Department 51
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Ministry Of Defence
Porton Down, Wilts., UK.
Updated 10/16/2006
Regimental Dinner & Cconference #6
02/03- 05/2006
SUBJECT: CON-56 & "Operation Ox-Eye": and its consequences.
This document is shown in the DSTL Reports for CON-56, CON-57 & CON-59, because it is an amended version of the original report for CON-56 presented to the 2006, CONTACT Conference#6 on February 3rd of that year (CON-57) (prepared 16:36GMT - 02/01/2006). Further amended post CON-57 12:25GMT - 02/06/2006 and again at 14:10GMT 04/01/2006 Pre CON-59 (07/07-09/2006 Medical Conference#1). Part 1 is the report itself, while Part 2 is the Damage Report for Dept.51 at DSTL, and Part 3 that for RGHQ-51.
Part 1.
Please find below an anotated copy of our report issued 12/10/2005 regarding CON-56-M-7-9 11/26/2005 OPERATION STALLING DOWN, original in italics, updates inserted in plain text.
"Re: CON-56 Missions 7-9 TARGET UP1066A
The data retrieved from your in-flight gravitational wave
instrumentation package has produced the following conclusions:
1. The assumed target planet* UP1066A is 1,601 gravity wells (Gates)
away (including ours as No.1)."
UP1066A's position is 1,591 gravity wells away, not 1,601 (including Earth as No.1).
"2. The magnitude of the Gates for G1-G533 increased from 38tons (i.e.
the home Gate), through to a maximum of 2,200 tons at G533, then
declined to 17 tons at G1601 aka UP1066A."
The positional data is, as indicated above incorrect, however the magnitudes specified for the home and target Gates was correct. The maximum mass detected however was in excess of 6,364 metric tonnes.
"3. The in-flight background gravitational forces rose from 1G to 26G
(near fatal), at the destination."
"4. While on UP1066A, gravity waves were detected. Normally with the size
of instrument with which you were equipped, only those inside a worm
hole are strong enough to be detected. On Earth, the comparable
instrument is an "L" shaped device, wherein each "limb" is 600 metres
long. This means that the planet was being exposed to high levels of
micro-gravitational-waves (tides). Which is what we would expect on a
surviving world in orbit around a black hole, if such a thing were
possible. If the readings over time were stable, this would imply a
stable orbit. If however it is increasing in magnitude, then the orbit
is a declining one, whereas if the strength is falling then that world
is being flung out of orbit. The current crop of data is insufficient to
answer this final question."
"*Without corroborating evidence from the downed Gatewatch systems at the
time of Missions 7-9, it can only be assumed from the fact that the
launch/landing times remained unchanged, that the designated
target planet UP1066A, was in actual fact, the one visited. Therefore we
do not recommend that the planet be reclassified as VP1066A at this time
(subject to the upcoming conference at CON-57 February 3rd-5th 2006**)."
We continue to stand by this opinion, see the DAMAGE REPORT below. See also the GATEWATCH Report SG51 Gate Identification Chart (GIDC), for more information on the data recovered from CON-56.
**Supplementary Note; No decision was taken at the CONTACT Conference with regard to the targets designation, therefore it has been entered on the GIDC with the prefix "U".
Due to the hostile actions of 26/11/2005 against Department 51
facilities and records at DSTL which have suffered considerable damage,
our range of services for the foreseeable future will be extremely
limited. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause our
clients. We hope to be fully operational within 4-6 months.
A full damage report is to follow.
Part 2.
1. At circa 13:30hrs on 11/26/2005 what appeared to be a minor fire broke out in Room 5116 (Lab.2), and our normal support services to RGHQ-51 had to be suspended for the duration of CON-56 OPERATION STALLING DOWN.
2. At 18:31hrs six circa 4kg low yield explosive/thermite charges destroyed the following at DSTL:
(A) The RGHQ-51 Archives/Gatewatch records. All data lost. 3 KIA 3 WIA, see MIA list to follow.
(B) The Artifact Storage Fasility and its contents. No casualties.
(C) The Weapons and Ammunition Manufacturing Plant and Storage Fasility. 1 KIA 2 MIA.
