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CON-047 |
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Gatewatch Report
Issued @20:30hrs on 26/03/04
This is consistent with recent observations, as the Gate system is continuing to exhibit untypical behaviour, as per CONTACT’S 39-45, with rough and unpredictable flight experiences for crews expected.
Gatewatch 52/54/55 are in the present cycle, all continuing to report similarly decreased activity plus unscheduled signal spikes between cycles. Like ours many are unresolved times/targets, with numerous new signatures. There is still no data from Star Gate #53 for comparison at this time, as the French report that their base remains off-line, but are confident that normal operations will be resumed later in the year. We will keep you apprised.
Details of usable gates:
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
March 27 2004 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | XC031A | 10:06 | 11:23 | - |
02 | OUTBOUND | XC107A | 11:24 | 11:39 | - |
03 | INBOUND | XC107A | 13:16 | 13:31 | - |
04 | OUTBOUND | XC255A | 15:11 | 15:23 | - |
05 | INBOUND | XC255A | 17:21 | 17:33 | - |
06 | OUTBOUND | XC133C | 21:44 | 21:46 | - |
07 | INBOUND | XC133C | 23:24 | 23:26 | - |
08 | OUTBOUND | P517A | 01:45 | 01:47 | - |
09 | INBOUND | P517A | 02:03 | 02:05 | - |
10 | INBOUND | P517A | 02:06 | 02:08 | - |
11 | INBOUND | P517A | 02:10 | 02:12 | - |
March 28 2004 | |||||
12 | OUTBOUND | XC1O5C* | 09:12 | 09:14 | - |
13 | INBOUND | XC1O5C* | 11:33 | 12:47 | - |
General | Training | Mission 1 |
1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO) (27th) 2. Berry. Susan. 3. Bridgey. Mathew.* 4. Buxton. Martin. 5. Churchett. Stephen. 6. Clarke. Stephen. 7. Crofts. Amanda. 8. Doherty. Liam.* 9. Doidge. Simon. 10. Grana-Pirego. Anthony. 11. Hayes. John. (27th) 12. Molloy. John. 13. Neal. John. 14. Pollard. Ashley. 15. Rushen. Clive. 16. Smith. Trevor 17. Tregaskis. Robin. 18. Wayland. Dean C. (S1) 19. Worsfold. Graham. ? (S2-S5/CMO) Notes: |
1. Berry. Susan. 2. Bridgey. Mathew. 3. Buxton. Martin. 4. Churchett. Stephen. 5. Clarke. Steve. 6. Crofts. Amanda. 7. Doherty. Liam. 8. Doidge. Simon. 9. Grana-Pirego. Anthony. 10. Molloy. John. 11. Neal. John. 12. Pollard. Ashley. 13. Rushen. Clive. 14. Smith. Trevor 15. Tregaskis. Robin. Notes: |
M-1 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-1 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 |
M-2 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-2 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-3 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-3 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-4 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-4 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Mission 5 | Mission 6 | Notes |
M-5 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-5 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-6 SG Team ? ? (C/O) ? (2IC) ? (3IC) (+WIA/KIA/MIA) M-6 Perimeter Patrol (+WIA/KIA/MIA) Notes: *CASEVAC |
WIA = 5
KIA = 1 1Lt Alexeyev. MIA = #? Notes: Awards: |
Intelligence Summary: No summary possible due to lack of data.
After Action Reports: No surviving reports for this mission.
Intelligence Summary: No information about world conditions or gate travel. Type 1 contacts encountered. Type 2 contacts engaged at gate site, 3 hostiles retrieved and sent to Porton Down for further tests (see DSTL report). Stargazer reading taken.
After Action Reports:
Science & Intel gathering trip to X107A.
The gate out at 11.24 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 13.31 hundred hours.
Alpha squad; S.Sgt. Morgenstern (2IC), Pfc. (Dr.) McNeill, Pvt. Lopez, Pvt. Palmer.
Bravo squad; Sgt. Briggs (1IC), Pfc. Kirk, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Pvt. Ridgeway.
Charlie squad; Pfc. (Dr.) Stone (3IC), Pvt. Grana Preigo, Pvt. Walters, Dr. Webster.
Stargazer deployed successfully. Contact made with a group of Type 1 Gate Walkers, who were in the mood to jaw-jaw rather than war-war. One of whom identified himself as McMurray from X105. Arranged offworld exchange of T2/ID. Team bounced by Type 2 Zombies close to exit time. Three Zombies retrieved (See DSTL report). Briggs killed, but bandaged by the Gate Walker McMurray, Walters and Lopez both wounded.
During the build up to the first mission (gate out 11:24) a call came in for Lt Alexeyev, a group of Russians from base 54 had arrived to see him, Alexeyev and Sgt Briggs went down to see them. Shortly after this it became obvious that a serious situation had developed on base. During the ensuing confusion 2 of the infiltrators killed themselves and on was captured, several SGC personnel were seriously wounded and lt Alexeyev was killed. The lone survivor was interrogated and confirmed that they were Russian Mafia and they were trying to get a package off planet through our gate. The device was examined by Dr’s Webster, Stokes and McNeill. Findings to be published.
