Actual Operational Schedule & Chain of Command
* NB; This section is always amended to the actual Schedule and Chain of Command, and is therefore different from the document that was issued at the time of the operation.
NB: All times are given in standard NATO
format: "Day Date - Hours - Minutes - Time Zone Letter - Month -Year"
19 1000Z MAR 16 - 19 1300Z MAR 16 Arrive, Deploy & Pre-Op Prep.
19 1130Z MAR 16 - 19 1300Z MAR 16 Range Work.
19 1300Z MAR 16 - 19 1330Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 1 Briefing.
19 1330Z MAR 16 - 19 1400Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 1 Gear Up & Pre-Flight Checks.
19 1330Z MAR 16 - 19 1530Z MAR 16 MPC Briefing & Perimeter Patrol for Mission 1.
19 1400Z MAR 16 - 19 1530Z MAR 16 SG Team Off-World Mission 1.
19 1530Z MAR 16 - 19 1600Z MAR 16 Medical/Post Mission R&R.
19 1600Z MAR 16 - 19 1630Z MAR 16 Mission 1 Debriefing.
19 1630Z MAR 16 - 19 1730Z MAR 16 Dinner.
19 1730Z MAR 16 - 19 1800Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 2 Briefing.
19 1800Z MAR 16 - 19 1835Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 2 Gear up & Pre-Flight Checks.
19 1800Z MAR 16 - 19 2035Z MAR 16 MPC Briefing & Perimeter Patrol for Mission 2.
19 1835Z MAR 16 - 19 2035Z MAR 16 SG Team Off-World Mission 2.
19 2035Z MAR 16 - 19 2100Z MAR 16 Medical/Post Mission R&R.
19 2100Z MAR 16 - 19 2130Z MAR 16 Mission 2 Debriefing.
19 2130Z MAR 16 - 19 2200Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 3 Briefing.
19 2200Z MAR 16 - 19 2235Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 3 Gear Up & Pre-Flight Checks.
19 2200Z MAR 16 - 20 0015Z MAR 16 MPC Briefing & Perimeter Patrol for Mission 3.
19 2235Z MAR 16 - 20 0015Z MAR 16 SG Team Off-World Mission 3.
20 0015Z MAR 16 - 20 0045Z MAR 16 Medical/Post Mission R&R.
20 0045Z MAR 16 - 20 0115Z MAR 16 Mission 3 Debriefing.
20 0115Z MAR 16 - 20 0900Z MAR 16 Time Out, R&R/Bed.
20 0900Z MAR 16 - 20 0930Z MAR 16 Reveille.
20 0930Z MAR 16 - 20 1000Z MAR 16 Breakfast.
20 1000Z MAR 16 - 20 1030Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 4 Briefing.
20 1030Z MAR 16 - 20 1100Z MAR 16 SG Team Mission 4 Gear Up & Pre-Flight Checks.
20 1030Z MAR 16 - 20 1245Z MAR 16 MPC Briefing & Perimeter Patrol for Mission 4.
20 1100Z MAR 16 - 20 1245Z MAR 16 SG Team Off-World Mission 4.
20 1245 MAR 16 - 20 1315Z MAR 16 Medical/Post Mission R&R.
20 1315Z MAR 16 - 20 1345Z MAR 16 Mission 4 Debriefing.
20 1345Z MAR 16 - 20 1400Z MAR 16 Operational Debriefing. Mission 5 option declined due to acute fatigue.
20 1400Z MAR 16 - 20 1530Z MAR 16 Pack.
20 1530Z MAR 16: Early Departure (acute fatigue)
Chain of Command
Flight Operations Personnel (Chain of Command)
1. Major KING. Elizabeth. Commanding Officer, Operations Officer (S3).
2. Sergeant First Class STOKES. Bradley Md. Chief Medical Officer, Flight Crew
3. Staff Sergeant REYNOLDS. Thomas Md. Intelligence Officer (S2) Flight Crew
4. Sergeant WOLFE. Carl. 2IC Flight Crew.
5. Private First Class LUTHER. Leroy.
Military Police Company (MPC) Chain of Command
1. Brigadier General COURTNEY. Alastair R. Admin. Officer (S1), Officer Commanding, MPC Ground Crew.
2. Lieutenant Colonel LAW. James T. Civil Affairs Officer (S5) MPC Ground Crew
3. Private First Class SWEETWATER. Jason. Logistics Officer (S4) On Attachment MPC Ground Crew.
NB: MP's have no authority over flight operations, being solely responsible for base security and the conduct of perimeter patrols.
NB: Any amendments to the documentation that was issued at the time of the operation are shown in square brackets [---]
CON-95 MISSION 1 19 MAR 16
Mission Destination & Type
Enemy by Type: T0 low, T1 very high, T2, T3, T4, T5 low.
Be advised that CLEGG926 out of AREA-52 (US) reports that enemy forces (T1) are utilising planet P731 as an MSR (Main Supply Route) and as a communications relay center.
They are operating in small SQUADs and are currently in poor health with low morale.
They are currently incapable of proactive operations and are struggling to maintain appropriate supply to outposts and strong points.
It is extremely likely that descisive action will be met with enemy withdrawal in short order.
Enemy positions are well established and, when supplied, well patrolled and defended. It is strongly advised that frontal assault is not attempted unless well supported.
A four (4) person UNSGC reconnaissance and strike team (CLEGG952) is actively operating in your AO as part of the ongoing Operation Linebacker to disrupt enemy supply and comms.
It is the belief of GHQ that this planet is key to undermining enemy capabilities across several planetary strongholds.
No supporting units are currently available.
Terrain: arboreal, with minor urban habitation.
Comment: May be treacherous under foot due to it being the storm season (winter/spring).
Temperature: +3~+8C (day or night).
Precipitation: dry and cloudy, with a 40% chance of precipitation after 200000.
Wind: NE~NNE 16kph.
SR190602, SS191810, SR200600.
MR191413, MS200445, State: Near Full.
