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Gatewatch Report


September 17-19 2004
Issued @ 19:30hrs on 17/09/04

We have identified a huge increase in the number of gate activations at this time, a total of 784, compared to 27 at CON-47 which was unusually low compared to the apparent current trend, e.g. 272 at CON.45, 201 at CON.44 and 198 at CON.43, which is in turn very much unlike the unscheduled cycle at CON.41, but it is larger than all preceding cycles, CON.01-38.

They are all for the period 17/09/04 (11:28)-19/09/04 (21:47). The majority of these signals remain at this time unresolved (times/target), and it is expected that due to the poor signal strength, they will remain as such, although this volume of traffic is extremely unusual.

17 of the “time” unresolved signals are ALL from C105, but are from several gates: C, D, E and F of which only C has ever come up before (Gates A and B having been destroyed pre OCS). These must be Gates that are elsewhere on “C105 Greenham Common” and were never discovered during its occupation.

Only 4 are actually viable. All of which are to known destinations with the exception of 1, however they are targets that have not come up on STARGATE 51’s normal range, so are unknown here.

This behavior remains “consistent” within the parameters of recent observations, as the gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behaviour, as per CONTACT’S 39-47, with rough and unpredictable flight experiences for crews expected.

Gatewatch 50, 52 and 54 are in the present cycle, all reporting similarly increased activity plus hundreds of unresolved signal spikes. There is still no data from Stargate-53 for comparison at this time, as the French report that their base remains off-line, but are confident that normal operations will be resumed early in the new year. We will keep you apprised.

As of 09/09/2004 STARGATE 55 has ceased operating, no further data is expected, other than archived material (presuming that this has not also been lost).

Details of usable gates:

No. In/Out Target Launch Landing Notes
September 17 2004
01 OUTBOUND P459A 23:09 23:24 -
02 INBOUND P459A 23:44 23:59 -
September 18 2004
03 INBOUND P459A 00:15 00:30 -
04 OUTBOUND P577C 14:01 14:16 -
05 OUTBOUND P577A 14:52 15:07 -
06 INBOUND P577A 17:44 17:59 -
07 INBOUND XC133C 18:25 18:40 -
08 OUTBOUND P772A* 21:05 21:07 -
09 INBOUND P772A* 21:37 21:39 -
10 INBOUND P772A* 23:01 23:03 -
11 OUTBOUND P772A* 23:26 23:28 -
12 INBOUND P772B* 23:40 23:58 -
September 19 2004
13 OUTBOUND P666A 10:22 10:40 -
14 INBOUND P666B 12:23 12:41 -
15 INBOUND P666A 13:31 13:49 -

CON-49 Roster

General Training Mission 1
1. Anderson. Simon.
2. Berry. Susan.
3. Bridgey. Mathew.
4. Churchett. Stephen.
5. Doidge. Simon.
6. Grana-Pirego. Anthony.
7. Hayes. John. (18th)
8. Molloy. John.
9. Neal. John.
10. Pollard. Ashley R.
11. Rushen. Clive.
12. Smith. Trevor.
13. Tregaskis. Robin.
14. Wayland. Dean C. (S1,S5)

? (S2-S5)


1. Anderson. Simon.
2. Berry. Susan.
3. Bridgey. Mathew.
4. Churchett. Stephen.
5. Doidge. Simon.
6. Grana-Pirego. Anthony.
7. Hayes. John.
8. Molloy. John.
9. Neal. John.
10. Pollard. Ashley R.
11. Rushen. Clive.
12. Smith. Trevor.
13. Tregaskis. Robin.
14. Wayland. Dean C.
3 BPU's
M-1 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-1 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4
M-2 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-2 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




M-3 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-3 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




M-4 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-4 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




Mission 5 Mission 6 Notes
M-5 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-5 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




M-6 SG Team
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)


M-6 Perimeter Patrol
? (C/O)
? (2IC)
? (3IC)




WIA = #?

KIA = #?

MIA = #?


Mission 1

Intelligence Summary: See Con 60 Mission 1 for latest summary.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

Gate transit was apparently extremely rough, but as it was my first mission I have nothing to compare it with. Minor incident recorded with exploding zippo lighter. Recon through woods when both a red and white light detected. Appeared red light chasing white light. White light made contact, and was taken under wing of group. Red light opened fire on contact. Return fire failed to take target down. Target identified as type III, psyloom was given to ad hoc team for deployment. Stone attempted to deploy device whilst target was reloading, but after reload rendered unconscious through burst to chest. Target removed psyloom. I picked it up, and attempted to reattach to a slowed target, but was only partially successful. Subsequent attempt on crawling type III rendered target U/S. Stone resuscitated in field by medic Kelly. Return was worse than departure, and there was much vomit. Unaware of any debriefing of white light.


