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Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4

Gatewatch Report

CON-36 Operation Edgehill

June 28-30 2002

No surviving gatewatch report for this CON.

No. In/Out Target Launch Landing Notes
01 OUTBOUND P188A 10.35 LANDING FT = #mins.
Mission 1
02 INBOUND P188A 11:51 LANDING FT = #mins.
Return from
Mission 1
03 OUTBOUND P116 16:14 LANDING FT = #mins.
Mission 2
04 INBOUND P116 16:14 LANDING FT = #mins.
Return from
Mission 2
05 OUTBOUND P162 20:56 LANDING FT = #mins.
Mission 3
06 INBOUND P162 22:05 LANDING FT = #mins.
Return from
Mission 3
07 OUTBOUND C213 10:16 LANDING FT = #mins.
Mission 4
08 INBOUND C213 11:38 LANDING FT = #mins.
Return from
Mission 4

CON-36 Roster

General Training Mission 1 Mission 2

1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO)
2. Booley. Christopher.
3. Burton. Decland.
4. Buxton. Martin.
5. Clarke. Stephen.
6. Evans. Stephen.
7. Gathercole. John. (Joint S5)
8. Gill. Shanine. (Joint S5)
9. Gill. Stephen.
10. Hayton. Nicholas.
11. Jackson. Frank.
12. Kellet. Brett.
13. Kellet. Brian.
14. Kennon. Nicholas.
15. Miller. Stephen.
16. Parker. Susan.
17. Pollard. Ashley R.
18. Slaughter. Martin. (S2)
19. Wayland. Dean C. (S1)
20. Wren. Hellen.
21. Worsfold. Graham.

? (S3,S4)


1. Booley. Christopher.
2. Burton. Decland.
3. Buxton. Martin.
4. Clarke. Stephen.
5. Evans. Stephen.
6. Gill. Stephen.
7. Hayton. Nicholas.
8. Jackson. Frank.
9. Kellet. Brett.
10. Kellet. Brian.
11. Kennon. Nicholas.
12. Miller. Stephen.
13. Parker. Susan.
14. Pollard. Ashley R.
15. Wren. Hellen.

2 BUP's

M-1 SG Team

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)

M-1 Perimeter Patrol

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)



M-2 SG Team

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)

M-2 Perimeter Patrol

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)



Mission 3 Mission 4 Notes

M-3 SG Team

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)

M-3 Perimeter Patrol

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)



M-4 SG Team

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)

M-4 Perimeter Patrol

? (C/O/2IC/3IC)



WIA = #?

KIA = #?

MIA = #?


Mission 1

Intelligence Summary: Former Precious metals extraction facility. No information regarding world or conditions. Interaction with 2 contacts and meeting arranged for discussion of how to deal with mutual threats.

After Action Reports:

Cpt. Morticia Ash, SO, 51st Scientific Division

Cpt. Jameson gave the briefing for my first mission out. We were going to P188A. This was a former Phillips Corporation precious metal extraction facility that had been destroyed during "Operation Clean Sweep". The primary mission was to field test a new sensor package. Secondary objectives were to extract personnel or failing that build a rapport with them. A medium threat level was considered to be appropriate for the SG team security. There had been 35 personnel based at this facility, so we were ordered not to initiate fire. Our gate out was at 10.35 hundred hours and the return gate would be at 11.51 hundred hours. The composition of the force was to contain elements of SG16, 17 & 19, with Dr. Carter, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Webster, myself and Cpt. Vosloo rounding out the personnel assigned to this mission.

On exiting the stargate we immediately got a sensor lock and proceeded to chase down the source. Some technical difficulties were ironed out during the course of this process, but overall a satisfactory deployment was achieved. It was during our science activities that we came across two people who identified themselves as Gary and Karen. We met them by an encampment where they had deployed a tent and chairs.

They gave a reasonably consistent story of wanting to contact us and being camped out specifically with this intention in mind. They also said that they had been making sweeps out around the stargate to monitor any signs of activity of THEM. They gave the impression that they would move the camp every couple of days and that they had teams on other worlds doing the same job. During this conversation 2 other people were seen shadowing the camp whom appeared to be bodyguards.
Gary made it clear that they wanted to set up a meeting between their people and ours to negotiate ways of dealing with THEM, which would be mutually beneficial to both them and us. After hastily negotiating a time frame and planet they left to go and arrange getting their side of things sorted out.