SG951 SQUADs CHARLIE and DELTA are tasked with the following:
Advance to destroyed enemy positions on Planet P731
Search and destroy enemy supply or resistance
The recovery of intelligence or personnel is the priority.
Withdraw to RGHQ-51 upon mission completion
Mission to be undertaken immediately.
It is vital to maintain pressure on enemy MSR (Main Supply Route) for the overall success of Operation Linebacker.
Enemy positions are within 100~400m march of the gate.
You will utilise search and destroy standard operating procedures to sweep enemy positions and remove all threats
The enemy has been weakened and morale broken. Enemy resistance will collapse in the face of bold action. Exploit this enemy weakness to ensure capture of intelligence sources with minimal casualties.
Mission is deemed successful on capture of significant enemy intelligence.
Standard gate security is to be observed on entering / exiting the AO.
Mission target is to be reached on foot. Standard cover and manoeuvre tactics are to be used to breach and sweep the target area.
No fire support is available for this mission.
Administration / Logistics
Pre-launch medical and inoculations required.
Standard EPW and Casevac SOP apply.
Supplies discretionary or as per a two day mission.
Ammunition: Standard Load*
Tracer: NO
Grenades: YES*
Mines: NO
Heavy/Special Weapons: NO
* if available
Command / Signal
Challenge / Password: Numeric, 16.
Signal Primary: TBC [446.01875 Mhz CTCSS #1 aka Channel 21]
Signal Alternate: TBC [none set]
Signal Contingency: TBC [none set]
Signal Emergency: TBC [none set]
SG951 Team Chain of Command:
NB: succession of command is by rank, then by seniority in service. [this section has been updated]
No Casualties
Launches & Landings
Outbound Launch #1:
19 1330Z MAR 16
Outbound Landing #1:
19 1345Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Inbound Launch #1:
19 1445Z MAR 16
Inbound Landing #1:
19 1500Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
19 1330Z MAR 16 - 19 1500Z MAR 16 = 1 hour 30 minutes
After Action Reports
Staff Sergeant Thomas Reynolds
Date recieved:
20 MAR 16
- STAR GATE travel was as rough as normal, but with no other effects.
- Searched outskirts of base with nothing found, no contact.
- Crossed ditch into further area of the base, found one TANGO, later identified as subject SAMUELS.
- Advanced and made contact with SAMUELS. Appeared friendly. Said that he was ‘Being chased by some teams’. SAMUELS quickly searched and found to have a weapon, but no magazine. SAMUELS stated that he would give us INTEL on reaching safety.
- A second TANGO was then spotted entering radio tower. TANGO shouted about coming to kill ‘traitors’ SAMUELS gave the impression that this was one of the team chasing him.
- TANGO then shot at the least of SG TEAM. Both teams then surrounded and shot him. TANGO was searched, nothing found. Then hog-tied.
- TEAM COMMANDER then made decision to return to STAR GATE with SAMUELS and TANGO.
- I remained at a natural chokepoint to provide cover for STAR GATE transit. No further enemy seen.
- With a minute to STAR GATE transit, I tethered my self to SAMUELS and rendered him unconscious.
Sergeant First Class Bradley Stokes Md.
Date recieved:
28 MAR 16
Raid mission via G0795
Wasted some time checking ruins close to the gate. Only feature of note was a 'dummy' casualty, left in the open. Speculating that it was a lure for Type IIs - to draw them in to a monitored and/or defended area.
Minor activity around structures further from the gate, but no sign of supplies or habitation. Encountered "Samuels" - Type I, no ammo & apparently eager to surrender, carried some intel that proved relevant. Pursuing type II was dealt with.
Major Elizabeth King
Date recieved:
31 MAR 16
Mission #:
Mission Date:
18 MAY 16
Mission Destination:
P731A (SG51 G-0795)
Mission Type:
Major Elizabeth King – 1IC, CHARLIE SQUAD, Field Medic
Staff Sergeant Thomas Reynolds – CHARLIE SQUAD
Sergeant First Class Bradley Stokes – CHARLIE SQUAD
Sergeant Wolfe – 2IC, DELTA SQUAD
Private First Class Leroy Luther – DELTA SQUAD
- Landed on the planet after a rough trip through the Stargate. DELTA SQUAD secured the gate, while CHARLIE SQUAD explored the area near the gate.
- Located the village which appeared to be abandoned. There appeared to have been a battle in the village. A body was found and searched, nothing was discovered.
- Continued past the village, through a forest, where a fort was discovered in the distance. CHARLIE and DELTA SQUAD were split up, with CHARLIE going directly to the fort over one of the various bridges, DELTA went right over a different bridge.
- CHARLIE SQUAD came across Samuels, who said that he was being hunted and wouldn’t give us any information until he was safe. We then came under fire.
- DELTA SQUAD moved up and engaged the enemy who appeared in the communications tower. Reynolds moved forward to help DELTA and got a head shot, by this time Stokes had rejoined the team.
- The enemy was put down, searched and tied, ready to be taken to the Stargate.
- Samuels had in his possession a folder with vital information. This was removed and he was tied, ready to be taken to the Stargate.
- Returned to the Stargate. Just as the gate was activated the dead prisoner attempted tried to escape, but was foiled as his legs were tied. Another rough trip back.
1. Prisoner handling, mainly the correct way to tie a prisoner and the best way to get them through the gate.
2. Communications, radios are needed as not everyone can see hand signals especially from a distance, also to see where teams are
3. Correct procedure for identifying yourself, i.e. do you just say UNSGC and when is the best time to say it (mainly for me, as I am not altogether sure I am saying it right and that it was how the enemy knew where we were, got caught up in the moment, not thinking!)
NB; Any amendments to the documentation that was issued at the time of the operation are shown in square brackets [---]
CON-95 MISSION 2 19 MAR 16
Mission Destination & Type
P731A (SG51 G-0795)
Enemy by Type: T0 low, T1 very high, T2, T3, T4, T5 low.
