Updated: 11/23/2006 | CON-044 |
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Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 | Mission 5 | Mission 6 | Mission 7 |
Gatewatch Report
Gatewatch 52/54/55 are all continuing to report similarly increased activity plus unscheduled signal spikes. Like ours many are unresolved times/targets, with numerous new signatures. There is still no data from Star Gate #53 for comparison at this time, as the French report that their base remains off-line. We will keep you apprised.
Details of usable gates:
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
September 27 2003 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | XC161A | 00:04 | 00:19 | FT = 15 mins |
02 | OUTBOUND | XC161A | 00:27 | 00:42 | FT = 15 mins Mission 1 |
03 | INBOUND | XC161A | 00:49 | 01:04 | FT = 15 mins Return from Mission 1 |
04 | OUTBOUND | XC1O5C* | 10:41 | 10:56 | FT = 15 mins Mission 2 |
05 | OUTBOUND | P401A | 10:59 | 11:21 | FT = 22 mins Mission 3 |
06 | INBOUND | XC1O5C* | 11:53 | 12:08 | FT = 15 mins Return from Mission 2 |
07 | INBOUND | P401A | 12:09 | 12:31 | FT = 22 mins Return from Mission 3 |
08 | OUTBOUND | XC134B | 16:11 | 16:28 | FT = 17 mins Mission 4 |
09 | INBOUND | XC134B | 17:15 | 17:32 | FT = 17 mins Return from Mission 4 |
10 | OUTBOUND | XC145A | 21:21 | 21:23 | FT = 2 mins Mission 5 |
11 | INBOUND | XC145A | 22:38 | 22:40 | FT = 2 mins Return from Mission 5 |
September 28 2003 | |||||
12 | INBOUND | XC145A | 00:01 | 00:03 | FT = 2 mins Return from Mission 5 |
13 | OUTBOUND | P407A | 00:07 | 00:09 | FT = 2 mins Mission 6 |
14 | INBOUND | P407A | 00:11 | 00:13 | FT = 2 mins Return from Mission 6 |
15 | OUTBOUND | XC074B | 09:22 | 09:37 | FT = 15 mins Mission 7 |
16 | INBOUND | XC074B | 11:01 | 11:17 | FT = 16 mins Return from Mission 7 |
* a C (ex-colony) world, but a new Gate signature. XC105A was the site of the New Greenham Common base, which was over-run during CON-3 (1996). It has not been accessed through Star Gate #51 since CON-16 (1998).
General | Training | Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 |
1. Berry. Susan.* 2. Churchett. Stephen. 3. Clarke. Stephen. 4. Crofts. Amanda. 5. Doidge. Simon. 6. Evans. Stephen. 7. Grana-Priego Anthony. 8. Hayes. John.(27th) 9. Jackson. Frank. 10. Mason. Peter. 11. Molloy. John. 12. Neal. John. 13. Pollard. Ashley R. 14. Rushen. Clive. 15. Smith. Trevor. 16. Tregaskis. Robin. 17. Wayland. Dean C. (S1,S5) 18. Worsfold. Graham. ? (S2) Notes: |
1. Berry. Susan.* 2. Churchett. Stephen. 3. Clarke. Stephen. 4. Crofts. Amanda. 5. Doidge. Simon. 6. Evans. Stephen. 7. Grana-Priego Anthony. 8. Jackson. Frank. 9. Mason. Peter. 10. Molloy. John. 11. Neal. John. 12. Pollard. Ashley R. 13. Rushen. Clive. 14. Smith. Trevor. 15. Tregaskis. Robin. 16. Wayland. Dean C. Notes: 2 BPU's |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
M-1 SG Team (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
Mission 4 | Mission 5 | Mission 6 | Mission 7 | Notes |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
M-5 SG Team ? (C/O) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-5 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: |
WIA = 1+ KIA = #? MIA = 6 Awards: Notes: |
Intelligence Summary: Former colony site. Standard Arborial world with high humidity causing equipment difficulties. Multiple contants engaged.
After Action Reports:
At the time of this operation my cover identity had not been revealed, but this report is being submitted after the event and General Courtney has made it very clear that the use of my former name is forbidden.
Recon in force trip to X161A.
The gate out at 00.04 hundred hours.
Alternate gate out at 00.27 hundred hours (not used).
Return gate back at 00.49 hundred hours.
Intel had decided to recode all the planets coding to more clearly reflect the status of fallen former colony worlds; so C161A became X161A, because it had been destroyed during Operation Clean Sweep (OCS).
Alpha squad; Pfc. Alexeyev (1IC), Pvt. Grana-Preigo, Pvt. Sterling, Pvt. Ridgeway.
Bravo squad; Pfc. Plisskin (2IC), Pfc. Boddicker, Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Kelley.
Charlie squad; Pfc. McNeill (3IC), Pfc. Martindale, Pfc. Kirk, Dr. Webster.
The General informed the newly promoted Captain Well, and myself that our Operation's Officer, Colonel Reese, was unavailable to be this missions cycle. After a discussion about Science being folded into Intelligence, I found myself acting as Operations Officer. I found myself with 40 minutes to get the team shaken out and ready for the first mission. Having had shit descend on me from a great height, I decided to let it continue its descent and spread the pain around. I made Alexeyev the mission team leader and Webster the acting head of Science for the mission cycle. Thirteen of us went out. I would accompany the mission as an observer to assess Alexeyev's, Plisskin & "Mad-dog" McNeill's command potential.
