![]() Updated: 26 OCT 18 |
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CON-052 |
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Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 |
Gatewatch Report
Issued @ 04 1700Z MAR 05 (Updated 07 MAR 05)
The principle target of interest is VXC060A. This target was the subject of an earlier operation CON-23 "Operation Stanford Bridge" on 19 DEC 99.
Only 10 of these Gates are actually viable. All of which are to known destinations.
This behaviour remains “consistent” within the parameters of recent observations, as the gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behaviour, as per CONTACT’s 39-50, with extremely rough and unpredictable flight experiences for crews expected as before. Great caution and firm flight discipline is essential to prevent injuries or loss of personnel or equipment during this operation. Gatewatch 50, 52 and 54 are in the present cycle, all reporting similarly increased activity with very few useful, yet strongly resolved signal spikes. There is still no data from Stargate-53 for comparison at this time.
It is still unknown how many REGION-55 survivors are actually currently stranded off world, with the exception of those listed as MIA (see the forthcoming Issue 52 of the MIA listings). Caution is recommended when dealing with such personnel, due to inevitable long duration exposure to ABC. No further data is expected, and the PRC is currently in negociations with Japan and Russia re its future contribution to the CONTACT program. We will keep you apprised.
Post operation revision of usable Gates 07 MAR 05). Gate activations #7 and #10 flight times increased from 2 to 15 minutes. Two additional "inbound" activations detected #8 and #9. NB: VXC075A and VXC075B were in the printed hand-outs incorrectly prefixed with "VP".
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
05 MAR 05 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1158Z MAR 05 | 05 1256Z MAR 05 | Unused |
02 | OUTBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1259Z MAR 05 | 05 1357Z MAR 05 | Mission 1 Combat |
03 | INBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1401Z MAR 05 | 05 1459Z MAR 05 | Unused |
04 | INBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1502Z MAR 05 | 05 1600Z MAR 05 | Return 1x M1 survivor Kellet, Brian. |
05 | INBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1549Z MAR 05 | 05 1702Z MAR 05 |
Return M-1 APAF
GATE opened 15 minutes early. Team risked becoming MIA |
06 | INBOUND | VXC060A (G-1097) | 05 1717Z MAR 05 | 05 1815Z MAR 05 | Unused |
07 | OUTBOUND | VXC075A (G-1454) | 05 2151Z MAR 05 | 05 2206Z MAR 05 | Mission 2 |
08 | INBOUND | VXC075B (G-1455) | 05 2245Z MAR 05 | 05 2247Z MAR 05 | Unused |
09 | INBOUND | VXC075B (G-1455) | 05 2314Z MAR 05 | 05 2316Z MAR 05 | Unused |
10 | INBOUND | VXC075A (G-1454) | 05 2349Z MAR 05 | 06 0004Z MAR 05 | Return M-2 APAF |
06 MAR 05 | |||||
11 | OUTBOUND | XC060E (G-1096) | 06 1029Z MAR 05 | 06 1044Z MAR 05 | Mission 3 |
12 | INBOUND | XC060E (G-1096) | 06 1249Z MAR 05 | 06 1304Z MAR 05 | Return M-3 APAF |
General | Training | Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Notes |
1. Anderson. Simon. (Sat) 2. Berry. Susan. 3. Bridgey. Mathew. (Fri/Sat) 4. Churchett. Stephen. 5. Clarke. Stephen.(CMO) 6. Cockayne. Nicholas. (Sat) 7. Doidge. Simon. 8. Evans. Stephen (S2 & 2IC) 9. Hayes. John. (Sat) 10. Jackson. Frank. 11. Kellet. Brian. 12. Mason. Peter. 13. Molloy. John (3IC) 14. Neal. John. 15. Pollard. Ashley R. (Sat/Sun) 16. Rushen. Clive. 17. Russell. Gill.* (Fri/Sat) 18. Thomas. Simon. (S3)(Sat/Sun) 19. Wayland. Dean C.(S1/S5) 20. Worsfold. Graham. Notes |
CQB Training = 1 Unit 1. Berry. Susan 2. Bridgey. Mathew 3. Churchett. Stephen 4. Clarke. Stephen 5. Evans. Stephen 6. Hayes. John 7. Jackson. Frank 8. Kellet. Brian 9. Molloy. John 10. Pollard. Ashley R. 11. Rushen. Clive 12. Thomas. Simon 13. Worsfold. Graham (DI) 4 BPU's |
M-1 SG Team
1. Berry. Susan. (WIA) *CASEVAC M-1 Perimeter Patrol 1. Anderson. Simon. |
M-2 SG Team
1. Berry. Susan. *CASEVAC M-2 Perimeter Patrol 1. Doidge. Simon. |
M-3 SG Team
1. Berry. Susan. *CASEVAC M-3 Perimeter Patrol 1. Clarke. Stephen. |
WIA = 7 (3 Critical)
KIA = None MIA = None APAF Purple Heart Awards Bridgey. Mathew. Other Notable Awards None |
