: under 100RDS
Light Load: 100+
Standard Load: 200+
Heavy Load: 400+
Extra Heavy Load: 600+
BATTLE RIFLE a class of infantry weapon more powerful than an ASSAULT RIFLE, and usually less powerful than a SNIPER RIFLE. Typically chambered in calibres like 7.62x51mm NATO and the Russian 7.62x54R, which made them difficult to control in fully automatic fire mode. These days most commonly found in the semi-automatic "DMR" or Designated Marksman role. Examples of typical BATTLE RIFLEs include the 7.62x51mm NATO British Army L1A1 SLR , the German Army's H&K G3 , and the US Army's M14 .
BAYONET A COMBAT KNIFE designed to be clipped on to the MUZZLE of a CARBINE, RIFLE or SHOTGUN. Originally a defensive, then later an offensive weapon. Today mainly used for intimidation in crowd and EPW control. A typical current issue example is the US M9 that is in service with the UNSGC. See also COMBAT KNIFE, MULTITOOL, RESCUE KNIFE, SURVIVAL KNIFE and SWISS ARMY KNIFE.
BB BALL BULLET - a purely spherical projectile fired from any kind of gun. See also BULLET and ROUND.
BDA Battle Damage Assessment - a judgement about the effectiveness of an attack upon the enemy.
BDU 1. BATTLE DRESS UNIFORM is the term used in all UNMC documents for any style of field uniform intended for combat and/or work details. As of 2008 the only requirement is that MARINES replace their old BDUs with ones in MULTICAM™ camouflage pattern, or the approved alternatives, "CAMOGROM" and "MTP". Here are examples of the current US Army issue ACU cut Jacket and Trousers made by Tru-Spec, called their "Tactical Response Uniform" or "T.R.U". See also SDU, the in-base Service Dress Uniform.
NB: the above links are to Propper, one of the key military manufacturers in the USA.
2. the original US military's BDU cut of uniform used until its official replacement by the ACU design in 2004.

NB: Remember that the term BDU is used in the UNMC to mean any style of BATTLE DRESS UNIFORM, it does not refer to the cut (2).

BEANIE HAT an American nickname for a WATCH CAP qv.
BERM a BERM is a kind of FORTIFICATION, being a long mound of earth or sand designed to provide protection from weapons fire, while at the same time enabling TROOPS to move along on top of, or behind it.
BFO "Bits Falling Off" - an old Royal Air Force expression, often seen as a label on broken items of kit requiring repair, particularly aircraft. Commonly used by TROOPS in the field to describe their own physical state. See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
BGEN Brigadier General - an officer rank, above Colonel and below Major General.
BLUE FORCES Friendly forces, see APP-6C for more details, and BLUE ON BLUE.
BLUE ON BLUE in NATO, friendly forces are colour coded blue. When two such units accidentally fire upon one another, this is termed as a "BLUE ON BLUE" incident.
BMG a series of machine guns designed by the famous American weapons designer John M. Browning. Today the most well known and well regarded of which today is the M2 Browning Machine Gun chambered in 12.7x99mm ammunition which is aka .50BMG.
B NEG the "B Negative" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
1. a manually operated weapon system using either a rotating or straight pull mechanism to load and unload it. The system is popular for SNIPING RIFLES as it is inherently more accurate than SEMI-AUTO systems.
2. a RIFLE using the BOLT ACTION system of operation. Three modern examples are the M24 and M40 rifles used by US forces, and the British AX338 super magnum rifle.
BOONIE HAT aka "BUSH HAT" or "JUNGLE HAT": a broad brimmed soft cotton or mixed fibre type hat (see NYCO). Used for protection from the sun. It normally has a lace chin loop to stop it falling off in high winds, with two or more brass ventalation grills in the side. The brim may be narrow at 50mm or extra wide at up to 100mm. Sometimes they have a map pocket in the crown. Available in almost any colour or pattern of camouflage including MultiCam
NB: the link is to Propper, one of the key military manufacturers in the USA.
BOS BRANCH OF SERVICE - the Marines and staff of the UNSGC, are initially assigned to, and trained by, their BOS, that specialises in particular skills. They are then brought together to form Regiments and other formations to conduct operations. Marines may move from one branch to another as their career develops. The eleven branches are, in alphabetical order:
Adjutant General - AG
Artillery - ARTY
Cavalry - CAV
Engineers - ENG
Infantry - INF
Inspector General - IG
Judge Advocate General - JAG
Medical - MED
Military Intelligence - INT
Military Police - MP
Special Forces - SF
Their insignia can be seen on the Decorations, Medals & Awards page, and the Awards Granted page.
B POS the "B Positive" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
BPU Battle Practise Units - Points earned through participation in military exercises.
BRAVO the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "B".
BREAK CONTACT the TACTIC of moving away from the enemy in a controlled fashion, without panic, and with the intent to remain in the BATTLEFIELD. You can also use "DISENGAGE", "PULL OUT" or "WITHDRAW". See "ROUT" and "RETREAT".
BREVITY CODE a short group of letters or numbers, used as a shorthand in radio comunications to relay a set form of information with speed and clarity, such as the well known American police 10-Code (not used by the military). See "Q-CODE" and "Z-CODE". See also Radio Procedures .
BRIGADE a UNIT comprising 2+ REGIMENTS, or at least 256+ MARINES. And serves as the building block for a DIVISION. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a BRIGADE is a single capital X. The abbreviation is BGE.
NB: in the UNSGC the term COMMAND is used in place of DIVISION.
BS Bronze Star - a decoration (medal).
BS Bull Shit - lies. Often expressed phonetically as "BRAVO-SIERRA". See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
BSc Bachelor of Science - a low level university grade educational qualification.
BUDDY BUDDY SYSTEM the method of placing MARINES in to a 2 or 3 person element called a FIRE TEAM, so that they can be mutually supportive in every aspect, that is by "watching each others back". If one of them goes down, the other(s) can provide assistance or summon aide, give COVERING FIRE, or if needed evacuate their wounded comrade. The FIRE TEAM is the most basic and smallest viable defensive military UNIT, not intended for offensive action by itself. Serves as the building blocks for larger UNITS such as a SQUAD (normally 4~12) . If the FIRE TEAM fails to stick together in the field the entire UNIT will crumble and die. One person is the LEADER and the other is their WING, usually decided by seniority/rank.
See AS#1
BULLET the actual projectile fired from any kind of gun. See also BB and ROUND.
BUNKER a BUNKER is a kind of FORTIFICATION, which may be on the surface like a SANGER, or buried deep under the ground. Intended to house a large number of TROOPS, a hospital or COMMAND POST (CP). It is designed to provide protection from heavy weapons fire. Often a permenant structure built of reinforced concrete, such as our base at RGHQ-51. See also "BERM", "FORTIFICATIONS", "FOXHOLE", "HESCO", "SANDBAG" "SANGER", "SHELL SCRAPE" and "TRENCH".
C 1. CHARLIE - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "C"
2. Conference - an annual operation run by each SG base. Normally combined with a Regimental Dinner event "RD", into "RDC".
Normally written as Cal or cal.
1. The diameter of the bore of a barrel.
2. When the term is prefixed by a number or a decimal point and a number, this is a imperial calibre measured in fractions of an inch. For example the 50cal or .50cal Browning Machine Gun (12.7mm BMG).
3. For attillery weapons only, the length of their barrel, defined as its length divided by its bore diameter, and expressed as an L#. For example the L60 of the Bofors 40mm/L60 auto cannon.
The designation of a radio station.
- Uniforms -
the printed patterned uniforms used to help hide TROOPS in the field from enemy observation and or engagement. The following patterns are either in current UNSGC service, or have been used by OFF-WORLD personnel in the past. Consequentially these obsolete patterns are the ones found in enemy service. Patterns are listed in descending order of frequency of use.

Current UNSGC Service Patterns:

MULTICAM™ - the standard UNSGC camouflage pattern as of 2008.
Camogrom by Helikon - a varriant of MULTICAM™
MTP - the British Army's version of MULTICAM™

Obsolete Patterns in Enemy Service:

US Woodland - Ex-US forces.
DPM - the British Army's former Disruptive Pattern Material camouflage.
MARPAT - current US Marine Corps digital woodland or desert.
UCP - current US Army Universal Camouflage Pattern, soon to be replaced.
DCU - Ex-US forces 3 colour Desert Camouflage Uniform.
Desert Battle Dress Uniform - Ex-US forces 6 colour Desert Camouflage Uniform.
CAMOGROM a varriant on MULTICAM™ produced by Helikon of Polland.
CAMPAIGN a significant phase of, or an entire war. This may be defined geographically or by a period of time. Specific CAMPAIGN MEDALS are awarded for participation by most forces. In the UNSGC, there are only two, the NATIONAL DEFENSE SERVICE MEDAL or NDSM, and the ANTARCTICA SERVICE MEDAL or ANTSM. Both can be found in the SERVICE MEDALS section of the Decorations, Medals & Awards page.
CANNON 1. in current usage, this defines any weapon designed to fire rifle like ammunition, other than an Anti-Material/Anti-Tank Rifle or a Grenade Launcher, with a calibre of 14.5x114mm or greater. Typically used today in AUTO CANNON such as the 25mm Bushmaster as used by the US Army, and the 30mm RARDEN used by the British Army, for arming light ARMOURED FIGHTING VEHICLES (AFV).
2. any direct fire large calibre weapon, like those used on tanks, or in days past upon the battlefield or ship as artillery.
CARBINE 1. Any form of rifle of a shorter than standard length. For example the M4 CARBINE, which is a shortened M16 RIFLE.
2. A long barrelled PISTOL calibre weapon, such as the M1 CARBINE .
CARRY ON the order to just go back to whatever you were doing before you were interupted. You can also use "AS YOU WERE".
CASEVAC CASUALTY EVACUATION - the term for the retrieval of the wounded from the battlefield to a safer rear area medical facility for treatment, by non specialised personnel or means, with no additional specialised en route care: see MEDEVAC. TROOPS in the field often incorrectly use the terms CASEVAC and MEDEVAC interchangeably. See also CCP.
CCP CASUALTY COLLECTION POINT - the designated location to where any killed or wounded are delivered prior to the return JUMP.
CEASE FIRE The order to stop shooting. See also STOP STOP STOP.
CF Cluster Fuck - a forces exclamation! Describes the act of forming a tight group, providing the enemy with an easy target. Also used to describe a general situation. Sometimes expressed phonetically as "CHARLIE-FOXTROT". See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
CHAIN OF COMMAND the hierarchical system of RANKS and POSTS that enable a military organisation to accurately, efficiently and swiftly gather INTELLIGENCE about an ENEMIES intentions and capabilities, to undertake analysis to develop a STRATEGY or plan of action, then to amass the required assets. To co-ordinate and control said assets to exercise military power upon the ENEMY, and defeat them. See also STRATEGY, TACTICS and the Rank & Insignia pages.
CHARLIE the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "C"
CHEVRONS the inverted "V" shaped stripes used as in the design of NCO and OTHER RANKS insignia from PRIVATE (PVT) to COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR (CSM).
The Combat Infantry Badge, which comes in three grades, 1st, 2nd & 3rd award. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards page.
CIC 1. Commander in Chief - the "GENERAL OFFICER's" appointment to the POST of CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) of a Command (a sub unit of the UNMC). Currently the CIC of the UNSGC is General Adam West (USAF Retired). Who, because the UNSGC is the only active Command, is the most senior officer in the UNMC. He heads the GENERAL STAFF at GHQ (Washington D.C. USA).
2. COMBAT INFORMATION CENTRE - a command centre, as at RGHQ-51, and as aboard a warship.
CIVI# Civilian # - the number represents pay grade/authority.
CIVVIES 1. civilian dress
2. civilians
CLAP A British Army mnemonic to remind MARINES how to give orders:
Clearly, calmly and concisely.
Loud, the battlefield is noisy and full of distractions.
As an order, be definite, assertive and authoritave.
Pause between the elements to give the listeners a chance to make sense of the order. Remember you and they maybe under a lot of stress.
CLAYMORE The M18 series of COMMAND FIRED anti personnel mines, designed to launch BB's (SHRAPNEL) in more or less a single direction, like a giant SHOTGUN. Ideal in defence and for use in an AMBUSH.
CLEGG# "CONTACT Long Endurance Gate Group", a U.N. SF (Special Forces) unit designation, for TROOPS who attempt to stay OFF-WORLD for longer than the few days of a regular Gate cycle. Appended to the title is a 3 digit number, which is the CON number when they were launched from AREA-50 in the USA.
CLICKS Kilometer, aka KLICKS
CLIP 1. Clip: a WWII and earlier device for storing ammunition for transport or loading in to a weapon that does NOT have a mechanism for raising the rounds to the breech, unlike a magazine.
2. Stripper Clip: small metal plates designed to grip up to 10 rounds of ammunition, making the loading of detachable magazines and bolt action rifles with non-removable magazines easier. See "MAG". 3. The "Hollywood" term for any kind of magazine.
CM Commendation Medal
The Combat Medical Badge, which comes in three grades, 1st, 2nd & 3rd award. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards page.
CMO Chief Medical Officer - the senior Doctor at a base. See also MO and GMO.
CN People's Republic of China - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
CO 1. COMMANDING OFFICER - a unit's officially appointed permanent commander. See also OC (OFFICER COMMANDING) and (#)IC.
2. COMPANY - a military UNIT. The symbol for which in tables of organisation or on maps is a single vertical bar: |.
NB: the appropriate definition is context dependant.
COL 1. COLONEL - an officer rank above Lieutenant Colonel and below Brigadier General.
2. the mode of address used with either a "LIEUTENANT COLONEL" or a "COLONEL"
COMASTW Command Astronaut's Wings
COMB Commander's Badge
COMBAT 1. The act of fighting.
2. A MISSION type designation, wherein CONTACT with the enemy is expected and desired, but it is not specifically an AMBUSH, RAID, or a SAD type MISSION. Such MISSIONS require double or higher BATTLE LOADS to be carried by the MARINES. See also LOGISTICS, PATROLS, RECON and SAR.
COMBAT KNIFE A KNIFE specifically designed for fighting, aka FIGHTING KNIFE. See this article on the Cold Steel™ range of combat knives, that are in general service with the UNSGC. See also BAYONET, MULTITOOL, RESCUE KNIFE, SURVIVAL KNIFE and SWISS ARMY KNIFE.
COMBATS A British term for BATTLE DRESS UNIFORM, and usually refers to in particular the jacket/shirt and or trousers. See ACU and BDU.
COMEX An instruction to commence a military EXERCISE, which is a mock battle or other kind of training tool. See also ENDEX, OPFOR and SERIAL.
COMMAND FIRED Any remote munition that is fired by an actual operator, such as a MINE, and not activated by a trip wire, pressure pad or the like. See CLAYMORE.
COMMAND 1. A military UNIT equal to a DIVISION. Used by the US Air Force and the UNSGC.
2. The exercise of authority over military assets, predicated upon current intelligence, with the aim of achieving a specified OBJECTIVE. See COMMAND AND CONTROL.
1. COMMAND: The exercise of authority over military assets, predicated upon current intelligence, with the aim of achieving a specified OBJECTIVE.
2. CONTROL: varification and correction of actions of military assets in the pursuit of the OBJECTIVE.
3. COMMUNICATIONS: the means by which COMMAND and CONTROL of military assets are exercised, in pursuit of the OBJECTIVE.
4. COMPUTERS: the application of computer systems in the management of data and military assets, in the pursuit of the OBJECTIVE.
5. INTELLIGENCE: the collection, varification, analysis and dissemination of information relevant to the attainment of the OBJECTIVE.
Originally a WWII British Commando item of headwear. Made as a double layered rectangular wool hat/scarf, officially called a "Cap Comforter". See also WATCH CAPS
COMMITTEE 78 the secret committee established by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), to provide oversight over the CONTACT Programme. So-called because the original location of the STAR GATES was known as BASE 78 (Vostok, Antarctica), which in turn was called this because 78 GATES were found there. The committee represent just the five permenant members of the UNSC qv.
COMMINT Communications Intelligence. See the preferred term SIGINT.
COMMS COMMUNICATIONS. See also ICOM and SIGINT and Radio Procedures .
a UNIT comprising 2~4 PLATOONS, or at least 32+ MARINES. And serves as the building block for a BATTALION. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a COMPANY is a single vertical bar: |. The abbreviation is CO.
COMSEC Communications Security - the means by which communications channels are protected. See "Codes" and "Ciphers"
1. The CON-# is the standard CONTACT operations ID number, with either a 2 or 3 digit suffix, seperated by a dash, e.g. CON-016 or CON-16. It is never written as CON16, except in error.
2. A CON REPORT is the post operation record of the events of that operation. It includes the GATEWATCH REPORT, GATEWATCH SHEET and any AFTER ACTION REPORTS (AAR) submitted by attending personnel. See also DSTL REPORTS. See HERE,
CONCEALMENT any kind of barrier that just hides a Marine from enemy view, but does NOT provide any protection from weapons fire, aka "soft COVER".
CONSPIRACY THEORY the defensive programme providing plausible deniability in the event of premature disclosure. See the NSA STARGATE documents, and these YouTube Videos:
Hidden Antarctic War
1. the term for encountering the enemy. When appropriate it is shouted as an alarm, often repeated two or three times. It is also used as a signal over the radio to alert other stations to the presence of the enemy.
2. a CONTACT REPORT is sent using the format SALUTE qv. Radio Procedures .
3. The CONTACT Programme, is the name for the UN's, covert off-world operations run by the SECURITY COUNCIL, via the various STAR GATE BASES. It is derived from the term "FIRST CONTACT".
CONTRACTORS CAP a plain coloured BASEBALL CAP, normally, green, tan or black.
CORRECT is used instead of the word RIGHT, which is exclusively reserved for use in giving some kind of spacial directions. See also "AFFIRMATIVE".

