Updated: 26 OCT 18 | CON-051 |
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Mission 1 |
Gatewatch Report
Consistent with the continuing apparent erratic behaviour of the Gate, we have detected a series of signal spikes, somewhat more in advance than has to date been possible. We are expecting that on the day the strength will be very high. Quite what this will mean for the Gate, the base and any potential flight crews is at this time unknown. This behaviour remains “consistent” within the parameters of recent observations, as the Gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behaviour, as per CONTACT'S 39-50, with rough and unpredictable flight experiences for crews expected as before. Gatewatch 50, 52 and 54 are, in advance of the next cycle for CON-52, all reporting similarly increased advanced activity, but unlike ours, with few resolved signal spikes. There is still no data from Star Gate-53 for comparison at this time, as the French report that their base remains off-line.
The potential activations are for the period 05 0900-1900Z MAR 05. All of the signals remain at this time unresolved in terms of their precise times, however the destination is quite clear.
Target |
V X C 0 6 0 A |
[Ed. The planet is lost, and GATES blocked. 25 OCT 18]
This target was the subject of an earlier operation CON-023 Operation Stanford Bridge on 19 DEC 99.
A raid upon VXC060C, an underground laboratory divided in to two complexes. The first served by the "C" and "D" GATES, while the other used the "A" and "B" GATES. The only means of movement between each appears to be by STAR GATE. Therefore although the data from GATEWATCH confirmed that they were on the same planet, their positional relationship is unknown. The maps shown at the bottom of this document are for that portion of the base served by the "A" and "B" GATES.
Originally created by US forces, then latterly operated by TASC, but abandoned due to unreliable GATE access prior to the CONTACT programme.
The complex was taken over by T1 personnel sometime between CON-003 (1996) and CON-021 (1999), according to intelligence gathered during CON-021. It was converted in to an underground enemy medical and resupply station, and although not destroyed by the issue nuclear weapon as planned during that operation, access being random, it has not until now been possible to recon the site. Therefore a raid was proposed at the conference and accepted, and is now scheduled for CON-052.
Maps were available at CON-051, images added here on 03 SEP 07
General | |
1 Clarke. Stephen. (ACMO)* 2 Evans. Stephen.(S2) 3 Parker. Susan. 4 Pollard. Ashley R. *Acting Chief Medical Officer |
5 Rushen. Clive. 6 Smith. Trevor. 7 Wayland. Dean C.(S1) 8 Worsfold. Graham. |
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