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CON-066 |
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Mission 1 |
Issued @ 08:00Z 08/03/2007
Updated 08/07/2007
The former contractual disputes that had contributed to previous delays in repairs have now been resolved. Please note that Tiger Industries personnel no longer have access to RGHQ-51, and that the SSI and Phillips Corp. consortium have taken over the work. As SSI are the prime contractors for the XAD1471 system their staff have absolute authority during the installation phase on Floor 1 of RGHQ-51. With the exception of the related missions, the Gate Tower is for the duration of this operation strictly off limits to ALL UNMC personnel.
Note also that due to these circumstances only a basic flight service is available for your missions during CON-66. Flight crews MUST take extra special care in the Gate Tower as many systems remain exposed (6kv) for on-going repairs and the installation work. It is not practical to shut these sub-systems down, as they constitute essential components of the XAD1471 and the Gatewatch systems.
Gatewatch reports that as at 15:00Z their were a total of 21 usable inbound and outbound wormholes for CON-66, however only 5 of these, as specified below are relevant to UNMC Flight Crews. FYI this is an increase of 6 activations over the 15 of CON-65, and there are no unresolved signal spikes at this time. All spikes are at similar extreme energy levels (4x) as per CON-65. The Gravity Wave detector is for the second time actually picking up signals, which means that the Gate is "leaking" gravity in the area of the Gate Tower. Thus as per CON-65 we can not garuntee crew safety within the wormhole. Likewise as per CON-65 "G" suits have been procured to aid in reducing the risks of black outs in flight. Please be aware these are standard USAF and RAF issue Anti-G suits which are only rated to 9G (the max for fast jet aircrews). Note that any personnel who fail their medical will automatically lose Flight Status for the duration of CON-66, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties. Be aware that during CON-65 the Russian Regiment suffered 6 KIA and 2 WIA due to exsessive G forces (2 broken necks and 4 blunt trauma deaths, plus 2 surviving Marines with broken backs.
During CON-65 the aggregate total of ABC recovered from off-world equipment achieved a total of +197% over the pre-CON-52 levels (100%), which is an increase of +89% over those of CON-62. Even though almost 7 months had elapsed since this the last flight operation of 2006, this shows that the trend is continuing upward. The total M1 ABC level now stands at 297%, that is, it has trippled since CON-52 Operation Bannockburn 03/4-6/2005. See the ABC Saturation Report by Captain Kira Lewis (RGHQ-51).
Consequencially the precautionary principal dictates that CON-66 will be subject to the Extreme ABC Protection Protocol, as levels are expected to be dangerously high off world. Additional NBC suits and filters will be provided. Note that it will be necesary for all exterior gear to be removed for decontamination immediately upon return, to ensure personal and collective safety post flight - WITHOUT EXCEPTION! CON-66 will like CON-65 before it conclude with a 10 day mandatory "lock down" pending a full medical and equipment inspection/decontamination at each of our operational facilities. We at Gatewatch apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation in maintaining bio-security.
Special Alerts: 1. Post CON-065 Operation Hatfield Chase, DSTL have advised that as a result of their analysis of enemy ammunition found embedded in the clothing and equipment worn by First Lieutenant Sackville-West who was wounded in action at the close of Mission 4, immediately prior to egris, that the enemy ambush team were using the older and less lethal MKVI rounds. This accounted for their reduced effectiveness, and the higher than expected survivability of personnel who sustained wounds during that mission. It is possible that this represents the balance of old stocks. However, at the same time Russian and US personnel operating from SITE-54 sustained casualties wounded with exclusively MkVII ammunition. It is therefore probable that any future casualties sustained by our Regiment during all future operations will be hit with the more lethal ammunition.