An enemy T1 HVIT (High Value Intelligence Target) is travelling in to Planet P731. It is thought that he will be carrying documentation detailing a proposal for a significant strategic action to their high command. It is imperative that we recover this information, as well as the HVIT.
The enemy are currently incapable of carrying out proactive operations and are struggling to maintain appropriate supply to outposts and strong points. As such, it is thought that the HVIT will only be lightly escorted, and will have minimal reception forces.
However, the assigned escort will be loyal and determined to protect the HVIT and his data, possibly to a fatal outcome. It is extremely likely that action will be met with extreme reaction.
Enemy positions are well established and, when supplied, well patrolled and defended. It is strongly advised that frontal assaults are not attempted unless well supported.
A four (4) person UNSGC reconnaissance and strike team (CLEGG952) is actively operating in your mission area as part of the ongoing Operation Linebacker to disrupt the enemy MSR (Main Supply Route) and comms. It is the belief of GHQ that this planet is key to undermining enemy capabilities across several planetary strongholds.
No supporting units are currently available.
Terrain: arboreal, with minor urban habitation.
Comment: May be treacherous under foot due to it being the storm season (winter/spring).
Temperature: +3~+8C (day or night).
Precipitation: dry and cloudy, with a 40% chance of precipitation after 200000.
Wind: NE~NNE 16kph.
SS191810, SR 200600.
MR 191413, MS 200445, Near Full.
SG952 SQUADs CHARLIE and DELTA are tasked with the following:
Advance to enemy HVIT RV on Planet P731. This is located north of the Gate in a structure that resembles a fort. It is further believed that the RV may be marked with a strobe light.
Destroy enemy reception unit at the RV.
Prepare and execute an ambush on the HVIT and his escort, who will be travelling south from a Gate in the north towards the RV at the fort.
Recover the intelligence as the priority, plus the HVIT and any other enemy personnel as you see fit.
Withdraw to RGHQ-51 on mission completion
Mission to be undertaken ASAP.
Enemy positions are within 200~400m march of the Gate which is at the top of the slope.
You will utilise search and destroy standard operating procedures to sweep enemy positions and remove all threats
Enemy reception unit is believed to be weak yet remains determined. Application of extreme force will likely be successful with minimal casualties.
Mission is deemed successful on capture of significant enemy intelligence.
Standard Gate security is to be observed on entering / exiting the AO.
Mission target is to be reached on foot. Standard cover and manoeuvre tactics are to be used to breach and sweep the target area.
No fire support is available for this mission.
Administration / Logistics
Pre-launch medical and inoculations required.
HVIT and documentation takes EPW priority over all other captures. Standard Casevac SOP applies.
Supplies discretionary or as per a two day mission.
Ammunition: Double Load*
Tracer: YES
Grenades: YES*
Mines: NO
Heavy/Special Weapons: Battle/Sniper Rifle*
* if available
Command / Signal
Challenge / Password: Numeric, 16.
Signal Primary: TBC [446.04375 CTCSS 1 aka Channel 4.1]
Signal Alternate: TBC [none set]
Signal Contingency: TBC [none set]
Signal Emergency: TBC [none set]
SG952 Team Chain of Command:
NB: succession of command is by rank, then by seniority in service. [this section has been updated]
KING. E. MAJ CHARLIE-SQUAD. WIA Right Leg, Left Arm and Chest
WOLF. C. SGT DELTA-SQUAD. WIA Groin, Left & Right Leg
LUTHER. L. PFC DELTA-SQUAD. WIA Left Arm and Knife to Stomach
Launches & Landings
Outbound Launch #2:
19 1800Z MAR 16
Outbound Landing #2:
19 1815Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Inbound Launch #2:
Inbound Landing #2:
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
Inbound Launch #3:
19 2000Z MAR 16
Inbound Landing #3:
19 2015Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
Special Note: RGHQ-51 were requested by AREA-50 to execute an emergency GATE activation for a return flight at 19 2000Z MAR 16 to enable their CLEGG team to launch survivors of our SG Team back to us. This was done and the team was successfully recovered.
After Action Reports
Staff Sergeant Thomas Reynolds
Date recieved:
20 MAR 16
- STAR GATE transit was rough as usual. One person swapped position.
- No contact as we approached the fort, we split into two teams. The plan was for Team one to come around the back of the fort and signal us on the RT when they were in position. There was no signal, likely due to a comms fault. They then came under fire.
- I snuck into the fort, and killed one TANGO and was able to secure his hands and feet. I then heard the VIP target approaching. I shot him and then attempted to secure him. I initially tried to bandage his leg wound so that he could walk, the plan being to bring him back to the STAR GATE.
- I then came under fire and used his body as cover. Returning fire I managed to hit a TANGO. The VIP then tried to stab me in the throat, but he missed and struck my body armour.
- At this point I called out for the rest of my team, but there was no answer.
- Realising that there were still an unknown number of TANGOs out there, and knowing that I would be unable to drag anyone back, I took the VIP’s backpack and made my way back towards the STAR GATE.
- I rested up halfway back and saw the VIP, making his way back to the gate. I decided that it would be pointless to engage.
- On hearing him open the STAR GATE I then made a move towards the STAR GATE and bunkered down.
- I saw two people then move down the hill from the direction of the STAR GATE and decided that discretion would be the better part of valour. The STAR GATE then opened and I made my transit.
Major Elizabeth King
Date Recieved:
31 MAR 16
Mission #:
Mission Date:
18 MAY 16
Mission Destination:
P731A (SG51 G-0795)
Mission Type:
- Landed on the planet after a rough trip through the Stargate. Secured the gate.
- Continued past the village, through a forest, to the fort. It was decided that CHARLIE and DELTA SQUAD were to be split up, with CHARLIE going directly to the fort, while DELTA would make their way to the far right of the fort and do a sneak attack, they would let us know when they were in position by radio and CHARLIE would be the bait.
- Unfortunately this didn’t go to plan, it was a F.U.B.A.R.