CORRECTION is used in VRP (VOICE RADIO PROCEDURES) wortk as an interjection to CORRECT an error. Radio Procedures .

COS Chief of Staff - the assistant to the Commander in Chief of the UNSGC, who is responsible for heading up the "General Staff" at GHQ (General Headquarters). The "Executive Officer" (XO) of the commander of a STAR GATE base combines the roles of ADC and Chief of Staff (COS). At the General Staff level the XO's role is split in two to spread the increased work load.
COUNTER INTELIGENCE The art of denying the enemies ability to engage in collecting, analysing, explaining, and exploiting information about any issue connected with the conduct of friendly operations.
1. any kind of barrier that not only hides a Marine from enemy view, but provides protection from weapons fire, aka "hard COVER". See "CONCEALMENT".
2. The term used by US Marines for the issue PATROL CAP as it "covers" the head.
3. for a definition of "COVERING FIRE" see "SUPPRESSIVE FIRE".
4. "COVER!" or "TAKE COVER!" - an emphatic order to go PRONE (lie down) and/or seek protection from a potential threat. See also "HIT THE DECK!"
CP 1. Command Post - the headquarters for a platoon or company sized unit in the field.
2. Check Point, see VCP, as UNSGC TROOPS avoid this meaning, as it is used for a Command Post.
CPL Corporal - the lowest NCO rank, above a Private First Class and below a Sergeant. In the UNMC, this is the first rank at which a Marine may apply for a Commission to be an officer.
CPO "Close Protection Officer", or bodyguard, normally asigned to VIP's or other high value personnel.
CPT Captain - an officer rank, below Major, and above First Lieutenant.
CQB Close Quarters Battle - extreme short range engagements, normally associated with built up environments. See also FIBUA and FISH.
CRM Combat Readiness Medal
CRS "Can't Remember Shit". See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page.
CRYPTOPERIOD The set period during which a code or cypher remains valid.
CSM Command Sergeant Major - the most senior NCO rank, above Sergeant Major.
CS 1. the abbreviation of the term "CALL SIGN" for use in text only.
2. Tear Gas
CYCLIC the "CYCLIC", "CYCLIC RATE" or the "CYCLIC RATE OF FIRE", is the speed at which an automatic weapon is capable of firing. It derives from the term CYCLE, which is the automated process of loading, firing and reloading. It is measured in RPM (rounds per minute). See also "ROF" and "RPM".
Here is a guide to realistic rates of fire and how they are regarded:
100~300rpmVery Slow
1,200~1,500rpmExtremely Fast
1,500~6,000rpmUltra Fast *
* These higher speeds require special designs such as the 7.62x51mm M134 Minigun which uses six rotating barrels to achieve up to 6,000rpm, but in practise is restricted to a maximum of between 3,000~4,000rpm.
D DELTA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "D"
DBDU Desert Battle Dress Uniform - the US armed forces desert issue BDUs, from 1980 through to just after Gulf War 1. Popularly known as "Choc-Chip" and "6 colour desert", it was replaced by the short lived DCU or Desert Camouflage Uniform , aka Tri-Color, or "3 Colour desert" pattern, which gave way to UCP and MULTICAM™ . Enemy units are sometimes encountered wearing this digital pattern.
DCU Desert Camouflage Uniform - see DBDU above
DDCOSF Dash, Dive, Crawl, Observe, Sight, Fire: an Immediate Action Drill (IAD), being a response to coming under effective fire. Firstly, when moving in hostile ground, you must be constantly looking for COVER, just in case you come under attack. If shots are fired, or you see INCOMING fire, or the alarm CONTACT! is given, then you must:
Dash: for no more than three paces, otherwise you will be targeted, and in a direction NOT towards your chosen COVER, otherwise your enemy will be able to predict where you are going.
Dive: lie down quickly, so that the enemy loses their sight picture of you, and has to reaquire you.
Crawl: towards your chosen COVER. The Dash, Dive and Crawl, make it difficult for your enemy to see where you are hiding.
Observe: look for and locate the enemy, judge the range from you, note their relative position, and any useful features, then communicate this information to your comrades, or listen for others guidance, so the entire UNIT can engage them.
Sight: having got the range, if required, reset your weapons sights accordingly.
Fire: SUPPRESS the enemy, and await orders, or if you are the UNIT CO, decide if you need to request REINFORCEMENTS, FIRE SUPPORT, BREAK CONTACT, RETREAT, carry out a FLANKING ATTACK or FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK.
NB: you should if possible send a CONTACT REPORT over your radio network. See also SALUTE. Radio Procedures .
DEAD MAN'S BEACON A slang term for the standard issue PERSONAL MEDICAL BEACON (PMB) qv.
DEAD MAN'S CARD a slang term for the standard issue Identity Card (IDC).
DECK More or less, anything that a MARINE stands on is refered to as the "DECK". Hence phrases like "HIT THE DECK!", meaning to "TAKE COVER", that is seek protection from a potential threat.
DECORATIONS the highest form of MEDAL awarded for a specific action that is considered beyond the call of duty, or for long term outstanding performance of duty in a specific role. Worn above SERVICE MEDALS. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards page for a full description.
DEFILADE a unit is said to be in DEFILADE if its position is protected from ENFILADE weapons fire.
DELTA 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "D".
2. DELTA FORCE is the name used for the US Army's top "SPECIAL FORCES" "UNIT". Similar to the US NAVY SEALS and the British SAS.
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DI Drill Instructor - a senior instructor of military skills, authorised to teach Expert Infantry Courses.
DIAMOND FORMATION a pair of back to back ARROWHEADS. Used at night when advancing towards the enemy in a high threat area.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, this FORMATION is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
DISENGAGE the TACTIC of moving away from the enemy in a controlled fashion, without panic, and with the intent to remain in the BATTLEFIELD. You can also use "BREAK CONTAC", "PULL OUT" or "WITHDRAW". See "ROUT" and "RETREAT".
DISR Drill Instructor's Service Ribbon
DMR Designated Marksman Rifle, an accurised version of a Self Loading Rifle, used to fill the gap between Assault Rifles and larger sniping weapons. For example the US Army's 7.62x51mm NATO M110 or the famous Russian 7.62x54R Dragunov .
DOD . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - the US government body responsible for the running of the American military.
DOG TAGS A pair of small matt finish steel or aluminium plates, worn upon a long and a short chain around the neck by all UNSGC personnel. A rubber "dog tag silencer" is normally mounted around their edges to improve comfort and prevent noise. They carry five lines of up to 15 characters of embossed text, laid out as follows:

  • LINE 1: Family name.

  • LINE 2: Given name and middle initials.

  • LINE 3: ISO two letter nationality code, followed by the operative's gender.

  • LINE 4: Blood Group, and an ALLERGY RECOGNITION CODE.


NB: use the link at left to go to the Dog Tags page.

DPM Disruptive Pattern Material - the first widespread camouflage in British service. Introduced in 1960, and available in two main types, woodland and desert. It has been replaced by MTP which is based on MULTICAM™
DOLPHIN CODE A code created by Royal Canadian Navy submariners, expanded by members of the Royal Australian Navy, having been inspired by the US Navy's FALCON CODE. Click the link to read the article on the PROFANITY CODES.
DRILL 1. any practise conducted to perfect a given skill.
2. the art of marching and moving in unison with other TROOPS, with or without commands.
DRUM MAGAZINE A true high capacity MAGAZINE with either a single or double drum, design to give assault rifles, battle rifles and sub-machine guns, higher than normal fire power. One notable example is the Beta C-Mag sometimes irroniously called a "saddle magazine"*, which takes 100 rounds. They are not as easy to carry, load or use, compared to regular magazines, and so their use is not as common as you might suppose. One problem is that the weapons they are designed for can over-heat and burn out, if used intensively. Special Forces will use them in assaults as the first magazine, then switch to standard ones.
* Saddle mags, are in fact ones design for top opening machine guns, and they sit on top of the weapon like a saddle. The German MG42 was one such weapon.
DRYAD A simple paper and pen code used to perform an AUTHENTICATION. It uses a ONE TIME PAD which is periodically replaced at set times. The UNSGC use a simplified variation of the US Army DRYAD code, to enhance speed, as the threat is regarded as less significant. Use the link to see how the UNSGC version works.
DSC Distinguished Service Cross
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
DSTL (Dept.51)
1. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory aka PORTON DOWN, the MOD's chemical and biological warfare centre near Salisbury in Wiltshire, England. Department 51 of which provides medical and scientific support plus secure storage for materials and personnel recovered by RGHQ-51.
2. DSTL REPORTS, are the analyses of materials and personnel recovered by SG TEAMS while operating OFF-WORLD. See HERE. See also SARCOPHAGUS.
DTG DATE TIME GROUP - the NATO format for the recording of dates and times. See the Military Time & The DTG page.
DUA Distinguished Unit Award
DUC Distinguished Unit Citation
D UNO a special blood group not covered by the international ABO system.
DUST OFF 1. Originating during the Vietnam War as the term for a medical evacuation by helicopter.
2. Used as a term for any kind of lift off from a battlefield, or in the case of the CONTACT Programme, a RETURN TO BASE (RTB) via the STAR GATE.
DX The act of radio direction finding. See also RX (receiving) and TX (transmiting). Radio Procedures .
DZ 1. DEPARTURE ZONE - the area immediately in front of an OUTBOUND STAR GATE. See also LZ.
2. DROP ZONE - the area designated for parachute landings
E ECHO - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "E"
EBB Electric Blow Back - a method of reloading used in some UNSGC weapons. See also GBB.
ECHO the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "E".
EDC Every Day Carry - a term applied to any item of equipment that is light or compact enough to be carried by a MARINE both on and off the battlefield. For example SIDEARMS, knives, tools and torches.
EFMB Expert Field Medic's Badge
EIB Expert Infantry Badge
EICU Expert Infantry Course Units - the points earned by passing a Unit of an approved Expert Infantry Course.
EINSTEIN–ROSEN BRIDGE is the scientific term for what is popularly called a "Wormhole" - a short cut or tunnel through space-time, formed between two STAR GATEs, enabling inter-planetary travel. See the scientific description in this Wiki entry, and the popular science fiction explanation in this Wiki page for more details. See also: "SPLINE" and "STAR GATE".
ELEMENT Any small imformal or ad hoc military grouping that is not considered as established. Usually lead by a temporary OC (OFFICER COMMANDING). See also UNIT ans FORMATION.
The order to finish all or part of a military EXERCISE. See also COMEX, OPFOR and SERIAL.
ENEMY our ENEMY is made up of our own personnel who have during an off-world MISSION become contaminated with ABC. Thus altering their minds in such a way, that they have banded together against the interests of the Earth and her people, with unknown, and unclear final goals and objectives.

Our aim is to recover alive all contaminated personnel for treatment. However, their own actions may preclude this outcome, and so military force has been deemed necessary to protect the Earth and her people, and any resulting losses of the contaminated personnel are considered acceptable.

See T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. See also the ALIEN BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANT pages, and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.

ENEMY SEEN, NOT SEEN? If during the initial CONTACT with the enemy time permits, the CO may ask ENEMY SEEN OR NOT SEEN? Meaning can everybody in the UNIT see the enemy? To which UNIT members respond with either:
In this latter case further assistance is given to direct the MARINES on to the TANGOS.
ENFILADE a unit is said to be in ENFILADE if its long axis is positioned to recieve ENFILADE weapons fire. For example if when taking up a position in an enemy TRENCH, there is an enemy MACHINE GUN positioned at one end, capable of firing straight down the TRENCH. See DEFILADE.
NB: in the UNMC they are responsible for Aviation, Chemical, Electronic Warfare, Light AFV, Logistics, Quartermasters, Signals, Transport, plus Research & Development duties. In collaboration with STAR LABS Gmbh, they operate the GATEWATCH system.
ENME an abbreviated form of the word ENEMY found in some texts. Not for use in UNSGC documents. See NME for the approved abbreviation.
ENTRENCHING TOOLS aka E-TOOL, a collapsable spade type tool, used for digging FOXHOLES, LATRINES, SHELL SCRAPES and TRENCHES.
EPW - ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR, that is any potentially hostile or unknown person captured and retained by friendly forces. If they escape they once again become referred to as a TANGO aka a target. See also POW.
EPWCP - ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR COLLECTION POINT - the designated location where EPW's are delivered prior to a return JUMP.
ER Executive Resources International, a private military company (PMR), through which all current UN approved OFF-WORLD operations are legally conducted. All UNSGC personnel, having "retired" from any previous military or other service, have signed a contract to work for E.R., and in turn to serve as part of the UN. This is a crucial component of the "plausible deniability" and "black budget" system, that helps in protecting the program from unwanted examination or exposure.
See the E.R. web page.
ERV Emergency Rendezvous - a location on the route of march designated for the purpose of regrouping the unit in the event of it being split apart by enemy action. This may be pre-planned or selected en-route. On long marches several will be set, only the last one past is considered active, otherwise the units survivors will go to different ERVs.
NB: sometimes the "R" is rendered as "Rallying".
NOT to be confused with an Objective Rallying Point (ORP).
ESCAPE AND EVAISION aka E&E - - the art of evading ENEMY search parties and capture, escaping from ENEMY held terrain or ENEMY custody (POW). Includes SURVIVAL techniques, covert communications such as the POW CODE and a variety of other skills.
EVENT HORIZON in the CONTACT Program, this is the term for the entrance and exit of an ""Einstein–Rosen Bridge"", or "Wormhole" - a "tunnel" through space-time formed between individual STAR GATES enabling inter-planetary travel. See the scientific description in this Wiki entry, and the popular science fiction explanation in this Wiki page for more details. See also: "SPLINE" and "STAR GATE".
EXERCISES A military EXERCISE is a mock battle or other kind of training tool. See also COMEX, ENDEX, OPFOR and SERIAL.
EXTENDED LINE FORMATION a single row of MARINES standing side by side in a line. Used for searches and assaults. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, this FORMATION is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
F FOXTROT 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "F"
2. Female - the gender ID used on Dog Tags and 201 (Personnel) Files.
"FA" "Fuck All" - meaning "nothing". Commonly expressed phonetically as "FOXTROT-ALPHA". Sometimes rendered as "Sweet FA". "See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
FALCON CODE A code created by US Navy fighter pilots as a response to being prevented from using profanity on the airways. Click this link to read the article on the PROFANITY CODES.
FALSE FLAG OPERATION An operation conducted while wearing the enemies uniform, or under their colours etc.
FC Flight Crew - that is those personnel assigned to extraterrestrial duties only. See also GC.
FE(L) FE(L) or more correctly Fe(L), aka LIGHT IRON and BLACK ROCK, is the exotic element from which STAR GATES are made. Seemingly chemically identical to Iron (Fe), but with a Specific Gravity (SG) of just circa gcm3, which is more like that of granite, rather than the more normal circa 8gcm3 of regular iron. The missing mass is presumed to occupy "N" space, a dimension outside of the detectable universe. It has proven impossible to distructively analyse in any way what so ever, being impervious to chemical, heat or radioactive bombardment. Only non-destructive methods of analysis seem to work, giving the Iron (Fe) result. It is true that within the periodic table Fe is the absolute pinical of atomic stability, and we can only conclude that this is the reason for it's apparent use in the STAR GATES. This element has been found in the surface structure of AS#2 aka the WORMS. As to how such a material came to be incorporated in the shell of AS#2, we can only speculate, for under normal circumstances we can see no means other than nuclear detonation, by which this material can be broken down. Our evidence for the latter lies in the north polar finds of the early 20th century, with the discoveries of the so-called BLACK ROCK, which are now known to be fragments of a STAR GATE(s), and are similar to those in the posession of the 54th Regiment UNSGC, of the People's Republic of China, found in the Gobi desert during the 1960's. It is speculated that the particals of Fe(L) found in the shell were collected by the animal when engaged in it's normal feeding behavior, the original construct having been destroyed by a nuclear level detonation. The "B" Gate some miles outside of the old New Greenham Common base, which was destroyed during an experiment conducted during CON-13, produced identical fragments.
FIBUA Fighting In Built Up Areas - an old British Army acronym for CQB, that is, extreme short range engagements, normally associated with built up environments. See also CQB and FISH.
FILE FORMATION two SINGLE FILES moving alongside one another. Used for moving on tracks or roads, in safer areas. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, this FORMATION is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
FIRE 1. The alarm that a conflagration has broken out, and action or escape is required. Normally shouted repeatedly, at least three times. 2. The order to SHOOT weapons. To prevent confusion with (1) above, the phrase OPEN FIRE or SHOOT is used. See also CEASE FIRE and STOP STOP STOP.
FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK a direct attack upon an enemy position, used when it is not possible to EXECUTE a FLANKING ATTACK. The unit is divided in to two equal parts, with equal FIREPOWER. Each half, one known as the ASSAULT GROUP, and the other as the SUPPORT GROUP, take it in turns to move up towards the enemy, under COVERING FIRE from the other group. On arrival at assault distance, the ASSAULT TEAM makes the final attack, while the SUPPORT GROUP keeps up the COVERING FIRE until it is unsafe to continue. See also FLANKING ATTACK.
FIRE CONTROL ORDERS The format for the issuing of instructions to locate, identify and engage an enemy. Here is an example including the CONTACT warning:


Note the order in which the information is sent. It is done like this just in case the communications are cut off, giving the listeners their best chance of responding effectively.

