![]() Updated: 02/18/2007 |
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CON-032 |
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Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 |
Gatewatch Report
No surviving Gatewatch report for this CON.
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
10/05/01 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | P165 | 06:53 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Mission 1 |
02 | INBOUND | P165 | 07:35 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 1 |
10/06/01 | |||||
03 | OUTBOUND | C013B | 11:36 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Mission 2 |
04 | INBOUND | C013B | 14:53 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 2 |
05 | OUTBOUND | C208A | 20:28 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Mission 3 |
026 | INBOUND | C208A | 22:33 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 3 |
10/07/01 | |||||
07 | OUTBOUND | P147 | 10:09 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Mission 4 |
08 | INBOUND | P147 | 11:01 | LANDING | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 4 |
General | Training | Mission 1 | Mission 2 |
1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO) 2. Anderson. Tracie. 3. Booley. Christopher. 4. Buxton. Martin.* 5. Cox. Leslie. 6. Crawshaw. Michael. 7. Davies. Luke. 8. Edwards Ben.* 9. Evans. Stephen. 10. Gill. Shanine. (S2) 11. Gill. Stephen. 12. Hammond-Turner. Joel. 13. Hocken. Russell. 14. Hughes. Richard. 15. Jackson. Frank.* 16. Parker. Susan. 17. Pollard. Ashley R. 18. Reardon. Brian.* 19. Shaw. Jeffory. 20. Slaughter. Martin. 21. Wayland. Dean C. 22. Wren. Hellen.* Notes: |
1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO) 2. Booley. Christopher. 3. Buxton. Martin.* 4. Cox. Leslie. 5. Crawshaw. Michael. 6. Davies. Luke. 7. Edwards Ben.* 8. Evans. Stephen. 9. Gill. Stephen. 10. Hammond-Turner. Joel. 11. Hocken. Russell. 12. Hughes. Richard. 13. Jackson. Frank.* 14. Parker. Susan. 15. Pollard. Ashley R. 16. Reardon. Brian.* 17. Shaw. Jeffory. 18. Slaughter. Martin. 19. Wren. Hellen.* Notes: |
M-1 SG Team members of SG17. ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) M-1 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-2 SG Team 1. Stokes. B. 2LT (MD) 2. Vosloo. S. MSGT. 3. Members of SG17 4. Elements of SG-18 5. ? ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) M-2 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Mission 3 | Mission 4 | Notes | |
M-3 SG Team 1. Darius 2LT (iIC) (MIA) 2. Vosloo S. MSGT.(2IC) (WIA) 3. ? ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) M-3 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-4 SG Team 1. Ash. M. (2IC) 2. Carter. Y. SPEC.(Phd) 3. Woods. G. SPEC. (Phd) 4. ? ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) M-4 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: Possibly 3-4 other unknown *CASEVAC |
WIA = 1+
KIA = #? MIA = 1 Notes: |
Intelligence Summary: Standard Arborial world. Tented encampment found by a lake and single unknown spoken to at the gate site, waiting for another gate to earth.
After Action Reports:
CPD/PKD training session run by Master Sergeant S Vosloo. Stargate exit S.O.P. and op procedures/ target practice.
0700hr (approx). MS Vosloo and Pvts Webb and Mcguiver head off planet for early morning recon mission (P165). Destination unknown. Outcome. Group made contact with one unknown male close to return gate time. Exact details unknown. Refer MS Vosloo reports for specifics.
(Above details gleaned from subsequent conversations with MS Vosloo and Pvt Webb).***NEXT REPORT***
Very few new faces in the base this time, probably due to the short gap since last time. PKD numbers were again relatively low, members of SG-17, SG-18, science and intel present.
Yet again there were no PKD field officers present so I was nominally in charge of field activity as the highest-ranking PKD NCO on base.
Ran a series of training exercises. The exercises started with gate egress in an exceptionally dark area of woodland with all-round defence to a couple of assaults and covered return through a gate with injured.
Generally all went pretty smoothly, but the assaults showed a lack of practice in the use of bounding movement; a lack of co-ordination in both attack and defence; and a distinct lack of aggression in offence. The communication problem seems most important as everyone was effectively working in a vacuum once an attack started.