CPT S J Vosloo, training officer, RGHQ-51

Contact mission report 29-30/06/2002

CPT S J Vosloo, training officer, RGHQ-51

SG-16, SG-17 & SG-19 present.

Training - Friday evening

Mainly SG-19 with some SG-17 and science staff.
Practiced stealth assaults in medium to high density terrain.
Results were good against unprepared / low grade opponents, but got a little bogged down when the opposition were more prepared. Blue on blues were yet again a bit of a problem as was the hallucinatory effect caused by the wind and running water.


Base 53 has come under attack. French national forces have responded and have surrounded the base.
There was quite a lot of discussion as to whether the attack is due to the decision to permit negotiations with off-worlders.

Mission 1 – C118A – Sat 29/06/2002 – 10:35-11:51

Mission personnel

SG-16, SG-17, SG-19 & scientists.
Acting Lieutenant Brown in command as his evaluation mission.
Colonel Law observing

Mission objectives

Recon site of old base.
Search for survivors.
Take scientific samples.
Test new science devices.

Mission protocols

Treat any encounters with caution, could be lightly infected colonists out there.


Gate egress went cleanly.

Met with two persons identifying themselves as representatives of the 'type 1s' who appeared to be on a camping / picnic trip. They explained that they were on a diplomatic mission with hopes of meeting SGC representatives in order to negotiate with us. They very nicely let us know they had two bodyguards covering them from concealed positions so we wouldn't alarm them by going too close.

Discussions between SGC personnel (mainly Col. Law, Cpt Ash & Pte Well) and the off-worlders seemed to go well and plans were made to meet up at P162 at around 20:00 on the same day.

As they left many of our personnel commented on how skittish the two bodyguards looked. It was almost as if they were hoping either a fight would start or they could find an excuse to start one.

After their departure we tested the new science scanners on test samples that had been left by base staff on the previous evening. Tests went well though we had all sorts of C&C problems trying to keep the PKD screen intact around the science team as they headed backwards and forwards through the bush. (see DSTL report)


How did they know to expect us there?
Who informed them that the SGC was now open for negotiations?
It was noticeable that the (apparently) senior negotiator held his hand to his head a lot, usually when formulating a response. Is this an aid to communication; a sign of difficulty with (or possibly pain from) creative thinking; could lying cause pain; or is it something else? Have noticed reanimators having difficulties putting together responses in the past.


All went pretty much by the book. Had a few C&C issues as people in the core of the group started heading off and the protective screen had to rush to keep up, but that helped keep everyone on their toes.
We need to be a lot more careful in discussions with possible enemies. They appeared to be getting a lot more information from us than we were from them. Personnel expected to be involved in discussion with off-worlders need to be more aware of intelligence and counter-intelligence implications.


Might be advantageous if each mission team has a pre-designated contact team containing members of all branches for cases like this.
Between missions 1 & 2 we received an urgent Gatewatch update. The gates had gone mad and we now had far more in and out gates over the activation period than previously expected. Was this due to the discussions held in mission 1?
During this period a lot of time was spent planning the expected evening mission and what to discuss with the reanimators.

We also heard more about the situation at Base53. French paras were preparing to retake the base and were expecting high casualties.


Lt T. Castle, SG16, 51st Peacekeeper Division

Gate Operations 23-Nov-2001 - 25-Nov-2001

United Nations Marine Corps

SG 16 deployed to the Bunker for this weekend mission cycle with less numbers than usual.
Present was myself as team commander, Landers and Daniels - if you like the old hands of the team on their 4th mission cycle together. To compensate for lack of numbers we made sure we all had a minimum of 10 magazines each!
Peacekeeper numbers seemed quite low - SG 17 was represented by the newly promoted Captain Vosloo, Cpl Vorsfelde and Marine Williams. Also present was the newly formed SG 19 with their well balanced team containing peacekeepers, Intel and science personnel. Our team arrived late due to transport difficulties to find many personnel in the process of retiring - we shortly did the same after gratefully scoffing the food that had been kept for us.

Mission 1:

The first mission was on the morning of Saturday 29/6/02 and was to C188A. This was the site of a former Phillips' corporation mining facility searching for precious metals. The facility had been destroyed and there was the possibility of survivors. We were informed there were no previous missions to that location and the threat level was medium to high . There had been 35 colonists and there was concern they may be mentally unstable or have regressed. The mission would be accompanied by Dr's Ash & Carter as the primary mission was science with the extraction of personnel being the secondary objective.