  • First the UNIT gets a warning of the presence of the enemy.
  • Then a direction in relation to the axis of march or observation, which is always 12 o'clock. Now the unit knows which way to look, in this case, behind them! This comes first, because it significantly narrows down the possible locations of the enemy, especially at short range, where time is critical.
  • This is followed by a range estimation in metres, so the unit knows how far out the enemy is, here its twenty five metres.
  • Then a brief description of where, what, how many, and their activity, so now the unit knows what to look for.
  • And finally we have the order identifying which unit or units should shoot, in this case all of them, and when, in this case now. The OPEN FIRE element maybe delayed with the instruction STAND BY. The UNIT then waits for the OPEN FIRE order, which is normally accompanied by the CO shooting their own weapon.

NB: If time permits the CO may ask ENEMY SEEN OR NOT SEEN? Meaning can everybody in the UNIT see the enemy? To which UNIT members respond with either (AFFIRMATIVE ENEMY) SEEN or (NEGATIVE ENEMY) NOT SEEN. In this latter case further assistance is given to enable the MARINES to see the TANGOS. Wherever possible you should provide as much detail as you can, including, TANGO Type#, weapons, antennas, uniforms and insignia, and attitude: relaxed, cautious, performing a particular tactical manoeuvre, like FLANKING to our RIGHT - it all helps prioritise the targets. See also GRIT

Full - used when time is sufficient and the CO has had the opportunity to collect and consider the available intelligence. Brief - used when time is short or the enemy is obvious. Individual - the order is directed at specific individuals, or elements within the UNIT, rather than all of it. Delayed - used when it is dependent upon the enemies actions. For example when it is necessary to wait for the enemy to enter the KILL ZONE, or if an engagement is desired only if the enemy sees you, etc.

FIREPOWER the rough measure of the volume, power and effectiveness of weapons use. See "BDA", "CYCLIC", "ROF" and "RPM".
1. The provision of FIREPOWER from other UNITS, such as AIR SUPPORT, ARTILLERY or INDIRECT FIRE (IDF) from MACHINE GUNS.
2. An FSB is a fortified position, established and equipped to provide FIRE SUPPORT to any friendly UNITS within range of the base's weapon systems.
FIRE TEAMS a 2 or 3 person element, large enough that they can be mutually supportive in every aspect, that is by "watching each others back". If one of them goes down, the other(s) can provide assistance or summon aide, give COVERING FIRE, or if needed evacuate their wounded comrade. The FIRE TEAM is the most basic and smallest viable defensive military UNIT, not intended for offensive action by itself. Serves as the building blocks for larger UNITS such as a SQUAD (normally 4~12) . If the FIRE TEAM fails to stick together in the field the entire UNIT will crumble and die. One person is the LEADER and the other is their WING, usually decided by seniority/rank. For reasons of deception when an SG TEAM goes off-world, this element is renamed as a SQUAD, to imply that it is a larger UNIT. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a FIRE TEAM is a single bullet point: •. The abbreviation is FT. See ASSAULT GROUP (RIFLE GROUP), BUDDY BUDDY SYSTEM, SQUAD and SUPPORT GROUP (GUN GROUP).
FIRST CONTACT the term used to describe the first meeting between intelligent species from different worlds.
"FISH" 1. "Fuck It, Shit Happens" - an exclamation! See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
2. "Fighting In Someone (elses) House - an old British Army term for CQB. See also FIBUA.
FLANKING ATTACK a indirect attack upon an enemy position, used as an alternative to a FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK. The unit is divided in to two equal parts, but with the bulk of the FIREPOWER in the SUPPORT GROUP, leaving the ASSAULT GROUP lightly armed. The ASSAULT GROUP, then moves up towards the enemy, using COVER and CONCEALMENT, while the SUPPORT GROUP holds their position and provides SUPPRESSIVE FIRE. On arrival at assault distance, the ASSAULT TEAM makes the final attack, while the SUPPORT GROUP keeps up the COVERING FIRE until it is unsafe to continue. See also FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK.
FLIGHT TIME The duration from the LAUNCH TIME to the LANDING TIME via a STAR GATE, that is the period during which the Flight Crew are inside a WORMHOLE. NB: The GATE remains open at each end for exactly 2 minutes, then closes. See the latest GATEWATCH REPORT for details of the LAUNCH TIMES, LANDING TIMES and FLIGHT TIMES for each OUTBOUND and INBOUND GATE of the latest FLIGHT OPERATION as shown at the bottom of the SG51 Operations Listings document.
FORMATIONS 1. a military FORMATION or UNIT is a formal structure composed of individual personnel organised in to nested groups, see this Wiki page for more information. The term FORMATION is usually applied to groups larger than a REGIMENT, while UNIT is used for smaller groups.
2. a FORMATION can also be the layout of a unit as it moves around the battlefield. Infantry units like the UNSGC use the following well known examples:
  • EXTENDED LINE: a single row of MARINES standing side by side in a line. Used for searches and assaults.
  • SINGLE FILE: a single column of MARINES, walking one behind the other. Used for movement in dense woodland or at night in high threat areas, or on paths in safe ones.
  • FILE: two SINGLE FILES moving alongside one another. Used for moving on tracks or roads, in safer areas.
  • STAGGERED FILE: .a FILE wherein each SINGLE FILE is slightly off-set, so each MARINE has a clear view to their left and right. Used for moving on tracks or roads, in higher threat level areas.
  • ARROWHEAD, aka WEDGE: an EXTENDED LINE bent in to a an inverted V shape. Used during daylight when advancing towards the enemy in high threat areas.
  • DIAMOND: .a pair of back to back ARROWHEADS. Used at night when advancing towards the enemy in a high threat area.
  • ALL ROUND DEFENCE: a circular defensive FORMATION. At night, each MARINE lies close to their comrade and places their right ankle over the left one of the MARINE to their right, so that silent signals can be passed around the group

NB: the spacing within, and movement of, these FORMATIONS is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
FORT APACHE A large enemy (T1) HILL FORT, located on P31, with the "ZERO GATE" (SG51 G-0001) at its heart.
FORTIFICATIONS a defensive structure, designed to provide protection from weapons fire. See "BERM", "BUNKER", "FOXHOLE", "HESCO", "SANDBAG", "SANGER", "SHELL SCRAPE" and "TRENCH".
FOXHOLE FOXHOLES are a kind of FORTIFICATION, aka Slit Trench or Fighting Position, being a short trench like structure designed to protect 1~3 MARINES from weapons fire. It is normally provide with a drawstring to close off the open end. See also "BERM", "BUNKER", "FORTICATIONS", "FORTIFICATIONS", "HESCO", "SANDBAG", "SANGER", "SHELL SCRAPE" and "TRENCH".
FOXTROT the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "F".
FR France - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
The FREQUENCY of a radio transmitter or receiver. See also BAND and WAVELENGTH.
2. FSB - Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Federal Security Service), the Russian internal security and counter intelligence service, one of the sucessor agencies to the Soviet era KGB (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti - Committee for State Security), but not responsible for overseas operations..
FUBAR "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition" - a WWII US forces exclamation that was popularised after the release of the Tom Hanks movie "Saving Private Ryan". See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
any weapon capable of repeatedly loading, firing and reloading itself with no other action other than the depressing and holding down of the trigger, producing a continuous stream of "BULLETS". The weapon only stops firing when either it runs out of ammunition, power, or the trigger is released. See also "SEMI AUTO" and "AUTO".
G GOLF - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "G"
G# the General Staff officer alpha-numeric POST designations: "G1", "G2", "G3", "G4", "G5" and G6. See their corresponding "S" equivalents for definitions of each POST.
G-# The numerical identification number of individual STAR GATES (4 digits) that gives the precise relationship of a Gate within a given SPLINE. The convention has been to arrange these numbers so that the largest number refers to the most distant STAR GATE. For example, the British SPLINE has 1,597 useable STAR GATES, the one on Earth being G-0006. However the geological evidence implies that these STAR GATES were in fact laid down in the reverse order. Please note that these designations are NOT the same as the PLANETARY ID#, as most worlds have multiple SPLINES with several Gates from the same SPLINE, permitting movement from one continant to another. Gate and planetary numbers are often suffixed with a letter indentifying a specific Gate on a particular planet. For example a letter "A" marks it as the first Gate to have been discovered on a given planet, but not necessarily the first one to be visited in a PATHFINDER MISSION. When written in full it includes the SPLINE number and planetary ID letter, e.g. "SG51G-0001A". This system was introduced at CON-84 (26 NOV 11), following the deployment of portoble GRAVITOMETERS that identified the various GATES during exploritory flights. See also #A~#Z and P#/.
GATE an abbreviation of the term STAR GATE commonly used in reports and other documents. Always capitalised to distinguish it from other text. See STAR GATE.
1. a self recovery system used by the infected when rendered unconscious or dead. Approximately 5~10 minutes after passing the point where the mind ceases to be able to make decisions, and the body is incapable of normal movement, the "nanites" take over these functions. The infected person or animal will then rise from the ground, and while performing no other actions, they home in on the nearest Gate. If shot again, they will fall, remain prone for another 5~10 minutes, then reattempt to Gate Walk. Upon arrival at a Gate, they activate it, and are either sent to a random destination, or returned to their world of initial infection to attempt recovery. NB: unassisted recovery is rarely successfull. To survive high doses of M1b are required to be administered over several days. During CON-23 (12/09/1999), a T1 underground medical base was raided, wherein were found several casualties hooked up to drips providing treatment.
2. "Gate Walker" one who "Gate Walks". First recognised when enemy personnel were seen moving, while their automatic Medical Beacons were active.
1. GATEWATCH is the name for both the UNIT responsible for monitoring the STAR GATE at each base, and the equipment used for the task. They produce the GATEWATCH REPORTS.
. 2. The GATEWATCH REPORT is the briefing document issued at the start of an operation. It gives details of flight conditions, available OUTBOUND GATES and INBOUND GATES, and is sometimes referred to as the GATEWATCH SHEET. See the SG51 Operations Listings document for a full list of all GATEWATCH REPORTS.
GB Great Britain - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
GBB "Gas Blow Back" - a method of reloading used in some UNSGC weapons. See also EBB.
GC George Cross
GC Ground Crew - that is those personnel assigned to terrestrial duties only. See also FC.
GCM Good Conduct Medal
1. GENERAL - an officer rank, above Lieutenant General, and below General of the Marine Corps. Currently there is only one serving General, who is assigned as the Commander In Chief of the UNSGC.
2. the mode of address to any grade of GENERAL OFFICER.
GENERAL OFFICER any officer holding the rank of either: Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, or General.
GENERAL STAFF the Commander in Chief's team of officers of "GENERAL OFFICER" rank, that form the General Headquarters (GHQ), and who are responsible for the running of the UNSGC. It is headed by the "Commander In Chief" (CIC), assisted by their "Chief of Staff" (COS), who is supported by a team of other "General Officers", six of whom are each assigned an alpha-numeric POST. These are designated: "G1" (Adjutant General), "G2" (Intelligence), "G3" (operations), "G4" (Logistics), "G5" (Civil Affairs - aka security) and G6 (Communications). See also their regimental level "S" equivalents for more details. In addition, there are the positions of Judge Advocate General (JAG), Inspector General (IG) and the General Medical Officer (GMO). The CIC will also have an "Aide-de-Camp" (ADC) as a personal assistant.
NB: due to the small size of the Corps, it is not unknown for some members of the GHQ to hold more than one position at a time.
GHQ General Headquarters - the central authority of the UNSGC, based in Washington, USA.
GHz GIGAHERTZ - a FREQUENCY, equal to one billion cycles per second. See also HERTZ (Hz), kHz and MHz.
GIDC "Gate Identification Chart" - the table that lists all the GATES on a given SPLINE. It also provides (where known) the PLANETARY ID# as well. See also PIDC.
G-LOC "Gravitationally-induced Loss Of Consciousness" - the condition in which fast jet pilots suffer a black out or red out, and loose consciousness, as a result of excessive positive or negative gravitational loading during rapid changes in direction. The same effect is experienced by OFF-WORLD personnel when within a "Wormhole". See "G-Suit".
GLOCK™ 1. A famous make of PISTOL, in service with many forces, including the British Army and the UNMC. See this Wiki page.
2. The name of the Austrian company that make the GLOCK™ PISTOL, along with many other items of military kit, including knives and ENTRENCHING TOOLS.
GMC General of the Marine Corps - the senior General in overall command of the UNMC. Currently as there is only one active Command, the UNSGC, this POST is purely theoretical, subject to the expansion of the Corps. See CIC.
GMO General Medical Officer - the senior Medical Officer of the UNSGC, who holds "General Officers" rank, and serves as a member of the "General Staff" at GHQ in Washington D.C., USA. See also CMO and MO.
GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun - a medium weight machine gun, in typically either 7.62x51mm or 7.62x54R calibres. In British service the term specifically means the L7 series or "Gimpy", based on the FN Mag 58 , which is also the basis for the US M240 machine gun, that replaced the well known M60 . Russian forces, and those supplied by them use the PK series of GPMG's.
GL Grenade Launcher, a class of weapon that can fire high explosive rounds, smoke or gas grenades, flares or shotshells. They can be stand alone, single or multi-shot weapons like the 40x46SR M79 and the Milkor MGL M32 . They can also be single shot, Under-slung/Under-barrel rifle mounted weapons (UGL), like the M203 , or fully automatic "grenade machine guns" like the belt fed 40x53SR Mk19 .
GOLF the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "G".
GORE-TEX a material used for rain wear, jakets, trousers, gloves, hats and boots, and even socks, that is water proof, while at the same time allows the body to breathe. Water vapour from sweat is allowed to escape, keeping the wearer dryer and more comfortable than other kinds of rain wear. Not cheap, but worth the outlay.
GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM - a navigational tool employing satelites to co-ordinate the position of a terrestrial reciever. For example using GPS set to display positions as an OS (Ordnance Survey) GRID REFERENCE, the UK base RGHQ-51 is located at TQ576986.
GREEN FORCES Neutral forces, see APP-6C for more details, and BLUE ON BLUE.
GRENADE 1. is a fist sized device that is thrown by hand, typically refered to as a HAND GRENADE ,and will either:
(a) explode, producing a loud report and flash with very few fragments (OFFENSIVE GRENADE, FLASH BANG or STUN GRENADE), or
(b) explode and also discharge a large number of projectiles in all directions (DEFENSIVE GRENADE, FRAGMENTATION GRENADE or FRAG GRENADE), or
(c) produce smoke for signalling or screening purposes (SMOKE GRENADE), depending upon design.
2. a ROUND of ammunition for use in a GRENADE LAUNCHER, normally in 40mm calibre. In the UNSGC, the two standard versions are:
(a) a 40mm SHOTSHELL, capable of discharging from 18 to 204 projectiles from the launchers muzzle, making it ideal for "CQB" work, and
(b) a solid ROUND for engagement of difficult targets such as the Type 2 series.
NB: Rifle Grenades, that is those fired from the end of the muzzle of a rifle are not currently used in the UNSGC. See also "RPG".
GRUNTS a euphamism for the members of a MARINE infantry unit, so-called because of the noise they make as they tramp through the boonies on distant worlds, hauling heavy loads of weapons, armour and munitions....
G-SUIT a G-Suit, aka an "Anti-G Suit" is an undergarment worn by fast jet pilots and personnel going OFF-WORLD to aid in the prevention of "G-LOC" (Gravitationally-induced Loss Of Consciousness).
GUN a direct fire smoothbore SMALL ARM such as a "SHOTGUN", a tank gun or a piece of artillery, as distinct from a weapon with a rifled bore, see RIFLE.
NB: no other SMALL ARMS are referred to as a "gun", except by Hollywood etc. See also "CLIP" for another common Hollywood error.
H HOTEL - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "H"
A catch all term meaning any firearm that can be carried in a holster and used single handedly. That is, a PISTOL or a REVOLVER (SIDEARM).
HAND SIGNALS A system of visual hand and arm gestures used by infantry to communicate silently at SQUAD level and below.
HEAD The MARINE term for a toilet. Derived from the days of sail, when you went forward to the figure head of the ship, so that the wind carried urine and faeces away from you. See also LATRINES, TMI and TMS.
HERTZ (Hz) 1. The SI unit for the measurement of FREQUENCY.
2. A FREQUENCY, equal to one cycle per second. See also GHz, kHz and MHz.
HESCO a rapidly deployable defensive structure, that uses earth as a barrier, to provide protection from artillery, and other forms of attack. It consists of a lined, folding cage, that is opened up and filled with an earth moving machine.
See also "BERM", "BUNKER", "FOXHOLE", "SANDBAG" and "SANGER" and "TRENCH".
HF HIGH FREQUENCY, a BAND of the electro-magnetic spectrum used to send and receive radio signals. In CONTACT three BANDS are used, listed in order of increasing FREQUENCY and decreasing WAVELENGTH:
  • HF BAND or HIGH FREQUENCY 3 ~ 30 MHz / 100 ~ 10 metres.
  • VHF BAND or VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 30 ~ 300 MHz / 10 ~ 1 metres.
  • UHF BAND or ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY 300 ~ 3,000 MHz (3 GHz). / 100 ~ 10 centimetres.
HILL FORT An enemy (T1) OFF-WORLD base, ranging from a simple network of TRENCH WORKS through to a sophisticated stone and earth construction. Built on top of natural hills, and normally overlooking, or surrounding one or more STAR GATES. For example FORT APACHE .
1. HIT THE DECK is an emphatic order to go PRONE (lie down) and/or TAKE COVER, that is seek protection from a potential threat.
2. HIT THE RACK/SACK, means to go to bed.
HMG HEAVY MACHINE GUN - a large, heavy, powerful, tripod or pintle mounted, weapon, such as the classic American M2 Browning Machine Gun chambered in .50 BMG, aka 12.7x99mm, or the equally famous Soviet era DShK in 12.7x108mm.
HOTEL the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "H".
the mechanism in the breech of most UNSGC weapons, that enables ballistic flight corrections to be made.
HQ Head Quarters - the main Command Post for a batalion, regiment. See also GHQ.
HSM Humanitarian Service Medal
HUMINT HUMAN INTELLIGENCE: the art of using human resourses, informers, agents, spies etc. to gather information (INTELLIGENCE) about enemy intentions and activities. See also COUNTER INTELLIGENCE and SIGINT.
I INDIA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "I"
IAD Immediate Action Drills, the procedures carried out by a MARINE in response to enemy actions, such as the anti-ambush drill.
IC 1. In-Command, see also 1IC, 2IC and 3IC.
2. IN CHARACTER - a term used in military exercises to refer to something inside a scenario. See also OOC.
ICOM 1. Individual Communications - personal radio equipment 2. A popular make of high quality commercial/civilian radio communications equipment
3. Intercepted Communications. See the preferred term SIGINT.