2. As of 07/17/2007 both US bases (AREA-50 & -52) suffered catostrophic computer failures, due to a never before seen virus. They will remain off-line for the foreseeable future, leaving only the UK and the Russian Federation currently operational. For the duration AREA-52 personnel will be operating from SITE-54 in the Russian Federation, until as such time as either SG#50 or -52 are once again operational. The CLEGG program has been suspended, and caution is advised if approached off-world by the outstanding teams -651 and -652. These personnel should be recovered and returned to AREA-50 ASAP. The Authentication code for these teams is "BOSTON", and they comprise:
CLEGG-651: 1LT Ryan O'Connor Jr. SSGT Rodrigo Alverez. SGT Peter Bronski SPEC Dr. Janet Merryweather |
CLEGG-652 MAJ Susana Bench MSGT David Powell SSGT Erin Speak CPL Ralph Ammundsen |
Neither flight will be designated as a Pathfinder mission, as the planet upon which G-0799 is located has already been thoroughly cleared as a safe landing zone with regard to it's environment. The Pathfinder mission was conducted by US personnel on 08/21/1999 during CON-021 when the planet was designated as VP068. Since CON-056 when the first portable Gravitometers were deployed, VP068 has been the subject of intense study and observation, as it is the "mid-gate" for all current and formally operational Star Gates, that is: SG#'s -50, -51, -52 and -54, which is why it was chosen for Project Midguard. This project is the establishment of the first post Ox-Eye colony. The new colony will be under US control (AREA-52). The precise location of the proposed main base, aka "Midguard" is classified. The reason for the delay in establishment, has been three fold:
Five Gates, including G-0799, have been identified as sites for defensive Patrol Bases (PB), each designated with your regimental number, thus the UK PB is PB51, it's codename to be chosen by the regiment before 09/29/2007 when PB51 is scheduled for activation (the proposed name as of 08/05/2007 is "BIFROST"). Upon establishment, the other PB codenames and associated necessary data will be released.
Your mission to G-0799 will provide the SSI staff with the data to program the SG#51 XAD1471, after which the initial flight will be undertaken by an SSI civilian engineering team with Executive Resources' Close Protection Officers (ER-CPO) providing security, who will transport the second XAD1471. Upon arrival the machine will be assembled and programmed for the return flight, which must occur before the end of the present cycle otherwise they will be trapped on VP068 until September. Upon the successfull return of the SSI team a UNMC Engineer Company will be despatched to dig out the main defences of PB51, returning before the end of CON-066, as the ABC level is considered to be too high for extended missions with only respirators and NBC suits for protection. At the beginning of CON-67 on 09/28/2007, the Engineers will be once again dispatched to complete their work. ASAP Marines from the 51st Regiment will be tasked to take up station at PB51 during the period of each future cycle, subject to the tactical situation. The PB's will only be manned during the period of maximum threat, that is during the period of a Gate cycle, 1-3 days every 2-6 months. Stranded personnel will be considered as MIA and probably hostile, and treated accordingly at the time of the next operation. Every effort will be made to recover personnel assigned to serve at a PB before the end of their duty period. Because of the associated risks, PB service will at the present time be voluntary, subject to the strategic situation.
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Flight Time |
Notes |
08/04/2007 | ||||||
01 | OUTBOUND | G-0799 | 13:46 | 14:08 | 00:22* | Mission 1 Recon |
02 | INBOUND | G-0799 | 15:27 | 15:50 | 00:23* | - |
03 | OUTBOUND | G-0799 | 16:21 | 16:40 | 00:19* | - |
04 | INBOUND | G-0799 | 17:15 | 17:35 | 00:20* | Return From Mission 1 |
05 | INBOUND | G-0799 | 17:41 | 17:58 | 00:17* | Return From Mission 1 |
# | Rank | Name | Post | Personnel Notes |
General Notes |
1 | SGT | CARTER. G. | - | +1 EICU +3 BPU |