Tensions were high as we deployed due to security concerns with events at the French gate.
as well as science personnel the mission was accompanied by all members present of SG 16, 17 and 19. Col Law also accompanied the mission. Mission commander was Lt Brown of 19 so he could experience the joys of a multi - service command.

SG 16 was designated recce and we deployed through the gate and then commenced to sweep the area. Landers very soon spotted 2 unknown personnel complete with tent and folding chairs and table. I engaged them in preliminary conversation and they seemed friendly. A perimeter was formed while the ranking officers spoke with them and science samples were taken. The information relayed was that they were one of several contact teams searching for UN personnel as they wanted to arrange a meeting with a senior officer. Unfortunately even though we had Col Law present they did not have an equivalent as they were a contact team and a further meeting was arranged for a planned night mission.We were informed they were thought to be tree huggers and wished to enter into negotiations for some sort of pact or alliance. Ultimately they withdrew to the gate - they had 2 previously concealed security personnel who were both well armed - one of whom was EXCEPTIONALLY jumpy.

The science personnel confirmed radiological readings had been taken as had samples (see DSTL report) so we moved out to sweep the area. SG 16 initially being on rearguard and the moving through to be recce again. Leaving the main group behind we entered an area of man-made shelters before we were ordered to return almost being fired on by our own side due to an unfortunate mix up with the original science compass bearings.

Thankfully no friendly fire incident occurred and we withdrew in good order through the gate.

An interesting aside to this mission was that during the de-brief a colossal increase on projected gate activity was reported - speculation soon started that this was linked to our new 'friends'. Senior personnel began to discuss the merits of the proposed meeting and who should attend.


Pvt Well

Planet: C188A
Date: 29-Jun-02
Out Gate Time:1035
In Gate Time:1151

Pre Mission Intel

pre-scouted by DeBeer and Appleby: no contact made
Ex Phillips colony
Meeting Phillips personnel expected
Mid to high threat


Science training
Science field test
Extract personnel if possible make fiends if not


- friendly contact with ‘NOT them’
- 4 man team 2 ‘Diplomats’ Gary & Caron + 2 body guards.
- Body guards not seen till group headed for gate
- Guard appeared twitchy
- Job to recon for THEM and contact us.
- setup high level meeting for tonight on 162
- Said when they are ‘killed’ just return ‘home’ though gate
- Diplomats seamed vague/distracted when conversed
- Diplomats Got very concerned when I nearly step on a sapling
- Had a camp site complete with tent and camping chairs and table
- Said had swept the area for a  10 mile radius
- Samples taken (see DSTL report)
- radiation readings taken (see DSTL report)

Sensors used (see DSTL report)

Mission 2

Intelligence Summary: Standard Arboreal world. Multiple contacts returned to Porton Down, reported as survivors from Base 53.

After Action Reports:

Cpt. Morticia Ash, SO, 51st Scientific Division


For EH-2 I had to report to Porton Down for a briefing. The crate of Coca-Cola I sent them turned out to be harmless and was consumed by Porton Down staff in error. They apologized by sending a replacement crate to me later that day. The fact I had received the Coca-Cola was discussed with the implications to security considered.

On my return I heard that survivors from the French base had been recovered, including a Dr. Jane Jordan who had mention knowing about several members from Base 51, including myself, Dr. Stokes and General Courtney. However, they were taken away before I returned so I can't comment further on this.

A diary was recovered from the rescued French personnel by us and I was fortunate enough to be able to read it. It will be posted in a separate report (see below). The gist of it was a description of the mental torment an infected woman was going through. She described her people and mentioned the troubles with sickoes, psychos and THEM. As I've heard one suspected reanimator refer to us as psychos, I suspect the sickoes are the planet protector types, which I refer to as FERAls, because they are wild and attack all that is not a part of their group. During EH-3, given the threat poised by the events at Base 53 in France, all non-mission personnel were split into internal security teams, or perimeter guards. I accompanied Col. Law and Mjr. Appleby on defending the perimeter, which proved to be uneventful assignment. 

On our return I heard that that the SG Team had been put under considerable pressure prior to their return gate back. Several of the team members reported that they had run out of ammunition during this firefight. It all sounded far too exciting and I'm glad that I had not been assigned to this mission. Cpl. Vorsfelde narrated to me how the enemy had revealed themselves to the SG Team by the muzzle flash from their weapons. It sounded quite a desperate bit of fighting. Needless to say the meeting we had arranged appeared to have been a trap to lure Officers away from the team, for purposes unknown to us at this time.