There were problems from the moment we exited the gate offworld as Alexeyev struggled to cope with problems that arose around communication issues between the squads. The heat of the night also caused the teams facemasks to start fogging up. However, we managed to get the Charlie squad to escort Webster to collect soil and water samples (see DSTL report). "Mad-dog" & Martindale reported several false contacts, so I took matters into my own hands by laying down fire on these suspected contacts. So as to prove that they were false.
As we organized ourselves for our gate exit I had to take control from Alexeyev, because he could no longer see to keep control of the large team. As our circus wended its way towards the gate two snipers bounced us. I managed to urge the team towards the gate, while encouraging them to lay down fire aggressively on the hostiles. In the confusion Plisskin advanced too far towards the enemy positions. In the confusion our team shot him. Fortunately, he was only wounded and was assisted by our medic Kelley through the now activated gate.
I arrived at the base during the afternoon of the 26th. Other members of the team turned up during the course of the evening. Lt. Col. Rhys was unable to attend this cycle, as he was busy with other operational matters. As a result Cpt. Ash had been assigned the role of Operations Officer for the mission cycle. An additional recruit joined this mission cycle, Pfc. Kelley, Medic. As I had received the only formal training on the use of the new first aid system and resuscitation device, I took her to one side to pass on the information. It is a great relief to the team as a whole to have a full time combat-medic on the team. Gatewatch reported erratic behaviour, similar to that observed during CON43, with several new gate signals. As with the previous mission cycle, many of the gates were to previously visited worlds, although the gate designations lead me to suggest to Cpt. Well that we (M.I.D.) re-assess our current gate nomenclature for a more informative version. This can be read in my report titled "Proposed Revised Gate Nomenclature - Discussion Document".
This new nomenclature is used throughout this mission cycle report, with reference to the old system for those who have not had time to familiarize themselves with the new system.
The first mission was not until the early hours of the 27th, and so I set about evaluating some of the existing intelligence data on the selected mission targets. In addition to this, Cpt. Well, Pfc. Martindale and myself started to lay out some ideas for better intelligence gathering. Part of this is the aforementioned discussion document, as well as an additional method of providing mission debrief data to UNSGC personnel.
Prior to the commencement of official business, Intel issued a standing order that for all subsequent gate transits, weapons should be unloaded. This is to attempt the accidental weapon discharges recorded in the previous mission cycle.
Destination: X161A-A (C161A)
Gate out: 00:04
Roster (alphabetical order): Pfc. Alexeyev (1 I.C.), Cpt. Ash (Observing), Pfc. Boddiker (2 I.C.), Pvt. Grana-priego, Pvt. Kelley, Pfc. Kirk, Pfc. McNeill (3 I.C.), Pfc. Plisskin, Pvt. Ridgeway, Pfc. Stone, Dr. Webster.
Reconnaissance in force. X161A-A had been the site of a colony, later destroyed by unknown forces. Essentially we are trying to establish what had happened to the colony. Cpt. Ash has assigned mission command to Pfc. Alexeyev. Prior to jump, Alexeyev assigned Boddiker as 2 I.C. and McNeill as 3 I.C.
Gate transit was normal, and exited onto an small clearing at the base of a slope, facing a large wooded area. The humidity of the night air caused my respirator to fog up sufficiently bad enough that I had to clear it in the field. As this was my first real command, I was apprehensive, and found that communicating my intentions to three squads extremely difficult. However, I ordered the re-con squad to assist Dr. Webster in his sample gathering.
I ordered the squad to move into the woods, following the same path as the re-con. team. As we did this, several contacts were reported, although these were not verified. Cpt. Ash took it upon her self to lay down fire on to these contacts reported positions. Whilst not how I would have done it, it did at least show that the contacts were false. As time moved on, my respirator became totally fogged, to the point where I could no longer see the rest of the team to command them. I handed control over to Ash, who had the most command experience. We prepared for extraction and made our way back to the gate exit, where we were ambushed by two snipers. Ash moved the team forward, attacking through the ambush. Unfortunately, Plisskin had got to far forward and had been wounded, possibly by friendly fire. Kelley assisted Plisskin through the gate, and no other casualties were incurred.
The standard contamination check showed negative on all team members, and the soil and vegetation samples retrieved by Dr. Webster were sent to Porton Down (see DSTL report).
1) Something needs to be done to prevent respirators fogging when used in conjunction with a helmet.
2) The Brigadier, quite rightly, placed Cpt. Ash in command of the remaining away missions.
On a personal note, I feel that I could have acquitted myself better, even given the circumstances. However, I felt that handing control over to Cpt. Ash instead of my 2 I.C was the correct course of action given the circumstances.
Intelligence Summary: No information available. Personel did not arrive on world but were 'bounced' back into transit and subsequently arrived back at RQHQ-51. See CON-062 mission 1 for latest intelligence.
After Action Reports:
Recon in force, science & intelligence gathering trip to X105C. The gate out at 10.41 hundred hours. Return gate back at 11.53 hundred hours.
