![]() Updated: 11/15/2007 |
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CON-041 |
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Mission 1 |
Gatewatch Report
NB: The operation coincided with an Expert Infantry Course being run at the same venue. The issued Gatewatch report reads as follows:
Coinciding with your operation “ CONTACT 41”, we have identified 19 unexpected Gate activations at this time. They are all for the 28/02/2003-01/03/2003 period, and many remain unresolved times/targets and many are new this year. This is in line with recent months observations, the Gate system is exhibiting some not before seen behaviour. Gatewatch 52/54/55 are all reporting similar unscheduled signal spikes and like ours many are unresolved or new times/targets. There is no data from Star Gate 53 (France) for comparison. We will keep you apprised.
Special Note: this is the last Gatewatch Report that gives Gate activations which have partially unresolved signals, for either time or target. Details of Gates:
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
February 28 2003 | |||||
01 | INBOUND | ? | 21:48 | 00:04 | - |
February 29 2003 | |||||
02 | INBOUND | XC075B | 00:46 | 01:17 | G-1455 |
03 | OUTBOUND | ? | 02:18 | 03:37 | - |
04 | INBOUND | P341 | 03:47 | 03:55 | - |
05 | INBOUND | P309 | 04:37 | 04:57 | - |
06 | OUTBOUND | ? | 07:11 | 07:17 | - |
07 | OUTBOUND | P288 | 07:44 | 09:29 | - |
08 | OUTBOUND | P206 | 10:55 | 11:41 | - |
09 | INBOUND | ? | 11:47 | 11:49 | - |
10 | OUTBOUND | ? | 12:32 | 12:33 | - |
11 | INBOUND | P301 | ? | 13:21 | - |
12 | OUTBOUND | ? | 13:49 | ? | - |
13 | INBOUND | P278 | ? | 15:02 | - |
14 | INBOUND | ? | 16:04 | 17:01 | - |
15 | OUTBOUND | P309 | 17:05 | 17:06 | - |
16 | INBOUND | XC075A | 19:35 | 19:36 | G-1454 |
17 | OUTBOUND | XC075A | 20:47 | 20:48 | G-1454 |
18 | INBOUND | XC075B | 22:37 | 23:08 | G-1455 |
19 | INBOUND | ? | ? | 23:58 | - |
General | Training | Mission 1 | Notes |
1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO) 2. Buxton. Martin. 3. Churchett. Stephen.* 4. Clarke. Stephen. 5. Crofts. Amanda.* 6. Evans. Stephen. 7. Gathercole. John. (20:00+ 1st-2nd) 8. Jackson. Frank. 9. Lamb. Dave. (28th- 1st)** 10. Mason. Peter.* 11. Miller. Stephen. (1st)*** 12. Molloy. John. 13. Neal. John.* 14. Pollard. Ashley R. 15. Rushen. Clive. 16. Thomas. Simon. (S3) 17. Tregaskis. Robin.* 18. Wayland. Dean C. (S1) 19. Worsfold. Graham. Notes: **Filming/photography ***Pyrotechnics Specialist |
1. Anderson. Simon. 2. Buxton. Martin. 3. Churchett. Stephen.* 4. Clarke. Stephen. 5. Crofts. Amanda.* 6. Evans. Stephen. 7. Jackson. Frank. 8. Mason. Peter.* 9. Molloy. John. 10. Neal. John.* 11. Pollard. Ashley R. 12. Rushen. Clive.* 13. Thomas. Simon. 14. Tregaskis. Robin.* 15. Wayland. Dean C. (DI) 16. Worsfold. Graham. Notes: All awarded 14 EIC Points |
M-1 SG Team 1. Buxton. Martin. 2. Churchett. Stephen. 3. Clarke. Steve. 4. Crofts. Amanda. 5. Evans. Stephen. 6. Jackson. Frank. 7. Mason. Peter. 8. Molloy. John. 9. Neal. John. 10. Rushen. Clive. 11. Thomas. Simon. (C/O) 12. Tregaskis. Robin. M-1 Perimeter Patrol Notes: *CASEVAC |
Notable Awards: Expert Infantry Badge: Churchett. Stephen. Crofts. Amanda. Mason. Peter. Neal. John. Rushen. Clive. Tregaskis. Robin. Notes: |
Intelligence Summary: Reports begin on base precipitated by a base incursion. A nuclear device was stolen by unknown hostiles and removed through an unscheduled wormhole to a planet sceduled for operations during this CON. Mission to C075A, no info on world or terrain. Multiple contacts engaged. stolen material returned.
After Action Reports:
At the time of this operation my cover identity had not been revealed, but this report is being submitted after the event and General Courtney has made it very clear that no one may use my former name.
This operational cycle was planned as a bootcamp. However, Porton Down had informed General Courtney that a gate activation was being detected.
