![]() 02 NOV 18
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51ST Regiment UNMC
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Issued by the RGHQ-51 GATEWATCH Team @ 22 1307A OCT 18 * Projected Flight Conditions* IMPORTANTBe aware that unlike previous expeditionary operations, GATEWATCH is sufficiently confident of the projected flying conditions to present their report well in advance of the operation itself. However, the following factors should be taken in to account when judging the risks of off-world travel at this time:1. This is only the third, yet final Expeditionary operation of the 2018 Tour of Duty, the previous being CON-106 OPERATION STOW 29-30 SEP 18. 2. Similar to CON-106 the Ground Crew will have to force both outbound and inbound GATES, as there are no naturally occuring ones during the first phase of the operation. However unlike OPERATION STOW . there are two naturally occuring GATES, one outbound and one inbound on 04 NOV 18. Note that if used the mission will be classified as a Pathfinder (PF). See the table at the bottom of this report. 3. COMMENT: As to what the reappearance of natural occuring GATE activations will mean for Flight Crews, we are unable to advise. Prior to this operation there was a general decline over the preceding tours in associated numbers of natural stable wormhole connections. That is until CON-090 OPERATION ROUNDWAY DOWN on 22-23 MAR 14 when the last recorded useable natural activations occured. These were concentrated in the near and far GATE numbers, and were associated with extremely turbulent and dangerous conditions both in flight and off-world. All this appears to be due to the increasing influence of the Black Hole at the Spline Root at P567 (SG51P0567) that is Spline 51 GATE's G-1591 through G1597. And or the interference of the infestation by Alien Species #2 (AS#2), currently under way in the mid part of the spline. The enemies deployment and use of nuclear weapons in an attempt to sever the spline, cannot, we think, be completely ruled out as a causal factor affecting the systems aborant behaviour. Nor can our approach to sunspot maximum be ruled out, as in the past it has caused similar problems in the cycle. This time it is running later than in previous solar cycles. Solar activity continues to varry between just 30 and 50% of the previous sunspot maximum, that co-incided with the last drop off in GATE activations in 2000 ~ 2001. A 2018 NASA report further clarifies the sunspot issue, in that the magnetic energy of individual sunspots has been declining consistantly since 2001, and it is possible that we are entering a Sunspot Grand Minimum, which caused the so-called Little Ice Age of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Just what impact this will have for GATE travel is unknown at this time. Bio-SecurityThe precautionary principal dictates that CON-107 will be subject to the EXTREME ABC* Protection Protocol, as levels are expected to be dangerously high off world. Note that it will be necesary for all exterior gear to be removed for decontamination immediately upon return from off world missions, to ensure personal and collective bio-security post flight-WITHOUT EXCEPTION!* "ABC": Alien Biological Contaminant aka M1 and M2 nanites. IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you have adequate and appropriate spare clothing and footwear for in-base service, while your off-world atire is being decontaminated. Class B Service Dress Uniform, that is dress shirt and BDU trousers are the norm. Failure to comply will result in the issue of a surgical gown from Med Bay stores as an alternative. CON-107 will like CON-106 before it, conclude with a 10 day mandatory "lock down" pending a full medical and equipment inspection/decontamination at each of our operational facilities. We at GATEWATCH thank you for your co-operation in maintaining bio-security. The GATEWATCH System and the XAD1471The GATEWATCH system is the means by which our GATE can be monitored and a forecast made, so that off-world missions can be planned and executed.The XAD1471 (Experimental Alien Derived (device #)1471) is part of the GATEWATCH system, enabling very limited control of the STAR GATE by the Ground Crew, originally designed to permit emergency recovery of off-world teams by a forced activation of the GATE. The continuing inability to communicate via a wormhole means that all forced GATES must be pre-arranged prior to the missions initial launch. The Ground Crew can force up to ten (10)* safe GATE activations during an Expeditionary operation, to or from a target of the S3's (Operation's Officer) choice. It can only be safely used by prior arrangement at a specified time or when the inter-planetary Regimental Level Comunications Net is available and working adequately, so that an authorised request by the off-world team can be processed to activate the GATE and open the iris to ensure a safe landing. * Note that as of CON-101 (DEC 17) the safe number of forced launch and recovery activations rose from eight (8) to ten (10). See the Warnings section below. The CO, XO, S2 and S3 must decide if and which targets they would like to attempt to make an Outbound or Inbound connection with, using the XAD1471 system in the available slots listed in the Schedule section of the Operations Order, see top of page for link. If required then notification of the Star Labs engineers must be passed via the Regimental S1 (Brigadier A. R. Courtney) ASAP. WARNINGS:1. Be advised that the earlier the Ground crew recieve a request for an intended forced launch or recovery mission, the safer it will be for the SG Teams involved. For example, the short notice given by the surviving Engineers (OPERATION WINCHESTER, CON-68), resulted in significant losses and injuries during their return flight. However it is believed that safety improvements since then will to some degree mitagate that risk.2. The limit of ten (10) forced GATE activations can ONLY be exceeded in an extreme emergency situation, as there will be a significant increased probability of casualties or losses of personnel during additional flights. NB: forced activations #9 and #10, will not be as safe as #'s 1~8. 