See also Radio Procedures .

ID Identification
the standard issue IDENTITY CARD (IDENTIFICATION CARD), worn attached to the uniform when in-base. It is deposited in a box, prior to departure through the Star Gate as it carries the operatives name, SERIAL NUMBER and other classified material. See also "DEAD MAN'S CARD".
IDF Indirect Fire - bringing weapons fire down upon an enemy, without the weapons operator being able to see them directly.
IED Improvised Explosive Device, a home made bomb.
INBOUND GATES An INBOUND GATE is a WORMHOLE that begins OFF-WORLD and lands at a STAR GATE BASE. See the GATEWATCH REPORTS for details of the INBOUND and OUTBOUND GATES for each FLIGHT OPERATION, as shown in the SG51 Operations Listings document for a full list.
INDIA the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "I".
NB: the largest branch of the UNSGC.
IG 1. Inspector General - a BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS), responsible for carrying out inspections and audits of all branches of the UNSGC, to ensure operational readiness and excellence.
2. the Inspector General - is a "GENERAL OFFICER'" appointed to the POST of COMMANDING OFFICER (CO) of the IG branch.
INT 1. INTELLIGENCE. Also combined to produce COMMINT: Communications Intelligence, HUMINT: Human Intelligence, and SIGINT: Signals Intelligence.
2. Military Intelligence - a BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS).
INTELIGENCE The art of collecting, analysing, explaining, and exploiting information about any issue connected with the conduct of enemy operations. COUNTER INTELLIGENCE is the art of denying the enemy the same ability.
IRIS An armoured (steel) doorway positioned over the entrance to STAR GATEs located at SG bases, to prevent unauthorised access or egress. These are always manually operated to prevent electronic over-rides.
J JULIET - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "J"
JA Judge Advocate - an officer who serves the Corps as a legal adviser, prosecutor, defender or judge, under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).
A member of the Office of the JAG.
JAG 1. Judge Advocate General - a BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS).
2. The "Judge Advocate General" - the "GENERAL OFFICER's" appointment to the POST of CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) of the Judge Advocate General BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS) of the UNSGC, and who serves as the legal advisor to the CIC, as a member of the GENERAL STAFF in Washington D.C. USA. They oversee the inturpretation and application of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) as used by the UNSGC.
JULIET the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "J". See also "JULIET TIME".
JULIET TIME the suffix "J" to a time entry, meaning the local time, without reference to its specific NATO time code, e.g. 0845J, said as "Zero eighteen fortty five juliet". Used in a NATO "DATE TIME GROUP" (DTG). See also "ALPHA TIME" "DTG", "TIME ZONE" and "ZULU TIME".
JUMP The act of "jumping" (walking/running) through the EVENT HORIZON of a WORMHOLE.
JUMP MASTER The person assigned to supervise a JUMP. They may remain on their side of the GATE, or be the last member of the TEAM to make the JUMP.
K KILO 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "K"
2. when prefixed by a number, it means thousands, as in 50K for 50,000.
kHz KILOHERTZ - a FREQUENCY, equal to one thousand cycles per second. See also GHz, HERTZ (Hz), MHZ.
KISS Keep It Simple Stupid - a mnemonic as an aide to planning.
KHSNBLSM Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker Long Service Medal (RGHQ-51)
KIA KILLED IN ACTION - KIA is ONLY applied to personnel who's remains have been recovered. Otherwise they are listed as MIA (MISSING IN ACTION). See also WIA.
KILO 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "K".
2. a prefix to a unit of measure, meaning thousand, as in KILOMETRE (1,000 metres).
3. used as an abbreviation of the term "kilogram" (1,000 grams) a unit of weight.
KLICKS Kilometer, aka CLICKS
KP Kitchen Patrol - a euphemism for helping out in the kichen, either voluntarily or as a minor punishment.
KM km - kilometre, aka CLICK or KLICK. 1,000 metres.
KT kt - kiloton - a unit of measure for the power of a nuclear weapon, expressed in thousands of tons of conventional explosives. See also "MT".
KZ KILL ZONE or KILLING ZONE - an area of ground covered by concentrated effective fire. For example the focus of an ambush.
L LIMA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "L"
LANDING TIME The time that a WORMHOLE opens at its destination GATE. NB: The GATE remains open at each end for exactly 2 minutes, then closes. See the latest GATEWATCH REPORT for details of the LAUNCH TIMES, LANDING TIMES and FLIGHT TIMES for each OUTBOUND and INBOUND GATE of the latest FLIGHT OPERATION as shown at the bottom of the SG51 Operations Listings document.
LATRINES A field expediant HEAD (toilet), normally consisting of a simple TRENCH, which is progressively filled in with use and marked with crossed sticks to identify it as contaminated ground. See also ENTRENCHING TOOLS, FOXHOLES, HEAD, SHELL SCRAPES and TRENCHES.
LAUNCH TIME The time that a WORMHOLE opens at its point of origin. NB: The GATE remains open at each end for exactly 2 minutes, then closes. See the latest GATEWATCH REPORT for details of the LAUNCH TIMES, LANDING TIMES and FLIGHT TIMES for each OUTBOUND and INBOUND GATE of the latest FLIGHT OPERATION as shown at the bottom of the SG51 Operations Listings document.
LAW Light ANTI TANK WEAPON - in older texts the term LAAW meaning Light Anti Armour Weapon also is encountered. For example the US made M72 .
LEADER the most senior or ranking MARINE in a UNIT. For exammple in the smallest possible element, a pair of MARINES forming a FIRE TEAM or SQUAD, one is the LEADER and the other their WING qv.
LEO Law Enforcement Officer
LGEN Lieutenant General - an officer rank, below General, but above Major General.
LIGHT HORIZON the visible edge of the universe, beyond which it is impossible to sse, defined by the maximum distance that light could have travelled since the BIG BANG, that is 13.7 billion LIGHT YEARS.
LIGHT YEAR the distance that light can travel in one year, which is just under 9.5 trillion kilometres, or 5.8 trillion miles. The symbol for LIGHT YEAR is "ly".
LIMA the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "L".
A verbal bing-bong, designed to grab a groups attention, instructing them to shut up and listen to the following announcement or orders
LMG LIGHT MACHINE GUN - a lightweight machine gun, typically in the same calibre as the service rifle. For example the Russian RPK in 7.62x39mm, its almost identical successor the RPK-74 in 5.45x39mm, or the Heckler & Koch MG4 in 5.56x45mm NATO.
LD LINE OF DEPARTURE - the line that is crossed to begin an OPERATION
LOE LIMIT OF EXPLOITATION - the line or point on the map, up to which your unit is prepared and able to exploit any enemy weakness.
LOGISTICS 1.The science and art of supplying forces in the field with all the materials of war.
2. A LOGISTICS MISSION, is a MISSION type designation, wherein the OBJECTIVE is to resupply other friendly UNITS. Standard or reduced BATTLE LOADS are normally carried, as the MARINES will be transporting large PACKS of supplies. See also AMBUSH, COMBAT, PATROLS, RECON, SAD and SAR.
LOM Legion Of Merit
LT Lieutenant - the abbreviated short hand for either a First or Second Lieutenant. Often used as a verbal title: "el-tea".
LTC Lieutenant Colonel - an officer rank, above Major, but below Colonel.
LY ly - see LIGHT YEAR
LZ 1. LANDING ZONE - the tactically important area immediately around an INBOUND STAR GATE
2. a designated area for setting down helicopters. See also "DZ".
M MIKE 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "M"
2. Male - the gender ID used on older versions of "DOG TAGS" and 201 (Personnel) Files.
3. when suffixed with a number it is an equipment designator. Particularly associated with the US Army, as in M4, a rifle.
M1 & M2 ABC the two known types of Alien Biological Contaminant - see ABC. The term "M1" is sometimes suffixed with a single lower case letter, which designates one of the known sub-types (a~k). M2 has no known sub-types. These are regarded as non-living technological devices or possibly a form of virus, as they are incapable of reproduction. The term "nanite" from nano-tech, is often used to describe them, but they are in fact too large, being bigger than most bacteria, which is why they are unable to penetrate the skin.

See the ABC Reports and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.

M56 LCE the cotton based M-1956 pattern Load Carrying Equipment introduced by the US Army in 1956, and replace by ALICE , the first nylon webbing system, under the original designation of M67, which was in turn replaced by MOLLE , the current issue standard "webbing". M56 is still seen in service with enemy OFF-WORLD forces.
M58 Webbing the cotton based British military webbing introduced in 1956, to replace World War 2 stock kit, which was itself replaced in the 1980's by PLCE and MOLLE systems. M58 is still seen in service with enemy OFF-WORLD forces.
MA Master of Arts - a mid level university grade educational qualification.
MAA Master At Arms, the appointed NCO or officer, who is responsible for issuing firearms to personnel, for service within the base.
MAAVW Master Aviator's Wings
1. The original MAGAZINE was the area on board a ship, in a fortress or the like, wherein ammunition was stored.
2. In small arms this is a device for the storage and transport of ammunition that has a mechanism for raising the rounds to the breech of the weapon. In most modern weapons this is a detachable item, and MARINES carry several spare "MAGs" or "MAGAZINEs" in their "WEBBING". See also "CLIP".
3. MAGAZINE! a shout given by a Marine advising his own side that they are performing a MAGAZINE change, and will be out of action for some seconds. Only used when necessary, such as in a heavy fire fight. It can also function as a request for the loan of a loaded magazine.
4. MAG can also be a contraction of the term "Magnum", which is a suffix applied to very high powered types of ammunition used in HANDGUNS and RIFLES, e.g. ".44 MAG".
5. A type of General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) popularly known as the MAG .

NB: typical modern small arms MAGAZINEs carry between 3 and 40 rounds. Some exceptional types such as the Beta C-Mags and some DRUM types hold up to 100 rounds.

MAJ Major - an officer rank, above Captain, but below Lieutenant Colonel.
MARINE The individual military members of the UNMC. When represented in a table of organisation or on a map, a single MARINE is indicated by a single lower case slashed letter O: ø. See also BUDDY BUDDY SYSTEM and GRUNTS.
MARPAT Marine Pattern - the two current digital camouflage patterns in service with the US Marines, which come in Woodland or Desert colour schemes. It is sometimes encountered in enemy service.
MASTW Master Astronaut's Wings
MD Medical Doctorate - a top level university grade educational qualification.
NB: In the UNMC this includes Medical, Support Services, Specialists, Nurses, Dentists, Vetenarians, Councillors and Psychological Operations departments.
MEDALS a small cast metal disk about 30~40mm across or some other similar shaped device, suspended from a ribbon worn upon the SERVICE DRESS UNIFORM (SDU). These are defined as either DECORATIONS or SERVICE MEDALS. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards page for a full description.
MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation - the term for the retrieval of the wounded from the battlefield to a safer rear area medical facility for treatment, by specialised means and/or unit, providing additional medical en route care: see CASEVAC. TROOPS in the field often incorrectly use the terms CASEVAC and MEDEVAC interchangeably.
MEGO "My Eyes Glazed Over"
MER Military Education Ribbon
MG Machine Gun - that class of weapon firing fully automatically and using rifle ammunition. See GPMG, HMG, LMG, SAW and SMG.
MGEN Major General - an officer rank, above Brigadier General, but below a Lieutenant General.
MGL Multi-shot Grenade Launcher, a class of weapon that can fire high explosive rounds, smoke or gas grenades, flares or shotshells. They are stand alone multi-shot weapons like the 40x46SR Milkor MGL, in service with the US Marine Corps as the M32 .
MHz MEGAHERTZ - a FREQUENCY, equal to one million cycles per second. See also GHz, HERTZ (Hz), kHZ
MIA MISSING IN ACTION - being listed as MIA presumes survival and is used even when personnel are reported as KILLED IN ACTION without evidence of remains. KIA is ONLY applied to personnel who's remains have been recovered, otherwise they are always recorded as MIA. The phrase "Believed Killed" or "Believed Wounded" can be added to an MIA listing if so reported.
MIKE 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "M".
2. minutes, as in "15 MIKES".
3. millimetres" as in "FOURTY MIKE MIKE" meaning 40mm.
MINIGUN this is the famous electrically powered 7.62x51mm M134 machine gun. An ultra fast firing six barrelled weapon capable of achieving up to 6,000 RPM, but in practise is restricted to a maximum of between 3,000~4,000rpm. To atain these speeds the barrels rotate taking it in turns to fire. Thus the individual mechanisms of the gun run at between 500~1,000rpm, which is much more sustainable. It is called the Minigun because it is based upon its big brother the M61 Vulcan AUTO CANNON chambered in 20x102mm.
MISSION 1. A general statement of objectives for any organisation.
2. A specific task or objective, normally allocated to a specific UNIT to EXECUTE.
MK MARK, a prefix to a number used as an equipment designator. See also "M" and "MOD".
MLA MAIN LINE OF ADVANCE - the intended direction of travel for a unit. Within this the AXIS OF MARCH may vary, as the unit zig-zags its way across the terrain.
MO Medical Officer - an appropriately qualified medic.
MOB Medical Officers Badge
MOD 1. Ministry Of Defence - the political HQ of the UK military, based in London
2. Model or Modification, when suffixed with a number it is an equipment designator. In the US Navy and US Marines used as a suffix to "MK", as in "MK17 MOD 0" (a rifle). See also "M".
MOLLE the Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment system, the current standard "webbing" system used by many nations, including the US and the UK. It uses what is called PALS , a latice of horizontal and vertical straps allowing TROOPS to customise their "webbing" to suit any particular tactical or personal requirement. In US service it replaced the M67 and ALICE system during the 1990's.
MOPP Mission Oriented Protective Posture , refers to both the kit itself, and to the various levels of readiness. The MOPP level specifies what items of kit must be worn, carried or accessed, as follows:
  • MOPP Ready: The RESPIRATOR and NBC SUIT (jacket, trousers, gloves and boots) must be accessible within 1 hour.
  • MOPP Level 0: "Carry Your Masks" - The RESPIRATOR is carried, and the NBC SUIT (jacket, trousers, gloves and boots) must be accessible within 15 minutes.
  • MOPP Level 1: "Suit Up" - The NBC SUIT (jacket and trousers) must be put on, the RESPIRATOR, gloves and boots can be carried, or be accessible within 15 minutes.
  • MOPP Level 2: "Boots On" - The NBC SUIT and boots are worn, and the RESPIRATOR and gloves are carried. Order given at the 15 minutes to launch MARK.
  • MOPP Level 3: "Masks On" - The NBC SUIT, boots & RESPIRATOR are all worn, and the gloves can be carried to permit the operator to sort out any last minute problems with their kit. Order given at the 90 second MARK prior to launch)
  • MOPP Level 4: "Gloves On" - All protective equipment is now worn,. Order given at the 30 seconds to launch MARK, and while OFF-WORLD.