Cpt. Well led the mission brief, ably assisted by Pfcs. Alexeyev & Martindale. The Intel team saw an opportunity to go back to this world. The SGC had abandoned it after the gates were destroyed in previous missions. Dr. Webster made the science objectives clear by explaining the importance of detecting a new gate on X105. A hitherto undiscovered third gate on this world was to say the least surprizing, given how long we had maintained an offworld colony on it prior to OCS.
Alpha squad; Myself (1IC), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. Kirk, Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Sterling. Bravo squad; Cpt. Well (2IC), Pfc. Martindale, Pfc. Palmer, Pvt. Kelley, Dr. Webster.
Destination: V105C-N (C105C)
Gate out: 10:41
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Alpha Squad: Cpt. Ash (1 I.C.), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. Kirk, Pvt. Stirling, Pfc. Stone
Bravo Squad: Cpt. Well (2 I.C.), Pvt. Kelley, Pvt. Palmer, Pfc. Webster.
Offensive reconnaissance patrol. Both colonies (A and B) on planet 105 are known to have been destroyed (now designated X105A-A and X105B-A). As this is new gate signal for the planet, find out where this gate is in relation to A and B.
During transit all team members experienced the same sensation of impacting on a rubber-like surface where the gate-exit should have been. This "surface" catapulted the team back in the gate system, requiring Gatewatch to bring us back. It was an extremely unpleasant experience, although thankfully due the events of the previous mission cycle a standard order of not arming weapons prior to gate transit probably prevented injury or death of a team member. Some of the equipment incurred mild damage, and apart from some extreme travel sickness, none of the team were injured.
All information has been passed on to Gatewatch, Porton Down and the other regional HQs for analysis. (see DSTL report)
Intelligence Summary: Standard Arboreal world, wooded with structures visable. Multiple contacts engaged.
After Action Reports:
Pathfinder trip to P401A.
The gate out at 10.59 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 12.09 hundred hours.
Gate Watch had detected a parallel gate activation. This meant that we could run two missions concurrently. I took the decision to ask for volunteers who would like the privilege of going on this Pathfinder mission.
Pathfinder squad; Sgt. Vorsfelde (1IC), Pfc. Boddicker, Pfc. McNeill, Pfc. Plisskin.
During the debriefing session Vorsfelde described how they had exited onto a pleasant arboreal world where metal shelter like structures were seen in the woods. As the team approached they saw two guards. One appeared to be acting as a spotter and the other was patrolling around a number of prisoners.
When Vorsfelde challenged the guards he was surprised to have the prisoners get up and join their guards. Shooting started and the team realized that they were now facing over a dozen type 2 reanimators. Fortunately, for the team, it appeared that only a few of the Zombies had ammunition and were able to return fire. The Pathfinder team contained the situation by allowing the unarmed Zombies to go to the gate. Meanwhile taking down the Zombies that were returning fire.
Destination: P401A-N (P401A)
Gate out: 10:59
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Sgt. Vorsfelde (1 I.C.), Pfc. Boddiker, Pfc. McNeill, Pfc. Plisskin,
Gate transit time approximately 20 minutes. Transit was smooth and without disturbance. The team reported the climate to be Earth-like and arboreal. The team swept away from the gate and noticed a series of buildings, some overgrown, some new in appearance. Building materials were also noted in the site. The team managed to gather the following samples: soil, vegetation water and fruit (see DSTL report). As the team moved further into the woods, Boddiker spotted two contacts, one was standing still, whilst the other appeared to be patrolling a specific area. Both were heavily armed. The team moved nearer, and saw that the guard was patrolling around approximately ten (10) prone bodies. All of the bodies were wearing combat gear, respirators and were armed. The bodies appeared to be laid out "neatly" in a line. Vorsfelde approached and attempted to make diplomatic contact, but to no avail. He also tried to converse with the contacts in other languages, but was ignored by both guards. Vorsfelde stated that the bodies looked similar to members of our current UNSGC team roster, and so the team initiated contact on the guards.
This was done under the belief that they were guarding the bodies as prisoners. As the fire-fight started, the bodies stood up, turned to face the team and started to walk toward them. The UNSGC team fired on, and hit 'some' of the walkers, only to see them rise and continue walking a few seconds later. All of the bodies exhibited non-aggressive Type 1 behaviour, and so Vorsfelde gave the order not fire unless fired upon. None of the bodies fired at the team, although none of the team were sure as to the status of the weapons carried by the walkers. As each body reached the Stargate, it activated, and the walker passed through. The team downed and secured the two guards, both of which had exhibited Type 2 aggressive behaviour. Once both guards had been bound, and weapons deactivated, the bodies were searched, although nothing of interest was found. The buildings and surrounding area were photographed. Vorsfelde then ordered the team back to the gate, set up an all-round defense until the gate cycled. Upon return the team underwent routine checks for contamination, all with negative results.
1) All samples, Type 2s and photographs have been sent to Porton Down (see DSTL report).
2) Pathfinder awards were given to the four team members.
3) Ash noted that the bindings used to secure the Type 2's were not of regulation quality, and in fact one of the Type 2's had broken loose, and needed to be subdued prior to shipping to Porton Down. Vorsfelde will ensure that in future missions the bindings are of the correct type.
