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November 14th - 16th 2008

General Briefing

Issued 11/14/2008@14:00Z

Damage Report With reference to the damage report notification issued at 15:00Z 09/26/2008, see the Gatewatch Report for CON-073 "OPERATION GATE FULFORD", be advised that the repair schedule for the Gate Tower's alarm and defence system has been revised following the software error during OPERATION GATE FULFORD (CON-73), that resulted in the inadvertent base lock down and activation of the self destruct protocol. The investigation in to this event and the formerly reported fatality relating to the XAD1471 equipment, which is part of the "Project Midguard" program. Concequentially the work will now not be completed until the beginning of the next flight operation (06/2009). Arising from this situation SSI Inc. the previous prime contractor for the XAD1471 has been replace by the Starlabs Corporation. Therefore their staff and technicians have absolute authority during the on-going work on Floor 1 of RGHQ-51. With the exception of the related missions, the Gate Tower is for the duration of this operation strictly off limits to ALL UNMC personnel. Note that with the exception of flights using the XAD1471, only a basic flight service is available for your missions during CON-74. Flight crews MUST take extra special care in the Gate Tower as many systems still remain exposed (6kv) for on-going repairs and the installation work. It is not practical to shut these sub-systems down, as they constitute essential components of the XAD1471 and the Gatewatch systems.

Estimated Flight Conditions

With reference to the seperate Gatewatch Chart, all signal spikes on the system have stabalised at an energy level 6× above normal, this means that there has been no increase over those recorded at CON-73. The Gate Tower's Gravity Wave detector is likewise continuing to pick up strong signals of a similar magnitude, which means that the Gate is once again "leaking" gravity. Thus as per CON-73 we can not garuntee crew safety within the wormhole. "Anti-G" suits will be issued to Flight Crews to aid in reducing the risks of G-LOC (Gravitationally induced Loss Of Consciousness) in flight. Please be aware these are standard USAF and RAF issue Anti-G suits which are only rated to 9G (the max for fast jet aircrews). Note that any personnel who fail their medical, will automatically lose Flight Status and be asigned to Ground Crew duties, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties. Be aware that during CON-73 the Russian and American Regiments suffered 3 WIA and 1 KIA due to the in-flight G forces, which is an increase over the previous operation, presumedly resulting from the increase severity of flight conditions. See the seperate Gatewatch Chart for additional data on issues arising from the Gate systems current aberrant behaviour.

Alien Biological Contaminant (ABC) Levels

The aggregate post CON-73 M1/M2 ABC level stands at 345 units, that is in excess of tripple the volume detected prior to CON-52 OPERATION BANNOCKBURN 03/4-6/2005. Wherein "100 units" was the base line reference figure for the M1, with M2's at trace levels, a value that had remained stable since 1947. The post CON-73 OPERATION GATE FULFORD (09/26-28/2008) total of M1 type ABC recovered from equipment deployed off-world, achieved a total of 323 units, which is 223 units over the pre-CON-52 levels, but only an increase of +1 unit over those recorded for CON-72 (322u). This data re-enforces the view that the overall rate of increase in M1's has probably now peaked. However, as with CON-72 there was an extremely significant jump in the recovered levels of the M2 type of ABC at CON-73 when compared to CON-68 (wherein for the first time the M2 level had reached 3 units, whereas prior to CON-66 it was stable at c.0.34u). At CON-73 the level of the M2 type of ABC achieved 22u, a jump of +8u in just two months. See the ABC Saturation Report by Major Kira Lewis (RGHQ-51). Special effort must be made to collect air, water, rock, soil and foliage samples, plus Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW), during OPERATION ANCRUM to coroborate the data. EPW's are also vital to the ABC recovery program, without which we will eventually have no medical supplies or munitions.

The precautionary principal dictates that CON-74 will be subject to the EXTREME ABC Protection Protocol, as levels are expected to be dangerously high off world. Note that it will be necesary for all exterior gear to be removed for decontamination immediately upon return from off world missions, to ensure personal and collective safety post flight - WITHOUT EXCEPTION! The so-called "boot room" has been specially adapted for this purpose (Level 2, room #208). CON-74 will like CON-73 before it conclude with a 10 day mandatory "lock down" pending a full medical and equipment inspection/decontamination at each of our operational facilities. We at Gatewatch apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your co-operation in maintaining bio-security.

Alerts & Special Orders

1. BASE-53 in France is well on it's way to reactivation, and it is now scheduled to recommence normal operations during CON-77 next year.

2. The US CLEGG ("CONTACT Long Endurance Gate Group") program remains suspended, and all recorded team members have been recovered and accounted for. Caution is advised if approached off-world by anyone claiming to be CLEGG team members, as they will probably be compromised, either due to enemy action or as afunction of their initial insertion date.