- The only person to make it back to base in the designated time was Staff Sergeant Reynolds, the rest of us were badly wounded. It seems that we were rescued by a C.L.E.G.G team, I was only made aware of this after I had recovered from my wounds.
1. Better Communications especially with the radio.
NB; Any amendments to the documentation that was issued at the time of the operation are shown in square brackets [---]
CON-95 MISSION 3 19-20 MAR 16
Mission Destination & Type:
P617E (SG51 G-0841)
Enemy by Type: T0 medium, T1 very high, T2, T3, T4, T5 high.
Enemy forces have established a dug in communications position on Planet P617. This position is being used to coordinate communication relay and supply logistics via a direct encrypted radio network link.
The position is well defended and manned with a small force of highly motivated and determined personnel.
However, the ongoing success of Operation Linebacker has significantly disrupted enemy operations at this position. Generating an opportunity for the UNSGC to infiltrate the enemy network in order to connect and decrypt a laptop recovered from a previous mission to P731 earlier in this operation.
Any attack on this position will be met with severe enemy resistance. It is strongly advised that frontal assault is not attempted unless well supported.
There are no other units operationing in your AO
SQUADs Echo and Foxtrot are available for post mission Casevac or reinforcement. (subject to comms)
Terrain: grassland, with entrenchments.
Comment: May not be as treacherous under foot despite being the storm season (winter/spring). However the grass will be wet.
Temperature: +3~+8C (day or night).
Precipitation: dry and cloudy, with a 40% chance of precipitation after 200000.
Wind: NE~NNE 16kph.
SS191810, SR 200600.
MR 191413, MS 200445, Near Full.
SQUADs CHARLIE and DELTA are tasked with the following:
At the Gate establish visual signal from infiltration guide (IG)*
Advance from gate to rendezvous point indicated by IG*
Proceed to designated supply cache and acquire explosive munitions
Infiltrate enemy positions as directed by IG*
IG* will then withdraw and take no part in the action
Identify and destroy any enemy supply drops in AO
Connect laptop to enemy network and decrypt content
Recover intelligence as you see fit - no EPW provision is required for this mission
Destroy enemy position on departure
Withdraw to RGHQ-51 upon mission completion
Mission to be undertaken before midnight.
* IG is a Type 1 from a rival group, who do not support their enemies plan of action
Enemy positions are close to the gate. It is essential that audio signal is minimised on arrival to the AO.
You will utilise standard night operating procedures to signal IG and establish your RV point.
Be aware that the route you will be taking to your kit drop off point is also used by enemy for supply drops. On identification of a supply drop you will set remote detonation charges, as supplied by the IG.
Upon successful infiltration of the mission target you will connect the laptop to the enemy network and conduct a cyber attack.
Mission is deemed successful on decryption of enemy intelligence held on the laptop.
Mission target is to be reached on foot. You will be moving through enemy territory, it is imperative that you maintain stealth and caution during your infiltration.
No fire support is available for this mission.
SQUADs Echo and Foxtrot are on stand-by for casevac or support.
It is strongly recommended that, should you encounter heavy enemy resistance, you utilise the enemy defensive positions to your advantage.
Administration / Logistics
IT Instructions prior to launch will be provided by specialists.
Pre-launch medical and inoculations required.
Standard EPW and Casevac SOP apply.
Supplies discretionary or as per a two day mission.
Ammunition: Tripple Load*
Tracer: YES
Grenades: YES*
Mines: YES*
Heavy/Special Weapons: YES*
* if available
Command / Signal
Challenge / Password: Numeric, 16.
Signal Primary: TBC [446.04375 CTCSS 1 aka Channel 4.1]
Signal Alternate: TBC [none set]
Signal Contingency: TBC [none set]
Signal Emergency: TBC [none set]
SG953 Team Chain of Command: NB: succession of command is by rank, then by seniority in service. [this section has been updated]
Launches & Landings
Outbound Launch #3:
19 2235Z MAR 16
Outbound Landing #3:
19 2240Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Inbound Launch #4:
20 0010Z MAR 16
Inbound Landing #4:
20 0015Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
19 2235Z MAR 16 - 20 0015Z MAR 16 = 2 hours 10 minutes
After Action Reports
Staff Sergeant Thomas Reynolds
Date recieved:
20 MAR 16
- STAR GATE transit was as per normal, no transposition of personnel took place during transit.
- We made easy contact with PERCY, our contact on the planet.
- We made our way to the explosive supply drop and found the four sticks of explosives. We then bypassed an LMG post and made our way to the supply bunker. The bunker was rigged with the explosives and this was successfully destroyed.
- We left PERCY while we attacked the communications post. There was one TANGO who managed to injure MAJ. KING before we shot him. I then advanced with aggression and made sure the TANGO was dead with several other shots.
- I then tied his hands and legs, and proceeded to prevent him from reanimating by removing his head with my knife. This is why I am writing this report from Porton Down in the process of being decontaminated both inside and out.
- I then took up a defensive post 100m away from the Communication Base, I then witnessed a firefight between one new TANGO and the team, which we won.
- The hacking appeared to be successful and we all met up for the trek back to the STAR GATE. I helped carry the deceased TANGO and we had no further enemy contact and the trip back through the STAR GATE was as per normal with no transposition of people.
- I must say that the decon team at Porton Down are very thorough, although they don’t have very soft hands.
Major Elizabeth King.
Date recieved:
28 MAY 16
Mission #:
Mission Date:
19-20 MAR 16
Mission Destination:
P617E (SG51 G-0841)
Mission Type:
Major Elizabeth King – 1IC, Charlie Squad, Field Medic
Staff Sergeant Thomas Reynolds – Charlie Squad
Sergeant Wolfe – 2IC, Delta Squad
Private First Class Leroy Luther – Delta Squad
- Landed on the planet after a rough trip through the Stargate. Secured the gate.
