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November 21-23 2003

Issued @21:00hrs on 20/11/03

We have identified a large number of Gate activations at this time 272, 71 more than at CON.44. They are all for the period 21/11/03 (16:37)-22/11/03 (21:10). As before many signals remain at this time unresolved (times/target) and several are previously unknown destinations. This is consistent with recent observations, as the Gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behaviour, as per CONTACT’S 39, 41, 42 and 44. Only the gates which are of tactical use have been detailed below:

Gatewatch 52/54/55 are all continuing to report similarly increased activity plus unscheduled signal spikes between cycles. Like ours many are unresolved times/targets, with numerous new signatures. There is still no data from Star Gate #53 for comparison at this time, as the French report that their base remains off-line, but are confident that normal operations will be resumed early in ’04. We will keep you apprised.

Details of usable gates:

No. In/Out Target Launch Landing Notes
November 22 2003
01 OUTBOUND P493A 00:03 00:05 -
02 INBOUND P493A 00:09 00:11 -
03 INBOUND P493A 00:13 00:15 -
04 INBOUND P493A 00:21 00:23 -
05 INBOUND P493A 00:37 00:39 -
06 INBOUND P493A 01:09 01:11 -
07 INBOUND P493A 02:13 02:15 -
08 INBOUND P493A 04:21 04:23 -
09 INBOUND P493A 08:37 08:39 -
10 OUTBOUND P493A 11:06 11:08 -
11 OUTBOUND P444C 14:14 14:29 -
12 INBOUND P444C 15:46 16:01 -
13 OUTBOUND P027C 19:18 20:20 -
14 INBOUND P027B 20:17 20:19 -
15 OUTBOUND P029A 21:34 21:36 -
16 INBOUND P029A 22:04 22:06 -
17 OUTBOUND P407A 23:01 23:03 -
18 INBOUND P407B 23:09 23:11 -
19 INBOUND P407B 23:17 23:19 -
20 INBOUND P407B 23:33 23:35 -
November 23 2003
21 INBOUND P407B 00:05 00:07 -
22 INBOUND P407B 01:09 01:11 -
23 INBOUND P407B 02:17 02:19 -
24 INBOUND P407B 04:33 04:35 -
25 OUTBOUND P493A 09:12 09:14 -
26 OUTBOUND XC057A* 09:16 10:30 Combat
27 INBOUND XC057A* 11:33 12:47 Return

* a C (ex-colony) world not accessed from Star Gate #51 since CON-18 (1999), part of the “Abridge Complex”.

CON-45 Roster

General Training Mission 1

1. Berry. Susan.
2. Buxton. Martin.
3. Clarke. Stephen.
4. Evans. Stephen.
5. Hayes. John. (22nd)
6. Jackson. Frank.
7. Molloy. John.
8. Pollard. Ashley R.
9. Rushen. clive.
10. Smith. Trevor.
11. Thomas. Simon.
12. Tregaskis. Robin.
13. Wayland. Dean C. (S1,S5)
14. Worsfold. Graham.

? (S2)
? (S3)
? (S4)
? (CMO)



M-1 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-1 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)



Mission 2 Mission 3 Notes

M-1 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-1 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)



M-1 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-1 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)



WIA = #?

KIA = #?

MIA = #?

Mission 1

Intelligence Summary: World in the process of being destroyed by Worm infestation.

After Action Reports:

S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern, 51st Military Intelligence Division

Gate Operations 20-Nov-2003 - 22-Nov-2003

United Nations Marine Corps

Pathfinder trip to P493A.
The gate out at 00.03 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 00.11 hundred hours.
Alternative return gates were available (not used).

Gate Watch had detected a new gate activation. This was a volunteer only Pathfinder mission with basic recon and with the addition Stargazer deployment to add to the usual soil, water and air science objectives.

Alpha squad; Col. Rhys (1IC), Myself, Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Dr. Webster.
Bravo squad; Cpt. (Dr.) Well (2IC), Sgt. Briggs, Pfc. Alexeyev, Pvt. Kelley (medic).

Giant worm planet! Fell over, ears hurt etc.

Mission 2

Intelligence Summary: No information on world or terrain. Contacts found and engaged, Canadian scientist retrieved.

After Action Reports:

S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern, 51st Military Intelligence Division

Pathfinder trip to P444C.
The gate out at 14.14 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 16.01 hundred hours.

This was a volunteer only Pathfinder mission to a new world that Gate Watch had detected. The Stargazer unit was to be deployed, as the usual science objectives of collecting soil, water and air samples.

Team leader; Col. Rhys (1IC).
Alpha squad; Cpt. (Dr.) Well (2IC), Sgt. Briggs, Pfc. Alexeyev, Pvt. Kelley (medic).
Bravo squad; Myself (3IC), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Palmer, Dr. Webster.

Met a type 2, captured him, deployed the Stargazer (see DSTL report). We retrieved the lost Dr. Peter Baker, a Canadian from A52 operation, working out of C057A. Shot at and got shot by a couple of hostiles towards the end.

Rhys broke his arm during the transit back. Afterwards I was carpeted and reduced in rank to S.Sgt. Alexeyev got promoted to 2nd Lt.

Mission 3

Intelligence Summary: No information on world or terrain. Former ore processing facility.

After Action Reports:

S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern, 51st Military Intelligence Division

Recon trip to X029A.
The gate out at 21.34 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 22.06 hundred hours.

This night mission was to visit a world, which use to have an ore extraction facility tended by 20 civilian workers and an SGC command post with 10 personnel stationed there. All lost after Operation Clean Sweep (OCS).

One squad; Cpt. (Dr.) Well (1IC), 2nd Lt. Alexeyev, S.Sgt. Morgenstern, Sgt. Briggs (2IC), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Kelley (medic).

We watched a bunch of reanimators shoot the shit out of each other. Got shot at as we gated out.

Mission 4

Intelligence Summary: No information on world or terrain, planet is the site of a new offworld base. Multiple contacts engaged.

After Action Reports:

S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern, 51st Military Intelligence Division

Recon & rescue mission trip to C057A.
The gate out at 09.16 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 12.47 hundred hours.

This was first gate activation since 1999 to C057A. A request had come from Area 52 for RGHQ-51 personnel to visit, since had lost contact with their offworld operation. After we retrieved Dr. Baker during the LB2 mission, this request had become more urgent as it looked like it might be necessary to mount a rescue mission. C057A a newly made operational offworld base and a major UNSGC asset. It can have up to 60 personnel stationed there.

Alpha squad; Col. Rhys (1IC), 2nd Lt. Alexeyev, Sgt. Briggs, Pfc. (Dr.) Stone.
Bravo squad; Cpt. (Dr.) Well (2IC), S.Sgt. Morgenstern, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Dr. Webster.

Col. Rhys bonked on head when negotiating with unknowns in the base. Then two Americans from Area 52 arrived (Pvt. Jake Poporsky & Pvt. Louis Armstrong) to take out the unknowns. Then a type 2 super reanimator arrived and killed Well and me.

CON-045 Intelligence Debrief


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