3. In addition to the strategic objectives established by the current situation, namely, Project Midguard, and the on going issues arising from Fort Apache (VXC105), the recovery of the missing UNMC Engineers from the 51ST Regiment, for enterogation and processing, s a high priority objective. These 27 personnel remain listed as MIA as of CON-68. The unit's default Authentication Code was "ANGEL", but bearing in mind how long they have been off-world, it is unlikely that any of them remain uncontaminated.

4. Both at the specified times (see chart) and between other Gate activations during CON-74, the Starlabs engineers can, upon receipt of a written authorisation from the base's S3 (Operations Officer), deliver via the authorised channels, i.e. the base's senior Service officer (BGEN Courtney), program the XAD1471 system for a launch and a retreval flight to/from G-0799 (aka C068W), the location of FORT BIFROST. NB: the XAD1471 system will only function during a standard Gate cycle period (circa 3 days in 60), and require circa 24 hours of pre flight charging. The Ground Crew can then force the Gate to open to or from G-0799 and RGHQ-51 respectively. It can only be safely used by prior arrangement at a specified time or when the inter-planetary comunications systems are working adequately, so that an authorised request by the off-world team can be processed to activate the Gate and open the iris to ensure a safe landing. A 35+ minute window of opportunity is required in the natural Gate cycle to allow for flight time, and the earlier the Gatewatch crew are advised of an intended launch or recovery mission the safer it will be for the SG team. NB: the short notice given by the surviving Engineers (OPERATION WINCHESTER, CON-68), resulted in losses during their return flight.

5. Gatewatch's former responsibility for allocating planetary ID#'s was suspended after CON-56, due to the loss of our own records, plus the systems inability to differentiate and ID "potential" rather than "actual" planetary targets and the introduction of the field deployable Gravitometer. As a result of the upgrades installed during CON-73 any new planets visited (Pathfinder Missions) or ones that are clearly identified, will have a new ID registration starting with the number G-3000. Following analysis of the flight data recorded during the missions flown during CON-73 out of RGHQ-51 the following planets have been registered: G-0795 = P3000A, G-0793 = P3000B, G-0794 = P3000C, G-0244 = P3001A, G-1583 = P3002A, G-0301 = P3003A and G-0122 = P3004A. No Pathfinder Missions have been logged for CON-73 or 74 for anyone else other than UK operatives. However in future, registrations will be shared between all operational bases. For security reasons other bases Spline references will not be included except under special circumstances. Planetary ID's have been inserted in to the current Gatewatch Chart for the upcoming Pathfinder missions: G-1388 is P3005A and G-1392 is P3006A. Each base is responsible for retroactively assembling their own back catalog of planetary ID's as this data is no longer available to Gatewatch. Then the new P3000 ID should be added. The P3000 figure was selected as it is well in advance of any older registrations.

6. The function and size of FORT BIFROST has been reassessed, and it has been down graded from a Fire Base to a Patrol Base. The clearing originally made for the base, is now going to be developed for agrecultural production of ethonol (aka bio-fuel) for use by Midguard. This means that the workload in it's development will be much reduced, as the agrecultural element will not be our responsibility. However Ft. Bifrost's construction is now to proceed with concealment as the prerequisit feature. A second smaller complex serving as a back up outpost within UHF radio range of Ft. Bifrost, is also to be constructed. In addition a set of entirely new Patrol Bases, one per Spline, is also to be built. Completion which was originally scheduled for no later than 05/15/2009, may now be delayed until the next tour of duty (2009), location TBA. Therefore all recon missions must incorporate a survey of potential sites during future operations, until as such time a location or locations are selected.

7. With reference to the unauthorised message tagged to the computer readable edition of the GATEWATCH report for OPERATION WINCHESTER (CON-68), it has as yet not been possible to locate it's point of entry on to the RGHQ-51 intrenet. This system is a "stand alone" network, and therefore any additions must have been made within the confines of RGHQ-51. ALL personnel are reminded to maintain maximum vigilance with regard to preventing unauthorised access to the base and the use of it's intrenet and other systems. A copy of original text should be available from the S2 (Intelligence Officer). You are reminded that during the Intelligence Conference (CON-69) it was suggested that the signiture on that message: "DB" is possibly a reference to Deep Black, the codename for the suspected informal coalition of terestrial national intelligence assets, who's actions in the past have been both friendly and hostile to the CONTACT program. Their true nature and remit remain unknown at this time, and therefore until we achieve clarity, their actions constitute a clear and present danger to the program, and it's personnel. Their operatives should be treated as hostile combatants, and if possible taken as EPW's for subsequent interrogation.