The debris was sifted for human remains and evidence of ABC. No remains were found, and the ABC level was unexpectedly low. We can only conclude that the "TEWKSBURY" team, have been removed/revived prior to the conflagration. Likewise all the stored/contaminated artifacts, and stocks of the new enhanced 6mm/8mm Mk.7 ammunition and a number of new weapon systems were missing. This could have only been achieved during the emergency of earlier, with the complicity of presumibly contaminated and therefore compromised serving staff. Due to (A) above, no inventory of missing items is available at present. However the estimated losses of missing 6mm Mk7 ammunition across the entire UNSGC, stands at circa 8x25k cans (200,000rds), a total of 63kg of ordnance.
Please also see the MIA list to follow.
Currently, much of Dept.51 is non-operational, although some limited support work has resumed. All other services remain off line at this time, with the exception of artifact storage. Repairs are in progress, the estimated date of resumption of services is currently projected as May 1st 2006.
NB:(04/01/2006) at CON-58 03/24/2006 a limited GATEWATCH service was achieved, permitting flight crews to carry out a single mission, the data from which has further refined the GIDC.
MOD security services are colaborating with E-R in the investigation of these incidents, their results will be submitted to the relevant UK and UN authorities in due course.
ALL current stocks of 6mm and 8mm Mk.6 Ammunition will be withdrawn from service immediately, and upgraded to the new Mk.7 specification prior to the first flight operations of 2006. Note that due to the loss of the stocks of the raw materials (M1b ABC "nannites"), the quantity of munitions returned for use will be up to 40 per cent less. It is vital that crews prioritise the recovery of resources for ammunition production during the first operations, so as to avoid critical future shortages.
NB:(04/01/2006) At CON-58 limited supplies of Mk7 6mm ammunition was delivered to arm the SG teams for the unscheduled flight. However, the mission commander, LTC D. Rhys, was obliged to exchange 272 rds, plus 2 x T2IDs for a capture SG Team member, SGT Palmer. H. See also DSTL Report 2006-002.
Part 3.
1. At circa 14:00hrs on 11/26/2005 the staff at RGHQ-51 were advised of the "minor" fire in Room 5116 (Lab.2) DSTL, and all inbound retrievals for STALLING DOWN from that time on, were examined and stored at RGHQ-51, where they remain, intact and secure.
2. At 18:34hrs 11/26/2006 a total of 27 circa 0.5kg low yield explosive/thermite charges were used to destroy:
(A) The GATEWATCH Instrumentation Package in the Tower. Flights continued upon an ALL volunteer basis from that point onwards (M-7+), but only due to SAR requests from AREA-50/52 & SITE-54, who had 5 teams off-world . NB: the iris at AREA-52 was jammed, and was not cleared until post end of flight operations. 1 team remains MIA: CLEGG-551(ID No. CORRECTED) out of AREA-50 (NB: ALL now recovered as of 03/26/2006).
(B) The Tower's Support Systems, including the Emergency Sealing Plant, which was rendered in-operable for 17 days. Repair teams only gaining access after the 7 day mandatory "Lock-Down" due to ABC contamination. 1 KIA.
(C) The "secure" Computer Room on Level 1. All GATEWATCH and Archive data lost. Back-ups for the Archive are being recovered, however due to the quantity and nature of the GATEWATCH data, all is now lost (see DSTL report above). 1 KIA
(D) The "secure" Communications Room on Level 1. All records lost.
1. The base is set to CONDITION 2, and repairs are under way.
2. Engineers estimate that by May 1st 2006, the replacement and upgraded GATEWATCH systems will be installed in the Gate Tower, with all pre-flight testing completed. However, with no surviving data, we will be flying "blind", in much the same way as the pioneers of the 1930's and '40's. Fortunately, the new mapping equipment and protocols, should enable crews to bring back far supperior data. Repairs and replacement systems for the Communications and Computer rooms will also be completed by this date.
3. Several multiplly-redundent Archive systems will also be on-line by that point.
4. Numerous unspecified new security systems will also be in place by that date.
5. All stocks of munitions have been returned to DSTL for upgrading to the new Mk.7 specification.
6. Until that date all bases will continue to be set to CONDITION-2, with appropriate protocols to be observed by off-base personnel. (NB: ALL now recovered as of 03/26/2006) During CON-58 the base was set to CONDITION-1.
The full EYES ONLY report is available to authorised personnel through the usual channels.