Would suggest that in future activation weekends the training period concentrates on one or two subjects. During each weekend the subject/s for the next training session should be selected.
Received general alert from SGC regarding escape from Porton Down.
MSGT Vosloo, mission command, SG-17
MNE Webb, SG-17
MNE McGuiver, SG-17
Primary recon of new planet.
Avoid conflict if possible.
Very early mission. Base running on a skeleton staff as we were sent on our way.
Gate transit fairly short, 3 or 4 minutes.
Arrived at a clean, peaceful pre-dawn. Did a very rapid security sweep of the gate area. A short distance away there was the glint of water so we headed that way, assuming that any residents would most likely be near a source of water. Going was fairly easy and the cool morning air was quite refreshing.
On the other side of the lake, towards the sunrise was what appeared to be a sizeable tent encampment. Did a close perimeter recon, but no signs of life and no response to our calls. It seemed prudent not to upset any residents by wandering in uninvited given the very short time to the return gate.
Completed circumnavigation of the lake and returned to the gate area. As we approached the gate noticed an individual standing concealed in the branches of a bush. He seemed quite surprised to have been spotted, but was happy to chat though very evasive with his responses to questions. In the couple of minutes before our return gate I did manage to get out of him that he was from Earth and waiting for his gate home (though it wasn't stated that home was on Earth) in 2 to 4 hours time though he didn't want to go back with us. He did not know of the camp by the lake and news of its existence seemed to worry him a little, possibly due to being all alone on what he had thought was a deserted planet. After a couple of minutes further interaction became impossible due to having to move to the gate for the return trip.
Obviously we were not truly the first ones there as it was apparently being used as a way station.
Use of hand signals allowed for a pretty quiet mission. Did find ourselves bunching a little too often and having to actively compensate.
Had thought of staying with our mystery acquaintance and returning 'home' with him, but the risk seemed a little high with very little chance of any gain. It would be useful if off-world team members could carry some form of emergency beacon that can be activated to allow SGC knowledge of their location should they come back to Earth through a different gate to the one they are expected at.
Intelligence Summary: Atandard Arborial world. Stargazer unit deployed. Unknowns encountered claiming to be from Base-78 and were being persued at the time of their departure in 1999. Hostiles came through the gate and a firefight ensued. Hostiles were captured and scientists returned at normal gate activation time.
After Action Reports:
1130hrs (approx). Outgoing mission to offworld. (C013B). Objectives :- gather Intel on lost Intel archive/ place and retrieve Stargazer units for CSO. Units on planet:- SG18, MS Vosloo, CSO Ash, Miss Carter, Dr Forsyth and myself. Arrive on planet and secure the area. Stargazer units placed and processor concealed near stargate. MS Vosloo orders SG18 to sweep the neighbouring area for Intel and he, myself and the SO’s stay to guard the Stargazer unit. The area near the stargate is well fortified and easily protected, having meters of open ground on two sides and thick cover to rear (impassable) and left (passable, but not without detection, unless expert with plenty of time). To forward is light woodland and to right is upward slope and trail between medium density thorn type foliage (passable).
Approx 45 mins after arrival. Spotted one male. Lightly armed and wearing mil clothing (DPM). Peaceful, but curious. Did not seem to remember anything of his life including his own name. CSO Ash introduced him to team and assured him that we were friendly. No overt hostile intention from subject, but curiously ran away abruptly from the direction he had came. Later he meets with SG18 and they engage him in conversation. CSO Ash once again engaged subject in an effort to persuade him to return with us to Earth. Seemed reluctant. I was informed that this was classic low-level infection behaviour (memory loss and reluctance to leave) by MS Vosloo.