- Met with contact, who called himself PERCY. Was given a map of the surrounding area. See
attachment #1 (PDF)
- Collected ammunition on the way to the 1st Patrol Base.
- After reconnaissance at the Patrol Base / Supply depot, it was decided to set a timed delay.
- Traversed the rough terrain, going down a muddy slope through a stream and up the other side, to a building where we could dump our kit if needed. It was decided not to. At this point our guide left us and we were on our own.
- Made our way to the back of the Communications relay station, unfortunately due to the lack of cover some of us were skylined. We did eventually secure the area.
- Connected the laptop and run the decryption software, while waiting for the system to run, we were again ambushed, but again eventually secured the area. It was at this point that our guide once again came to our aid.
- Once the decryption had finished, we cleared the area of all vital information and made our way back to the gate.
- Collected and catalogued 5 additional laptops, which were sent for decryption.
- Mission successful
Map of Communications Point (PDF)
1. Better Communications especially with the radio.
2. Need to work on our stealth, especially me.
Date recieved:
NB; Any amendments to the documentation that was issued at the time of the operation are shown in square brackets [---]
CON-95 MISSION 4 20 MAR 16
Mission Destination & Type:
P954 (SG51 G-0822)
Terrain: unknown, 90% probability arboreal.
Comment: all following details are signals implied.
Temperature: +3~+8C (day or night).
Precipitation: dry and cloudy.
Wind: NE~NNE 10kph.
SR200600, SS201812.
MS200445 MR201517.
SQUADs CHARLIE and DELTA are tasked with the following:
Gather environmental samples, air, water, soil and plant.
Recon for evidence of the presence of any type of hostile force, past or present.
Recover intelligence or personnel as you see fit
Withdraw to RGHQ-51 on mission completion
Mission to be undertaken before end of operation.
Mission is deemed successful upon return, preferrably with capture of significant enemy intelligence or EPWs.
Standard gate security is to be observed on entering / exiting the AO.
No support or rescue is available for this mission.
Administration / Logistics
Pre-launch medical and inoculations required.
Standard EPW and Casevac SOP apply.
Supplies discretionary or as per a two day mission.
Ammunition: Tripple Load*
Tracer: NO
Grenades: YES*
Mines: NO
Heavy/Special Weapons: YES*
* if available
Command / Signal
Challenge / Password: Numeric, 16.
Signal Primary: TBC [446.04375 CTCSS 1 aka Channel 4.1]
Signal Alternate: TBC [none set]
Signal Contingency: TBC [none set]
Signal Emergency: TBC [none set]
SG954 Team Chain of Command: succession of command is by rank, then by seniority in service. [this section has been updated]
Launches & Landings
Outbound Launch #4:
20 1100Z MAR 16
Outbound Landing #4:
20 1115Z MAR 16
Flight Time:
Inbound Launch #5
20 1245Z MAR 16 STOKES
Inbound Landing #5:
20 1300Z MAR 16 STOKES
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
20 1100Z MAR 16 - 20 1300Z MAR 16 = 2 hours STOKES
Inbound Launch #6:
Inbound Landing #6:
Flight Time:
Overall Mission Time:
20 1100Z MAR 16 - 20 1330Z MAR 16 = 2 hours 30 minutes KING, LUTHER, SWEETWATER & WOLFE.
After Action Reports
Private First Class Jason Sweetwater
Date recieved:
28 MAR 16
[Editors Notes:
This report had to be heavily reedited from the original submission due to harmonisation issues, however no changes to syntax, or intelligence content were made, other than a few personal pronouns. Otherwise, an excellent and concise report. BTW I took the opportunity to add to this report a selection of abridged terms and abbreviations as listed at the bottom of this page. I am preparing a Report Template for use by all operatives.
End of Editors notes]
Stokes - CHARLIE 2
Sweetwater - (2IC) DELTA 1 "DELTA ACTUAL"
Luther - DELTA 2
Wolfe - DELTA 3
- Gate In - Order of March: Sweetwater, Luther, Wolfe, King, Stokes.
- Travel rough as expected. No events to arrival.
- DELTA Starburst on arrival.
- CHARLIE arrives and confirms all well.
- Wooded valley with used pathway to 'south'.
- Evidence of improvised defenses and cover.
- DELTA moves to aggressive forward overwatch position and takes cover.
- CHARLIE moves up to DELTA overwatch area while sampling.
- CHARLIE notifies DELTA of Alpha Gate activity, probable TANGOS.
- DELTA withdraws to provide cover for CHARLIE.
- CHARLIE moves further south into valley in crossfire position.
- King reports contact from South. One TANGO.
- DELTA contact with Gate traveller. TANGO 1, possibly T2. Eventually subdued (KIA) and weapon deactivated.
- Casualties, Wolfe left arm, Sweetwater right thigh, left shoulder.
- King withdraws to DELTA position to provide medical assistance.
- Further 20 rounds expended to subdue reanimating body EPW 1.
- Luther and Wolfe move to support Stokes in action to the south.
- King overwatch on EPW 1. Sweetwater moves to support rest of DELTA.
- Stokes withdraws to King.
- Wolfe casualty, injury unknown.
- Sweetwater and Luther aggressive fire and manoeuvre on TANGO 2. Drawn further south into disused humanoid dwellings. TANGO 2 swift moving and cunning.
- Luther casualty, leg.
- Sweetwater moves to flank TANGO 2 last known position. TANGO 2 continues to withdraw and attempt flank. Eventually pinned in two story structure where subdued (KIA).
- Sweetwater requests medical assistance from CHARLIE for Luther and Wolfe.
- King and DELTA rally on TANGO 2 (EPW 2) body.
- Further 14 rounds expended to ensure EPW 2 stays dead.
- Stokes and EPW 1 (WIA) tethered during first Gate out.
- Luther and Wolfe form forward patrol to Sweetwater, King carrying EPW 2 (KIA). Advance to Gate.
- Secure Gate with DELTA as overwatch.
- DELTA provides cover fire on withdrawl to Gate.