OOC Roster* 1. Berry. Susan 2. Bright. David. (08/04/2007) 3. Foster. Patricia. 4. Furlong. Susan. 5. Jordon. Jane 6. Molloy. John. 7. Pollard. Ashley R. 8. Rushen. Clive. 9. Smith. Trevor. 10. Swift. Nikki. 11. Tucker. Malcolm. (08/05/2007) 12. Wayland. Dean C. * "Other Operational Crew" Awards The Air Medal: The Good Conduct Medal: The Drill Instructors The Armed Forces Reserve The Training Ribbon: The Expert Infantry Badge: The Combat Infantry Badge Astronaut's Wings: Master Astronaut's Wings: The follwing have been promoted in EICU = 1 Fri. pm, 2 Sat. am. |
2 | BGEN | COURTNEY A. | MO | +1 EICU | |
3 | PFC | DELPERDANCE. R. | - | +2 EICU | |
4 | CPT | FROST J. | MO | +3 EICU +3 BPU |
5 | PVT | GRANT. A. | - | +2 BPU | |
6 | MSGT | KELLEY. G. | CMO* | +3 EICU +2 BPU |
7 | 2LT | KING. E. | +3 EICU | - | |
8 | CPT | LEWIS. K. | S2 | - | |
9 | PVT | PETERSEN. K. | - | +1 EICU +4 BPU |
10 | 1LT | SACKVILLE-WEST M. | S1 | +5 BPU | |
11 | LTC | TACHIKOMA. L. A. | S3*/S5 | +3 EICU +5 BPU |
12 | SSGT | WARD C. | - | +3 EICU +4 BPU |
Mission# | Rank/Name | Squad | Post | Status |
1 | LTC TACHIKOMA. L. A. | C | C/O | Returned |
1 | PFC DELPERDANCE. R. | A | - | Returned |
1 | CPT FROST. J. | A | 2IC | Returned |
1 | 2LT KING. E. | A | - | Returned |
1 | PFC PETERSEN. K. | A | - | Returned |
1 | 1LT SACKVILLE-WEST. M. B. | B | 3IC | Returned |
1 | SGT CARTER. G. | B | - | Returned |
1 | MSGT KELLEY. G. | B | MO- | Returned |
1 | CPT LEWIS K. | B | - | Returned |
Intelligence Summary: Standard arborial world at the mid point of spines 50, 51, 52 and 54. Mission to transport a recording device to and from the world. Multiple contacts encountered and engaged. Several injuries. 4 enemy bodies, two officially dead brought back and along with various samples inc. 1 live insect sent to Porton Down for further tests (see DSTL report). 2 team members lost in initial transit but lator arrived on world separately.
Mission Brief:
CON-066 Operation Ellandum
Gate Operations 3-Aug-2007 - 5-Aug-2007
Lt.Col. Lara Atsuko Tachikoma
United Nations Marine Corps
CON-066-E01: mission to G0799 (VP068).
1st gate out 13.46 hundred hours.
2nd gate out 16.21 hundred hours.
1st gate back at 15.27 hundred hours.
2nd gate back at 17.15 hundred hours.
3rd gate back at 17.41 hundred hours.
1. Mission.
Science mission to do the following:
A. Deploy Stargazer.
B. Collect samples; soil, water & vegetation.
C. Take gravity wave readings
D. Take SSI Automatic Recording Device.
2. Situation
Project Midguard being set up on midgate G-0799, which is the planet formerly known as VP-068. G-0799 is the midgate for Area 50, RGHQ 51, Area 52 and Site 54. It is not known if it is also the midgate for Base
53 and Region 55 due to the former being offline, and the latter being destroyed.
A. Enemy. None detected to date.
B. Non-combatants. None expected.
C. Friendly forces.
i. CLEGG 651; 1Lt. Ryan O’Connor Jr., S.Sgt. Rodrigo Alverez, Sgt. Peter Bronski, Spec. Dr. Janet Merryweather.
ii. CLEGG 652; Maj. Susana Bench, M.Sgt. David Powell, S.Sgt. Erin Speak, Cpl. Ralph Ammundsen.
The CLEGG teams will use the code word Boston to identify themselves.
Please note that all CLEGG operations have been suspended this cycle due to a computer virus. Recovery of CLEGG teams should be attempted, but caution is advised.
3. Execution.
A. Deploy onworld and move a minimum of 150 meters from the gate.
B. Deploy the Stargazer unit, which will run for 2 hours and return with it.
C. Collect samples and return them to Porton Down.
D. Take gravity wave detector and return it with its readings.
E. Deploy SSI automatic recording device by taking it through the gate to record trip and return with the device, which must be given only to Dr. Karen Wright.
F. Send out patrols to recon area to monitor and identify any contacts.
4. Service & Support.
A. Equipment.
i. Stargazer unit.
ii. Science kit.
iii. SSI Automatic Recording Device.
iv. Gravity Wave Detector.
v. Medical kit.
B. Casualties; to be placed under the care of the medic who will take command of their treatment.
C. Evacuation of captured personnel & equipment.
i. All captured equipment to be taken off enemy personnel and distributed amongst our team.
ii. All prisoners must be disarmed and bound to prevent escape.