Approx 1hr 15 after arrival. Stargate opens and two males and one female emerge. One of the males (in the front of the group) seemed to be unarmed and on later observation this proved to be correct. The other two were lightly armed. I challenged and when the subjects proved to non hostile they were invited into the secure zone by MS Vosloo. The leader claimed to be from base 78 and seemed to believe that it was August 8th 1999. He was informed of the actual date but the subjects seemed to find it hard to believe. Between the UN Group we managed to prove the date to them. They informed us that they were a science group from B78 who were preparing for a routine science sampling expedition, when they were attacked by an unknown enemy force. They retreated through the stargate and were expecting to be followed by the unknowns. The group went on high alert, expecting hostile contact through the stargate but it never opened and after 15 minutes we stood down convinced that the unknowns had indeed arrived on planet, but back in the year 1999. MS Vosloo explained to me and them that this was not the first trans time jump through a stargate, although it was a rare phenomenon. The group explained to the three subjects about the fate of B78 at which point the leader became severely morose.
1hr 30 mins after arrival. Stargazer sequence complete. Collect equipment and place collectors near stargate and processor under my guard.
Approx 2hrs after arrival. Stargate opens again and four unidentified emerge (3 male, 1 Female). When challenged they turned hostile and opened fire. Group returned fire and took two down quickly. Others head into woods through Thorn type foliage (see previous) and run straight into SG18 who bring them down. Unfortunately Pvt Webb sustained wounds that terminated his life. Dr Forsyth and myself sustained minor wounding. Two subjects first neutralised reanimate, but do not attempt to attack. Instead they try to make their way to the stargate. They failed and were immediately bound hand and foot to prevent any further escape attempts. The two in the woods were then brought into the clearing where one of them suckered us and made it to the stargate, where it was somehow able to open it. As it stepped through it was shot by MS Vosloo. The rest of the mission was quiet and CSO Ash managed to persuade the low level taint (who, she found out by a note he had written to himself, was called Craig ).
MSGT Vosloo, mission command, SG-17, MNE Webb, SG-17, MNE McGuiver, SG-17, MNE Darius, SG-18 command, SG-18, MNE Mkoll, SG-18, MNE Clark, SG-18, MNE Jarr, SG-18, SO Ash, SCI command, Sci, TECH Carter, SCI, TECH Forsythe, SCI, PTE Woods, CPD, attached to SCI, PTE Well, MID.
Gather intel.
Test run of new stargazer kit
Do not initiate combat
Gate transit pretty long, 10 to 15 minutes.
As we had lost contact with this planet during Op Clean Sweep the planet was treated as potentially hostile. SG-18 were sent through the gate first for first stage perimeter security followed by SG-17 and the scientific team. Don't think the Sci team were overly happy with how far I didn't carry the Stargazer box after exiting the gate, but it didn't seem like it would be a good idea to be carrying a great heavy box should a fight break out. Once the gate area was secured sent SG-18 with the majority of SG-17 out on a search/recon patrol. Pte Woods and I guarded the scientists in a defensible area (virtually impassable vegetation on 2 sides & good clear fire zones on the others) near the gate while they set up and ran the Stargazer program. Comms between the recon patrols and the group with the scientists were not good, I was having serious problems raising MNE Darius.
Around this time we saw movement lower down the hill. After confirming it wasn’t one of SG-18's patrols we accosted the individual who was cautiously approaching us. At first he was barely coherent, showed symptoms of the early stages of contamination, but gave the impression (probably to stop us from attacking him) that he was part of a larger unit that was watching us. After a long chat with SCI & MID members of the team he headed off again, only to be cornered by returning members of the recon group further into the wooded area who (somewhat forcefully I understand) engaged him in further conversation.
By this time we had achieved better comms by using MNE Clark as a relay. A short time later the gate activated, catching us a little unrepared, and three people came through in a state of panic. For a while it looked like the two armed ones were going to open fire on us, but hostilities were avoided. The newcomers were convinced they were being pursued and were desperate to move away from the neighbourhood of the gate. Instead I put them, into a secluded part of our defended zone where they would be out of sight and well protected. After quite a long discussion it came out that they were refugees from the past, having left base 78 during Operation Clean Sweep and were being pursued at the time they entered the gate. They became very shocked and emotional when told what the date was, especially the scientist (I think) who had left a heavily pregnant wife behind.