S Sgt Morgernstern (21c), Pfc Dr McNeill, Pvt Lopez, Pvt Palmer.
Sgt Briggs (1ic), Pfc Kirk, Pvt Kelley (medic), Pvt Ridgeway.
Pfc Dr Stone (3ic), Pvt GranPriego, Pvt Walters, Dr Webster.
Alpha had point out the gate with Bravo and Charlie (carrying the Stargazer unit) in the rear. The Stargazer was deployed about 100 meters from the gate and activated. A number of patrols were sanctioned by Sgt Briggs and after a number of uneventful patrols I called Contact on a group of soldiers approaching our position from the direction of the gate. At this point Briggs re-enforced the “do not fire unless fired upon” and contact made with a type1 called McMurray. S Sgt Morgernstern seemed to know what McMurray was talking about and took over negotiations. They agreed to meet later the same day at 4pm though no gate destinations were discussed the group then left.
As the Stargazer still had time to run more patrols were organized and another contact was called on a group who behaved like type 2’s. A firefight ensued with Briggs, Lopez and Walters were injured. We retrieved 3 T2’s (see DSTL Report)and the Stargazer finished its run and was packed up we then exited through the gate.
Intelligence Summary: No information about world conditions or gate travel. Type 1 contacts comunicated with. Type 2 contacts engaged at gate site and all 4 hostiles retrieved. Contact made again with unknown hostiles at gate site. 4 hostiles retrieved, sent to Porton Down for further tests (see DSTL report). Stargazer reading taken.
After Action Reports:
Science & Intel gathering trip to X255A.
The gate out at 15.11 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 17.33 hundred hours.
Alpha squad; Sgt. Briggs (1IC), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Pvt. Lopez, Dr. Webster.
Bravo squad; S.Sgt. Morgenstern (2IC), Pvt. Palmer, Pvt. Ridgeway, Pvt. Walters.
Stargazer deployed successfully. Contact made with McMurray from X105, the acceptable face of Type 1 Gate Walkers, and the exchange of the T2/IDs is made. Four Type 2 Zombies turn up. McMurray uses the T2/ID on one of them, the other three are subdued and all four Zombies are retrieved (see DSTL report). Morgenstern killed, Palmer and Walters wounded. Just before the gate activation was about to occur the team was bounced by two hostiles, who appeared to be hunting us. They were either another Gate Walker faction, or Type 1 Ferals.
Science and Intel mission to X255A.
Sgt Briggs (1ic), Pfc Dr Stone, Pvt Kelley (medic), Pvt Lopez, Dr Webster.
S Sgt Morgernstern (2ic), Pvt Palmer, Pvt Ridgeway, Pvt Walters.
Deployment through the gate was un-eventful and Stargazer deployment went without a hitch. We then set up pickets to await McMurray’s arrival. At approximately 16:05 McMurray and 1 aid approached the pickets and was allowed through, Negotiations went well and a package containing T2ID’s was passed over. Shortly after a contact was called with 4 walkers advancing on our position. During the combat S Sgt Morgernstern was killed and Palmer and Walters were both injured. 4 hostiles were incapacitated with the new web gun and one was de-activated by McMurray with a T2ID.
McMurray and his aid then left and we packed up the Stargazer and our wounded were treated. We carried the T2’s back to the gate (see DSTL report). Myself Briggs, Lopez and Ridgeway formed a perimeter ready to fall back on activation. 2 minutes to gate home and type 1 ferals were spotted stalking towards us. We laid down suppressive fire and began retreating to the gate. We were then able to evac through the gate with no more casualties.
Identification of the last 2 gate walkers was based on observed tactics used.
Intelligence Summary: Gate travel very rough. Standard arboreal world, Gate site in wooded area. No other data recorded. Contacts seen at a distance but not engaged or communicated with. Stargazer reading taken.
After Action Reports:
Science & Intel gathering trip to X133C.
The gate out at 21.46 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 23.26 hundred hours.
Chain-of-Command: Alpha squad: Sgt. Briggs (1IC), Pvt. Grana Preigo, Pvt. Kelley (medic), Dr. Webster.
Bravo squad: S.Sgt. Morgenstern (2IC), Pvt. Palmer, Pfc. (Dr.) McNeill.
Charlie squad: Pfc. (Dr.) Stone (3IC), Pvt. Kirk, Pvt. Lopez, Pvt. Walters.
Intelligence Summary: No info about the world or its conditions available. Contact made at gate site with type 2 hostiles one of which was retrieved through the gate. Lone survivor of and Area 52 team retrieved from near the gate site. Assume both retrived contacts were sent to Porton Down for further tests (see DSTL report).
After Action Reports:
Pathfinder trip to P517A.
The gate out at 01.45 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 02.05 hundred hours.
One squad; Pfc. Kirk (1IC), Pvt. Ridgeway (2IC), Pvt. Lopez, Pvt. Walters.
