25 MAR 18
Military Reference Page

5. Rank Abbreviations Tables

1. Rank & Insignia 2. Rank & Insignia Tables 3. Commissions, Decommissions & Transfers 4. Rank Comparison Tables
5. Rank Abbreviations Tables Handout #03: Rank Recognition Chart Active & Reserve Duty Roster Awards Granted

Table 1 lists the rank abbreviations in descending order of command authority, while Table 2 lists them in alpha-numberic order, and finally Table 3 lists the ranks by their full title in alphabetical order, providing you with their abbreviation.

Table 1: Rank Abbreviations Listed In Descending Order Of Command Authority

GMC General of the Marine Corps
GEN General
LTGEN Lieutenant General
MGEN Major General
BGEN Brigadier General
COL Colonel
LTC Lieutenant Colonel
MAJ Major
CPT Captain
1LT First Lieutenant
2LT Second Lieutenant
CSM Command Sergeant Major
SM Sergeant Major
1SGT First Sergeant*
MSGT Master Sergeant
SFC Sergeant First Class
SSGT Staff Sergeant
SGT Sergeant
CPL Corporal
PFC Private First Class
PVT Private PV1 (a recruit with no insignia)
PVT Private PV2 (with insignia)
SPEC#* Specialist
VIP# * Very Important Person (Civilian)
CIVI# * Civilian

* "#" is the Pay Grade Number, e.g. "SPEC9".

Table 2: Rank Abbreviations Listed In Alpha-Numeric Order

1LT First Lieutenant
1SGT First Sergeant*
2LT Second Lieutenant
BGEN Brigadier General
CIVI# Civilian Staff
COL Colonel
CPL Corporal
CPT Captain
CSM Command Sergeant Major
GEN General
GMC General of the Marine Corps
LTC Lieutenant Colonel
LTGEN Lieutenant General
MAJ Major
MGEN Major General
MSGT Master Sergeant
PFC Private First Class
PVT or PV1 Private (Recruit)
PVT or PV2 Private (single chevron)
SFC Sergeant First Class
SGT Sergeant
SM Sergeant Major
SPEC# Specialist
SSGT Staff Sergeant
VIP# Civilian VIP (Very Important Person)

Table 3: Full Rank Titles Listed In Alphabetical Order

Brigadier General BGEN
Captain CPT
Civilian Staff CIVI#
Colonel COL
Command Sergeant Major CSM
Corporal CPL
First Lieutenant 1LT
First Sergeant* 1SGT
General GEN
General of the Marine Corps GMC
Lieutenant Colonel LTC
Lieutenant General LTGEN
Major MAJ
Major General MGEN
Master Sergeant MSGT
Private PVT or PV2
Private (Recruit) PVT or PV1
Private First Class PFC
Second Lieutenant 2LT
Sergeant SGT
Sergeant First Class SFC
Sergeant Major SM
Specialist SPEC#
Staff Sergeant SSGT
Very Important Person (Civilian) VIP#

* The rank of First Sergeant (1SGT) is an appointment, with no more than one per Regiment. Although in practise it is regarded as equal to that of Sergeant Major (SM), it officially has no command authority outside of its specific assignment, which is to serve as the units senior administrative officer (S1) or as their chief assistant if a commissioned officer has been appointed to that task.