Put everyone in the gate area on alert. Called the SG-17 members of the recon group in to help cover the gate should the pursuers show up and put the rest on alert just in case. Around this time one of the recon team had a breakthrough with our first mystery guest. In his pocket was a note, a memory aid. Seemed he was one of our Deep Black friends. Assigned SO Ash to talk to him as she was the only other person on the mission that knew anything of Deep Black. After 20 minutes had everyone stand down from alert as nothing seemed to be happening at the gate. Naturally ten minutes later it did. Four people came through the gate in a rush. They didn't respond to our hail (given by PTE Woods I believe) and opened fire, naturally we responded. Called to SG-18, who were back on patrol / recon at the time, and they covered the route through the bushes that two hostiles attempted to escape through.
The firefight was efficiently short, but MNE Webb went down when he was hit by a burst that was apparently aimed at PTE Woods. My only participation was the call to SG-18 as I spent the rest of the time trying to calm down the scientist from the previous group who was trying to run away in panic while playing with a grenade one of the others had rather foolishly given him. Gathered and bound the hostiles who turned out to be re-animators that had to be put down repeatedly to stop them escaping. We lost one, apparently he said something about putting his rifle down and nobody thought anything about (probably due to not expecting reanimators to talk) it as he headed to the gate in the confusion, fired on him as the gate activated but it was probably too late. Did think about following him through, but without a TD1471 device it would have been a bit of a suicide run.
After the firefight it was pretty much just a case of guarding the prisoners till gate time. The planned area sweep by the scientists unfortunately had to be cancelled. We had a lot of problems convincing all our new friends to go back with us, but they all joined us in the end. Did have people covering our time travellers at gate time because it could have been just an elaborate ruse to get us to drop our guard and one of them kept aiming his weapon at the backs of passing personnel. I may be paranoid, but it made sense in light of the alert re escapees from Porton Down.
Back at base Dr Stokes got MNE Webb back on his feet fairly quickly. Chaos with the guests and prisoners as there weren't enough of us to escort everyone where they needed to go.
More time travellers for the SCI boys to pull their hair out over.
Hopefully the time travellers can shed some light on events at base 78 during Op Clean Sweep.
The efficiency of the firefight emphasises the usefulness of a good defensive position with clear fire zones.
Keeping a guard on the gate proved to be useful at reducing the damage done by incoming hostiles.
Once the TD1471 becomes available it could be a very useful tool for taking the war to the enemy. If we could injure a reanimator near the beginning of a long mission we might have enough time to follow him through the gate, do a quick recon (recon by fire if necessary) on wherever it is they go and return to the mission planet in time for the gate home.
This was the first mission on my second cycle through Base 51. This time I was going to CO13B, where the UNSGC use to have an Intel facility, which had been destroyed during "Operation Clean Sweep". Our outbound gate was scheduled for 11.36 hundred hours and our return time was 14.53 hundred hours. The rules of engagement were not to initiate fire. The recovery of former intelligence assets was the primary goal. However, the secondary goal of deploying of the upgraded Stargazer unit, with its slave units, was more important for me. As in my opinion, it was more likely to give us new insight into understanding what we face.
Gate transit was the typical disorientating sensory experience I've come to love and hate. While I only understand the basic outline of the physics behind gate travel, from a psychological perspective it is the damnedest thing. I walked into the gate and light floods over me. It's an extreme experience. Some timeless moment later we emerged from the gate on the other side of the wormhole. As we exited the usual hustle and bustle of deployment commenced. Msgt. Vosloo ordered SG-18 and elements of SG-17, to start a reconnaissance sweep of the surrounding area. Paying particular attention to the woodlands that might conceal a hostile force.
The weather was fine as we set up the Stargazer unit. Though it has to be said that the PKD personnel were not keen on carrying it very far. While we deployed according to the instruction given to us, we were to find out later that gate activation produces an EMP footprint larger than previously thought. I suppose that the loss of research information during "Operation Clean Sweep" is the cause of this miscalculation? However, I can't help think that our hard science staff has failed to use our own gate operations to the full. Such an operational error is really very poor work indeed.