5. Chain-of-Command.
A. Mission, squad & fire-team leaders.
i. Lt.Col. Tachikoma mission commander (1IC).
ii. Alpha squad: Cap. Frost (2IC)
a. Fire team one; Cap. Frost, Pfc. Delperdance.
b. Fire team two; 2Lt. King, Pfc. Petersen.
iii. Bravo squad. 1Lt. Sackville-West (3IC)
a. Fire team one; 1Lt. Sackville-West (3IC), Cap. Lewis.
b. Fire team two; M.Sgt. Kelley, Sgt. Carter.
B. Radio holders; Lt.Col. Tachikoma, Cap. Frost, Cap. Lewis, 2Lt. King, Sgt. Carter.
i. Frequency band 5, sub channel 21.
D. Password & call signs.
i. Number called, add five to reply, change number each time.
ii. CLEGG code word is Boston.
Mission Debrief:
Alpha Squad: Frost, King, Peterson, Delperdance.
Bravo Squad: Sackville-West, Carter, Kelley and Lewis.
LtCol Tachikoma attached to both squads.
After Action Reports:
Arrived on planet and dispersed in a starburst formation, but both Frost and Sackville-West went missing in transit. Ordered Lewis to take point and move us away from the gate in case of trouble. Moved about a hundred meters, formed an all round defence, and took stock of the situation. We were also missing one component of the stargazer assembly. Found suitable stash point for SSI Automatic Recording device, the Gravitometer and remaining Stargazer components.
I ordered a sweep of the area as per our mission orders. We came to the end of the traversable terrain and took a break before making our way back. On our way back Lewis saw movement on our right flank. She identified contact as the missing CLEGG 651 team. They gave the authentication word, and several of the team recognised me as being from Area 50. I told them that I had always wanted to be a CLEGG operative, and was told all I had to do was have the special jabs. During our attempt to process them Sgt. Peter Bronski shot Kelley in the lower abdomen and a firefight ensued. Carter took hits to his left arm and right leg, Lewis was hit in the left arm, and I took a hit left arm and right leg. However, the team managed to subdue the CLEGG team, unfortunately killing 1Lt. Ryan O’Connor Jr. in the exchange of fire.
The CLEGG team were disarmed and searched. We retrieved some active high explosive devices that must have been made onworld. Unfortunately, S.Sgt. Rodrigo Alverez then started to gate walk, taking the team by surprise, and King was hit by a blue-on-blue shot in her leg by Carter.
Our medic checked the prisoners and in this exchange Sgt. Peter Bronski died and could not be revived.
I ordered Delperdance and Carter to go and collect the equipment and then take it nearer the gate so that the team could cope better with moving the prisoners, and the two dead bodies. I briefed the remaining team members on what I planned to do next. When Delperdance and Carter returned we executed the movement towards the gate. At this point we heard the gate activate and Frost came onto the radio network. We rendezvoused with him at the gate.
I then reorganised the team structure on the fly. Lewis, Delperdance, King and Petersen would return on the first inbound gate with the prisoners, dead bodies and equipment. Meanwhile I had my new squad of Kelley, Carter, Frost and myself deploy in a skirmish line to intercept any hostiles that might try and prevent our over burdened squad from leaving with the mission essentials. Frost reported that he had seen Sackville-West in transit, as he was bounced back and forth past him.
When the other squad departed I left Frost to maintain an OP on the gate in case Sackville-West came through. I took Kelley and Carter with me on a sweep through the area to maintain tactical awareness of the offworld situation. During this sweep the gate activated again and Frost reported that it looked like a confused Sackville-West had come through the gate.
My portion of the team made our way back to the gate for extraction without any further contacts.
All the members of CLEGG 651 were highly contaminated by ABC. Two were recovered alive; S.Sgt. Rodrigo Alverez and Spec. Dr. Janet Merryweather. Two were dead when brought through the gate; 1Lt. Ryan O’Connor Jr. and Sgt. Peter Bronski. They had explosive devices on them that could only have been made onworld. They implied, that to be one of them, a person had to have the special jabs at Area 50.