- Second Gate Out - Order of March: King tethered to EPW 2. Wolfe, Luther, Sweetwater
- Travel as expected. No events to arrival.
Comments & Recommendations
1. I would like to point out that I killed both TANGO 1 and TANGO 2 at either ends of the AO while my team roved around getting shot.
2. I also point out that chasing a rapidly withdrawing and smaller enemy force is not stupid or "an obvious lure to a trap". I also observe that everyone else had a lot of left over ammunition and plenty of time to talk thanks to my actions.
3. We should return to this planet to observe Gate activity.
4. Radio use and clarity is vital to successful Pathfinder missions. As demonstrated in this mission.
TBA by rank and name
Date recieved:
Missions & Overall Flight Hours
MAJ KING. Elizabeth. 4 Missions (M1, M2, M3, M4PF), 7 hours 25 minutes
SSGT REYNOLDS. Thomas. 3 Missions (M1, M2, M3), 5 hours 40 minutes
SFC STOKES. Bradley. 2 Missions (M1, M4PF), 2 hours 30 minutes.
PFC SWEETWATER. Jason. 1 Mission (M4) 1 hour 30 minutes.
SGT WOLFE. Carl. 4 Missions (M1, M2, M3, M4PF), 7 hours 25 minutes.
Overall Casualties
MAJ KING. Elizabeth. WIA: Left Arm, Right Arm, Right Leg, Chest.
PFC LUTHER. Leroy. WIA: Left Arm and Knife to the stomach.
SFC STOKES. Bradley. WIA: None
SGT WOLFE. Carl. WIA: Left Arm, Left and Right Leg, and Groin.
Total Injuries:
0 Head Wounds.
3 Body Wounds.
4 Left Arm Wounds.
1 Right Arm Wound.
1 Left Leg Wound.
2 Right Leg Wounds.
KIA = None
MIA = None
Remarks & Recommendations
PFC Jason Sweetwater: 28 MAR 16
We should return to this planet to observe Gate activity.
Radio use and clarity is vital to successful Pathfinder missions. As demonstrated in this mission.
Major Elizabeth King 31 MAR 16 / 28 MAY 16
1. Prisoner handling, mainly the correct way to tie a prisoner and the best way to get them through the gate.
2. Communications, radios are needed as not everyone can see hand signals especially from a distance, also to see where teams are
3. Correct procedure for identifying yourself, i.e. do you just say UNSGC and when is the best time to say it (mainly for me, as I am not altogether sure I am saying it right and that it was how the enemy knew where we were, got caught up in the moment, not thinking!)
1. Better Communications especially with the radio.
1. Better Communications especially with the radio.
2. Need to work on our stealth, especially me.
Brigadier Alastair R. Courtney:
1. More EPW and Field Craft (Movement) training, and clear SOPs required. These latter need to be drawn up, tested and approved, then uploaded.
2. It is very clear indeed that SG Teams would benefit from the deployment of more and better quality ICOM (Individual Communications - radio) equipment in future operations. Therefore a precurement programme is now under way to enable Marines to equip themselves with the appropriate systems. Likewise an associated training programme will be instituted and made available to all.
Contact the Brigadier for further information.
Decorations, Medals & Awards
Listed below are the total awards granted, their promotional points values and the resulting rank for each participant in this operation.
* = this is a first time award to this individual
PP = Promotional Points
EICU = Expert Infantry Course Units (12 units per completed course)
NB: For an illustration of your awards see your 201 File via your name on the
Active & Reserve Duty Roster
NB: to see how the various points determine your rank choices, see the Commissions & Transfers page
COURTNEY. Alastair R.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
28,500 + 100 = 28,600 Promotional Points and 253 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Brigadier General (BGEN), or he can request to be decommissioned to Command Sergeant Major (CSM).
KING. Elizabeth.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
*Expert Field Medics Badge (EFMB) 100 PP
- Awarded upon the first occaision of service as a Field Medic, post passing of an approved course
Infantry Branch Of Service 0 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Infantry Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
9,400 + 300 = 9,700 Promotional Points and 96 EICUs, thus her rank remains at Major (MAJ), or she can request to be decommissioned to Sergeant First Class (SFC).
LAW. James T.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
Armed Forces Reserve Service Medal (AFRSM) 50 PP
- Awarded upon return to active service with the UNMC/UNSGC, post 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year) assigned to other duties.
Cavalry Branch Of Service 100 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Cavalry Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
13,150+ 350 = 13,500 Promotional Points and 137 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Lieutenant Colonel (LTC), or he could request to be decommissioned to Master Sergeant (MSGT).
LUTHER. Leroy.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
*Expert Infantry Badge (EIB) 100 PP
- Awarded upon the first off-world use of infantry skills, post completion of an Expert Infantry Course.
*Pathfinder Badge (PFB) 50 PP
- Awarded upon participation in a designated Pathfinder Mission, i.e. an extremely high risk reconnaissance flight to a previously unvisited planet of which NOTHING is known, not even its environmental conditions. Thus there is a significant risk of death or injury, without hope of rescue or recovery.
Infantry Branch Of Service 0 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Infantry Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
750 + 350 = 1,100 Promotional Points and 12 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Private First Class (PFC).
Air Medal (AM) 300 PP
- For completion of a block of 12 off-world missions.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
*United Nations Special Service Medal 100 PP
- For completion of 30 days active 'special' service with UN forces
Intelligence Branch Of Service 100 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Intelligence Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
6,550 + 700 = 7,250 Promotional Points and 22 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Staff Sergeant (SSGT), or he can request to be commissioned as a Captain (CPT).
STOKES. Bradley. Md.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
Medical Branch Of Service 0 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Medical Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
11,500 + 300 = 11,800 Promotional Points and 87 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Sergeant First Class (SFC), or he can request to be commissioned as a Major (MAJ).
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
*Military Outstanding Voluntary Service Medal (MOVSM) 100 PP
- Awarded in recognition of significant voluntary supporting service on behalf of the CONTACT Program.