3. In any GATEWATCH chart providing launch and landing data, an asterisk set against the stated flight times for a givven Outbound and Inbound activation to one specific GATE, marks it as "varriable", in that the flight times are different from one another, which indicates extreme conditions within the wormhole and consequentially a higher than normal risk of injury, death or loss. 4. The GATE Tower's Gravity Wave Detector is, as per previous operations, continuing to pick up strong signals of a significant magnitude, which means that the GATE is once again "leaking" gravity, therefore we can not garuntee crew safety within the GATE tower. Care in moving through, and the handling of equipment within this danger zone is critical to all crew safety. 5. It is essential that Flight Crews immediately begin Anti-G-LOC drill upon passing the GATES Event Horizon, to avoid GI-LOC (Gravitationally Induced Loss Of Consciousness) which may result in the casualty becoming WIA, KIA, or MIA. Be advised that the issue Anti-G suits are standard USAF and RAF specification, originally intended for use by fast jet aircrews, and therefore are only rated to 9G. Military personnel who fail their medical, and any Civilians not rated for up to 9G, will automatically be Grounded and be asigned to Ground Crew duties, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties. 6. It is vital that you ensure that you have reported in to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for pre-flight innoculations versus motion sickness. Be aware that a US Marine drowned when in flight during CON-106. He was rendered unconscious due to G-LOC, and then vommited inside his respirator, and was unable to clear the obstruction. He was declared DOA at AREA-52. 7. You are reminded that GATES remain open for precisely 120 seconds ONLY, commencing with the specified launch/landing time as appropriate. 8. Due to the extremely hazardous nature of Pathfinder missions, only volunteer personnel may be assigned to the mission's SG Team. These personnel MUST sign the Pathfinder Mission Voluntary Service Form* confirming informed consent prior to participation. * Introduced on the orders of General Adam B. West, GMC, effective 22 OCT 18. GATEWATCH CHARTThe signal strengths for planetary target acquisitions on the system are highly varriable, ranging from as low as just 0.6× and 34×, "background normal", which is much the same as CON-090 OPERATION ROUNDWAY DOWN on 22-23 MAR 14.A total of 14 unusable incomplete connection signals have been detected at this time, including 3 identifiable GATES for a new planet. Two (2) of these activations are stable and therefore usable. They go to the "B" and "C" GATES as listed in the GATEWATCH CHART at the foot of this documant. The signal from the "A" GATE was inadequate to produce a position. No other GATES indentified. LegendAll times in these tables are expressed in accordence with the standard NATO Date Time Group (DTG) format DD HHMMZ MON YY.
Please be aware that friendly forces off world, maybe operating with a different time zone. Column 1: "Act.#" is the "activation ordinal" as it was on the day. A number in brackets is the original ordinal, and indicates that this activation has had its ordinal changed by the insertion of a "forced" GATE using the XAD1471 system. Column 2: "In/Out" is the direction of the wormhole in relationship to the Earth. Column 3: "Planet" this is the alpha-numeric planetary identification number, comprising the letter "P" for "Planet", and its Pathfinder operations and mission number. This comprises the 1~3 digit operations number and the 1~2 mission number, usually written without the decimal point that normally serves as an element separator. Planets not yet provided with an assigned designation are labelled as P000. Where the mission number element is no longer known, a zero "0" is used instead. Because planets may be accessed via multiple Splines it is customary when necessary to write the ID with a Spline prefix which denotes which STAR GATE base was responsible for conducting the Pathfinder mission. See the next entry for the Spline prefixes. Be aware that a planets existance can only be confirmed by the execution of a successful Pathfinder mission.
Column 4:
"GATE" being the single letter suffix normally appended to the planetary ID# to mark a given GATE, plus in brackets the 4 digit individual target GATE identification number. Remember that a GATE is on a "Spline", a linear set of GATES only accessible via others of the same Spline. When written in full, this ID# includes the Spline prefix, which denotes to which Spline the GATE belongs. The Spline prefixes are defined by the Earth GATE linked to it as follows:
The letter suffix for each GATE is assigned alphabetically in order of initial association with a given suspected planet. The GATES signal their association, even when the planet's existance is still in debate. They could be clustered, yet free floating in space. Column 5: "Grid" the position of the GATE expressed as a 10 character alpha-numeric grid reference co-ordinate which is only accurate to within 10 metres. Column 6: "Launch" is the DTG of the GATE opening for departure. The GATE remains open for 2 minutes. Column 7: "Landing" is the DTG for the GATE's opening at the destination. The GATE remains open for 2 minutes. Column 8: "Flight" is the duration of the flight in hours and minutes. An asterisk * marks a variable flight time, which is indicative of poor flight conditions.
Column 9:
"Mission" gives the Mission number and it's type using the following terms or abbreviations:
Column 10:
"Notes" a place for any relevant data that does not belong under any of the other headings.
End of CON-107 GATEWATCH Report. |
CON-107 GATEWATCH CHARTThe listed Pathfinder mission is slated to be the second mission of this operation, subject to commander's intent. The "A" GATE is estimated to be the only other GATE within 500 metres of the "B" GATE according to the data, however a back-up recovery RTB launch should be inserted in the event that the "A" GATE cannot be found.NB: The activation that follows the launch is a precautionary Immediate Emergency Return To Base forced GATE. This is inserted as per PF SOP in the event that the destination is sufficiently hostile to require an immediate return, subject to the team's ability to survive for a maximum of 2 minutes at the destination and exit via the GATE activation provided by the XAD1471 at RGHQ-51.
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