See also "NBC", "NBC SUIT" and the ABC Reports page, and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.
MORSE CODE the system of short and long tones, or flashes of light known as dots and dashes used to send messages via telegraph wire, radio transmitter or signal lamp, which remains in service even today, especially with Special Forces. Used with the Q-CODE and the Z-CODE.

See also the PRISONER OF WAR CODE/TAP CODE or click HERE for details. See also the Radio Procedures page and the Q-CODE and Z-CODE entries below. Here is the 2009 PDF document, for the current NATO meanings of the Q and Z codes: ACP-131 .

MORTAR a piece of very light artillery, intended to be carried by a small team (3~4) of infantry. Designed for INDIRECT FIRE (IDF) throwing its bomb at a high angle over obsticles. See Wiki for more information.
MOVSM Military Outstanding Voluntary Service Medal
MP 1. Military Police - a BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS), who are also responsible for Civil Affairs. See also MPC.
2. Machine Pistol, an old term for a Sub Machine Gun, see SMG.
MPC Military Police Company - a unit stationed at a STAR GATE base, to provide internal and external security, by undertaking perimeter patrols amongst other duties. They do NOT normally, participate in OFF-WORLD missions, unless there is a critical shortage of uninjured Flight personnel.
MRE Meal, Ready-to-Eat - the standard US issue 24 hour ration pack.
MSc Master of Science - a mid level university grade educational qualification.
MSGT Master Sergeant - a senior NCO rank, above Sergeant First Class, but below Sergeant Major
MSM Meritorious Service Medal
MSR MAIN SUPPLY ROUTE - the principle route over which the logistical train will move.
MT MEGATON - a unit of measure for the power of a nuclear weapon, expressed in millions of tons of conventional explosives (TNT). See also "KT".
MTP Multi-Terrain-Pattern, the British Army's current camouflage pattern, based upon MULTICAM™
MUA Meritorious Unit Award
MUC Meritorious Unit Citation
MULTICAM™ the original multi terrain pattern camouflage, used by US forces and the UN Marines, designed and produced by Crye Precision in the USA. In US service it is designated as OCP (Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern).
MULTITOOLS A type of knife/tool inspired by the famous Vitorinox SWISS ARMY KNIFE™, but capable of heavier work, but less convenient to carry. See this wiki on the equally famous LEATHERMAN™ which was the first MULTITOOL. See also BAYONET, COMBAT KNIFE, RESCUE KNIFE and SURVIVAL KNIFE.
MURPHEY'S LAWS an adage meaning "Whatever can go wrong, will!". It has led to Murphey's Laws of Combat/War , a set of wry sayings popular in the military. For example: "All our equipment was produced by the lowest bidder", "Friendly fire isn't"and "If your attack is going really well, its an enemy ambush!"
MS Muzzle Sweep - the accidental pointing of a weapon at friendlies or neutrals. See also "ND".
MYA Million Years Ago
N NOVEMBER - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "N".
N/A Not Applicable/Available
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - the former body under which the western world conducted the precursor to the CONTACT program, known as TASC or The Antarctic Stargate Command.
NAVY SEALS is the name of the US Navy's top "SPECIAL FORCES" "UNIT". Similar to the US Army's DELTA FORCE and the British Army's SAS.
NBC Nuclear Biological & Chemical. NB: in pre-CONTACT British records the abbreviation CBRW meaning "Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare" is used. See also "NBC SUIT", "MOPP", "RESPIRATOR", and the ABC Reports page and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.
NBC SUIT the outer garments worn by all OFF-WORLD personnel to reduce exposure to "ABC". They comprise a jacket, trousers, boots and gloves. They are always worn in conjunction with a "RESPIRATOR". These suits are recycled upon return to Earth, and readings taken on the types and volumes of ABC encountered while on missions. See "MOPP", "RESPIRATOR", and the ABC Reports page and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer - the rank of Corporal and the various grades of Sergeant.
ND Negligent Discharge - the accidental firing of a weapon. See MS.
NDSM National Defense Service Medal
NEGATIVE in battlefield speech and voice radio work it is used instead of the word, "No" as it can be lost in transmission. See also "AFFIRMATIVE" and "CORRECT".
NEW GREENHAM COMMON aka GREENHAM COMMON - the name of the major OFF-WORLD colony on P31, formally known as C105A (G-0001). Immediately prior to the SAR missions of CON-03 Op.HASTINGS, over 1,000 personnel went MIA, having been contaminated with M1 ABC in the proceeding week. These POW's provide the backbone of the enemy forces now encountered OFF-WORLD. The base was destroyed by the 10MT self-destruct system at the end of Mission 1 of CON-16 (21 NOV 98), and access to the planet was lost due to the enemy deployment of a low yield nuclear weapon at the end of Mission 3 of CON-74 (15 1111Z NOV 08).
NJP Non-Judicial Punishment - Article 15, that portion of military law, not requiring a Court Martial, and the mandatory imposition of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), dealing with minor offences that can be dealt with by the offenders COMMANDING OFFICER.
NKA an ALLERGY RECOGNITION CODE meaning No Known Allergies. Used on "Dog Tags" and specialist patches.
NME an abbreviated form of the word ENEMY found in some texts. NME is commonly used on planning cards for field use to save space and permit a larger font to be used. The alternate formENME is not to be used.
NO PEN an ALLERGY RECOGNITION CODE meaning No Penicillin. Used on "Dog Tags" and specialist patches.
NOVEMBER the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "N".
NYCO a 50% nylon 50% cotton material used in the production of modern BATTLE DRESS UNIFORMS. Although pure cotton is very comfortable, it is not very hard wearing, and so various mixes of materials have been developed over the years to address this issue. Currently the best of these is NYCO the 50/50 cotton/nylon mix. Do not use 65/35 or 60/40 polycotton, although cheaper, they are far less comfortable, which is an important factor in the field. Uniforms are of course available in MultiCam&trade camouflaged fabric.
O OSCAR - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "O".
OC OFFICER COMMANDING - the officer in temporary command of a unit, either because the CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) is absent, KIA, MIA or WIA. See also (#)IC.
OCP "Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern" - the US Army's official name for "MULTICAM™ qv.
OCS & OCSII "Operation Clean Sweap", and "Operation Clean Sweap", aka "Operation Ox Eye". The two significant enemy actions against the UNSGC in 1999 and 2005, that resulted in considerable losses of personnel, materials and intelligence.
OD Olive Drab, a shade of green. See also OG.
OFF-WORLD reference to anything concerned with activities on other planets. See ON-WORLD
OG Olive Green, a shade of green. See also OD.
ON-WORLD reference to anything concerned with activities here on the planet Earth See OFF-WORLD
O NEG the "O Negative" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
OOC OUT OF CHARACTER - a term used in military exercises to refer to something outside of the scenario. See also IC.
OOM ORDER OF MARCH - the order in which the unit will move, and defining the positions of its members as it does.
1. OPERATION - the term for any period in which a STAR GATE BASE is activated. Defined as either a FLIGHT OPERATION or a SERVICE OPERATION. FLIGHT OPS, are those in which actual OFF-WORLD missions are flown. This class of OP is always given a code name, for example "OP.HASTINGS" (CON-03, 1996). SERVICE OPERATIONS are identified by their purpose and an associated number, for example RDC#10 (CON-87, 08-09 DEC 12).
OPERATION HIGHJUMP the US Navy operation executed by Task Force 68 in 1946~7, that provided the means by which the Antarctic STAR GATE system at VOSTOK, was wrested from the control of the Waffen SS and KM..
OPFOR Short for "Opposing Force(s)". A term for any military forces serving as the opposition during an EXERCISE. See also COMEX, ENDEX and SERIAL.
O POS the "O Positive" blood group - using the international ABO system. NB: the minus and plus signs are NEVER used in blood group notation, as they can be more easily misread.
OR OTHER RANKS - the lowest ranks; Recruit, Private, Private First Class and the various grades of Specialist.
ORANGE FORCES An alternate colour for Hostile forces, see APP-6C for more details, and BLUE ON BLUE.
ORP OBJECTIVE RALLYING POINT or OBJECTIVE RENDEZVOUS POINT- a pre-selected location on the route of advance, close to the missions OBJECTIVE, designated for the purpose of regrouping and performing final preparations prior to executing the mission at the objective. In certain situations the final position of the ORP may only be determined after a RECONNAISSANCE. NB: NOT to be confused with an EMERGENCY RENDEZVOUS (ERV) point or simple RV.
OSCAR the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "O".
OSRL Overseas Service Ribbon Long Tour
OSRS Overseas Service Ribbon Short Tour
OTP ONE TIME PAD - a cryptographic tool, being a printed pad of paper, each of which has a time dependant life span. Each sheet is used to encrypt data, and at the appointed time, it is destroyed and replaced with the next specified sheet. Used with DRYAD and other similar pen and paper codes like the British Army's Batco.
OUTBOUND GATES An OUTBOUND GATE is a WORMHOLE that begins at a STAR GATE BASE and lands on an OFF-WORLD destination. See the GATEWATCH REPORTS for details of the INBOUND and OUTBOUND GATES for each FLIGHT OPERATION, as shown in the SG51 Operations Listings document for a full list.
OWT OFF WORLD TECHNOLOGY - any equipment designed and manufactured using ALIEN DERIVED (AD#) materials. See also XAD#.
OVERWATCH The TACTIC of one UNIT, ELEMENT, or individual MARINE taking up a position from which to provide force protection to another as it moves.
OX EYE "Operation Ox Eye", aka "Operation Clean Sweap II" (OCSII), see OCS.
P PAPA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "P".
PAINT To use an active light source to illuminate a target.
PALS the Pouch Attachment Ladder System developed by the US Army for their MOLLE current load carrying kit. PALS is that name for the system of horizontal and vertical straps that give MOLLE its flexibility of use.any particular tactical or personal requirement.
PAPA the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "P".
PATROLS A PATROL MISSION, is a MISSION type designation, wherein the OBJECTIVE is to follow a specific route over a piece of terrain to deny access to the enemy, thus providing security for other friendly UNITS or positions. Standard BATTLE LOADS are normally carried. See also AMBUSH, COMBAT, LOGISTICS, RECON, SAD and SAR.
PATROL CAP a kind of soft fabric cap with a peak, similar to a BASEBALL CAP, but shaped differently in having a propper crown, and unlike a BASEBALL CAP, they come in different sizes, as they have no means of adjustment, so they tend to fit better.
NB: the link is to the current ACU cut cap made by Propper, one of the key military manufacturers in the USA.
PDR Professional Development Ribbon
PDW Personal Defence Weapon - a very compact, lightweight Sub-Machine Gun, using small calibre ammunition. The two best known are the 5.8x28mm FN P90 and the 4.6x30mm Heckler & Koch MP7A1 .
The TACTIC of executing a slanted withdrawl from CONTACT with a supperior force. Designed to prevent crossing friendly ARCS OF FIRE while maintaining UNIT cohesion.
PF Pathfinder mission -the first landing on an unexplored planet. These are the most dangerous missions of all, as drones can not pass through a wormhole without a living partner(s) of equal bio-mass. Consequentially Marines must undertake the first RECONNAISSANCE of a world with no prior knowledge of the conditions.
PFB Pathfinder Badge
PFC Private First Class - a well trained Private, which outranks a regular Private, but is subordinate to a Corporal.
PH Purple Heart
PHD Phd - Philosophical Doctorate - a high level university grade educational qualification.
PHONETIC CODES a PHONETIC CODE consists of a verbal expression for each of the letters in a given alphabet, and is used in police, rescue, military and para-military COMMUNICATIONS, and UNIT designations. The most widely used is the standard NATO PHONETIC CODE, which is UNSGC service. Click the above link to to see full details.
PIDC "Planetary Identification Chart" - the table that lists all the known planets. It also provides Gate ID for SPLINES linked to that planet (where known). See also GIDC and PLANETARY ID#.
PIR Passive InfraRed , a sensor designed to detect Infra-Red (IR) light, without emitting any of its own. Used in field deployable security systems to protect positions from intruders. See ACTIVE IR, and IR.
PISTOLS 1. A class of SIDEARM (HANDGUN) that stores its ammunition in a MAGAZINE, normally removable for rapid reloading. Often referred to as an AUTO PISTOL, an AUTOMATIC PISTOL or just as an AUTO. Most modern automatic PISTOLS hold from as few as 6 rounds, to as many as 20. For example the classic .45ACP M1911 Colt Government hold 7, whereas weapons like the Glock 18c normally holds 17, but can take an extended MAGAZINE which holds 33 rounds. In general cartridge power tends to be less than that of REVOLVERS due to the limitation of the MAGAZINE being stored in the weapon's grip (handle).
2. The word PISTOL is popularly and incorrectly used as a catch all term for any kind of SIDEARM (HANDGUN), including REVOLVERS.
PLANETARY ID# The P# or PID# is the alpha-numeric registration for each PLANET and is common to all STAR GATE BASE GATEWATCH systems. Originally introduce during CON-84 (26 NOV 11). It comprises four parts:
Starting with the SPLINE number on which it was first visited post CON-01 (14 JUL 96) e.g. "SG51".
To this is added "P" for PLANET, "SG51P"
The next 3 digits is the CON# during which a PATHFINDER MISSION was conducted, "SG51P084".
Followed by the PATHFINDER MISSION number itself, "SG51P08402"
If suffixed with a letter, this then becomes the address of a particular GATE on that world, e.g. "SG51-P0842A"
Thus SG51-P0842A denotes the "ALPHA" GATE of the PLANET on SPLINE 51, which was first landed on as a part of Mission 2, during CON-84.
NB: the "SG51-" and the intervening zeros between the letter "P", the CON-# and MISSION numbers propper, are normally omitted to render the ID more memorable. In our example the planet itself would be commonly written as "P842", while the ALPHA GATE address would be just "P842A". Only in those rare cases where either the number of missions flown was 10 or higher, or there was some other registration conflict, is the full form normally used. The current P# system is slowly being backdated and entered in to all records.