4) The Type 2's appeared to exhibit a new behaviour not previously recorded, that of guarding an objective and not attacking until attacked.
Intelligence Summary: Ex-offworld command post. Standard Arboreal world. Multiple contacts engaged. MSGT John Clarke recovered.
After Action Reports:
Recon in force trip to X134B.
The gate out at 16.11 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 17.32 hundred hours.
This mission was to a now defunct offworld command post that use to have 20 personnel stationed there.
Alpha squad; Myself (1IC), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pvt. Kelley, Pfc. Palmer, Pvt. Sterling.
Bravo squad; Pfc. (Dr.) Stone (3IC), Pfc. Brown, Pfc. Kirk, Pfc. Martindale.
Charlie squad; Cpt. Well (2IC), Pvt. Grana-Preigo, Pvt. Ridgeway, Dr. Webster.
After the previous SOP problems and Pathfinder mission scare, our exit offworld went by the numbers. We took our time to just listen to our surroundings while maintaining an all-round defence. I ordered Stone to take his squad out on point. Well's squad brought up the rear. As we moved out of the typical clearing we find around a gate, Bravo made contact at the edge of the clearing and a firefight broke out. I brought up Alpha and Charlie to support them. During the firefight I shot an unknown that ran through our line, wounding him. Other hostiles were trying to escape and I ordered we pursued them. The situation became confused in the firefight. So I sent Kelley back (unescorted) to aid Well's squad and tend the man I had shot. This allowed me to bring Alpha & Bravo together to pursue the enemy. We ran through the woods after the hostiles and eventually we ran them to ground. The firefight started to go downhill as the team almost became stuck on the enemy's hastily formed defensive position. I proceeded to keep the hostiles heads down with a rain of fire from the piglet. I exhorted my team to continue the assault. They remembered their drills and taking advantage of my support fire they assaulted the two remaining hostiles, sweeping through the enemy position.
We secured the dead enemy and took them back to where Well had secured the other hostiles. Our medic Kelley managed to patch up the unknown I had shot earlier. He turned out to be M.Sgt. John Clark, a member of CLEG 101. He had been part of a nine-man squad out of Area 52. They apparently had been using an XM-TD-1471-E2 dial home device to explore the gate network. We found a diary with Clark's account. Their trip started badly from the get go, when they lost a couple of team members during the initial transit. Gradually their numbers dwindled as they travelled through more and more gates to only him and someone called Tanaka were left. Clark had lost contact with Tanaka sometime before he met us.
The CLEG team were planting transponders on each of the worlds that they visited, so that they could identify their route and map the network. To help them stay uninfected, for nearly a year while offworld, they had been taking a new anti-viral agent. Unfortunately, CLEG 101 had found themselves unable to return to find a gate back to Earth. Gradually the very agent that they were taking poisoned them. Clark and Tanaka both took an overdose of anti-taint drugs. As they couldn't stop taking the drug, because it was the only thing preventing them from succumbing to the effects of the taint. Clark said that Tanaka started to behave strangely, becoming dangerous and eventually going to sleep.
During their time offworld they had found themselves going around in circles. On their journey they recount how they went to worlds that they had previously visited, only to find them turned into barren wastelands. Their journeys became more fraught. They found themselves vomiting from the effects of their journeys through the wormholes and loosing team members in transit. Clark had on the run for sometime, trying to avoid the hostiles before we found him. Clark seemed very confused and complained of having a headache from a head full of noise. He appeared to be responding to hallucinations. Otherwise he was co-operated with us and wasn't violent towards SG team. The team secured the reanimators and extracted them and Clark without problem (see DSTL report).
During the debriefing session Stone criticized my decision to send the medic back to Well unescorted. On hindsight, buddying up the medic with the commander, who is armed with a piglet (M70 E3/4 short, light machine gun), was probably not a good decision.
The final chapter of Clark's diary narrated how there were only three people left. One wounded and expected to die from his wounds. The diary showed Clark loosing his mind and eating Tanaka. Also, the General later recognized Clark's ID number as one used for personnel attached to the failed gate 50 project. This was the first attempt to move a gate, which had been made by the Americans and reported as ending in failure when the gate was destroyed. This report has always troubled me, because if there were a singularity at the heart of each gate it would have had catastrophic consequences for our planet if one got loose. Also, I wonder if CLEG stand for Combat, Long-range Exploration Group? An odd acronym, but I can see that the alternative of CLREG doesn¹t roll off the tongue as easily.
Destination: C134B-A (C134B)
Gate out: 16:11
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Alpha squad: Cpt. Ash (1 I.C.), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pvt. Kelley, Pfc. Palmer, Pvt. Sterling.
Bravo squad: Pfc. Stone (3 I.C.), Pfc. Brown, Pfc. Kirk, Pfc. Martindale.
Charlie squad: Cpt. Well (2 I.C.), Pvt. Grana-priego, Pvt. Ridgeway, Dr. Webster.
C134B-A has an off-world command post nearby, with approximately 20 personnel. X134A-A used to have a reciprocal command post, destroyed by a tactical blast. This is mission is a offensive reconnaissance patrol, it is possible that the second command post has been over run, so it is possible that there will be hostiles.