S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern

Pathfinder mission to P459A.

Outbound gate 23.09 hundred hours.

Return gate 23.44 hundred hours.

Alpha squad; Pfc. Carter, Pvt. Grana Preigo, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Pvt. Rivington, Pfc.(Dr.) Stone.
Bravo squad; Pfc. (Dr.) McNeill, Pvt. O'Malley, Pvt. Ridgeway, Pvt. Walters.

Travel through gate rough, felt like objects hitting us, soft & hard. Felt we were not alone. O'Malley's lighter burst into flame on exit from the gate. Stone, Kelley, Rivington & ABC all vomit on arrival. Met up with one of Them who was a totally bad ass Type 3., Gave T2/ID to Stone, who I then accidentally wounded in the confusion of the firefight. Gave out T2/IDs to O'Malley & Rivington. It was brought down and we recovered Chung Myung-Whun, a Region 55 operative who was in a bad way with broken fingers, wrist, arms, legs and jaw. Didn't make much sense when talking, but did manage to scribble a drawing of what looked like a giant worm cut in half by a gate (see DSTL report). Turned out he was lost offworld during 55-121-047.

Mission 2

Intelligence Summary: No Intelligence available for this world due to lack of offworld data.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

Fight status revoked owing to radiation burns from handing psyloom. Comment - field expediency has priority over device instructions - I'd rather take the burns than have an active type III within effective firing distance, and instructions for use were not compatible with deployment in the field. Also it must be reiterated that the device must be on a type III for a full 30 seconds to deactivate.

As far as I'm aware, SOP were either not followed, or there are none concerning alien devices (both in the sense of extra terrestial, and those not carried into the field by the Stargate team), and a purported 'gravity wave measurement device' was still held by its 'owners' after gating back in. More returned than transited out, and I therefore conclude the world now has a resident population of -4.

Mission 3

Intelligence Summary: See Mission 2.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

See Mission 2.

Mission 4

Intelligence Summary: Standard arboreal world. Multiple type 1 contacts communicated with and exchange made. Bravo gate location discovered.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

X772 is noted as new to our records.

Patrolled through woods. Moving lights were spotted. Turned out to be type Is, known to commander, Sgt Morgansturm (apologies for spelling), or their mission known. A consignment of type III incapacitation devices was exchanged for the location of an alternative gate, and information that our original out gate was compromised by a strong enemy formation. Some discussion of how we hadn't been cured, and wouldn't ever know the full picture. Decision made after conference of unit leaders to move to newly supplied gate location and await developments. Considerable relief all round when gate activated, and return was successful.


S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern

Outbound gate 21.05 hundred hours.
Outbound gate 21.37 hundred hours.

Return gate 23.01 hundred hours.
Return gate 23.26 hundred hours.

Return gate 23.40 hundred hours.

Alpha squad; S.Sgt. Morgenstern (1IC), Pvt. Walters, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone.
Bravo squad; Pfc. Carter, Pfc. (Dr.) McNeill, Pvt. Grana Preigo, Pvt. Palmer, Pvt. Rivington.

P772 was the usual babbling brook, leafy glen world. Met a Type 1 who told us that two Type 3s and a Type 2 were in the area. We saw lights in the dark, and then explosions and gunfire accompanied by screams. We hid as the route to the A gate was blocked off by enemy forces. Type 1 told us where the B gate was. Found it near a small building, which we assaulted to clear it of any enemy who might be hiding, but none were found, as they were obviously clever enough to stay out of our way. Wasn't totally sure that the Type 1 hadn't stitched us up, but fortunately the gate opened and we made it back, which seems to bode well as a sign that we are developing a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Type 1s.

Mission 5

Intelligence Summary: See Mission 4.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

See Mission 4.


S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern

See Mission 4.

Mission 6

Intelligence Summary: No info about the world or its conditions available. Muliple Contacts found and engaged. 2 contacts that claimed to be from Area 52  recovered and allowed to leave by the gate. Apparent A-typical behavior observed as the team were ambushed by type 2/3's at the gate site.

