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Updated: 08/03/2012

CON-63 Regimental Dinner & Conference #7

February 16-18 2007

Out Of Character Conference Report

by Ashley Rachel Pollard

[Ed. these points have been extracted from her original report, and placed in a seperate document, as they relate to the out of character discussion on the Sunday]

1. Use of T23-IDs.
2. Monitoring offworld activity.
3. Alternate ways of running conferences.
4. Radios.
5. Chain of Command.
6. Use of smoke.
7. G36 magazine capacity.
8. Uniforms.
9. List of objectives.
10. Any other business.

1. Use of T23-IDs.

Problem: people are ending up in grappling contests where there is a chance someone might get hurt, and or equipment damaged.

Plan: agreed that person using a T23-ID must say loudly to the recipient that the device has been placed on them eg: Device on. The person playing the Type 3 will react according to the briefing given to them by Dean. There must be no grappling. Players need to write a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and practice during the boot camps.

2. Monitoring offworld activity.

Problem: how to simulate this without the plot team having to generate all the NPC activity etc. ie: a lot of work.

Various ideas for monitoring enemy offworld movements have been proposed over the years and these were discussed. These include covert and overt devices that monitor when a gate is activated.

Plan: Doidge and Frank (and any other interested party) will form a project called the Remote Viewing Group (as it has in character ramifications). This sub-group will liaise with each other and Dean, and report back to the next year’s conference.

3. Alternate ways of running conferences.

Problem: email exchanges on the list are difficult to follow.

The problems of following email threads and the tendency of discussions to end up in flame wars were discussed.

Plan: Gary and Susan P. are to explore Skype and Second Life as possible alternatives and feed back their reports at the conference next year.

4. Radios.

Problem: incompatibilities between radios and poor voice procedure.

The types of radios and their various merits were discussed.

Plan: For players radios to be tested at the next boot camp for compatibility. Training in voice procedure to be given by Dean at the next boot camp.

5. Offworld Chain of Command.

Problem: who is in command offworld and are they the appropriate person?

Various points were discussed about who is in command, what does that entail, where does authority reside for a decision, when can this cause problems? A discussion on what are the differences between being an officer and a junior, or senior NCO ensued? A lack of definition of the differences between the strategic versus the tactical decisions, and the role of officers and NCOs was highlighted.

Plan: What the mission's objectives will be are about are made by players who are officers, How the offworld team is organised and deployed is made by the players who are senior NCOs. Officers can only override NCO field commands if a strategic objective needs to be met eg: we find something that requires a change of mission objectives, otherwise they act as normal troops.

6. Use of smoke.

Problem: safe smoke grenades are not very effective.

A discussion on the merits of smoke and the limitations of its deployment in game were argued. It was felt that white smoke was best, because it has no colouring agents, but that coloured smoke has its uses. An idea for area denial against NPCs was proposed, on the basis that the smoke has some anti-nanite agent in it?

Plan: further discussion and tests at the next boot camp.

7.G36 magazine capacity.

Problem: Tokyo Marui G36 standard magazines only carry 50 rounds, which is sufficiently less than all the other standard magazines they do.

A discussion of the TMs decision to do this and the impact on what kit has to be carried ensued.

Plan: Dean will allow the use of mid-caps modified to hold only 70 rounds.

[Since this decission was made, the game has switched over to using real capasity magazines]

8. Uniforms.

Problem: we are all fat bastards that can’t get formal uniforms.

Dean presented the new formal uniform for use at conferences, recruitment days and when players are not in the field. In the latter case this amounts to shirt and trousers.

Plan: Old UNSGC blues will have a grandfather clause for those who still have them. All new uniforms will use the new colour combination chosen by Dean. Tan with khaki garrison caps, or UN blue berets.
[Ed. the use of tan was originally selected after a suggestion by Graham Worsfold (a Vietnam era re-enactor) as these were available in larger sizes,because they were being made for re-enactors. Shortly after, the rising cost and reduced availability of tan necessitated a change of plan. Black trousers or skirts (as appropriate), worn with green British Army General Service shirts and black ties or tabs, again as appropriate was selected. Black US 1" trouser belts with Sta-Brite brass buckles and black footwear were also selected. Finally black police four pocket jackets with eppaulettes were also adopted, but worn without a waist belt. UN blue berets continue to be used and black garrison caps were looked in to as an altenative.]

9. List of objectives.

[Ed. #10 was transferred here] 10. More Spock role-playing. -. Ten will hopefully improve as people get more into their roles through the use of props and the new work uniforms.

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