Gate transit was normal, and exited on a small clearing covered with underbrush and surrounded by dense woods to the left and right. To the front, a gently rolling plain could be observed. Nothing of the colony outpost could be seen. Charlie squad went on point, with Bravo acting as a sweeper, whilst Alpha acted as a back stop. Just as Charlie were about to move into the woods they had contact, and returned fire. At this point a person ran out of the woods, firing back into the woods. The UNSGC team took this person down, and continued the firefight with the hostiles. This was quite an intense exchange, but swiftly ended as all three squads moved into the woods. Bravo secured one hostile, and continued to assault through the position, taking down a further two hostiles. At this point Stone called for a medic, so Kelley went to administer to the prisoner. An all round defense was set up on the medic's position whilst Kelley brought him round. Sterling and myself then moved the prisoner to Bravo squad's position. As ever in these situations, there was confusion and bad communication resulting in a blue-on-blue event, and Grana-priego was injured. Bravo had the hostiles under control, and Kelley was sent to deal with Grana-priego. An ad-hoc re-con team was put together and sent to sweep through the wood to check for any more hostiles, lead by Cpt. Well. Sterling, Palmer, Kirk and myself moved the prisoner to a more secure area. Ridgeway was placed as a sniper long stop.
With the time available, I questioned the prisoner. He reported himself as Master Sergeant John Clark, attached a a CLEG unit. He was in possession of a notebook, which will be transcribed and submitted at a later date. No other contacts were encountered, and so the team prepared to jump as the gate cycled.
What follows is a brief in-field report of the interrogation I conducted. MSG. Clark had been on the planet less than one year, and was equipped with a pistol, a respirator, and standard combat fatigues. Throughout the interrogation, he complained of a headache, a "head full of noise" and appeared to be suffering from visual hallucinations. These symptoms, coupled with his general state of confusion, made getting any worth while information, plus ensuring the validity of his statements, quite difficult.
Clark stated he had been in a CLEG unit, mentioning only one other member by name (Tanaka). Apparently they had using an experimental device, similar to the Dial-Home device, but with disastrous results. Having lost several of the team during the first jump, the device began to function erratically, leading the reaming team members in a circuitous journey around the gate system. As the time away extended, the team members attempted to prevent the effects of the taint by taking an antidote compound. As the journey got longer, they started to suffer more, losing more team member all the time. Eventually, only Clark and Tanaka were left. Both were suffering from contamination, and so decided to take an overdose of their anti-toxin. However, according to Clark, Tanaka became increasingly unstable and "had to go to sleep". Clark seemed positive that the Type 2's encountered on the mission had been actively hunting him. How much of that is paranoia due to the taint, I am unsure. Clark did not say much more than this, he repeated sections of this story, somewhat at random, and that he wanted very much to go home.
Having compared this to the account given in his diary, it tallies fairly well. As stated previously, a full transcription of the diary will be made in the near future.
This is verbatim copy of the notebook recovered from MSgt. John Clarke during Operation Stoke CON44.004 from X134B-A.
Every attempt has been been made to preserve the line-break structure of the document, each page is dealt with separately, and no attempt to correct the spelling or syntax has been made.
The original notebook was written using capital letters, this has been changed for ease of reading.
Notes on the text are contained within square brackets, i.e [this is a note].
Clarke, J
SN 50009876
Day 251 (Date not known)
Sit. Rep:
Present - self,
Sgt McBride, Corp.
Tanaka, Pfc. Harris.
Lost: Captain
Prescott MIJ,
Lt. Mitchell MIA,
Pfc. Baker KIA,
Pfc. Duval.
Sgt. Nicholson and
laptop lost, MIJ,
Bad flight. Can
only keep record
in notebook now.
Have back up disk
correct to day
Our current location
unknown. Forty-
third planetfall.
All worlds bar
three, standard
arboreal, remainder
"desicated". Zero
installed on
planetfalls 1
thru 17, last 7
remaining units
us. SNAFU [underlined].
(Planetfall no. 1 =
XMTD1471E2 Total
failure. We were
lost from our
second jump.
Our PF#6 landed
us on a standard
arboreal world.
On our 41st jump
our PF was on a
desert world,
but the presence
of transponder
#6 showed it was
the same planet.
Note sweet and
sickly smell, like
melted candy.
No transponders
available to mark
the other two
suspected changed
Day 252 [underlined]
Contact Type 2.
Harris KIA.
Retreat F&M.
McBride seriously
wounded, last of
medical supplies
(44 doses AD1016
remaining -
sufficient for 15
R&R in a cave
overlooking gate
No enemy action.
Day 262 [underlined]
First available flight
No action.
Day 263 [underlined]
Suitable jump
PF#47. Type 1's
seen at gate.
Seem confused,
Supposition, gate
not working for
them for at
least three hours?
Did not engage.
Day 264 [underlined]
No identification
No enemy action.
Day 266 [underlined]
PF#49. No hostiles.
Day 267 [underlined]
I and Tanaka took
the last of the AD1016,
none left for
McBride. (Have
exceeded LD50
by 17%.) All
reporting nausea
and some pain.
[note: handwriting becomes shaky from this point]
Day 271
McBride died in
the night.