During the afternoon training Dr. Stokes, Sgt. Vorsfelde and myself were assigned to perimeter patrol duties. Around 18.30 hundred hours, while the rest of the base personnel were out in the training area, we heard gunfire. The base main entrance appeared to be under attack and we moved from the rear entrance to intercept the hostiles. As we did so we were attacked and a furious firefight ensued. A massive explosion occurred to our rear, where we had been prior to hearing the gunfire. If we had not moved as we did I imagine that the three of us would have been killed in the explosion. Fortunately, we caught the attackers by surprize and later we discovered that nine of them were killed in the assault. An unknown number were able to get into the base. I radioed the General informing him of the situation and the news that hostiles had swept through RGHQ -51 stealing a thermonuclear device, which they took through the gate with them, along with an M60 and some experimental body armour.
Some of the SG team, who were training out in the field, returned within a few minutes of the firefight ending. Then something odd had happened. When the hostiles activated the gate it formed a wormhole to the same world we were expecting to send a mission to later. However, the team was in chaos and the chain-of-command had broken down due to Lt. Brown's caution. As a result they were in no position to pursue the hostiles through the gate. Then the gate remained open for an unusually long time.
As the chain-of-command and order were restored, the SG team started grabbing chow and rearming. General Courtney ordered that the SG team were to be sent in pursuit of the fleeing hostiles as our expected gate was going to activate as predicted. He wanted the nuke retrieved. Unfortunately, Dr. Stokes Sgt. Vorsfelde and myself couldn't go, as we were expected to undertake a full debriefing of the attack.
REF: Contact 41
MISSION DATE: 03/01/2003
REPORT BY: PVT. Charles Boddicker
DATE FILED: 03/07/2003
Operation Marston Moor had been scheduled as a routine scientific reconnaissance of planet C075. The mission team was scheduled to depart through the gate at 20:47 to arrive at C075A, travel overland, taking soil and air samples, and return through gate C075B at 22:37.
The mission team were off base performing a combat exercise when base RGHQ51 came under attack from hostile forces. A force of unknown strength, but now believed to be around a dozen individuals, forced their way into the bunker and, having raided the armoury for off world weapons, somehow engineered an unscheduled gate departure and exited to C075A.
Returning to the bunker, the mission team came under fire, and were split up. Some responded to commands from the base commander, Brig. Gen. Courtney, to advance towards the bunker. Others, unable to hear the General and assessing the situation as too dangerous to proceed armed only with training weapons, withdrew in good order on the instructions of Lt. Brown.
Believing the security of the base to be seriously compromised, and fearing a repeat of the attack on the French Stargate facility, this latter group, myself included, elected that the best course of action was to escape and alert the proper authorities. Once we returned to the base, we were informed that the attackers had escaped off world having stolen the fissionable materials from a nuclear weapon from the facility.
12 man mission team, commanded by Lt. Col. Rhys (Support Group/Overall Command), Lt. Brown (Recon Group/2IC) and Corporal Well (Assault Group). Myself and my buddy partner, Pvt. Plisskin, were placed in the assault group.
The C075 mission was re-tasked to retrieving the nuclear material from the enemy. Mission line-up was unchanged and we prepared for a hot arrival at the destination gate.
Having experienced my first occasion of gate travel, we arrived at C075A in darkness. We proceeded in the general direction of the B gate and soon encountered a group of unknowns with a vehicle. They soon proved to be hostile and opened fire on the Recon team, causing them to become pinned down.. Support took the high ground and the assault element began to work our way around the left flank. Fire in both directions was ineffectual, as the combatants were at extreme range for the off-world weapons. By the time we had moved around and assaulted the vehicle, only one dead enemy remained. His comrades had fled.
We searched the vehicle, which appeared to have broken down, and discovered the stolen nuclear material. Having located our primary objective, we called Recon and Support down to our position and Dr. Well verified the integrity of the container. The body had nothing of value on his person, so it was decided to leave it in place as speed was of the essence. In the absence of any means of restraining him, the vehicle was rolled back onto the body to prevent reanimation.
Recon took point, moving swiftly along the road towards our exit gate. Assault followed, and Support brought up the rear with the package. Recon experienced a brief contact, but their attacker fell back. As time was getting short, we picked up the pace so that Recon and Assault were moving together, with Support only a short distance behind.
As we approached B gate, we came under fire from the high ground to the left. Recon and Assault returned fire while Support moved into position to be ready for the gate. The enemy were equipped with light support weapons and grenades, but only one light friendly casualty was sustained. The volume of enemy fire was surprisingly low, so either the enemy were very few, or were not proficient with their weapons. Pvt. Plisskin accounted for at least one enemy kill, but the gate opened before we could prosecute the contact any further.
The mission was undoubtedly a success. We achieved our primary objective with minimal casualties. However, the incident has highlighted serious shortfalls in the security of RGHQ51. Specific protocols should be introduced for contingencies in which the facility is attacked.
CON-041 Intelligence Debrief
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