*Expert Infantry Badge (EIB) 100 PP
- Awarded upon the first off-world use of infantry skills, post completion of an Expert Infantry Course.
*Pathfinder Badge (PFB) 50 PP
- Awarded upon participation in a designated Pathfinder Mission, i.e. an extremely high risk reconnaissance flight to a previously unvisited planet of which NOTHING is known, not even its environmental conditions. Thus there is a significant risk of death or injury, without hope of rescue or recovery.
Infantry Branch Of Service 0 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Infantry Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
750 + 450 = 1,200 Promotional Points and 12 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Private First Class (PFC).
WOLFE. Carl.
Good Conduct Medal (GCM) 100 PP
- For commencement of a Tour of Duty (1 calender year) with the UNMC/UNSGC.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal (AFESM) 100 PP
- For participation in a designated and named operation with off-world missions.
Infantry Branch Of Service 0 PP
- Awarded upon enlistment as a member of the Infantry Branch, for 1 Tour of Duty (1 calender year).
3,900 + 200 = 4,100 Promotional Points and 36 EICUs, thus his rank remains at Sergeant (SGT), or he can request to be commissioned as a First Lieutenant (1LT).
Selected Terms, Acronyms & Abbreviations
As mentioned above I took the opportunity to add to the SWEETWATER report a selection of abridged terms and abbreviations as listed below.
See the full unabridged version of the
UNMC Abbreviations page.
Be aware that the reason for certain terms being CAPITALISED is to mark them as searchable in the main document.
(#)IC = Number (Ordinal) IN COMMAND - when prefixed with a number this is the appointed POST within the CHAIN OF COMMAND of a UNIT, e.g. an SG Teams "3IC". At the TACTICAL level, the authority of the POST surpasses that of other UNIT members, regardless of rank. Or when used as a prefix without a number to a UNIT designation, it identifies that unit's commander, e.g. IC ECHO SQUAD. See also CO and OC.
AAR = AFTER ACTION REPORT - an operative's post operation written report, that is then uploaded to the unit website as a record of events. Contains concise details of what, where, when, who and why in each MISSION participated in, plus remarks and recommendations on the conduct and outcome of the operation. Where appropriate projections for future operations are included. It is always written in the format: AAR-CON###.Mission# e.g. "AAR-095.4".
ABC = Alien Biological Contaminent - the off-world airbourne NANITE/virus like contaminent that over time converts regular human beings in to hostiles serving an alien agenda. The M1 series turns T0 to T1, and M2 turns T1 into T2. AS#1 is associated with the M1 series and AS#2 with the M2 series. See AS# and TYPE#.
ACTUAL = this is the verbalised radio designation of the ACTUAL commander of a UNIT, which is a suffix to its CALLSIGN, e.g. "CHARLIE ACTUAL" or "954 ACTUAL", clearly identifying the speaker as the UNIT commander.
ALPHA~ZULU (SQUAD) = the SQUAD designations "ALPHA" to "ZULU" used within the ad hoc Star Gate Team and other military formations. It is always fully capitalised in reports etc. to distinguish it from other text, e.g. "CHARLIE did X" or "CHARLIE did X", one is a specific person named CHARLIE, while the other is a unit. Sometimes abbreviated when suffixed to SG TEAM # e.g. SG TEAM 213A, that is the ALPHA SQUAD of the SG TEAM conducting the third mission of the 21st operation. See the
UNMC Military References Charts for details of the NATO Phonetic Code and other useful data.
AO = AREA OF OPERATIONS - the usually defined GROUND in which a given unit conducts its operations. This can be the size of an entire planet, or as small as the grounds of a single house.
AS# = Alien Species # - Only one species AS#2 aka the "WORMS" has ever been encountered, and they appear to be a parasitical species exploiting the GATE network. AS#1 has been assigned to the GATE builders, who have yet to be encountered. The AS#2 is an extremely large and destructive species responsible for consuming the entire biosphere of numerous worlds in the GATE network. And so represent a clear and present danger to the existance of the human race and all other life. There appears to be a clear link to the two varieties of ABC and the two alien species. Evidence that AS#2 is the source for the M2 ABC has been collected. The GATES themselves, and by implicatation their builders are associated with the M1 class of ABC.
AXIS OF MARCH, aka MLA (Main Line of Advance), the principle direction of travel of a unit.
CO = either: COMMANDING OFFICER - a unit's officially appointed permanent commander. See also OC (OFFICER COMMANDING), (#)IC, and XO (Executive Officer). Or, COMPANY - a military UNIT. The symbol for which in tables of organisation or on maps is a single vertical bar: |. NB: the appropriate definition is context dependant.
CON-# = A CONTACT Operation, one that is conducted either here on Earth (SUPPORT) for training etc., or off-world (FLIGHT).
In formal records normally followed by a 2 or more commonly today a 3 digit number.
Date Time Group - the format for recording military dates and times.
EPW (#) = ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR, that is any potentially hostile or unknown person captured and retained by friendly forces. If they escape they once again become referred to as a TANGO aka a target.
G-# = The numerical identification number of individual STAR GATES (4 digits) that gives the precise relationship of a Gate within a given SPLINE. The convention has been to arrange these numbers so that the largest number refers to the most distant STAR GATE. For example, the British SPLINE has 1,597 useable STAR GATES, the one on Earth being G-0006. However the geological evidence implies that these STAR GATES were in fact laid down in the reverse order. Please note that these designations are NOT the same as the PLANETARY ID#, as most worlds have multiple SPLINES with several Gates from the same SPLINE, permitting movement from one continant to another. Gate and planetary numbers are often suffixed with a letter indentifying a specific Gate on a particular planet. For example a letter "A" marks it as the first Gate to have been discovered on a given planet, but not necessarily the first one to be visited in a PATHFINDER MISSION. When written in full it includes the SPLINE number and planetary ID letter, e.g. "SG51G-0001A". See also P#.