Suspect AD1016,
Day 276
Day 279 [underlined]
Had to despatch
Tanaka. As he
was displaying
severe paranoid
Suspect M1
[note: handwriting deteriorates again]
Day 283
Jump #50
bounced back
to same planet
as Tanaka
and McBride
Jump #51
[note: handwriting deteriorates again]
flight yet.
Difficllyty [1st "y" crossed out]
in thinking.
[note: the following text is crossed out]
Lost track of
days. Lost
track of
M1 infesta
[note: handwriting deteriorates again]
Suicide option
No enemy
[note: handwriting deteriorates again]
I want to
[note : the letter "a" crossed out]
[note: handwriting deteriorates again]
Intelligence Summary: Standard Arborial world. Multiple contacts engaged. Several team members lost offworld.
After Action Reports:
Recon in force trip to X145A.
The gate out at 21.21 hundred hours.
First return gate back at 22.38 hundred hours.
Second return gate back at 00.01 hundred hours was available to us.
A night mission to a world with little intelligence available. Previously evacuated and considered to be of no strategic value. A trip to look and see if anything had changed.
Alpha squad; Myself (1IC), Pfc. Boddicker, Pfc. Plisskin.
Bravo squad; Cpt. Well (2IC), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. McNeill, Pfc. Martindale. Charlie squad; Sgt. Vorsfelde (3IC), Pfc. Brown, Pfc. Palmer, Pvt. Sterling.
After exiting the gate we moved into some woodland. We saw a red flashing light in the distance. I sent in Vorsfelde's squad as recon to check the beacon and see if there was an ambush, while holding the rest of the team back. Vorsfelde had orders that if fired upon they should bug out. To aid this the rest of the team was ordered to use white light, if a firefight occurred.
Funnily enough this was the same plan as the ambusher's had.
As a result Vorsfelde¹s squad were lit up like startled rabbits. The sky lit up with tracer. Caught in a crossfire Vorsfelde was killed. Palmer was hit in the back by support fire. Brown & Sterling were pinned down. As usual Sterling was throwing grenades like they were going out of fashion and they were past their sell by date.
As the firefight progressed Plisskin & Boddicker went forward to retrieve Palmer & Vorsfelde. Meanwhile Alexeyev and "Mad-dog" McNeill went forward to provide covering fire. During this scurry of activity Well was shot in the head and I was shot in the leg.
The tactical situation became very confusing as we took fire from 3, possibly 4 enemy contacts. I bandaged my leg as shots flew closely overhead. As they were single shots I realized we had a sniper pining us down. Bandaging Well's head wound would have only meant me getting hit again. As Well had no beacon I fixed him up with my torch, so that someone could see him for retrieval.
I then crawled forward to Alexeyev and "Mad-dog" to assess the situation. They were pinned down. I threw my first grenade to try and dislodge enemy and make the situation more fluid. I still thought at this time that we could assault through the enemy¹s ambush. However, my grenade bounced off cover and went left of the enemy. I realized that with only one remaining grenade and the thick cover, that it would not be possible to assault their position. I shouted out, "bug out", ordering everybody to leave the woods. I then I threw my last grenade to distract the enemy. As we ran away I retrieved Well, Boddicker managed to retrieve Palmer, but Plisskin didn't return with Vorsfelde. In the retreat I saw Brown lit up by the enemy and shot down like a dog in crossfire.
Of the surviving 6 members of the team; Well had a head wound, Palmer had been hit in the back (by friendly fire) and "Mad-dog" had an arm wound. I had gained an arm wound during our ex-filtration of the killing zone, to add to my leg wound. Then there was a headless chicken moment, followed by a Chinese parliament discussion of what to do. Well dissented with the process, so I took everybody at their word and asked for volunteers to set an ambush. During this exchange of views a dead reanimator came through the undergrowth. I popped her a few times with my pistol, just because it seemed like a really good idea. It also made me feel better.
After much anguish I ordered Well & Palmer to take the reanimator through on the first gate activation home. I wanted to take advantage of the fact that we had two homeward bound gates and find a good spot for us to set an ambush. As we waited for the first gate activation the reanimator got up. So I popped her a few more times, to make sure she would remain dormant during the gate transit. I gave her a jolly good kicking as well, to vent my feelings. While waiting for the first return gate I came to my senses.
I realized that we would have to complete our ambush and take no further casualties. As "Mad dog" and myself were already wounded it seemed to me that it would require the enemy to saunter up and let us shoot them. Judging from their performance so far, they didn't appear that obliging. Then, even if we won the firefight, we might not be able to retrieve the rest of the team. There were too few of us in a fit state to carry out the dead. As the gate sounded I ordered my volunteers to bug out.
Destination: X145A-A (C145A)
Gate out: 21:21
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Alpha squad: Cpt. Ash (1 I.C.), Pfc. Boddiker, Pfc. Plisskin,
Bravo squad: Cpt. Well (2 I.C.), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. McNeill, Pfc. Martindale,
Charlie squad: Sgt. Vorsfelde (3 I.C.), Pfc. Brown, Pfc. Palmer, Pvt. Sterling.
This mission is essentially intelligence gathering. This gate location had previously been evacuated as it was considered of no strategic value.