It is therefore highly likely that Area 50 operations have been compromised by infection through the contamination of the anti-nanite drugs that CLEGG operatives are administered under the charge of the chief medical officer.
It is highly likely that this process has been ongoing for some time and there is a clear and present danger of Area 50 being taken over by Type
1 forces and a Pinnacle Empty Quiver scenario occurring.
It is highly likely that the CLEGG 652 team are also contaminated and should be processed with extreme caution if identified.
Apart from the deployment of the Stargazer, all other mission objectives were met; samples, gravitometer readings and the deployment and recovery of the SSI Automatic Recording Device. This will enable the next phase of Project Midguard, which involves activating Patrol Base Bifrost during operation CON-067.
August 4th 2007 G-0799 (project Midgard) Recon Operation Ellandun
I was assigned as a squad leader, with Sgt Carter, Msgt Kelley And Cpt Lewis (declined command). Prelaunch Ltc Tachikoma gave a very succinct and efficient briefing of the mission objectives. As my squad were first through the gate, I organised the starburst pattern, and allocated the Stargazer equipment to willing! hands. We left in good spirits.
I arrived and deployed, only to find I was on my own. With one, a perfect starburst is either a matter of definition, or unobtainable. I patrolled in a circuit, meeting no hostiles or any sentient life, before concluding that I would be better off setting up an OP near the gate. Something in transit had obviously gone wrong, and despite my watch assuring me I was perfectly on time, I was well aware that I may have been chronologically displaced.
I was very releived to find Frost, who had suffered a different experience of delay in the gate, whereby he felt he'd been bounced back and forth, until he was spat out somewhat late. I was delayed just over 2 anbd half hours. I can thus contribute little to the actual mission report, except to report that I was carrying one of the aerials for the Stargazer.
I am but the latest (albeit on the micro scale) of many who have suffered time distorting effects at the hands of the gate system.
1 Lt Sackville West
Con 66 had been classified a training operation with one mission to G-0799, this was a Recon Operation code name Ellandun part of project Midgard.
Alpha squad comprised of:
Command (2ic): Captain Frost
PFC Delperdance
PFC Peterson
2Lt King
Bravo squad
Command (3ic): 1lt Sackville-West
Capt Lewis
MSGT Kelley (CMO)
SGT Carter
Over all strategic command lay with LtCol Tachikoma
Bravo was assigned the Stargazer units and Alpha was carrying a gate dial device for calibration.
Entry of the gate was uneventful and gate transit was no more unpleasant than usual until we reached exit, I remember seeing 1Lt Sackville-West moving past me in the opposite direction and shortly after my own journey was extended. I had no idea how long I was in transit until I finally landed on planet and was unsure as to which planet it was. After locating a suitable OP (where incidentally the gate device and 2 units of the Stargazer were hidden) I made contact with 2Lt King over the radio and gave an authentication code to LtCol Tachikoma. The recognition code was used to authenticate SGC personnel when I finally rejoined the unit. As of this time 1Lt Sackville-West was still missing so half the team went back to the SGC on the first return gate and staying behind to await the 1Lt were MSGT Kelley, LtCol Tachikoma, SGT Carter and I. Tachikoma ordered a fast patrol of the area to maintain perimeter whilst the others set an OP on the gate, after our return I went into another OP whilst Tachikoma Kelley and Carter performed another sweep. During this time the gate activated and a single figure seemed to fall out of it. I moved from the OP to challenge this person but he had moved rapidly out of the area. I moved to intercept and eventually identified Sackville-West. When the others returned we went on all round defence near the gate and waited for gate home, return journey was without further incident.
Con 66 had been classified a training operation with one mission to G-0799, this was a Recon Operation code name Ellandun part of project Midgard.
Alpha squad
command (2ic) Captain Frost - uninjured
PFC Peterson - uninjured
2Lt King - left leg 1st level wound, bandaged
PFC Delperdance - uninjured
Bravo squad
command (3ic) 1lt Sackville-West - uninjured
Cpt Lewis - left arm 1st level wound, bandaged
MSGT Kelley (CMO) - abdomen 1st level wound, bandaged
SGT Carter - left arm 1st level wound, bandaged
Over all command of the mission (1Ic)
LtCol Tachikoma left arm, right leg, 1st level wounds, bandaged
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