We settled down to collect radiation data while the PKD reported that the area appeared clear. It was at this point into the mission that we spotted a lone figure further down the hillside we were on. After other members of the team had approached him I was able to talk to him too. He claimed to be part of a larger force that could have taken us out had they wanted too. This appeared to be an attempt to assure us that his intentions were not hostile. I agreed with Msgt. Vosloo that he appeared to be suffering from low level contamination. He was dressed in what appeared to be British DPM. He was a bit of a raggedy man and clearly paranoid as demonstrated by him running away a short time later. The recconaisance team managed to corner him in the woods sometime afterwards and bring him to heel.
However, the sound of the gate activating rather focussed our attention on the new problem of who was coming through it? No gate activation was scheduled from Base 51, so the chances were that it would be hostile reanimators of some type. The weather had taken a turn for the worse as 3 people exited the gate. Some tense moments passed as we identified the newcomers as SSI field biologists, who appeared to be from Base 78? We are able to talk them down from their heightened state of anxiety and reassure them that we were friendlies. Fortunately, Dr. Stokes was also a former SSI member and they remembered him from Base 78. In addition, one of them had a vague memory of hearing about the set up of Base 51, but didn't know that we were active yet, which is not surprising really. When they gated out of Base 78 it was August 99, when they arrived on CO13B it was October 2002. This was further proof for the science team that time translocation from gate travel can occur on more than one occasion (I refer of course to the 30 year time translocation of Sargent, now Cpl. Vorsfelde). Needless to say, the 3 former SSI personnel were rather shocked by this information. The story we got from them was that they had gated out of Base 78 after it had been attacked. They told us that another incoming gate was due. Of course we knew that their information was based on an out-of-date gate schedule, as they were not initially aware of being 2 years in the future.
In an effort to reassure them that there was no possibility of there being another incoming gate I informed them of the situation. Unfortunately, this caused the newly arrived personnel to go into shock and one of the men was badly affected by the news. It later turned out his pregnant wife was left on Base 78, which was abandoned and lost due to the hostile incursion requiring the UNSGC to irradiate it. Msgt. Vosloo did a very good job of controlling the situation and containing our retrieved personnel during this tense time. It was at this point that I was called over to the woods, as our first contact had been contained. Since by this time the Stargazer experiment had run its course it seemed appropriate to investigate our mystery man. During my second session with him I was able to engage him more by talking about a football match on TV and having a beer when he got back with us to Base 51. I found out that his name was Craig, from a note we found on him. I would also hazard a guess that he was a British national too. His syntax suggested English was his first language and he didn't sound like an American. Also, how many Americans are interested in English football?
However, I heard the sound of the gate activating again and heard the outbreak of weapon fire. My reassurance that the SSI personnel couldn't be followed through the time dislocation had proven to be wrong. It did appear to have caused a delay to the followers of our SSI personnel. I was not involved with the contretemps that our PKD personnel dealt with. My focus being on ensuring that Craig came back with us. It had also become apparent that he was involved with Deep Black, an organization that appears to help the UNSGC from timetotime, when it benefits them. Msgt. Vosloo was able to efficiently organize everybody for our gate transit back to Base 51. This came as a welcoming disorientation in time and space. We were all well aware that there was now a new hazard to add to gate travel of translocation in time. I for one was glad to get home in one piece.
Intelligence Summary: Emergency rescue mission. Standard Arborial world. Team met up with the group to be rescued and then encountered unknown hostiles. Situation brought under control and all members exited through the stargate.
After Action Reports:
2030 hrs (approx). SG18 and MS Vosloo sent on hush hush offworld mission. Return approx 2 hrs later minus one member, but with retrieved personnel from offworld colony. Mission seems to be a success.
2LT Darius, mission command, SG-18, MNE Mkoll, SG-18, MNE Clark, SG-18, MNE Jarr, SG-18, MSGT Vosloo, observing, SG-17, TECH Forsythe, SCI.
Emergency rescue of Deep Black team Clegg-20.
Bring them back, preferably alive.