The Obsolete Registrations
Up until CON-056 (26 1834Z NOV 05), the registration consisted of just a "P" and four digits which was the ordinal denoting the numeric order of its discovery, suffixed with a letter denoting the precise GATE on that world. So P0001 would have been the very first world discovered. It gave no idea where it was in relation to anything else. This system was used before the relationship between Gates and planets was fully understood. From CON-58 the precise GATE numbers (G-#) were used instead, but these are specific to a given SPLINE, and the builders seemed to have laid GATES down in groups, and flew loops back to other worlds, probably for reasons of redundency. So these by themselves are not universally useful. The other obsolete references used to aid identification included, in addition to the old use of P#:
UP# - an Unexplored planet.
VP# - a Visited uncolonised planet.
C# - an operational Colony planet.
XC# - an Unrevisited ex-Colony planet. UXC# - a more clear reference for an Unrevisited ex-Colony planet. VXC# - a Revisited ex-Colony planet.
See also #A~#Z, G-#, GIDC and PIDC.,

PLATOON a UNIT comprising 2~4 SQUADS, that is normally 8~16 MARINES, serving as the building block for a COMPANY. A PLATOON is sometimes called a TROOP. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a PLATOON/TROOP is three bullet points: •••.
PLCE Personal Load Carrying Equipment. The first British issue all nylon "webbing" introduced in 1983 as the replacement for the M58 pattern "webbing". Still in common use with UK derived forces. Available in Olive Green, desert and woodland DPM . For UNMC service the current MTP version can be used, as it is based on MULTICAM™ .
PMAESTOS "Pass Me Another Elf Sergeant, This One's Split!" See the novel by Mary Gentle GRUNTS.
PMB PERSONAL MEDICAL BEACON: an automatically activating audio-visual, or simply visual beacon, that switches on when the wearer is rendered unconscious or dead, producing a bright red flashing light. Used to warn others of a potential KZ (Killing Zone), and to attract the attention of medics.
PUBLIC MOBILE RADIO 446 - a personal radio transceiver operating in the UHF BAND (446 MHz) used for pier to pier communications at SQUAD level. Usually an analogue radio, digital versions are labelled "dPMR".
POST A POST is a job within a unit to which a MARINE is appointed by that unit's CO (COMMANDING OFFICER). Some POSTs, are associated with a rank, and only one person at a time can hold that position, see as examples: COSM, RSM, SMMC and SMSGC.
POW PRISONER OF WAR - meaning our (FRIENDLY FORCES) personnel held by the enemy. See EPW.
POWM Prisoner Of War Medal
the means by which POWS can communicate with one another between cells. Although often described as MORSE CODE, it is not. Indeed it is impossible to perform MORSE CODE simply by tapping out your message on a wall or pipe, as it relies upon short and long tones. So instead, as part of E&E training, those who may find themselves in such confinement are taught this special POW CODE. See HERE for details.
PROFANITY CODES Imformal codes such as the FALCON CODE created by US Navy fighter pilots as a response to being prevented from using profanity on the airways. Click this link to read the article on the PROFANITY CODES, which includes the DOLPHIN CODE.
PROWORD a contraction of the term "Procedural Word", being that set of terms used in voice radio work, such as "affirmative", "over" and "roger". See the Radio Procedures page.
PT Physical Training
PTT Press To Talk - the push button control on radio equipment that is pushed to actually transmit a signal. See the Radio Procedures page.
PULL OUT the TACTIC of moving away from the enemy in a controlled fashion, without panic, and with the intent to remain in the BATTLEFIELD. You can also use "BREAK CONTAC", "DISENGAGE" or "WITHDRAW". See "ROUT" and "RETREAT".
PULL PIN The mechanism on some "GRENADES" or "PYROTECHNICS" in which an igniter is activated by the pulling of a pin, usually with a finger ring attached to it, to make the task easier. On some "GRENADES", this pin passes through a lever on the weapons side, called a "SPOON", that keeps the weapon inactive as long as it is held. Upon release the igniter activates the "FUSE".
PVT Private - the first real military rank, one above a Recruit, but below a Private First Class.
PYROTECHNICS any device intended to produce light or smoke by the burning of a compound. For example "SMOKE GRENADES", "FLARES" or "FLASH BANGS" (STUN GRENADES). See also "PULL PIN" and "SPOON".
Q QUEBEC - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "Q".
Q-CODE is a NATO standard "BREVITY CODE", which is a system of three letter signals, all starting with the letter "Q". Originally used with "MORSE CODE" to enable communications between stations without a common language, and or for speed and clarity. Sometimes used in voice radio communications, for the same purposes, but also for pithy remarks, for example:
  • QFU - "Fuck You"
  • QSS - "Quit Sending Shit"
  • QZZ - "operator asleep".

See also "Z-CODE". Here is the 2009 PDF document, for the current NATO meanings of the Q and Z codes, which remain in service even today, especially with Special Forces: ACP-131 , and the Radio Procedures page.
QUEBEC the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "Q".
qv. "quod vide" - meaning "see that". When appended to a word, letter or number, within a document, it means that you should go and read the entry referred to.
R ROMEO - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "R".
R&R Rest and Recreation/Recuperation/Rehabilitation/Relaxation - take your pick! Time off from the war.
RACK 1. A euphamism for a bed or bunk, derived from the naval term for a device designed to provide stowage on board vessels, such as a WEAPONS RACK. This leads to phrases like "getting some rack time" or HIT THE RACK. The word SACK is a non MARINE alternate to RACK.
2. The term used for the mount that carries a set of medal ribbons, as worn above the left breast pocket of a SDU shirt or jacket.
RAID A MISSION type designation, wherein an attack is EXECUTED against a specific enemy position or facility at a specific time. Such MISSIONS require double or higher BATTLE LOADS to be carried by the MARINES. See also AMBUSH, COMBAT, LOGISTICS, PATROLS, RECON, SAD and SAR.
RCL Recoilless Launcher (RL). A vehicle, tripod mounted, or shoulder fired Anti-Tank Weapon (ATW), like the famous Swedish Carl Gustav 84mm Recoilless Launcher.
NB: Recoilless Launchers are sometimes called "recoilless guns" or "recoilless rifles". The difference being that "guns" are smoothbore, while "rifles" are rifled.
RD ROUND - a single unit of ammunition. You will also find "RND". The plural is "RDS".
RD# Regimental Dinner - an annual operation run by each SG base. Usually followed by an ordinal number, and often combined with conference "C", into "RDC".
RDC# Regimental Dinner & Conference - an annual operation run by each SG base. Usually followed by an ordinal number. Very rarely separated in to two events, "C" and "RD".
RDS ROUNDS - plural of ROUND, a quantity of ammunition. The singular is "RD" or "RND".
REC Recruit Private - the lowest grade of Private, being the initial rank for anyone joining the UNMC.
RECCE RECONNAISSANCE - the act of seeking out and observing the enemy and or the terrain. Then reporting this information back to the commander, to enable a plan of action to be created.
RECCE is pronounced "recky", and is an alternative to "RECON". See also RECON, and RECON BY FIRE.
1. RECONNAISSANCE or RECON, is the act of seeking out and observing the enemy and or the terrain. Then reporting this information back to the commander, to enable a plan of action to be formulated.
2. RECON MISSION: a MISSION type designation, wherein the primary OBJECTIVE is to perform a RECONNAISSANCE of a given loction. Reduced BATTLE LOADS, are normally carried by the MARINES to improve mobility, and to discourage the seeking of CONTACT with the enemy.
RECON BY FIRE RECONNAISSANCE BY FIRE- the act of firing on suspected enemy positions, in an attempt to provoke a response, thus forcing the enemy to reveal their presence and precise location. See also RECCE, and RECON.
RED FORCES Hostile forces, see APP-6C for more details, and BLUE ON BLUE.
REGION-55 the People's Republic of China's STAR GATE Base.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
REGS Regulations
REGIMENT a UNIT comprising 2+ BATTALIONS, or at least 128+ MARINES. And serves as the building block for a BRIGADE. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a REGIMENT is three vertical bars: |||. The abbreviations for REGIMENT are REGT or RGT.
REGT REGIMENT. You can also use RGT.
REINFORCEMENTS Additional personnel required to raise a UNITS numbers to prevent defeat, or to enable a MISSION to be carried out.
A knife type tool with either a blade in the form of a hook, or a blunt point blade designed to cut through clothing, footwear and equipment without risking injury to the wearer, aka Search & Rescue Knife, Strap cutter or Safety Cutter. For example the NATO issue Benchmade™ 7 Hook or the US Navy's SARK. See also BAYONET, COMBAT KNIFE, MULTITOOL, SURVIVAL KNIFE and SWISS ARMY KNIFE.
RESPIRATOR The correct term for a GAS MASK, used by all persons when OFF-WORLD to protect against excessive exposure to "ABC". Equipped with replaceable filters, designed to last 24 hours, they are recycled upon return to Earth, and readings taken on the volumes and class of ABC encountered during the mission. See the Wiki entries on these well known examples, starting with the current British issue GSR , mask that replaced the S10 , which in turn replaced the famous S6 . Then the US military's current British made M50 from Avon Protection, its predesessor the M40 , and the Vietnam era M17 .
See also NBC SUIT, MOPP and the ABC Reports page and the Know Your Enemy 101 page.
RETREAT a sustained WITHDRAWL away from the enemy, with the intent of escape to a safe zone, in a controlled fashion, without panic. See also "BREAK CONTAC", "DISENGAGE", "PULL OUT", "WITHDRAW" and "ROUT".
REVEILLE the bugle call sounded to wake the TROOPS in the morning. In the UNSGC, this is done at 09:30. Click the link at left to hear the call on YouTube.
REVOLVERS A class of SIDEARM (HANDGUN), that stores its ammunition in a rotating cylinder, each cartridge being manually brought in to line with the bore of the weapon to be fired. Unlike the majority of automatic PISTOLS, that store their cartridges in the grip, the revolver is not restricted in terms of ammunition size. Therefore they can be far more powerful, for example the massive five shot .500 Magnum S&W Model 500. The rotating cylinder design of these weapons also limits the number of cartridges that can be loaded, most REVOLVERS varry from 5~7 rounds in capacity. The more powerful the round, the larger, and heavier the weapon, with reduced capacity. See the 7 shot Ruger GP100 for a comparison.
RF Radio Frequencies - that part of the electro-magnetic spectrum used for radio communications. See also Radio Procedures .
RGHQ-51 the British STAR GATE Base located at GRID REFERENCE TQ576986.
See UNSGC Base Reference Guide for more details.
RGT REGIMENT. You can also use REGT.
RIFLE 1. a long weapon whose barrel has been rifled, that is cut with spiral grooves to spin the bullet to promote accuracy.*
2. the default term for the standard infantry weapon.
* the term is associated with long barrelled weapons due to the history of the technology.
RIGHT in battlefield speech and voice radio work it is exclusively reserved for use in giving some kind of spacial directions. See also "AFFIRMATIVE", "CORRECT", "NEGATIVE" and "ROGER". See also Radio Procedures .
RL 1. RL - Rocket Launcher
2. RL - Recoilless Launcher
They can be vehicle, tripod mounted or shoulder fired Anti-Tank Weapons (ATW), like the famous Soviet Rocket Propelled Grenade 7 (RPG-7) or the Swedish Carl Gustav 84mm Recoilless Launcher (RCL).
NB: Recoilless Launchers are sometimes called "recoilless guns" or "recoilless rifles". The difference being that "guns" are smoothbore, while "rifles" are rifled. See also RCL.
RND ROUND - a single unit of ammunition. Also you will find "RD". The plural is RDS, ROUNDS.
ROA RATE OF ADVANCE - the specified maximum speed of movement for a unit. This determines the degree of observation, stealth and security the unit can achieve.
ROCKER The curved stripe, shaped like a smile used beneath CHEVRONS on NCO ranks from STAFF SERGEANT to COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR.
ROE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT - the regulations covering the limitations to the use of arms, the right to shoot, when and under what circumstances and to what degree can force be used.
ROF the Rate Of Fire of a weapon, is the speed at which it can be fired. Measured in RPM or rounds per minute. With self loading or fully automatic weapons the technical term is the "CYCLIC rate of fire"
Here is a guide to realistic rates of fire and how they are regarded:
100~300rpmVery Slow
1,200~1,500rpmExtremely Fast
1,500~6,000rpmUltra Fast *
* These higher speeds require special designs such as the 7.62x51mm M134 Minigun which uses six rotating barrels to achieve up to 6,000rpm, but in practise is restricted to a maximum of between 3,000~4,000rpm.
ROMEO the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "R".
1. a single unit of ammunition. Abbreviated as either "RD" or "RND".
2. the plural, for a quantity of ammunition. Abbreviated as either "RDS" or "RNDS"
3. a ROUND of ammunition for infantry weapons is made up of four parts, the BULLET (the projectile itself), the case, normally of brass, that contains all the parts, the charge of powder (propellant), and the primer, a small disk in the base of the case that explodes and detonates the propellant when struck by the weapons firing pin.
NB: in the military you talk in terms of ROUNDS of ammunition, not BULLETS, unless you are a balistics specialist, and then only if that is what you are actually discussing.
ROUT leaving a fight in an uncontrolled fashion, usually in a panic. These are conditions under which the majority of casualties are taken, as the enemy is not SUPPRESSED, and can shoot at relatively easy targets without hinderence. See also "BREAK CONTAC", "DISENGAGE", "PULL OUT", "WITHDRAW" and "RETREAT".
RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade - a shoulder fired anti-tank Rocket Launcher ("RL"), the most famous being the Soviet RPG-7 .
RPM Rounds Per Minute - the speed at which a weapon can be fired. See "CYCLIC" and "ROF"
Here is a guide to realistic rates of fire and how they are regarded:
100~300rpmVery Slow
1,200~1,500rpmExtremely Fast
1,500~6,000rpmUltra Fast *
* These higher speeds require special designs such as the 7.62x51mm M134 Minigun which uses six rotating barrels to achieve up to 6,000rpm, but in practise is restricted to a maximum of between 3,000~4,000rpm.
RSR Recruiting Service Ribbon
RST Readability, Strength, Tone, a reporting code used to describe the quality of radio transmissions, as in "loud and clear" or "five by five". See the Radio Procedures pages for an explanation.
RTO RADIO TELEPHONY OPERATOR. A person whose principle job is to use radio equipment. See "S6" and the Radio Procedures page.
RTU RETURNED TO UNIT - when a member of the SPECIAL FORCES (SF) ceases to qualify for membership of that BRANCH OF SERVICE, they are returned to a regular unit for reassignment. Operatives may at a later date attempt to requalify for SF status.
RU Russian Federation - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
RV RENDEZVOUS - to meet at a specified time and place. See also ERV and ORP.
RX The act of receiving radio transmissions. See also DX (direction finding) and TX (transmiting). See also Radio Procedures .
S SIERRA - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "S".
S# The alpha-numeric key POST designations S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6, used in the UNSGC at Regimental level. Their corresponding General Staff level equivalents are the designations G1 ~ G6. See G#
S1 the POST of Adjutant, responsible for maintaining records and conducting the day to day administration and finances of the base during OFF-WORLD operations. Their duties exclude security, see S5. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G1, or Adjutant General (AG).
S2 the base's Inteligence Officer, responsible for collecting, collating, analysing and dissemenating intelligence regarding OFF-WORLD operations. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G2.
S3 the base's Operations Officer, responsible for over-seeing OFF-WORLD missions. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G3.
S4 the base's Logistics Officer, responsible for managing and issuing unit stores and equipment. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G4.
S5 the Civil Affairs Officer, that is the base's MPC commanding Officer, see MPC. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G5
S6 1. The Communications Officer, responsible for co-ordinating all COMMS, OFF-WORLD and ON-WORLD, between members of the Regiment. The corresponding position at GHQ is the G6. See also Radio Procedures page.
2. A type of British RESPIRATOR qv.
SAD SEARCH AND DESTROY - a MISSION type designation, wherein the principle OBJECTIVE is to PATROL, to locate and make CONTACT with the enmy in a specific area at a specific time. Such MISSIONS require double or higher BATTLE LOADS to be carried by the MARINES. See also AMBUSH, COMBAT, LOGISTICS, PATROLS, RECON and SAR.
SAER Small Arms Expert Ribbon
SALUTE 1. the physical act of saluting, a mark of respect given to another person, or flag during ceremonies, memorials etc. Not used in everyday UNSGC operations to prevent aiding the enemies identification of senior or key personnel. The form of salute used in the UNSGC is the same as that of the Royal Navy, and US forces in eneral.
2. a useful mnemonic as an aid to providing a report on an observed or contacted enemy:
    Size - number of persons in the unit.
  • Activity - what is the unit doing, direction of travel etc.
  • Location - where was it seen, provide a grid reference if possible.
  • Uniform - anything that identifies the enemy, uniform, patches etc.
  • Time - what time was the contact made, or from when to when. Use the 24 hour clock and time zone letter or DTG.
  • Equipment - what weapons, radios or other kit was being used, carried or deployed. Include any noted frequencies and codes.
SANDBAG a component for a FORTIFICATION, being a bag roughly 300x 600mm, made of hessian or plastic, designed to be filled with earth or sand, and laid down as part of a defensive structure to provide protection from weapons fire. See also "BERM", "BUNKER", "FORTICATIONS", "FOXHOLE", "HESCO", "SANGER", "SHELL SCRAPE" and "TRENCH".
SANGER a SANGER is a kind of FORTIFICATION made of SANDBAGS that stands on top of the ground, and does not involve digging a FOXHOLE or TRENCH. Designed to provide protection from weapons fire, at a particular point, for example at a VEHICLE CHECK POINT (VCP). See also "BERM", "BUNKER", "FORTIFICATIONS", "FOXHOLE", "HESCO", "SANDBAG", "SHELL SCRAPE" and "TRENCH".
SAR SEARCH AND RESCUE - a MISSION type designation, wherein the OBJECTIVE is to locate and recover personnel designated as MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) Such MISSIONS require standard or reduced BATTLE LOADS to be carried by the MARINES, so as to improve mobility, and discourage seeking CONTACT with the enemy. See also AMBUSH, COMBAT, LOGISTICS, PATROLS, RECON and SAD.
SAS 1. Special Air Service - a special forces regiment of the British Army.
2. A mnemonic aide-memoire to executing military operations, standing for Speed, Aggression & Surprise. See also "SMC".
SAW Squad Automatic Weapon - an alternate term for an LMG (LIGHT MACHINE GUN). Commonly used to specifically mean the European developed FN Minimi or its US varriant, the M249 , better known as the SAW, both chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO.
SCRIM a fine meshed net like rectangular garment that wraps about the head and/or neck. Almost as popular with UNSGC MARINES as the SHEMAGH, as they are ideal protection for the neck when OFF-WORLD. See also SHEMAGH.
SCANNERS 1. A Ultraviolet (UV) light source part of the electro-magnetic spectrum in the frequency band 400nm~10n (nanometres), which cause the wrists and sometimes the neck of those contaminated with ABC to flouresce under a UV light source. Therefore UV SCANNERS are standard issue items, and a UV SCAN is always carried out upon personnel entering a UNSGC BASE or when returning from an OFF-WORLD MISSION.
2. A SIGINT radio receiver designed to search or "scan" a wide range of FREQUENCIES, and to lock on to and listen in to them so as to gather INTELLIGENCE.
SFC Sergeant First Class - an NCO rank, below Master Sergeant, but above Staff Sergeant.
SDU SERVICE DRESS UNIFORM - the formal uniform worn on base by the UNSGC. It comprises:

Women's SDU
  • Black Shoes (high or low heel) or Boots.
  • Black Socks, Tights or Stockings.
  • Black Skirt or Trousers.
  • Black 1" Web Belt.1 & 3
  • Olive Green Shirt.2
  • Black Neck Tab or Tie.
  • Black Jacket.3
  • Black Garrison Cap or UN Blue Beret.3
Men's SDU
  • Black Shoes or Boots.
  • Black Socks.
  • Black Trousers.
  • Black 1" Web Belt.1
  • Olive Green Shirt.2
  • Black Neck Tie.
  • Black Jacket.3
  • Black Garrison Cap or UN Blue Beret.3
1. US military issue black 1" web belt with brass Sta-Brite buckle.
2. British Army issue General Service shirt, two pocket, two epaullette, long or short sleeved.
3. Optional

any weapon capable of repeatedly loading, firing and reloading itself with no other action other than the depressing of the trigger, but shooting just one ROUND per trigger pull. To fire a second or subsequent shot, the trigger must be released, and repulled. See also "FULL AUTO" and "AUTO".
SERIAL A portion or phase of a military EXERCISE, which is a mock battle or other kind of training tool. See also COMEX, ENDEX and OPFOR.
The 6 digit number used to identify individual Marines. The last 5 digits are the Marines UKARA#. See also ARA#.
SERVICE MEDALS a MEDAL awarded for participation in a specific action or CAMPAIGN. Worn below your DECORATIONS. See the Decorations, Medals & Awards page for a full description.
SF Special Forces - an elite BRANCH OF SERVICE (BOS).
SG# 1. a SPLINE number, defined by the number of a Gate controlled by the UNSGC here on the Earth, e.g. "SG51", being the 51st GATE within BASE-78 in Antarctica found in 1934.

2. a STAR GATE TEAM with a 1 or 2 digit ID number, see STAR GATE TEAM.

SGSR Security Guard Service Ribbon
SGT Sergeant - an NCO rank, above Corporal, but below Staff Sergeant. Sometimes, but not always accepted as a catch all title for all grades of Sergeant.
SG TEAM # 1. a STAR GATE TEAM with a 3 or 4 digit ID number. An ad hoc unit assembled during an operation for the purpose of conducting off-world missions. Each time such a team is put together to carry out an off-world MISSION it's designation is achieved by the addition of its SPLINE, CON and MISSION number, e.g. SPLINE "SG51" CON-"21" MISSION "03" officially becomes in full "SG5102103" as this fully distinguishes that unit worldwide. However for local use this is usually truncated to "SG TEAM 213" or just "Team 213". But never T213 as this may cause confusion with hostile typology.

2. a STAR GATE TEAM with a 1 or 2 digit ID number. A permanently established formation, e.g. SG Team 18, often rendered as SG18. This latter is acceptable because the numbers are not permitted to exceed 49 so that it cannot be confused with a SPLINE number which all start at 50. See SG#.

SHELL SCRAPE a SHELL SCRAPE is a kind of improvised FORTIFICATION, which is quickly dug, and designed to enable a MARINE or even a vehicle to be below the level of the ground, to provide protection from weapons fire. A MARINE will use an E-TOOL (ENTRENCHING TOOL) to dig a hole just a few inches deep to lie in. Later such SHELL SCRAPES can be deepened and expanded in to a FOXHOLE or entire TRENCH system. See also "BERM", "BUNKER", "FORTIFICATIONS", "FOXHOLE", "HESCO", "SANDBAG" "SANGER" and "TRENCH".
SHEMAGH aka Keffiyeh, is a traditional middle-eastern cotton desert garment that wraps about the head and/or neck. Here in the west, they are most often encountered as a woven rectangle, with a fringe at opposite ends, in various checkered patterns, including green or tan with black, and tan with brown. These items are popular with UNSGC MARINES as they are ideal protection for the neck when OFF-WORLD. See also SCRIM.
The standard military catch all term meaning any firearm that can be carried in a holster and used single handedly. That is, a PISTOL or a REVOLVER (HANDGUN).
SIERRA the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "S".
SIG 1. Signals (communications).
2. Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft : the famous Swiss firearms manufacturer. The firearms division of this company is as of 2000 known as Swiss Arms. As an example see the SIG P226 pistol, which is in current UK military service.
SIGINT SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE: the art of intercepting and understanding enemy communications. Sometimes called COMMINT and ICOM. See also HUMINT. See also Radio Procedures .
SILENCER a misleading non-military term, see SUPPRESSOR
SINGLE FILE FORMATION a single column of MARINES, walking one behind the other. Used for movement in dense woodland or at night in high threat areas, or on paths in safe ones. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, these FORMATIONS is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
SITREP a SITUATION REPORT is a brief statement of the current military situation in which a given unit finds itself. Depending upon the circumstances, it may include, details of casualties, the enemy (see SALUTE), ammunition, food, water and medical supply needs. When required
SLR Self Loading Rifle - a semi-automatic rifle, incapable of fully automatic fire. In British service it particularly means the 7.62x51mm L1A1 rifle, which was replaced by the 5.56x45mm L85A1 aka SA80 ASSAULT RIFLE. See BATTLE RIFLE.
SM 1. Sergeant Major a senior NCO rank, above a First Sergeant, but below a Command Sergeant Major.
2. Soldier's Medal
SMALL ARMS a catch all term meaning any firearm that can be carried and operated by a single person.
SMC A mnemonic aide-memoire to executing military operations, standing for Shoot, Move & Communicate. See also "SAS".
SN Serial Number - the prefix label to the 8 digit UNMC number that identifies each and every member of the Corps, as used on Dog Tags.
SNAFU "Situation Normal All Fucked Up" - a US forces exclamation! Often seen as a label on broken items of kit requiring repair. Similar to the old RAF tag BFOs, "Bits Falling Off" commonly seen attached to aircraft. See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
SNASTW Senior Astronaut's Wings
SNAVW Senior Aviator's Wings
1. a SNIPER is a person trained to serve as the "eyes" of a unit, with the secondary role of providing long range highly accurate single shot fire to eliminate specified targets. Normally commanded by their SPOTTER as part of a 2 person team, working with one to three other SNIPER teams to co-ordinate their actions.
2. the SNIPER RIFLE, or SNIPING RIFLE, is the weapon specifically made or adapted for use by a "SNIPER", for the purpose of sniping. For example the M24 "BOLT ACTION RIFLE".
SNOWBALL EARTH 1. A paleontological term for a period in Earth's history, when it was entirely covered in ice (circa 650~542mya) which is believed to have precipitated the Cambrian Explosion (c.570~542mya), when multi-cellular life first appeared, replacing the previously dominant species Cyano-bacteria. This occurred on all known planets within the network with the exception of P567 the current SPLINE ROOT.
2. A condition that worlds suffer from, when post arrival-departure of AS#2 aka the Worms, the bulk of the bio-sphere (living matter) on it's surface is removed. The Gates of such planets remain accessible for a few months until they are buried in ice, after which, connection is impossible. The Gates themselves survive, evidenced by the SPLINE not being cut, and no doubt after approximately 10~50 million years have passed, the biosphere will recover.
SO STANDING ORDERS: Those orders that are in current effect, that do not require reiteration in OPERATIONS ORDERS or WARNING ORDERS. For example the SO's requiring that all T1's encountered OFF-WORLD are to be taken prisoner and returned to Earth alive. See also SOP.
SOP Standard Operating Procedure - the format for the conduct of a specified action, such as a STARBURST, that is comon to all units.
SPEC Specialist - a civilian who has undertaken a minimum of military training, to the degree that other military personnel are content to allow them to carry a HANDGUN during operations, for self-defence. NB: regular civilians are not permitted to bear arms, regardless of status. CPO's are appointed for their protection.
SPLINE A SPLINE is the linear structure from which STAR GATES are calved . They are long thin formations of what appears to look like a granite like substance called LIGHT IRON, and are divided in to nodes or modules, each of which being an individual STAR GATE. A useful analagy is to think of the whole as a loaf of sliced bread. A permenant wormhole exists between all elements, and can expand to become traversable between any two nodes. SPLINES cannot connect with one another. See "Einstein–Rosen Bridge". It is believed that the SPLINE functions as a form of spacecraft, delivering STAR GATES to target planets. Because two STAR GATES can connect at distances beyond that of the LIGHT HORIZON, it is necessary that this SPLINE spacecraft must be able to exceed the speed of light, or in some other fashion violate our current understanding of the laws of physics. The STAR GATES within a SPLINE increase in size and mass towards the centre, and shrink again towards the other end. The maximum STAR GATE size is a function of the total number of nodes in the SPLINE, which can vary from a few hundred to several thousand. SG51 has 1,597 useable GATES, plus two end GATES too small for humans or animals to pass. It is estimated that when in flight this structure measured around 800 metres long by at maximum just 5 metres wide by 40~50 metres high. See also SPLINE ROOT.
SPLINE ROOT The SPLINE ROOT is the first STAR GATE in a given SPLINE, and is identified by the relative geological age of the oldest bedrock of the planet upon which it stands. All known SPLINES begin on P567, which is believed to be the "home world" of AS#1, aka "THE BUILDERS", as it is unique in being covered with SPLINE ROOTS. Further study has shown that this planet is significantly older than all others, being about 6.9 billion years old, whereas all other planets are between 4.4 and 5.5 billion years old (Earth is 4.6bya). At some point in its distant past this was an Earth like planet. But now it is a true "wanderer" as it appears to be a captured planet without a star, in a decaying orbit around a super massive black hole. How this planet got in to this position is a matter of speculation. However it is clear that the environment is being artificially maintained. The gravitational stress upon flight crews attempting to land has resulted in numerous casualties, including some deaths. Extreme caution and need are required to attempt a landing there in the future.

See also SPLINE.

SPOON the mechanism on some "GRENADES" or "PYROTECHNICS" in which a safety pin, usually with a ring attached, passes through a lever on the weapons side, called the "SPOON", so named because of its shape once removed. The "PULL PIN" and SPOON keeps the weapon inactive as long as it is held. Upon release the igniter activates the "FUSE".
SQUADS a UNIT normally comprising 2 or more FIRE TEAMS, a total of 6~12 MARINES, which serves as the building block for PLATOONS. Usually designated within the UNIT organisation by a letter, see ALPHA~ZULU (SQUAD). As a means of deception in some situations this term is applied to a FIRE TEAM, when for example the SG TEAM is too small to be a proper full strength SQUAD. Thus a 2 person FIRE TEAM can be designated as a SQUAD. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a SQUAD is a pair of bullet points: ••. The abbreviation is SQD.
SS Silver Star
SSGT Staff Sergeant - an NCO rank, above Sergeant, but below Sergeant First Class.
STAGGERED FILE FORMATION a FILE wherein each SINGLE FILE is slightly off-set, so each MARINE has a clear view to their left and right. Used for moving on tracks or roads, in higher threat level areas. See FORMATIONS.
NB: the spacing within, and movement of, these FORMATIONS is always iregular, to aide in preventing detection.
"STAND TO!" is an emphatic order to prepare for an enemy attack. This order is often given a our before dawn and just before sunset, as these twilight periods are one of the most likely times for an attack upon a defended position.
STAND DOWN is the opposite to "STAND TO!", and usually issued once a period of high risk has past. Typically once the sun is well above the horizon, and no longer impedes your vision, or once full darkness has descended, and you switch over to night fighting drills.
STARBURST The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for infantry landing or launch OFF-WORLD via a STAR GATE.
STAR GATE Usage of term: aka a GATE, never written as Stargate. Always capitalised to distinguish it from other text. In reports please specify the Gate by its letter prefix, as there maybe more than one Gate in the AO, e.g. "the ALPHA GATE".

Definition of term: An ancient alien device that forms Wormholes through space-time, enabling travel between Earth like worlds that are many light years apart. Made of a material that resembles granite, but is in fact LIGHT IRON, and calved out of a larger structure called a SPLINE. They are buried on the surface of a planet and people are able to move "through" them from one place to another. There are no obvious means of control, and only in the last ten years have we learned how to "force" a wormhole to a desired destination. Prior to this these STAR GATES opened and closed cyclically every two to three months to random destinations, which we could predict to a limited degree employing the GATEWATCH system.

First located at BASE 78 in Antarctica in 1928, and first activated in 1934 by Admiral Richard E. Byrd's Second Antartic Expedition. In 1998 six of these devices were moved to bases in the nations participating in the CONTACT Program. The U.S.A. (2 #50 and #52), the UK (#51), France (#53), the Russian Federation (#54) and the People's Republic of China (#55). These are the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. BASE 78 was lost in August 1999.

Earth is but one planet of less than a hundred, on an immense system estimated to be at least 3.5 billion years old, and extending beyond the "LIGHT HORIZON" of the known universe. On average there are between 1 to 3 habbitable planets per suitable galaxy, and few galaxies are candidates. Target planets are in all key respects analogues but not clones of the Earth, hence their rarity. There are no humans, primates or similar species on any other world, although most other animals are reproduced; implying a common genetic heritage. NB: in the early days of the CONTACT program there was much heated debate, as to whether these worlds were parallels, temporal copies or the product of teraforming. The STARGAZER project, eliminated the first two options, leaving the latter as the current theory.

We now believe that we have identified the homeworld for this system, SG51P567A, (aka P567, G-1591~G-1598 on our SPLINE) as all known SPLINE ROOTS have their origin there.

See also "EINSTEIN-ROSEN BRIDGE", "SPLINE" and "SPLINE ROOT". See the document Star Gate 101 for more details.

STAR GATE BASE any designated facility concerned with, or actually or formaly housing or operating, or in the process of retrieving a STAR GATE. There are nine bases designated thus, only five of which currently have a STAR GATE. Each base carries the number of the associated STAR GATE that was removed from Antarctica in 1999, just prior to the loss of "BASE 78". See the UNSGC Base Ref Guide for more details.
STARGAZER a project to map the stars and other astronomical bodies around all alien worlds to locate the planets in relationship to the Earth. Developed by a Scottish scientist Dr Richard Campbell PhD (SERIAL NUMBER 199110), a SPECIALIST (SPEC4) assigned to RGHQ-51 during the period 1999~2001.

The system comprised a mobile computer, three observation antenna, power supply and associated cabling, plus a test kit. It require an entire SG Team to set it up and secure it during its automatic two hour cycle.

It successfully closed the debate as to the nature of the STAR GATE system, by clearly indicating that all worlds were unique, located in this Universe, but ranging in distances from a few tens of thousands of LIGHT YEARS, to beyond the LIGHT HORIZON. The first indication that the GATE network was inter-galactic, was when several worlds were measured at in excess of 600 million LIGHT YEARS from the EARTH, which is well outside the MILKY WAY. To date within the MILKY WAY there are only three known worlds, the EARTH, NEW GREENHAM COMMON and ABRIDGE. See the PIDC page for more information.

