Issued by RGHQ-51 S1 @
28 1851Z OCT 18
To all CONTACT Operatives, be advised that as of
28 OCT 18 the countdown to the next CONTACT operation scheduled to commence on
03 NOV 18 stands at
6 days.
Operational Details
Operation Number:
Operational Name:
Operation Type:
03-04 NOV 18
2 Days and 1 night
Time Zone:
Tasks & Objectives: |
Primary Objective: Arising out of intelligence captured during CON-103 OPERATION STOW, the primary objective of this operation is a combat mission with the objective of making arrests pursuant to the prosicution of terrestrial susspect organisations and or their personnel.
Supporting Objective: The interception and recovery of materials and evidence to support the primary objective.
Supporting Task: As this mission is to be conducted on the night of 03 NOV 18, to ensure success of the mission a duplicate rehersal site has been created in the grounds of RGHQ-51, wherein Marines serving as the missions SG Team, can assess, plan, practise and revise their plan of action prior to launch.
Secondary Objective: In addition this operation contains one (1) potential Pathfinder mission on 04 NOV 18.
Schedule: |
03 1000Z NOV 18 Base Activation / Deploy & Prep.
03 1630Z NOV 18 Dinner
04 0330Z NOV 18 Racktime / Lights Out
04 0900Z NOV 18 Reveille
04 0930Z NOV 18 Breakfast (Mess Hall)
04 1600Z NOV 18 Ceasefire & Pack
04 1800Z NOV 18 Redeploy / Base Lock Down
This is the alphabetical listing of all participating operatives. The ordinal here serves as a head count.
* An asterisk marks this as the operatives first full scale operation.
01. ANDRIAM. Ciaphas. PVT (Private) 118223 *
02. BEAUMONT. Rosalyn. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 191002
03. CARTER. Thomas George. SFC (Sergeant First Class) 203154
04. COURTNEY. Alastair Robert. BGEN (Brigadier General) 191001
05. JOHANSON. Andrew. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 201140
06. KING. Elizabeth. MAJ (Major) 105170
07. LAW. James Tiberius. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 298074
08. MULLER. Karl. PVT (Private) 116221
09. PEACOCK. Drew. PVT (Private) 117222 *
10. PETERSEN. Kathlene. CPL (Corporal) 106183
11. STOKES. Bradley. LTC (Lieutenant Colonel) 198078
12. SWEETWATER. Jason. 2LT (Second Lieutenant) 115215
13. WARD. Christine. SFC (Sergeant First Class) 105171
14. WOLFE. Carl. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 100125
Operatives who would normally have been available, but have been assigned to other duties during the current operation. The ordinal here serves as a head count.
01. BAUER. Richard. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 191015
02. HUDSON. Dwain. PVT (Private) 116220
03. MARTINS. Julian. SSGT (Staff Sergeant) 196050
Personnel assigned as MP's (Military Police Company):
Promotions and other special issues relevant to the operation:
End of Warning Order