Originally planned as a very careful recon into a possibly hostile world with some likelihood of boobytraps it was changed at the last minute with a panic message from SGC. Our Deep Black agent from mission 2 had left the rest of his team on C208A and we were tasked with getting them out.
MNE Darius had been temporarily promoted to 2LT and this mission was his evaluation run to see how well he ran his squad.
Gate transit very short, 1 or 2 minutes.
Gate was in a pretty clear area. After a brief perimeter check we searched the surrounding clear area with no results. Entered a dense wood where lights were needed to continue the search. Very hard going indeed, with an especially nasty (going and smell) swamp. 20 minutes into the woods we were hailed by persons outside the circle of light cast by LT Darius’s torch. After a few minutes checking the details we had been given to prove who we were LT Darius was called forward for a more detailed discussion after which we were called into their camp. Their leader let us know a few things about them and their life on the planet which had included more than one fight. Apparently they’d lost a couple of team members to the taint who had gone a bit feral and were worried they’d all be joining them soon.
Shortly afterwards we heard movement from the direction we had come from. Through the night scopes we were clearly able to detect three people moving carefully towards us. Called them to stop and identify themselves but they scattered, looking for cover. At this point we opened fire on them and a scattered firefight began with little effective fire from either side during which LT Darius disappeared. Around 10 minute into the fight I was hit in the back by a ricochet. Came round having been bandaged by the Deep Black leader, apparently it was time to leave. Did the old 1, 2, 3, go routine and I got up straight into the path of another round.
Came round in the sickbay. Apparently everyone except LT Darius had got out OK although they’d had to fight through a second group of aggressors.
Definitely a dangerous world to visit.
Command and control went out the window as soon as the shooting started, mainly as LT Darius seems to have gone off on his own leaving nobody in charge.
Need the chain of command fixed before going through the gate.
Intelligence Summary: Standard Arborial world. Unknown hostiles encountered and firefight ensued. Hostile captured and team exited via the stargate.
After Action Reports:
0900 (approx). Dr Forsyth (the team leader), Myself (2IC), CSO Ash, Miss Carter, Dr Well and Pvts Webb, Brown and Mcguiver sent to (P147). Objectives:- Recon unknown planet and soft science. Arrive on planet and secure area. Dr Forsyth orders Well and Webb to do a quick recce of the nearby woods and to return in 15 minutes, whilst CSO Ash and Miss Carter retrieve relevant scientific data on planet. Well and Webb return in 10 mins reporting all clear and nothing of any interest to report. Dr Forsyth orders a full sweep of the woods. As we proceed several unknowns are spotted by Pvt McGuiver. When challenged by him they open fire. We retreat to a more defensible position and lay down fire of our own. Three unknowns leave tree line in hostile manner and our neutralised quickly. We retain a defensive posture. Dr Forsyth was severely injured in the firefight and, as the only CPD operative on planet, I took command of the group.
Two of the neutralised unknowns reanimate, and at first it seems that they are going to move towards the stargate. I order a hold fire to observe their behaviour, but they become hostile and are once more put down. The third reanimates and is instantly stopped. We retrieve one of the reanimators for scientific study and neutralise all accessible firearms on those we could safely reach. The hostiles retreat into the woods where they make sporadic, but ineffectual attacks. A figure in a white lab coat is spotted, along with one of the unknowns who seems to simply walking back and forth over some 100 meters. A request is put in by Pvt Brown to attempt to capture the “scientist”, but at that time I felt it prudent to remain on the defensive as we only had 10 minutes until gate opening (In hindsight I feel this was a mistake. I had heard horror stories of these violent reanimators and was reluctant to engage, but upon thinking about it later, it occurred to me that we outnumbered the unknown enemy by 2 to 1. Pvt Brown was, infact, a better judge of the situation than I was on the occasion. I feel I may have been overcautious and, in so doing, missed a golden opportunity). We returned to base with our prisoner and we retired to med bay to see to our injured.
TECH Forsythe, mission commander, Sci, MNE Webb, SG-17, MNE McGuiver, SG-17, SO Ash, SCI command, SCI, TECH Carter, SCI, PTE Woods, military command, CPD, attached to SCI, PTE Well, MID, PTE Brown, Security.