GATE = an abbreviation of the term STAR GATE commonly used in reports and other documents. Always capitalised to distinguish it from other text. See STAR GATE.
GRID# = the term that prefixes a set of up to 10 digit map co-ordinats, that provide a terrestrial map location accurate to within 1m.
IC = In Command, see (#)IC.
KIA = KILLED IN ACTION - KIA is ONLY applied to personnel who's remains have been recovered.
Otherwise they are listed as MIA (MISSING IN ACTION). See also WIA.
MIA = MISSING IN ACTION - being listed as MIA presumes survival and is used even when personnel are reported as KILLED IN ACTION without evidence of remains. KIA is ONLY applied to personnel who's remains have been recovered, otherwise they are always recorded as MIA. The phrase "Believed Killed" or "Believed Wounded" can be added to an MIA listing if so reported.
MLA = Main Line of Advance, that is the principle direction of movement for a unit also know as the AXIS OF MARCH.
MSR = Main Supply Route, the planned route of all logistical supplies.
OC = OFFICER COMMANDING - the officer in temporary command of a standing or ad hoc unit, either because the CO (COMMANDING OFFICER) is absent, KIA, MIA, WIA or unappointed. See also (#)IC and CO.
P# = The P# or PID# is the alpha-numeric registration for each PLANET and is common to all STAR GATE BASE GATEWATCH systems. Originally introduce during CON-84 (26 NOV 11). It comprises four parts:
Starting with the SPLINE number on which it was first visited post CON-01 (14 JUL 96) e.g. "SG51".
To this is added "P" for PLANET, "SG51P"
The next 3 digits is the CON# during which a PATHFINDER MISSION was conducted, "SG51P084".
Followed by the PATHFINDER MISSION number itself, "SG51P08402"
If suffixed with a letter, this then becomes the address of a particular GATE on that world, e.g. "SG51-P0842A"
Thus SG51-P0842A denotes the "ALPHA" GATE of the PLANET on SPLINE 51, which was first landed on as a part of Mission 2, during CON-84.
NB: the "SG51-" and the intervening zeros between the letter "P", the CON-# and MISSION numbers propper, are normally omitted to render the ID more memorable. In our example the planet itself would be commonly written as "P842", while the ALPHA GATE address would be just "P842A". Only in those rare cases where either the number of missions flown was 10 or higher, or there was some other registration conflict, is the full form normally used.
SG# = either; a SPLINE number, defined by the number of a Gate controlled by the UNSGC here on the Earth, e.g. "SG51", being the 51st GATE within BASE-78 in Antarctica found in 1934. Or a STAR GATE TEAM with a 1 or 2 digit ID number. A permanently established formation, e.g. SG Team 18, often rendered as SG18. This latter is acceptable because the numbers are not permitted to exceed 49 so that it cannot be confused with a SPLINE number which start at 50.
SALUTE = Size, Activity, Location, Uniform, Time and Equipment. A useful report writing aid.
SG TEAM = either: a STAR GATE TEAM with a 3 or 4 digit ID number. An ad hoc unit assembled during an operation for the purpose of conducting off-world missions. Each time such a team is put together to carry out an off-world MISSION it's designation is achieved by the addition of its SPLINE, CON and MISSION number, e.g. SPLINE "SG51" CON-"21" MISSION "03" officially becomes in full "SG5102103" as this fully distinguishes that unit worldwide. However for local use this is usually truncated to "SG TEAM 213" or just "Team 213". But never T213 as this may cause confusion with hostile typology. Or a STAR GATE TEAM with a 1 or 2 digit ID number. A permanently established formation, e.g. SG Team 18, often rendered as SG18. This latter is acceptable because the numbers are not permitted to exceed 49 so that it cannot be confused with a SPLINE number which all start at 50. See SG#.
SPLINE = a single "line" of STARGATES. An individual STARGATE can be likened to a slice of bread in a loaf which is the SPLINE. SPLINES cannot be linked together, hence the various nexus points on most planets wherein a nmber of GATES from several SPLINES meet, normally in the for of a large circle up to a 1.6km (1 mile) in diameter.
STAR GATE = aka a GATE, never written as Stargate. Always capitalised to distinguish it from other text. In reports please specify the Gate by its letter prefix, as there maybe more than one Gate in the AO, e.g. "the ALPHA GATE".
T1, T2 etc. See TYPE#.
T2ID = TYPE TWO INCAPCITATION DEVICE - a Cylume like chemical light source designed to emit a mix of UV frequencies attractive to the T2 series of NANITES. When attached to an enemy T2 it's NANITES move towards the light and cease operating correctly, thus the hostile is for the duration incapacitated. If the T2ID fails, falls off, or is removed, the T2 will quickly return to normal hostile behaviour.
TANGO = the standard "NATO" phonetic code word for the letter "T", used as a noun for any potential "target" hostile or not. Suffixed with a number, it identifies the individual target. A prefixed number indicates their numerical strength. For example "TANGO Two", or "Four unknown TANGOS". When taken as a prisoner they become an EPW. If they escape they are once again referred to by the term TANGO.
TYPE# = the typology of the various human hostiles encountered off-world, who with the exception of TYPE 0 have all been "converted" through ABC contamination. Usually written as T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. The list is as follows:
TYPE 0 = Unmodified human.
TYPE 1 = Human with modified objectives, hostile to T0, the T2 series and AS#2. Appears to have a friendly dissposition to AS#1.
TYPE 2, 3, 4 & 5 = a human formally a T1 "converted" to serve it is believed AS#2. A series of increasingly dangerous hostiles. However they are primarily interested in capturing and "converting" T1's.
WIA = WOUNDED IN ACTION - a living casualty. WIA is ONLY applied to casualties who have survived and returned from a MISSION, , otherwise they are always recorded as either KIA (KILLED IN ACTION), for when the MARINE has died and their remains have been recovered, or as MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) when the operative has not returned. See KIA and MIA.
WORM = See AS#