![]() Updated: 11/23/2006 |
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CON-043 |
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Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 |
Gatewatch Report
We have identified 198 Gate activations at this time. They are all for the 25/07(21:02)-27/07(13:39) period, and many remain unresolved times/targets and many are new this year. This is in line with recent observations, as the Gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behavior, as per CONTACT’S 39 and 41. As only 8 of these Gates have complete data, we have only included their details. All are for the 26th. Gatewatch 52/54/55 are all continuing to report similar increased and some unscheduled signal spikes and like ours many are unresolved or new times/targets. There is still no data from Star Gate-53 for comparison at this time. We will keep you apprised.
Special Note: as of this operation all future Gatewatch Reports omit partial entries. If a signal is resolved, then a supplement is issued.
Details of usable Gates: NB: that all Gates take place only on the 26/07/03
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
July 26 2003 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | XC213A | 06:24 | 06:44 | DESERTIFIED |
02 | INBOUND | XC213A | 07:09 | 07:29 | - |
03 | INBOUND | XC213B | 07:48 | 08:08 | - |
04 | OUTBOUND | P081 | 15:02 | 15:17 | - |
05 | INBOUND | P081 | 17:03 | 17:18 | - |
06 | OUTBOUND | P018 | 21:21 | 21:23 | - |
07 | INBOUND | P018 | 22:34 | 22:36 | - |
08 | INBOUND | P018 | 23:15 | 23:17 | - |
General | Training | Mission 1 |
1. Booley. Christopher. (S3)** ? (S2,S4,CMO) Notes: **Last Operation ***Details to be added. |
? (DI) Notes: |
M-1 SG Team (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Notes |
M-1 SG Team (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-1 SG Team M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Notes: |
Intelligence Summary: See Con 61 Mission 2 for latest information.
After Action Reports:
Destination: C213A
Gate out: 06:24
Roster (alphabetical order): Pfc. Alexeyev, Cpt. Ash (2 IC), Pfc. Boddiker, Pvt. Granapriego, Col. Law, Pfc. Plisskin, Lt. Col. Rhys (1 IC)
Gate transit time was about 20 minutes, far longer than the expected 2 minutes, and extremely rough, leaving most of the team feeling nauseous and shaken. 'Like being in a cement mixer' one team member was heard to mention. Also during transit, I received a leg injury in keeping with a multi-round burst from an off-world weapon. This was borne out by the fact that my weapon had been fired. In addition to this, Rhys and Boddiker also had empty magazines.
The climatic conditions on the planet were more akin to a desert, rather than the arboreal world the UNSGC had visited previously. The atmosphere was thin, with high solar radiation, sand/dust storms and thunderstorms. No flora or fauna were visible, and the entire team found it difficult to breath and function under the conditions. The team set up a defensive perimeter some 20-30 metres from the gate, whilst Ash conducted the sample gathering. The following samples were taken: soil, air, a quantity of a gelatinous-particulate substance plus an artefact of some kind. (See DSTL report). No contact of any type was encountered, and once Ash had concluded her sample gathering, Rhys pulled the team back to the gate prior to transit. The gate back was as disturbed as the gate in. During transit back, Grana-priego suffered an injury to his left arm, again his weapon had been discharged. Upon return, the team underwent the standard contamination check, all with negative results.
Our first mission was an early morning nightmare of no coffee before transit to C213A. The gate out was at 06.24 hundred hours. The seven of us had a very long and rough trip through the gate. Pfc Alexeyev¹s leg was injured when his weapon discharged in transit. Colonel Reese and Pfc Boddicker also found that their magazines were empty, but they had not suffered injury from the weapon discharge.
Our gate exit was on to a planet that was barren. This came as some surprise to us, as it was a former colony. Where there were once fertile grasslands, woods and wildlife, all we found was a barren world with gravel as far as we could see. Though this wasn't very far at times as the dust storm limited our visibility and it was not very nice. It reminded me of the dust storms Coalition forces faced when entering Iraq earlier in the year. Except that the sky was never as red as this world's.
A perimeter was set up and we made a sweep around the gate. During this search of the area we found a metallic organic grenade shaped like object. It was covered with a gooey substance and small spherical objects were suspended within this stuff. I took soil samples as well as retrieving the device. I think it is a nano-bio-bomb.
Our gate back was equally rough and alphabet's (Grana Priego) weapon discharged. We were sick in our masks as we exited. Fortunately, no one was contaminated.