However, the STARGAZER system is currently undergoing a significant upgrade in an attempt to enable it to be useful beyond the LIGHT HORIZON. See also STAR GATE.

STOP STOP STOP! An emphatic order to stop whatever is being done, for example to halt a vehicle or to CEASE FIRE.
STRATEGIC - military activities on the battlefield are broadly divided in to two levels of importance, the TACTICAL and the STRATEGIC. TACTICAL level issues revolve around the short term immediate necessities required for the conduct of said operations, whereas STRATEGIC issues are those concerned with the long term outcome of a CAMPAIGN. This is why COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, regardless of POST within a UNIT can assume command when the current situation bears upon STRATEGIC level issues. NON COMMISSIONED OFFERS (NCO) focus upon TACTICAL level issues. See also TACTICS and STRATEGY.
STRATEGY long term military planning. The means by which wars are won. See also CAMPAIGN, STRATEGIC., TACTICAL and TACTICS.
SUA Superior Unit Award
SUB MACHINE GUN aka SMG, which is a class of infantry weapon, smaller and less powerful than an ASSAULT RIFLE, that is chambered for PISTOL type ammunition. For example the diminnutive .320 ACP Czech Scorpion Vz61 , the well known 9x19mm MP5 , and the potent .45 ACP Ingram MAC-10 . See also PDW.
SUPPORT GROUP a FIRE TEAM (2~3 MARINES) whose job is to provide supporting fire to an ASSAULT GROUP during the final phase of an attack. In the past this was called the GUN GROUP, and was a 3 person team equipped with a GPMG, whereas its counterpart, the RIFLE GROUP was a 5 person team, solely armed with SLRs. In most regular forces these days each FIRE TEAM is the same size, typically 4 persons, and normally has exactly the same weapons, namely ASSAULT RIFLES and SQUAD AUTOMATIC WEAPONS (SAW) for maximum FIREPOWER during a FIRE & MANOEUVRE ATTACK. In a FLANKING ATTACK all the MACHINE GUNS are assigned to the SUPPORT GROUP, leaving the ASSAULT GROUP with just ASSAULT RIFLES.
1. the TACTIC of laying down sufficient FIREPOWER, that an enemy is unable to shoot back, that is the enemy is SUPPRESSED. When used to enable another unit to close for an an assault or withdraw, it is often called "COVERING FIRE".
2. a SUPPRESSOR is a device designed to reduce the noise and flash produced by a weapon. NO suppressor can ever remove the REPORT (sound) or MUZZLE FLASH of a weapon completely. Sometimes called a "can", due to their appearance, or incorrectly as a "SILENCER".
SURVIVAL KNIFE A large heavy knife specifically designed as a tool to aide in survival situations. For example in fire making and shelter building. Not used for fighting. See also BAYONET, COMBAT KNIFE, MULTITOOL, RESCUE KNIFE and SWISS ARMY KNIFE.
SWANT Special Weapons And No Tactics - See the Satirical & Cynical Acronyms list at the top of the page for more.
SWISS ARMY KNIFE The original pocket multi toolled pocket knife designed by Victorinox, that inspired the development of the heavier duty LEATHERMAN™, the first of the so-called MULTITOOLS. The "SWISS" or SAK has the advantage of being light and very compact. See also BAYONET, COMBAT KNIFE, RESCUE KNIFE and SURVIVAL KNIFE.
T TANGO the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "T".
T0 "Type 0" (zero) is the designation for an uninfected "TANGO", a target that is either a potential or actual hostile encountered OFF-WORLD.
T1 Type 1 is the designation for the most common form of ABC infected human being or animal. Colloquially known as "gate walkers". They are only infected with the M1 series of ABC. Read More
T2 Type 2 is the designation for a human being or animal, who having been already infected with the M1 form of ABC, goes on to be additionally infected with the M2 type. Colloquially known as "re-animators". They are enemies of the T1's. Common. Read More
T2ID Type 2 Incapacitation Device: a chemical light stick, that emits UV radiation at a frequency that M2 nanites find highly attractive. When placed on a T2~T5, it causes a temporary loss of control, rendering the target helpless for as long as the device works. Currently, as the required intensity is very high, these devices last only for about 5+ minutes. However, this has proven sufficient to enable operatives to secure and take them prisoner. It does NOT work on the M1 ABC, and so will not effect T1's.
T3 Type 3 is the designation for an "improved" T2, that serves as a low level unit commander. Rare. Read More
T4 Type 4 is the designation for an "improved" T3, that serves as a mid-level commander. Very rare. Read More
T5 Type 5 is the designation for an "improved" T4, that serves as the highest level of commander. Extremely rare. Read More
TABLE OF ORGANISATION a chart showing the structure of a military organisation.
TACTICAL - military activities on the battlefield are broadly divided in to two levels of importance, the TACTICAL and the STRATEGIC. TACTICAL level issues revolve around the short term immediate necessities required for the conduct of said operations, whereas STRATEGIC issues are those concerned with the long term outcome of a CAMPAIGN. This is why COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, regardless of POST within a UNIT can assume command when the current situation bears upon STRATEGIC level issues. NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS (NCO) focus upon TACTICAL level issues. See also STRATEGY and TACTICS.
TACTICS short term military planning. The means by which battles are won. See STRATEGY, STRATEGIC and TACTICAL.
"TAKE COVER!" or just "COVER!" is an emphatic order to lie down and/or seek protection from a potential threat. See also "HIT THE DECK!"
TANGO 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "T".
2. the standard "NATO" phonetic code word for the letter "T", used as a noun for any potential "target" hostile or not. Suffixed with a number, it identifies the individual target. A prefixed number indicates their numerical strength. For example "TANGO Two", or "Four unknown TANGOS". When taken as a prisoner they become an EPW (ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR). If they escape they are once again referred to by the term TANGO.
TASC The Antarctic Stargate Command - the precursor to the CONTACT program, being the NATO* formation under which the western world conducted OFF-WORLD operations (1946~1996).
* North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
TBA "TO BE ADDED" or "TO BE ADVISED" (context dependant).
TBC To Be Confirmed
TMI Too Much Information
TMS Too Much Sharing
TIME ZONE the #A ~ #Z alphabetical suffix to a time entry, defining a NATO TIME ZONE as used in a NATO "DATE TIME GROUP" (DTG). See also "ALPHA TIME", "DTG", "JULIET TIME" and "ZULU TIME".
TR Training Ribbon
TRENCHES are a kind of FORTIFICATION, in the form of a long ditch like structure, designed to provide protection from weapons fire, while at the same time enabling personnel to move around the battlefield along them.


1. a TROOP is a UNIT comprising 2~4 SQUADS, or normally 8~16 MARINES. And serves as the building block for a COMPANY. A TROOP is sometimes called a PLATOON. In organisational tables and map symbology, the symbol used for a TROOP/PLATOON is three bullet points: •••.

2. TROOPS can be either the plural of the UNIT called a TROOP, or the term for its members, or a generic term for soldiers or MARINES.

TX The act of transmitting radio signals. See also DX (direction finding) and RX (receiving). See also Radio Procedures .
U UNIFORM - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "U".
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - the small backpack portable remotely controlled aircraft used by the UNSGC exclusively for RECONNAISSANCE.
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice - the US military's legal code, which is in general use with the UNMC. It covers all major offences requiring a Court Martial, and that may result in judicial punishment of UNSGC personnel. This usage is subject to the special provisions of terms of establishment, and the inturpretation and adjudication of the office of the JAG (Judge Advocate General) of the UNSGC. The link at left takes you to the UCMJ website, whereas this next one will take you to the Wiki entry. NB: UNSGC personnel are not subject to the US Constitution, its Federal or State laws, unless they are serving within the territorial jurisdiction of the Congress of the USA. See also "Article 15" re Non-Judicial Punishment.
UCP Universal Camouflage Pattern - the US Army's digital camouflage, that was originally known as ACU (Army Camouflage Uniform), then ARMPAT (Army Pattern). ACU now means Army Combat Uniform, as it is the cut and not the colour. Enemy units are still equipped with this camouflage. See the Wiki entry.
UGL "Under-barrel" or "Under-slung" Grenade Launcher, a class of weapon that can fire high explosive rounds, smoke or gas grenades, flares or shotshells. and is directly mounted to a rifle, beneath its own barrel, for ease of use. See the single shot M203 or the H&K AG36 both chambered in 40x46SR as an example.
UHF ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY, a BAND of the electro-magnetic spectrum used to send and receive radio signals. In CONTACT three BANDS are used, listed in order of increasing FREQUENCY and decreasing WAVELENGTH:
  • HF BAND or HIGH FREQUENCY 3 ~ 30 MHz / 100 ~ 10 metres.
  • VHF BAND or VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 30 ~ 300 MHz / 10 ~ 1 metres.
  • UHF BAND or ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY 300 ~ 3,000 MHz (3 GHz). / 100 ~ 10 centimetres.
UK United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. Never used in place of the official ISO two letter country code in any documentation. See "GB".
UKARA# United Kingdom Allocated Registered Admin Number - the British set of personnel designations (ARA#) issued by GHQ, that form the last five figures of a Marine SERIAL NUMBER. The administrative letter prefix, which currently is 'TFS' is replaced by a single ordinal to create the full six digit SERIAL NUMBER of the Marine.
UN United Nations
UNGA United Nations General Assembly - the public forum, with representatives of all member nations. See also "COMMITTEE 78" and "UNSC".
UNHQ United Nations Head Quarters - New York, USA.
UNHQSM United Nations Headquarters Service Medal
UNIFORM 1. The standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "U".
2. The set of clothes worn by MARINES to provide a collective identity, either for parade or for war.
UNIT 1. An established military group which operates collectively, which has an appointed CO (COMMANDING OFFICER), as opposed to an ELEMENT which is an ad hoc grouping lead by an OC (OFFICER COMMANDING). The term is usually applied to groups of REGIMENTAL size and smaller. Larger groups are referred to as FORMATIONS.
2. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce - a part of the ongoing disinformation OPERATIONS designed to protect the CONTACT Program.
UNMC United Nations Marine Corps - for its origins read the UNMCFSP document.
UNSC United Nations Security Council - the executive body made up of its five permenant members, plus six additional representatives of country's from the General Assembly, that serve for two years at a time. The permenant members are:
  • French Republic
  • People's Republic of China,
  • Russian Federation
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • United States of America
UNSGC United Nations STAR GATE COMMAND - the only operational Command of the UNMC.
UNSSM United Nations Special Service Medal
UP#' See PLANETARY ID# (see also PF)
US United States of America - ISO Two Letter Country Code.
Ultraviolet light is that part of the electro-magnetic spectrum in the frequency band 400nm~10n (nanometres), which cause the wrists and sometimes the neck of those contaminated with ABC to flouresce under a UV light source. Therefore UV SCANNERS are standard issue items, and a UV SCAN is always carried out upon personnel entering a UNSGC BASE or when returning from an OFF-WORLD MISSION.

See the Know Your Enemy 101 page.

UXO Unexploded Ordnance - bombs, mines or other munitions that pose a threat, requiring disposal by an ATO (Ammunition Technical Officer).
V VICTOR 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "V".
2. the code word for a wheelled vehicle, such as a "Jeep".
VC Victoria Cross
VCP Vehicular Check Point - a vehicle and or personnel inspection, search and ID varification position.
NB: the alternate term CP for a Check Point is NOT used by UNSGC personnel, as it can be confused with CP meaning Command Post.
VHF VERY HIGH FREQUENCY, a BAND of the electro-magnetic spectrum used to send and receive radio signals. In CONTACT three BANDS are used, listed in order of increasing FREQUENCY and decreasing WAVELENGTH:
  • HF BAND or HIGH FREQUENCY 3 ~ 30 MHz / 100 ~ 10 metres.
  • VHF BAND or VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 30 ~ 300 MHz / 10 ~ 1 metres.
  • UHF BAND or ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY 300 ~ 3,000 MHz (3 GHz). / 100 ~ 10 centimetres.
VICTOR 1. the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "V".
2. used in voice radio work as a substitute for the word "vehicle". See also Radio Procedures .
VIP# Very Important Person # - a high ranking civilian. The number represents status, and sometimes pay grade as well (if known).
VUA Valorous Unit Award
W WHISKEY - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "W".
WATCH CAPS aka BEANIE HAT, COMMANDO CAP, WOOLLY HAT: a brimless soft wool or mixed fibre type hat, used in cold conditions to keep the head warm. So called because it was standard kit for naval personnel on "watch". Originally of pure wool, today they come in a wide range of materials including ones with a THINSULATE™ lining. They are also available in waterproof versions with GORE-TEX™ linings. Use the link in the left hand column to see examples.
NB: Green, tan etc., are good choices for colour, black is not, as it will stand out, even at night.
WAVELENGTH 1. WAVELENGTH is another way of expressing a radio FREQUENCY. It is the distance between two peaks in the radio wave and is measured in metres. The electro-magnetic spectrum used to send and receive radio signals is divided in to BANDS defined by WAVELENGTH. In CONTACT three BANDS are used, listed in order of increasing FREQUENCY and decreasing WAVELENGTH:
  • HF BAND or HIGH FREQUENCY 3 ~ 30 MHz / 100 ~ 10 metres.
  • VHF BAND or VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 30 ~ 300 MHz / 10 ~ 1 metres.
  • UHF BAND or ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY 300 ~ 3,000 MHz (3 GHz). / 100 ~ 10 centimetres.

2. The WAVELENGTH is a key factor in determining the physical length of an ANTENNA. For example a 446 MHz radio has a WAVELENGTH of approximately 67cm, and thus an efficient quarter-wave antenna would be about 17cm long.
WEAPONS RACK A stowage device for storing weapons in an easy to access format. Commonly seen in guardrooms of bases, or in the armoury of a vessel.
WHISKEY The standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "W".
WIA WOUNDED IN ACTION - a living casualty. WIA is ONLY applied to casualties who have survived and returned from a MISSION, , otherwise they are always recorded as either KIA (KILLED IN ACTION), for when the MARINE has died and their remains have been recovered, or as MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) when the operative has not returned. See KIA and MIA.
WING the junior partner(s) in a 2~3 person FIRETEAM or SQUAD. As on ocasion the UNIT can consist of 3 MARINES, in which case the LEADER is said to have 2 WINGS. The modern gender neutral deravation of the old fighter pilots term Wingman that is WINGPERSON or WINGWOMAN are alternatives to WING.
the TACTIC of moving away from the enemy in a controlled fashion, without panic, and with the intent to remain in the BATTLEFIELD. You can also use "BREAK CONTAC", "DISENGAGE" or "PULL OUT". See "ROUT" and "RETREAT".
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction: any device or material concerned with the production or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
WOODLAND CAMOUFLAGE PATTERN Woodland Camouflage - was the standard US forces camouflage pattern from 1981~2006. It is commonly encountered in service with enemy units.
WORM A descriptive term for "Alien Species #2", see "AS#2" above.
WORMHOLE Is the popular term for an "Einstein–Rosen Bridge" - a "tunnel" through space-time formed between individual STAR GATEs enabling inter-planetary travel. See the scientific description in this Wiki entry, and the popular science fiction explanation in this Wiki page for more details. See also "Einstein–Rosen Bridge", "SPLINE" and "STAR GATE".
X X-RAY - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "X".
XAD# an Experimental ALIEN DERIVED piece of technology, with an ID number. See also AD# and OWT.
XAD1471 the Experimental ALIEN DERIVED system installed at all STAR GATE bases, that permits very limited control over the Gate network. It enables the ground crew, upon request to "force" an outbound or inbound wormhole to form. In effect this is an emergency "dial home device". aka TD1471 in older records. See also AD#, OWT and XAD#.
XO the POST of a base's "Executive Officer", the principle assistant to the COMMANDING OFFICER, and therefore their 2IC.
X-RAY the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "X".
Y YANKEE - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "Y".
YANKEE The standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "Y".
YELLOW FORCES Unknown forces, see APP-6C for more details, and BLUE ON BLUE.
Z ZULU - the standard NATO phonetic expression for the letter "Z".
Z-CODE is a NATO standard "BREVITY CODE", which is a system of three letter signals, all starting with the letter "Z". Originally used with "MORSE CODE" to enable communications between stations without a common language, and or for speed and clarity. Sometimes used in voice radio communications, for the same purposes.
See also "Q-CODE". Here is the 2009 PDF document, for the current NATO meanings of the Q and Z codes, which remain in service even today, especially with Special Forces: ACP-131 and Radio Procedures .
ZULU TIME the suffix "Z" to a time entry, meaning GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), e.g. 2208A, said as "Twenty two zero eight zulu". Used in a NATO "DATE TIME GROUP" (DTG). See also "ALPHA TIME", "DTG", "TIME ZONE" and "JULIET TIME".


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