Gate transit was normal, exiting onto a flattish area of woodland. No more of the landscape could be seen as the clouds were obscuring any light from the night-sky. A red flashing beacon of some description was observed ahead of our position, similar to that of our 'dead-man's beacon'. Cpt. Ash ordered Vorsfelde to re-con the area ahead as a potential site of ambush. The squad were ordered to withdraw if fired upon, and the remaining force would provide covering fire to assist their retreat.
So, Alpha and Bravo formed a sustained fire line, whilst Charlie moved down the left flank, and then cut across in front of the fire line to investigate the light source.
At this point the enemy ambush triggered, pinning down Charlie squad. Alpha and Brave returned fired, and were given an order to utilize white light torches to trash and NV scopes in the enemies force. The fighting was bloody and furious. Vorsfelde was killed outright during the initial action, and the white lights served only to illuminate the remains of Charlie squad for the ambushers to pin down. Brown, quite rightly, shouted for us to turn the lights off, which we duly did. As the fight progressed, Brown attempted to call out position, and strength of the enemy, until he too was gunned down. Ash ordered Alpha and Bravo to move up to provide covering fire for Charlie, and hopefully flush the ambushers out. It appeared that there were at least 4, possibly 5 contacts in the opposing force. During the move up the battle field, both Ash and Well were hit, although Ash managed to bandage herself, she realized that bandaging Well would leave her vulnerable. Plisskin and Boddiker continued to move forward in an attempt to retrieve Charlie squad. Myself and McNeill had been pinned down behind a large tree stump, and were unable to effectively provide covering fire to either of the squads caught in the open.
Ash moved up to our position and stated that on her second grenade we were to fall back, with all haste to the gate location. As Ash bellowed "bug out", accompanied by the roar of a frag grenade detonating not too far from my position, I "made like a tree and left" I believe the expression is. Once out of the woods, the remains of the squad set up an all-round defense near the gate location. Boddiker had managed to get Palmer out, but Plisskin didn't return. Ash got Well to the gate and we bandaged him up as best we could. Ash said she saw Brown gunned down as we retreated. McNeill had taken an arm wound. As we still had some time before the gate cycled once more, Ash urged us to go back, or at least set up an ambush of our own near the gate. Tempers were running high, and with the level of damage sustained by the team, it was decided that this was not the best course of action. At this point a gate-walker emerged from the woods. Six intensely angry troopers turned the re-animator into Swiss cheese.
We secured the re-animator, although I fear Ash vented her pent up fury each time the re-animator came too.
This minor encounter changed the mood of the team, and we all volunteered to set an ambush, angry at ourselves for losing our comrades. It was decided that Palmer and Well, the worst injured, would take the next gate home, and the remaining team would stay behind, and wait for the second gate. However, Ash realized that the number of hostiles in the field numbered at least 3, possibly 4, and the high percentage of wounded meant a substantially reduced fighting force. Ash reluctantly decided, just as the gate cycled, to bug out. As we did so, we heard Boddiker say he stay behind.
As we came through the gate, re-animator in tow, the sheer frustration at having left our fallen team members behind, horror at knowing what would become of them swept through the team. Ash had to be consoled that here decision to leave was correct. We all waited for the second gate to cycle, hoping beyond hope Boddiker at least would come through...
The Brigadier commended Ash for bringing back the team. He said it had been a hard decision to make, but the correct one.
In total, 5 of the team are MIA; Boddiker, Brown, Martindale, Plisskin and Sterling, with 1 KIA; Vorsfelde.
Intelligence Summary: Former evacuated colony and command post. Standard Arborial world. Multiple contacts engaged.
After Action Reports:
Destination: X074B-A (C074B)
Gate out: 09:22
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Alpha squad: Cpt. Well (1 I.C.), Pvt. Grana-priego, Pvt. Kelley, Pfc. Stone.
Bravo squad: Cpt. Ash (1 I.C.), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. Kirk, Pvt. Ridgeway.
The colony near this gate had been evacuated prior to being overrun by hostile forces. However, planet 074's A gate was the site of an off world command post. This mission is a reconnaissance in force to investigate the enemy's movements.
Post a normal jump, we set up an all-round defense on the gate exit. After the hammering the team had taken last night, this was done by the numbers. The gate was situated in a small clearing, situated in a medium density woodland. Well ordered Bravo to take point, and both teams moved out into the woods to perform a circular re-con route back to the gate. As we swept through the woods, several structures were observed, similar to those seen on other worlds, possibly part of the original outpost. Near these buildings, a body of water was noted, however no sample were taken as a decision had been made against bringing the sampling kit. Alpha called a contact to our left flank, which Bravo investigated. This however proved to be false. As Bravo were returning to join with Alpha, the gate activated. The team hit the available cover as a group of about 6 individuals came through the gate.
Well ordered Bravo to investigate, and so we moved out of cover and into the thin scrub near the edge of the wood which overlooked the clearing containing the gate. The contacts sounded like a military unit, using familiar commands and apparently had a command structure of sorts. They were, however, extremely confused, and several of them were vomiting copious amounts. One of the contacts complained about not being able to cycle the gate automatically, suggesting they were Type 1 re-animators. They also complained of being bounced around the gate system, a similar experience as described by MSgt. Clark. Well then sent Ash to initiate friendly contact, and so Ash put on a passable impression of a lost Type 1, but came under heavy fire. The rest of Bravo squad started to move up and return fire, but Well gave the order to retreat, which we begrudgingly did, only to see Ash taken down, firing and screaming as she went.