After cleaning up Alexeyev, Mad-dog (McNeill) and myself did the preliminary examination of the artifact we retrieved. What we had was a pyramidal metallic multi-coloured grenade sized device. The surface was flaky with a reddish orange substrate and it emitted a peculiar odour. I sliced it in half with a lateral incision to reveal a spherical hollow chamber inside the artifact. This was full with a fibrous material that was covered in what looked like gloop with spherical egg like objects in it. We didn't have the facilities on base to do an extensive set of tests so I sent requested for Porton Down to do a complete set of tests and scans of the artifact (see DSTL report).
Intelligence Summary: Standard arboreal world with temperate weather. Gate sited in wooded area. During this mission the gate exit time was reported to have deviated from original gatewatch report by 7 mins. 5 contacts encountered claiming to be from earth. No exchange of fire and no casualties.
After Action Reports:
Destination: P081
Gate out: 15:02
Roster (alphabetical order):Pfc. Alexeyev, Pfc. Boddiker, Pfc. Kirk, Pfc. McNeill, Pvt. Palmer, Pfc. Plisskin, Lt. Col Rhys (1 IC), Pvt. Ridgeway, Sgt. Vorsfelde (2 IC)
Offensive patrol to collect nanites from either Type 1 or Type 2 Re-animators.
Although the planet bears a 'P' designation for 'Pathfinder' it has been visited on a previous mission cycle.
The team entered target zone, with no repeats of the earlier 'accidental' weapon discharges during transit. Rhys ordered the team into two squads, with Rhys as Alpha squad 1 IC and Vorsfelde as Bravo squad 1 IC. The climatic conditions were considerably different to those experienced on C213A, temperate weather, dry with a light wind. The gate exit was situated in a large wooded area, similar to the deciduous forests of Earth.
Approximately halfway through total mission time, Pfc. Stirling gated in as reinforcement, and also informing Rhys that the gate exit time had changed to 17:10 instead of 17:03. Apparently it is rare for gate times to deviate from their expected/estimated schedules.
During a sweep through area, approximately 5 other individuals were seen moving away from the S.G. team's location. These individuals were approached as a possible source of nanites, however, they had taken up position in good, providing defence in depth. At least one LSW was observed. This, as well as the manner in which they had moved and set up their position displayed a grasp of military tactics, unlike the standard behaviour of Type 2 re-animators. At least two of the opposite number were wounded and had been bandaged. Rhys engaged opposing force in conversation, and described the following two members of the contact:
1) Male, possibly English, gave name of Vincent.
2) Female, American, named Mary Morgenstern, apparently in search of her two missing sisters, Lucy and Josephine (sic?). Was seen to be wearing a 'Base 78' patch and the rank tabs of Major. Claimed to be ex-USAF.
Both claimed they were part of an Earth-side organisation which liquidates Re-animators. Neither named the foe as that, but their descriptions fitted the profile. Both also claimed that they left Earth in 1996 and had not returned since. All visible members of the opposing force were wearing respirators and NBC-style gloves (perhaps full suits?). Post conversation, Rhys pulled the team back to the gate around which a defensive perimeter was set up.
No further incident occurred, no casualties were taken, and the return gate transit was normal.
No records for a person named 'Vincent' could be found, nor for Mary Morgenstern. It is possible any records for these people were lost in Operation Clean Sweep.
Intelligence Summary: Gate transit smooth. Standard arboreal world, heavy precipitation and low temperatures. Immediate gate area forested but plains without trees seen from gate site. Forested area difficult to traverse during hours of darkness. 3 type 2's and 1 other contact that appeared to be their hostage engaged and detained. All sent to Porton Down for further tests.
After Action Reports:
Destination: P081
Gate out: 21:21
Roster (alphabetical order, by squad):
Alpha squad: Pfc. Alexyev, Cpt. Ash (2 IC), Pfc. McNeill, Sgt. Vorsfelde.
Bravo squad: Pfc. Boddiker, Pvt. Palmer, Pfc. Plisskin, Lt. Col. Rhys (1 IC), Pvt. Ridgeway.
As CON42.002 had not provided nanites, this mission is an offensive patrol to collect nanites from either Type 1 or Type 2 Re-animators.