Intelligence Summary:
[Ed. The planet is lost, and GATES blocked. 25 OCT 18]
VXC060C was the subject of an earlier operation CON-023 Operation Stanford Bridge on 19 DEC 99. This was a raid upon an underground laboratory divided in to two complexes. The first served by the "C" and "D" GATES, while the other used the "A" and "B" GATES. The only means of movement between each appears to be by STAR GATE. Therefore although the data from GATEWATCH confirmed that they were on the same planet, their positional relationship is unknown. The maps shown at the bottom of this document are for that portion of the base served by the "A" and "B" GATES, being the objective of this operations primary mission.
The base was originally created by US forces, then latterly operated by TASC, but abandoned due to unreliable GATE access prior to the CONTACT programme.
The complex was taken over by T1 personnel sometime between CON-003 (1996) and CON-021 (1999), according to intelligence gathered during CON-021. It was converted in to an underground enemy medical and resupply station, and although not destroyed by the issue nuclear weapon as planned during that operation, access being random, it has not until now been possible to recon the site. Therefore a raid was proposed at the conference of CON-051 and accepted, and is now scheduled for the current operation.
In addition for this operation an "E" GATE on the same planet has also come up as an available destination, and it has been assigned the designation VXC060E [see the AAR below].
The team arrived via the "A" GATE in to the middle of an enemy/enemy engagement. Multiple contacts encountered and engaged. Bunker location held by Type1 reanimators was being assaulted by at least one Type 3 reanimator. Type 3's mission unknown but appeared to be retrieving captured Type 1's through the "D" GATE to an unknown location.
Maps were available at CON-051, images added here on 03 SEP 07
After Action Reports:
Private report Private Rivington XC60A enemy logistics station
Intel had a map of this location from a previous mission, where it was being used as a type 1 repair station. The location is unusual as it is known to have two gates, one at either end of the bunker. The current status of the location was unknown prior to the mission. This report will be incomplete by reason of my serious near death experience in the complex.
The initial sweep went well, with coordinated room clearing drills forcing passage down the left side of the complex. The complex was in near darkness and smoke filled, and this hampered operations somewhat. There was some opposing fire, but casualties were no more than expected for an operation of this type. The medbay was full of fluorescent light.
At the far gate a number of type 1s were dealt with. There was a blue on blue incident as a result of poor communications. An unknown, later identified as type III, rounded the corridor, and I hesitated about opening fire as I’d not identified the target as positive hostile. There was no response in this time. I deduced target was hostile as nobody on our squad had an M60. I opened fire, to no noticeable effect, and was hit multiple times at close range along with comrades behind me. Private Kelly revived me, and we moved to the exit gate. After 40 minutes a siren went off, along with a flashing light.
Any type 1s in residence were engaged on orders of Weil, as he couldn’t deal with additional problems they would bring. Given that a type III was apparently searching the place for Type 1s, this would appear to have been a shortsighted decision if the old saw ‘that mine enemies enemy is thy friend’ has any truth. A potentially valuable source of intelligence was irrevocable lost. Lt Stone appeared to be more willing to talk to the type 1s.
Stone and several others were exploring/searching the complex, leaving the casualties by the exit gate. In hind sight this was a bad place to be as the type 1s, type IIs and type IIIs were constantly coming and going. It was later deduced that the rally point for incapacitated type 1s was one of the gates, indicating its extreme value to the type III, who carted off several type 1s.
At this point the type III showed up again, and I was a casualty. Anything else in this report is by third party only.