8. Be advised that Lieutenant Colonel James T. Law who was recalled from his assignment as the Commanding Officer of BASE-56 in New Zealand, to resume his position as the UNSGC Auditor during CON-72, will be continuing to serve in this capasity at RGHQ-51 during CON-74. It is required that ALL operatives cooperate with his investigations in to personnel performance, procedures, security, etc. An abridged edition of his report will be made available at the next Intelligence Conference (CON-75) scheduled for 02/13-15/2009., subject to UNSGCHQ adjudication.


CON-74 Chain of Command

Officers NCO'S Other Ranks
1. Lieutenant Colonel SACKVILLE-WEST. M. B. (S1/S3)
2. Lieutenant Colonel TACHIKOMA. L.A. (S4)*
3. Major LEWIS. K. (S2)
4. Second Lieutenant KING.E.

*See Medical Report

5. First Sergeant REDDMAN. J.
6. Master Sergeant WARD. C.
7. Staff Sergeant CARTER. G. T.
8. Corporal OWEN. N.
9. Private First Class SCHWARTZ. A.
10. Private (PV2) WADER. W.
11. Private (PV2) FOX. R.
12. Specialist CARTER. Y.
Special Attachments Services
Officers NCO's & Other Ranks
1. Lieutenant Colonel LAW. J. T. 1. Brigadier General COURTNEY. A. R.

Note: Where personnel serve at the same rank, their seniority in the chain of command has been determined firstly by the holding of specific posts, then a comparison between their Promotional Points and their level of training (Expert Infantry Course Units & Battle Practise Units). New personnel, that is, Privates (Grade 1 - PV1), Specialists and Civilians, have had their seniority determined first by whether they are military, trained or untrained civilians, and secondly by date of enlistment. This latter point is for all practical purposes a pure administrative decision. In the field natural leadership skills would be more important, presuming that it should ever become relevant. Officers on Attachment serve in an advisory capasity only, and those listed in Services have authority with regard to base management and security issues only.



GATEWATCH reports that as of 14:00Z there are a total of 346 fully developed inbound and outbound wormholes for CON-74 with an unusual concentration in the 1000-1500 range. This is a massive increase over those detected in the most recent operations, the 51 for CON-68, 107 for CON-72 and the 171 for CON-73. Of these 346 developed signals only 19 as specified below have both Outbound and Inbound Gates relevant to UNMC Flight Crews. All are to previously explored planets (but not necessarily visited Gates), with the exception of 3 which are designated as Pathfinder missions. Unlike recent Flight Operations there are 103 outstanding unresolved signal spikes demonstrating incomplete target Gate Locks at various times throughout the operation. We will keep you apprised of the situation as, and if, it produces further useful activations. All these signals are centred upon the target cluster.


  • Gate activation entries shown in red were NOT used during this operation.
    Gate Type
    Gate ID#
    In Flight
    15:00 Base Activated
    19:00-20:00 Dinner
    01 OUTBOUND G-1585 21:43 21:53 00:10* Mission 1
    02 INBOUND G-1585 22:51 23:02 00:11* Return From
    Mission 1
    03 OUTBOUND G-1388 23:49
    00:03 00:14 -
    04 INBOUND G-1388 00:16 00:30 00:14 -
    05 OUTBOUND G-1388 00:34 00:48 00:14 Mission 2
    06 INBOUND G-1388 01:01 01:15 00:14 Return From
    Mission 2
    07 INBOUND G-1388 01:27 01:41 00:14 -
    01:43-10:10 XAD1471 available for flights to and from G0799 (C068W Fort Bifrost).
    Mission times, types and numbers to be specified by S3.
    8:30-09:00 Breakfast
    08 OUTBOUND G-0002 10:10 10:22 00:12 Mission 3
    09 INBOUND G-0002 10:59 11:11 00:12 Return From
    Mission 3
    10 OUTBOUND G-1555 13:06 13:34 00:28 Mission 4
    11 INBOUND G-1555 14:52 15:20 00:28 Return From
    Mission 4
    12 INBOUND G-1555 16:01 16:29 00:28 -
    16:31-20:06 XAD1471 available for flights to and from G0799 (C068W Fort Bifrost).
    Mission times, types and numbers to be specified by S3.
    18:00-19:00 Dinner
    13 OUTBOUND G-1394 20:06 20:19 00:13 Mission 5
    14 INBOUND G-1394 21:20 21:33 00:13 Return From
    Mission 5
    15 OUTBOUND G-1551 22:28 22:55 00:27* -
    16 INBOUND G-1551 23:40 23:59 00:19* Return From
    00:01-10:22 XAD1471 available for flights to and from G0799 (C068W Fort Bifrost).
    Mission times, types and numbers to be specified by S3.
    08:30-09:00 Breakfast
    17 OUTBOUND G-1392 10:22 10:50 00:28 Mission 6
    18 INBOUND G-1392 11:33 12:01 00:28 -
    19 INBOUND G-1392 12:31 12:59 00:28 Return From
    Mission 6
    13:30-14:30 Final Mission & Operational Debriefings
    14:30-15:30 Lunch
    17:00 Base Shut Down

    CON-74 Roster


    # Rank Name Post Personnel
    1 SSGT CARTER. G. - - OOC Roster
    1. Booley. Christopher.
    2. Classen. Christian. (14th-15th)
    3. Dennis. Matthew.
    4. Foster. Patricia.
    5. Furlong. Susan. (16th)
    6. Parker. Susan.
    7. Payne. Eileen.
    8. Pollard. Ashley R.
    9. Rushen. Clive.
    10. Smith. Trevor.
    11. Stratman. Gary.
    12. Swift. Nikki.
    13. Wayland. Dean C.
    14. Worsfold. Graham.

