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The UNSGC is currently the only fully operational Command of the United Nations Marine Corps, effective 02 APR 99, with its formal establishment retroactive to 01 JUL 96, coinciding with the commencement of the active service of it's members under the aegis of "Executive Resourses Inc." as part of the UN supervised CONTACT program (CON-001 on 14 JUL 96).


UNSGC Headquarters Home Page

W A R N I N G !

Due to the current emergency situation access to the various nationally based archive sites of the UNSGC is restricted. Ensure that you correctly select the archive for which you have current authorisation. Be aware that your IP address will be checked upon arrival to confirm that your access is in fact authorised. The relevant national executive resources WILL be notified in the event of an unauthorised access attempt and aggressive counter measures WILL be taken. In the event of error rapid exit from the WARNING page of the unauthorised site will prevent such action from being taken.

Content Security Statement

The UNSGC's common documents formally accessible through this site, due to the enemy actions of 26 NOV 05, have been fully transferred to the various nationally based Archive sites, see the links below. ALL materials therein are Classified under the UN Security Councils Resolution C-78.156-A as "Eyes Only", meaning that they are for your use on-line via secure ISP on MILNET only. Its reproduction, storage or transmission by any means is strictly forbidden under Section 1 of UNSGC Standing Orders, in association with the terms and conditions as specified in your enlistment contract. Such reproduction, storage or transmission may ONLY be undertaken with the written authorisation, of either the Commander In Chief UNSGC or by the Commanding Officer of one of the UNSGC Sub-Commands (Star Gate Bases/Regiments), and then only in accordence with the restrictions set out in the afore mentioned Standing Orders.

Thank you for your compliance.

General Links

Link Description
UNITED NATIONS LOGO The unclassified civilian United Nations home page in New York USA.
EMAIL UNSGC Communications Center
You can email any Star Gate base, as well as General Adam B. M. West, Commander-in-Chief, UNSGC, at both of his offices at UN Headquarters, New York or Washington D.C. USA via this link.

The Archive Sites

Click on the national flag at the left of the list to go to the Archive Access Page noted at right. Click the above link to the UNSGC Communications Center to email the archivist directly with reports etc., or to contact the base CO. Reminder, clicking an unauthorised link will take you to that site's "warning" page. Use your back button, or click the UNSGC logo, or the return button near the top to avoid complications.

Archive Link Description
US FLAG AREA-50  —  The United States of America's base at AREA 50 is now used as an international jump off point for UN Special Forces CLEGG* teams. The CO at AREA-50 is Lieutenant General Leslie Hoffman.
* CONTACT Long Endurance Gate Group
UK FLAG RGHQ-51  —  The United Kingdom's base at RGHQ-51. The CO is Brigadier General Alastair R. Courtney
US FLAG AREA-51  —  Also known as Nelis, it is the United States Air Force base popularly referred to as AREA 51, and is located at Groom Lake, Navada. This was the original transit site for personnel serving at BASE-78 in Antarctica, up until its loss in April 1999. The small UNSGC sub-command atached to the base, now serves as an international research and medical facility providing support to the entire CONTACT Program, both its terrestrial and extraterrestrial elements. All UNSGC personnel spend several days at its medical department at the conclusion of their recruitment, post signing of their contract. The identity of the UNSGC department's CO is classified TOP SECRET.
US FLAG AREA-52  —  The United States of America's base at AREA 52. The CO is Major General Gregory Zechariah Harper Jr.
FRENCH FLAG BASE-53  —  The UNSGC Sub-Command of the French Republic housed at Base 53 The CO is Major General Armand De Castel
RUSSIAN FLAG SITE-54  —  The Russian Federation Sub-Command base at SITE 54, Kamchatka.
General Kirillov. Vassily Ilyich. CO SITE-54.
Lieutenant General Fedorov. Vladimir Lennin. Deputy CO SITE-54
PRC FLAG REGION-55  —  There is currently no Star Gate as part of the UNSGC Sub-Command of the People's Republic of China. Formally housed at REGION-55 it was lost due to enemy action on 09 SEP04. The current CO in charge of the PRC's UNSGC contingent is Lieutenant General Liu Lan. The REGION-55 ID has beenr reassigned to the PRC's base in Harbin, the provincial capital of Heilongjiang province, in NE China just across from the Korean and Russian borders, opposite Vladivostok.
THE NEW ZEALAND FLAG BASE-56  —  This is the internationally run Sub-Command in New Zealand, controlling the recovery of BASE 78 (Vostok, Antarctica), lost to enemy action in Spring 1999. There is no STAR GATE located at this base. The CO is Brigadier Wiliam James Walis


Executive Resources

Registered Office: Geneva, Switzerland.

DTG 04 DEC 13


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