A CLEGG team showed up, made itself known, and took command. They evaded the enemy, and all personnel were evacuated on the next available gate.
Intelligence Summary:
Report fragment alludes to the gate being in a wooded area. No other info reported. "B" gate location discovered. Multiple contacts encountered and engaged.
After Action Reports:
Operation Bannockburn CON 52
Mission VXC075A Out 21:26 Arrival 21:28 In 23:49 Arrival 23:51
Intel Debrief
Reynolds CO, Stone, Kelly, Bruce O’Mally, Eric Burn, Edward Weil, Palmer, P Bopar.
Individual Reports
Gated in, cool until second activation of Gate B, I assume 2 came in with light, ordered to stop – dropped a type II, a type III in ambush. Team split up – then took time to rejoin Bopar. Met presumed type Is on road, one of them watched them, skylined with Stone – shot Bopar – crap attempt to simulate fight – watched them. Retreat to gate, made it & Kelly & Bruce – found another – wanted antinanite tech to combat type III. Burns met French – negotiating with type Is Morgansturn. There was infighting in their group, and they bugged out. Found type II & III.
Bruce O’Mally
Some casualties – meet type Is on road. Burn talked to them. Played – contacted I’s helping in ambush with enemy. Riot foam. All the type Is got shot – radio very noisy – throw radio away. One of hostiles went for radio. One of hostiles went into woods, leaving one behind – very close and playing doggo. Someone in black cloak and guy with light gets up, follows up hill. Away from A gate – gated out – check out stargate – riot foam doesn’t work in the extreme cold. Headed to A gate, found someone coming closer – got closer - & talking – go look for mate – I’m going to wood. Frenchie is not dead – 4 on top of hill inconspicuous, stargated out.
B gate now know location.
Type I puts on show
Type I vs Type IIs & III – shot to shit bit by bit.
Unknown I went into – batman stopper at end
White – intermittent
1 x Type III in woods with pistol
1 x Type II white and orange – fully auto
Type III issuing orders to type II – took 2 Type IIs away
Intelligence Summary: No summary possible due to lack of data.
After Action Reports: No reports submitted for this mission.
Other Documents
Present: Col. Ross
Cpt. Weil
Pvt Rivington – notes etc
When the original stargate was discovered, there was a general scrambling for others by the big powers. The Russians under Stalin found more gates in the Arctic. At least one was moved to the USSR and activated. Various missions were undertaken, and type I and IIs encountered.
One mission involved men falling out of a gate onto a cavern floor, some sustaining various injuries. The gate was embedded upside down in the water created cavern ceiling. Men were detailed to pile up rocks to gain access to the gate, while the rest explored the cave system, aiming to find their way to the surface. On reaching the surface the radio operator picks up signals originating from Earth. The next mission involved a lot more equipment, and the location confirmed as the Tora Bora mountains in Afghanistan.
In 1979 the USSR invaded Afghanistan and established a client state to secure the gate. Further exploration determined that there were more than one gate in the complex, but many were buried in the rock, and their size varied from the original active one of 30-40 tonnes to a monster >2000 tonnes. The magnetic field investigation yielded the locations of the other gates mostly in a straight line like slices of toast, but several had moved over time.
The USSR had been in Afghanistan for some time, and the Mudhajan resistance was increasing with support and finance from the USA. In 1989 the fighting turned particularly vicious and many positions were overwhelmed, so the order was issued to evacuate the base. A 50 tonne nuke was used to seal the cavern, in an attempt to keep its secrets from prying eyes.
Petrov was the last to exit through the gate, and all he remembers about the transit was its length and the hazy nature of his recollections. The next clear recollection Petrov has is of being rescued by a Cleg team somewhere and taken back to the American gate. At Area 50 he was interrogated with the usual ritual beatings, Abba, and other such techniques – described dryly as not very pleasant. Given the 16 year flight he was naturally deeply suspicious about the date being reported to him by the Americans, thinking it was all a propaganda trick. Eventually a portable PC convinced Petrov that the year was no longer 1989, therefore it was later, and it might as well be 2005. Similarities to our own Vorsfelt cannot be underestimated.
After due process the Americans gave Petrov the choice of being returned to Russia, a country nominally somewhat different from the one he previously served, or to join another stargate program. He joined the British program.
CON-052 Intelligence Debrief
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