Team ambushed on exit by two Type 2 Zombies. Kirk, Lopez and Ridgeway wounded. Pvt. Thomas Andrews brought back by team. He was the only survivor of a team sent out from Area 52. One of the zombies was retrieved (see DSTL report), while the other managed to escape in the confusion.
Pathfinder mission to P517A. 28-3-04
Outbound at 01.45 hours.
Inbound at 03.05 hours.
Time in the field: 1 Hour and 20 minutes. (Team reported time out as only of 20 minuets.) Report submitted by Pvt. Lopez.
One squad; Pfc. Kirk (1IC), Pvt. Ridgeway (2IC), Pvt. Lopez, Pvt. Walters.
The team arrived on world P517A directly in to an ambush set by two Type 2 Reanimators. In the fire fight that followed the other three members of the squad was wounded by enemy fire. (Kirk, Walters and Ridgeway) After fighting the way through the ambush, Pfc. Kirk was able to give effective orders to the team, although it should be noted the first order that given after the ambush was "Will everyone stop getting shot!" Pvt. Thomas Andrews was found near the gate. He was brought back to RGHO-51 by the team (But not before he was disarmed by myself in order that no harm came to himself or the squad). It was later found out that his story did check out and that he was the only survivor of a team sent out from AREA 52. One of the Type 2 reanimatiors was captured for study. How ever the other managed to escape in the confusion even after being repeatedly subdued and disarmed by myself with extreme prejudice.
Conclusion: This mission was 100% successes. Found that world P517A does indeed have an active stargate, All the team came back alive, Two type 2 disarmed (one captured), Rescue of a lost American soldier (see DSTL report).
Intelligence Summary: No info about the world or its conditions available. Multiple contacts made and engaged. 2 men identified themselves as in the employ of Nakamura Corp. Both acting irrationally. 2 hostiles captured and returned, identified as type 1 contaminated. Assume sent to Porton Down for further tests (see DSTL report).
After Action Reports:
Recon in Force & Intel gathering trip to X105C.
The gate out at 10.03 hundred hours.
Return gate back at 11.19 hundred hours.
Alpha squad: Sgt. Briggs (1IC), Pfc. (Dr.) Stone, Pvt. Kelley (medic).
Bravo squad: S.Sgt. Morgenstern (2IC), Pvt. Ridgeway, Pvt. Walters.
Two men in white biohazard suits, one of whom was carrying a container, were caught and restrained. Team attacked by three, possibly four hostiles. Two captured and the rest ran away. The sounds of battle heard in the distance. The men-in-white suits identified themselves as two British archeologists called James Campion and Vincent Hacker, who were working for Nakamura. They said they left Earth with a group of armed guards.
They fired at the team, but it was obvious that they were incapable of mounting a credible defence. Team contained one of them while the other tried to make his escape. Both were acting irrationally. Second man shot in the confusion. Team spotted armed men approaching, so the other man in white was shot in the chest to subdue him. Approaching team, refused to halt or engage in conversation and a firefight ensued. Two of the three hostiles were captured and turned out to be Type 1 reanimators (see DSTL report).
Last mission of the cycle was Intel and recon to X105C
On the face of it this was an ideal Stargazer mission however due to the depleted numbers carrying that much gear was a bad idea (especially taking into account X105’s history).
Sgt Briggs (1ic), Pfc Dr Stone, Pvt Kelley (medic).
Bravo (Intervention)
S Sgt Morgernstern (2ic), Pvt Ridgeway, Pvt Walters.
The gate exited at the top of a slope, we proceeded down and found a path into a forest to our right. Immediately upon entering the forest we encountered a group of part demolished shelters, 2 men in white Biohazard suits were spotted and challenged. 1 later identified as Vincent Harker began firing a side arm wildly in our general direction and as his weapon ran out of ammunition his partner ran into the forest and tried to hide. We approached the first man and ordered him to lay the gun on the ground or we would open fire. At this point his friend decided to mount a “rescue” attempt running into the middle of the group. People shouted “Halt or I will open fire” several times before myself, Briggs and Kelley shot him. Morgernstern took over watching Harker as we processed the corpse, contact was called and a group of apparent type 2’s attacked our position. As Morgernstern moved off she shot the unarmed prisoner in the chest.
I secured both men and allowed Kelley to bring them round so I could interrogate them. The second man was called James Campion and both were Archeologists working for the Nakamura Corporation. They had started out with a military escort however they had been alone for approximately 10 days (on world for a total of 30 days). They had been hired to perform a dig at the site of the old C105 base and they had recovered an object in a black case with radiation warning decals on the exterior. They showed great relief at having been rescued by a British team and went to great lengths to check shoulder patches. Neither man seemed to know where the gate they embarked from was located but Japan seems unlikely.
Further questioning revealed that they were looking forward to a pint in a pub (non specified) along with a shower and some food.
Bravo eventually turned up with 3 type 2 bodies (see DSTL report) that were duly processed (tied up searched and weapons de-activated) and we prepared to evac through the gate. In the distance what sounded like a full-scale battle was underway and our new friends said that this was a fairly common occurrence. Return to the SGC was uneventful.
Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6
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