Well states that he felt Ash had gone too far forward, and called for Bravo to pull back, as the firing started and Ash called Bravo forward, Well continued to order Ash and the squad back to the ERV. Well decided that as Ash had responded to his command, she had disobeyed a direct order, and so from that point forth considered her to be on a charge for that offense.
With Bravo back at the ERV, Stone was placed in command of Bravo squad, and then accompanied Well to negotiate with the opposing force for Ash. The Type 1s proposed a trade of safe passage for Ash, which Well agreed to. At this point, sporadic fire came in from the Type 1s, and unsurprisingly Stone and Well fled back to the ERV. Well then ordered the entire team to move back to the village we had observed earlier, which (thankfully) was unoccupied. It was decided that the only way we could retrieve Ash was by force. Bravo initially moved out onto the left flank of the opposing force, with Alpha on right. Well then attached Kirk and Ridgeway to Alpha, as they Alpha moved down to the entrance of the woods. This left myself and Stone in deep cover to the left of the hostiles. We dug in to the cover to provide fire support for Alpha as they moved to engage the Type 1s. Alpha initiated the firefight, and was then clear that the hostiles were Type 1s as they re-animated "peacefully" when shot. Stone and myself moved through the cover, taking occasional sniping shots, whilst Alpha began a head on assault. With the enemy effectively pinned, the fire fight drew to it's natural conclusion. The team secured and searched four out of the five hostiles, one had to be left behind. Ash was attended to by the medic, but Kelley's lack of combat experience meant that Ash was barely stabilized, let only operational, by the time the gate cycled.
As the gate cycled, the team and baggage returned. All members were clean of contaminates. Stone, Kelley and myself transported Ash to the medical bay, where Kelley finally managed to resuscitate Ash.
The Brigadier, on the balance of evidence from Well and Ash's insistence that she had not heard the order to withdraw, cleared Ash of all charges.
Recon in force trip to XO74B.
The gate out at 09.22 hundred hours (gate out delayed until 09.29). Return gate back at 11.01 hundred hours.
This world had been evacuated after superior hostile forces overrun it. As I was still badly shaken from the previous night¹s mission, Cpt. Well was team commander.
Alpha squad; Cpt. Well (1IC), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Grana-Preigo, Pvt. Kelley. Bravo squad; Myself (2IC), Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. Kirk, Pvt. Ridgeway.
We exited the gate and assumed an all round defensive position. I took my squad on point with Well bringing up the rear. As usual the gate was situated in a clearing surrounded by woodland. We swept through the woods taking a circular route to bring us back to our starting point. During this either "Alphabet" Grana-Preigo or Kelley thought they saw movement to our rear. Well ordered me to check it out, but it proved to be a false alarm. However, just before we were to rejoin his squad the gate activated. As our team were in the woods we took cover. Well then ordered me to take my squad out and check out who they were. We could here shouts of confusion and people vomiting. I led my squad out and then ordered them to cover me as I tried to communicate with the strangers. As I got neared I heard them speaking and saying that the gate was refusing to open for them. Given that they could speak and activate the gate it seemed to me that they were type 1 reanimators. Probably Gatewalkers like the former members of SG-14 that we had retrieved.
Given their confusion I thought I would try to infiltrate their ranks by passing myself off as one of their team who had also become lost. I shouted out and made out like I was confused and lost. During this exchange two of them fired at me. At this point the situation went rapidly downhill. I laid down fire from the piglet and managed to suppress the five people I saw. I shouted for my squad to assault the enemy as I had them suppressed. I moved to get a better position to fire at the enemy and to make it less likely that they could locate me. During the confusion I realized that the rest of my squad had retreated. As I turned to look where they had gone I took a hit to my right arm. Screaming out in pain, I tried to pick the piglet up with my left hand, but more rounds with my name on came my way. I took a hit to my right leg and stumbled. As I did so, more shots hit me in the chest and I remember thinking I was toast.
My next memory is of our medic Kelley bandaging me and being given a bottle of fluids containing medical nanites. She continued to work on me as I passed in and out of consciousness. I think I recall shots being fired, people shouting and the gate activating. The next thing I remember is waking up in the med-lab. Kelley & Alexeyev are working on me and looking worried. Meanwhile Stone is standing guard. I lose consciousness again. When I next wake up I'm told that Well has put me on a charge for not obeying his order to retreat during the firefight. At this point I have a sense of humour failure. The General and him interview me and I tell them, "what order?" The General dismisses the charge against me. Especially since my death had earned me another Purple Heart, something one gets awarded for extreme stupidity in the face of danger.
During the debriefing session I hear how the team had slowly encircled the enemy at the gate and managed to take them out in a firefight. I also heard how the team had overheard the enemy talking about how their gate transit had made them vomit and how they found themselves unable to activate the gate at will. It appears that some agency is preventing the use of the gates to the type 1 reanimators.
CON-044 Intelligence Debrief
Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6 Mission 7
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