Language Tools
Japanese Pod 101
An outstanding on-line Japanese language learning web site, with free pod casts, and other subscription only content. Very easy to navigate and use, makes learning much easier and far more fun than most other solutions. Highly recommended.
Japanese Writing Tutor
Another excellent on-line language tool, dedicated to learning how to write using a brush. It focuses on the two KANA systems, HIRAGANA and KATAKANA. It also has a handful of KANJI characters as well. Using a series of repeating animated gif's, it shows you how to write these basic scripts. Again, highly recommended.
The latest version of Jim Bream's Japanese Dictionary
Jeffrey's On-line Japanese Dictionary
Click here to go to a simpler front end for Jim Brean's on-line Japanese to English and English to Japanese dictionary.
Jim Brean's On-line Japanese Dictionary
This is a direct link to the older version of this dictionary, for those of you requiring a more sophisticated interface.
Jim Brean's
Japanese Language
Web Site
A link to Jim Brean's excellent web site, which has many, many links to sites concerned with the subject of the Japanese language.
Kiki's Kanji Dictionary
To quote the site: "Kiki is very different from the other online kanji dictionaries, such as WWWJDICT because you can "browse" through pages, just like flipping through an expensive paper dictionary. Learn about related words and their meanings, rather than searching for a single kanji and viewing it out of context."
The SAIGA "About Japanese Language" Page
SAIGA, a store in Japan, have a number of wonderfully useful pages devoted to learning Japanese. This first is an introduction to the language from a Japanese perspective which is invaluable!
The SAIGA "Basic Pronounciation" Page
This is the SAIGA page, with images of all the KANA (HIRAGANA and KATAKANA) set out as a keyboard, with each key linked to a sound file.
The SAIGA Japanese KANJI Dictionary
The SAIGA free on-line KANJI Dictionary introductory page. At the foot of the page is a search tool, instructions for which can be found by clicking the link "Operation of the Control Panel" below . This is an invaluable service, which means that when you find a KANJI which you haven't yet come across before, this page will tell you what you need to know. See also the link below.
The SAIGA page showing all the KANJI characters used in daily life, listed in the order in which the Japanese themselves learn them. At the foot of the page is their search tool, see the link below.
"Operation of the Control Panel"
This is the instructions page for using the SAIGA KANJI search tool linked to above.
"Four Character Idioms"
Finally, this is the SAIGA page listing a few of the four character idioms, which are quite fun to read through, even if your machine can't read the KANJI.
The KANJI Site
Another really useful website dedicated to learning KANJI and KANA.
Visualizing Japanese Grammar
A really useful page dedicated to learning the Japanese language, hosted on the George Washington University website.
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