After Action Reports:

Report Marcus Rivington, ex RTR, ex Quinetiq networkcentric combat research assignment

Arrived on world without incident. Deployed around gate. Contacts were later spotted at a barricade some distance to gate. I was assigned to make contact if possible. I approached with caution, and noted 2 standing figures, and one prone behind the barricade, with what appeared to be string from prone figure to standing figure. I was by now shouting loudly. Prone figure was speaking, but unable to ascertain content. One of standing figure discharged what appeared to be a LAW in my direction. I retreated, and reported to Sgt Morgansturm. I then also observed and reported one of the standing figure discharging a pistol at the prone figure behind the barricade. An immediate assault on the position was then ordered. The Assault was successful, and a Russian was recovered, and MacNeil was patched up. After debrief, the Russian was allowed to gate out, as his schedule dictated. Type IIs identified, and made U/S. SOP was not followed, and minor excitement followed, following which SOP was fully implemented. Some premonition of type III incursion went the rounds, and unit task, and deployment around the stargate set as appropriate. There was a long wait, and much fidgeting, with some non SOP (and poor quality to boot) music playing.

A figure gated in, and flopped onto the ground after 5m. As nearest (c15m) friendly, I held station, and command process was activated. Shortly thereafter 2 more figures gated in, started indiscriminate firing, and prone figure rose to his feet, also firing. I evaded up the hill, as preplanned, when I was brought down. I was revived by medic Kelly, and can report directly on none of the following events. I believe 2 type IIIs, plus the original prone figure, a type II, were identified. Others have confirmed that the type IIs take instructions from the type IIIs, and their actions in this engagement indicate

a) tactics - the playacting of the type II

b)planning - it could be inferred that the type IIIs were attempting to retrieve their compromised units. If this is the case then distress signals can be transmitted across worlds, or they were overdue. Either is worrying for future operations. Type Is appear to be struggling as well.

I would like to state that when recruited, the situation in the field was not truly represented, but I acknowledge that there may well have been a deterioration since then, and no blame can be attached.

We live in interesting times.


S.Sgt. Lucinda Morticia Morgenstern

Stargazer mission P666A.

Outbound gate 10.22 hundred hours.
Return gate 12.23 hundred hours.

Return gate 13.31 hundred hours.

S.Sgt. Morgenstern (1IC), Pfc. Carter, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pfc. (Dr.) McNeill, Pvt. Rivington.

Came across four individuals offworld. Two appeared to be controlled by what looked like cable, but this turned out to be brightly coloured ropes. Sent Rivington to check it out, as he is the least trigger-happy member of the team. He was fired at with what appeared to be a LAW, but was fortunate that they missed him. He reported seeing one of the figures shooting at another one who was prone. I assumed the worse case scenario of SG operatives captured by Type 1s and ordered the team to assault the position. I was wrong, as it turned out to be Type 2s taking prisoners. We recovered one American and one Russian operative who claimed to be from Area 52, and I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as what they said sounded reasonably plausible. I allowed them to use there TD1471 device to gate back to the world where they told me they knew they had a gate time home for Area 52. On hindsight not sure, they might have been Type 1s, but quite frankly we had other concerns.

While waiting for our return gate the Type 2s shot Walters with his own gun! I had a bad feeling about the window of time that we had to wait for our gate as I suspected more incoming hostiles was a strong probability. McNeill had hotwired the Stargazer to his iPod and we were listening to some cool tunes to pass the time. Rivington was being a BOF. Just before our gate back, the gate activated and a figure came through and collapsed, sent Rivington forward to investigate, but then two others appeared through the gate who were very aggressive in posture, shooting at everything. Things went to hell as the prone figure got up. I was able to observe my team lay down fire and identify the fallen figure as a Type 2, who was following verbal orders given by the two Type 3s to find their missing team members. At this point I dumped all my webbing and weapons and took my last T2/ID and snuck around behind the second Type 3, as Carter, Stone & Walters moved to intercept the other. I dashed behind the Type 3, but was noticed by the Type 2 who then opened fire. Fortunately I was able to use his commander as a shield as he had fallen on top of me. I kept the T2/ID on him, but I was then shot and killed by the other Type 3 and remember nothing until I was revived after the action was over. Mad Dog McNeill had bought the farm, but the tactics we had worked out had allowed some of us to survive another day offworld.

CON-049 Intelligence Debrief


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