Recon unexplored planet.
Science - gather environmental data.
Avoid contact, use diplomacy if possible.
I missed this mission due to the after effects of my injuries the previous night so this has been put together from discussions with some of those present. SG-18 were suffering from hangovers from mourning the loss of their commander in the previous mission so they were also unavailable.
Team secured area then sent out a recon team. On their return whole team went out on an area sweep. Made contact with unknowns who opened fire on them. TECH Forsythe was one of a couple badly hurt in the fight and PTE Woods took command of the mission. Appears to have been more of ‘them’, though apparently a little less dangerous than those met previously. The planned doctrine of weapon neutralisation seems to have worked nicely and one was captured.
During the mission multiple gate activations (4?) were heard. A lab-coated figure was seen in the background during the fight, but the team didn’t think there was enough time to do anything about it.
One of ‘them’ captured.
Probably shouldn’t send out a mission team with such a low PKD ratio.
Imperative we check on the origins of the prisoner’s kit.
Was this an R&D test run of ‘them’? Does this prove (or at least add more weight to) the theory that ‘them’ are artificially created?
The second mission of this cycle was to a world designated P147. An unexplored world that the UNSGC was hoping would become a new offworld colony base. Again this mission had a high science content, as we needed to gather data on radiation levels and collect flora and fauna samples. This will help us in building a database for our Pandora project. Our gate out was for 10.09 hundred hours and the return gate was at 11.01 hundred hours. Given the scientific emphasis of this mission its command fell under the auspices of the science division. However, in light of the fact that there was a high probability of hostile contact, Dr. Forsythe was assigned command. He has considerable combat command experience, which would benefit the mission.
Gate transit was what was becoming by now a routine event. If by routine one means a trip through a wormhole that could dislocate you in time. Dr. Forsythe deployed the team and Dr. Carter and I started taking our readings, while the rest of the team did a brief recon sweep. Surprisingly, there were signs of former habitation in the area surrounding the gate. Though it appeared quite run down and there were no signs of recent habitation.
After taking the necessary flora and fauna samples and sampling for background radiation the team prepared to do a full reconnoitre of the area around the gate. It was at this point that the firing began. A hostile contact was taken down, but it became apparent that he was what we in science were calling a Type 5 super soldier. It was reported that the hostiles were spotted with support personnel in white lab coats, which indicated that some sort of experiment was being carried out. Dr. Carter and I were ordered to remain to the rear of the position and not expose ourselves to fire. However, both Dr. Carter and I were able to provide support fire in several instances, though at long range.
What was interesting was that during our mission on P147 we heard the sound of 4 gate activations. They sounds appeared to come from two distinctly different locations in relationship to where we were. One sounded like it was coming from ahead of us and to our left from where we arrived. The other gate appeared to be somewhere in the woods and to the right of our position. In addition, one of the gate activations may have come from a slightly different location on our right, indicating two possible gates there. However, this might have been an acoustical anomaly due to atmospheric conditions on the planet. Regardless, we now have clear evidence of at least 3 and possibly 4 gates on this world. Arguably in what could be seen to form part of a circle like the two complexes we have on Earth. This appears to make P147 the first planet after Earth to have a gate complex.
During the firefight we saw another figure to the right side of our gate. I fired at the figure, but he retreated into the bushes. He didn't return fire and I suspect this was because he had no ammunition. His pattern of behaviour was more in keeping with Type 1 or 2 reanimators. The remainder of the time spent on P147 were spent watching the firefight develop. Fortunately, our personnel were able to capture one of the hostiles and we managed our withdrawal through the gate by using covering fire to move people. I remember the odd feeling of exultation and relief as I stepped backwards into the gate while firing my weapon shouting, "you want some?"
Note: since this mission we have had further reports from Porton Down and we now classify reanimating hostile contacts slightly differently. Please see the reports on nanite infections and my report, on how this affects the classification of offworld reanimating contacts.
CON-032 Intelligence Debrief
Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4
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