    Awards Granted

    The Air Medal:

    The Armed Forces Expeditionary
    Service Medal
    ALL The United Nations Special
    Service Medal
    WARD. C.

    The Expert Infantry Badge:
    CPL OWEN. N.

    The Expert Field Medical Badge:

    The Pathfinder Badge:
    CPL OWEN. N.

    Astronauts Wings:


    EICU/BPU = 0/0


    2 SPEC-10 CARTER. Y. - -
    4 PVT FOX. R. - -
    5 2LT KING. E. - -
    6 LTC LAW. J. T. Auditor -
    7 MAJ LEWIS. K. S2 -
    8 CPL OWEN. N. -
    9 1SGT REDDMAN. J. - -
    11 PFC SCHWARTZ. A. - -
    12 LTC TACHIKOMA. L. A. S4/5 -
    13 PVT WADER. W. - -
    14 MSGT WARD. C. - -

    CON-74 Mission Log


    M# Rank & Name Squad Post Status L-S-C
    1 LTC SACKVILLE-WEST M. A 1IC Returned 1-0-0
    1 PVT FOX R. A - Returned 2-0-0
    1 CPL OWEN N. A MO Returned 2-0-0
    1 MSGT WARD C. B 2IC Returned 1-0-0
    1 PFC SCHWARTZ A. B - Returned 0-0-0
    1 PVT WADER W. B - Returned 0-0-0
    2 CPL OWEN N. A 1IC Returned 2-0-0
    2 PVT FOX R. A - Returned 0-0-0
    2 PFC SCHWARTZ A. A - Returned 0-0-0
    3 LTC SACKVILLE-WEST M. A 1IC Returned 0-0-0
    3 1SGT REDDMAN J. A - Returned 0-0-0
    3 CPL OWEN N. A MO
    Returned 0-0-0
    3 MSGT WARD C. B 2IC Returned 0-0-0
    3 SSGT CARTER G. B - Returned 0-0-0
    3 PVT FOX R. B - Returned 0-0-0
    4 MSGT WARD C. A 1IC Returned 2-0-0
    4 SSGT CARTER G. A - Returned 0-0-0
    4 1SGT REDDMAN J. A - Returned 2-0-0
    4 CPL OWEN N. A MO
    Returned 0-0-0
    5 LTC SACKVILLE-WEST M. A 1IC Returned 2-0-0
    5 SSGT CARTER G. A - Returned 0-0-0
    5 CPL OWEN N. A - Returned 1-0-0
    5 PFC SCHWARTZ A. A - Returned 1-0-0
    6 LTC SACKVILLE-WEST M. A 1IC Returned 0-0-0
    6 2LT KING E. A - Returned 0-0-0
    6 PVT WADER W. A - Returned 0-0-0
    6 LTC TACHIKOMA L. A MO Returned 0-0-0
    6 LTC LAW J. B 2IC Returned 0-0-0
    6 SSGT CARTER G. B - Returned 0-0-0
    6 PFC SCHWARTZ A. B - Returned 0-0-0
    6 MSGT WARD C. B - Returned 0-0-0
    • LTC LAW J.T. sustained a Light Knife Wound.
    • MSGT WARD C. Sustained a Serious Knife Wound.
    • SSGT CARTER G. T. Sustained a Serious Knife Wound.

    No life saving surgery required.

    NO Debriefs, AAR's or Items Logged.

    Update: Intelligence (Added: 12/21/2013):

    Regarding G-0002, on P31 [SG51-P0031C] aka C105C, XC105C, VXC105C; this Gate is believed to have been destroyed by a nuclear weapon, initiated by T1 hostiles during mission 3 of this operation at circa 11:10 on the 16th of November 2008, thus cutting the Spline at that point. The evidence comes from verbal reports from attending operatives, who believe that the enemy were not only in possession of such a weapon but were planning to use it, plus the fact that the return Gate flight was essentially identical to the final mission during CON-16 when the New Greenham Common base's self destruct system engaged as the Marines left the planet. However we need coroborating evidence to confirm this belief, but we will for the time being declare the Gate as "lost", until proven otherwise.

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