"Care & Use Manual": the US Marine Corps manual detailing the use of and care of MOLLE gear (Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment), which is the various pouches, vests, webbing, rucksacks, that are in general UNMC service. Produced by a manufacturer Speciality Defense Systems.
U.S. Army
A on-line source of US Army publications, with links to PDF documents suitable for downloading and study
U.S. Army
Field Manuals
A sellected list of on-line US Army Field Manuals, with links to PDF documents suitable for downloading and study
"The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills", which is the US Army's latest (2013) incarnation of FM21-75 (below). This is a direct link to the PDF file.
"Combat Skills of the Soldier", is the US Army's most basic training manual. The page has links to the relevant PDF files.
"Military Leadership": this is the US Army's most basic leadership training manual. The page has links to the relevant PDF files.
"An Infantryman's Guide to Combat in Built-Up Areas". The page has links to the relevant PDF files.
"Map Reading and Land Navigation". The page has links to the relevant PDF files.
"Sniper Training": this is the US Army's training manual for snipers. The page has links to the relevant PDF files.