Immediately after gate exit, Rhys split the team into two squads, with Rhys as Alpha squad 1 IC and Ash as Bravo squad 1 IC The climatic conditions were as to be expected, near full dark with heavy precipitation and quite cold. The gate exited onto a slope, with a shallow incline down to a tree line. With the limited visibility offered by the failing light, an extensive forest could be seen opposite the gate. Behind the gate lay plains (possibly used for agricultural use). Rhys initiated an offensive sweep, with Alpha taking point. Not long after leaving the gate, screaming could be heard in the distance, apparently that of a female. Both squads made their way to the tree line, and travelled along a rough track in the general direction of the screaming. Alpha squad found an entrance into the forest to the left of the track. Taking the entrance as our new line of march, the screaming appeared to be coming from approximately 12 o'clock. Alpha entered tree line, with Bravo as support.
Once in the woods, visibility worsened considerably, and our respirators became fogged. Ash suggested using torches, white instead of red, to prevent injury to the team from falls, plus to disrupt NV sights. Both squads did so, and continued to move through the forest toward the screaming, which, while incoherent at this distance, became more urgent. Soon after, contact was noted, although outside effective weapons range. The woman's screams could now be clearly heard, calling for assistance, and claiming that she had been taken hostage. Alpha engaged the enemy, urged on Ash's insistence for maximum aggression, and encountered three hostiles. communication between squads and squad members became impossible in the fire fight. Ash advanced through the enemy position, taking down two hostiles, however, Bravo had also moved into the enemy position via a flanking manoeuvre and came under fire from Ash, resulting in a blue-on-blue event and two casualties (Plisskin and Boddiker). I took down and secured one hostile with the assistance of Palmer.
Plisskin had been attempting to secure the female hostage prior to being incapacitated. All of the hostiles were Type 2s, and eventually secured and weapons disabled. A small detail were assigned the task of securing the hostage and hostiles, while the rest of the team formed a defensive perimeter around the position. [NB: the action took place near a small lake contained with in the woods.] Rhys called for a "bug out", and the team left the area for the gate location.
Gated out, no team members were found to be infected, and no disturbances during transit were experienced. The three hostiles and the female were sent to Porton Down for processing. (See DSTL report)
1) Type 2's were not observed to have attacked the female hostage.
2) Hostage had been made to ingest some gelatinous material similar in composition to the particulate matter described in document titled "CON42 C213A Sample Analysis".
3) This material had apparently been recovered from the body of a Type 2.
4) Ash suggested the possibility of the 'infection' of a Type 1 to create a Type 2.
5) It was decided that the hostiles response was not an ambush, just a reaction to the insertion by the S.G. team.
Our gate out was at 21.21 hundred hours to P081 and our mission was recon in force. A second attempt at trying to retrieve some reanimators to harvest nanites for our medical machines. I was Alpha squad leader and second in command. Gate transit was smooth, but we exited in a dark rainstorm. I must remember to sack my travel agent. As we began our patrol we heard what sounded like a woman screaming. I took Alpha squad into the woods where we heard the scream coming from and hit a virtually impenetrable wall of darkness. I suggested that the team go to using white lights as I felt that time was of the essence. It was agreed that Alpha would act as assault while Bravo would provide support. I led my squad into the woods and we took fire. I shouted at my team to keep going and returned fire. Incoming tracer missed me, hitting where I had been, but the speed of the advance had clearly caught our hostiles with their pants down. Further fire erupted around the team and I fired again when I saw movement in the shadows ahead. Three men appeared to be forcing our screaming woman to drink something. I shot them down and swept through the enemy position.
At this point the first hostile I took down reanimated, but was dealt with by my team. Bravo meanwhile had engaged an enemy to our flank and I took the time to disable one of the reanimators' weapons. I shot the zombie with my pistol as he came round to have another go at me. It was definitely a Type 2 with a bad attitude. As I checked my other two hostiles I discovered to my shock that I had killed Plisskin and Boddicker from Bravo squad. In the confusion of the team's manoeuvre through the darkness our support had run through the hostile position as we were assaulting it. If only they had used white lights I might have recognized them as friendlies?
Then the third zombie reanimated in the darkness. I rushed off to take it down and disarm it. I realized that the rain and darkness made our position untenable and ordered my team to form a defensive perimeter. I suggested to the Colonel that we needed to withdraw back to the gate. I felt that we couldn't guarantee a secure perimeter. The confusion going on around me, while the team was securing the prisoners and treating our casualties made infiltration by hostile forces far too easy. The Colonel agreed and we bugged out at best speed. Gate transit went smoothly and we tagged and bagged the four offworlders for Porton Down (See DSTL report).
CON-043 Intelligence Debrief
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