CPT S J Vosloo, Training Officer, RGHQ-51

Mission 2 – P116 – Sat 29/06/2002 – 14:39-16:14

Mission personnel

SG-16, SG-17, SG-19 & pte Reynolds
Lieutenant Castle in command

Mission objectives

Recon (pathfinder)

Mission protocols

Treat any encounters with caution, don't want to upset the work done earlier.


Initial deployment went well. Initial scouting found a nicely defensible position to use as a mission base. SG-16 scouted the ground to the West, SG-19 scouted North and SG-17 held the base position, intention was for SG-16 & SG-19 to go out and do a five minute look and listen. SG-16's route was quickly deemed unsuitable as there was only a narrow passable route between a small lake and a marsh and it would be too dangerous tactically. Radio'd to SG-19 to hold their forward position while the rest of us moved to them.

While we were moving up movement (two or three people) was spotted on the other side of the lake. A rapid but stealthy redeployment followed: SG-19 held their position while SG-16 & SG-17 went back to the area they had just vacated to form an 'L' ambush. The maneuvering went well and we got them by surprise. Attempted to get them to come peacefully but unfortunately one of them was shot for refusing to put down the water canteen she was carrying.

Turned out we had found some survivors of Base 53. The two we had caught were on water detail and eventually told us where to find the others. After quite a bit of chasing around (during which Pte Landers showed his athletic side to good effect) the others were brought in, though one was very badly injured, and we prepared to escort them home.

They had been escorted through the gate to P116 from Base 53 by one of the attackers who had provided them with a pistol, basic survival gear and some rations and left them there for us to find. On one of the survivors was a notebook that had been passed to him by the attacker with some urgency (see below). Unfortunately the injured lady died en-route to Porton Down (see DSTL report).


Might be useful to have more training and practice for the field medics in dealing with non-weapon injuries.
In between these missions many of us had a chance to read the document found on 'mr X' (see below). The document appeared to be written by a pilot from base 105A who had been abducted when the base was attacked and converted to a 'type 1' reanimator (though possibly not fully converted mentally). The diary contained very big warnings against trusting the 'type 1s'.

We also had a lot of discussion on how to deal with the next mission. All our previous planning was now out of the window as we were now expecting the sort of trap that had lead to the fall of Base 53.


Lt T. Castle, SG16, 51st Peacekeeper Division

This was a 1 hour 45 minute afternoon mission on the same day to P116. It was on a pathfinder basis and was therefore volunteer only. The threat level was classified as medium to high but those going felt it more high than medium! SG 16 all volunteered as did members of 19 and 2 of 17. Dr Reynolds also volunteered when he heard 16 was going due to the fact we hadn't lost any personnel yet on missions - his bravery deserving mention! The primary mission was recon and secondary was science samples.

We deployed through the gate and approached a lake. Very soon 3 or 4 persons unknown were seen on the far side and I decided to trap them. Forming a firebase with 17 and science personnel 19 went round the right flank and 16 the left flank. The unknowns headed right up to the base of fire just as 16 moved into position - there were 3 of them in mostly civilian clothes - they were ordered to halt and drop their only visible weapon - a pistol. They did so but one refused to drop a water bottle and Dr Reynolds - sensing it was a particularly vicious water bottle opened fire hitting 2 of them while the third ran for it.16 moved in and secured the area and the 2 prisoners were given first aid as 19 moved towards our position through a swamp.One seemed almost delirious and wanted her water bottle again. Reynolds started to indicate he feared low level contamination when the third hostile - a male in a suit - was seen in the distance. Landers a former running champ saw this. He ordered him to halt but he did not and ran - I knew what was going to happen next. Landers took it as a challenge and raced off - I made best speed to follow loving every minute of a headlong rush through a wood encumbered with rifle and fearing ambush. I shouted an order for all others to remain with the prisoners and for 19 to move up when they arrived.

Landers soon caught the individual and it transpired they were from the french base and had been saved by one of the attackers. Eventually he revealed a fourth team mate was wounded at a base camp. He led us to her where we found her badly injured with ration packs, a bergen, pistol ammo a poncho and a few other items. We were informed these items had been left by their rescuer.

We returned to the main group where Reynolds and I checked all individuals and kit for contamination. Certainly it was present on the survival items. We also learned of another gate but decided against searching for it as time was short. The diary of the rescuer was recovered and turned over to base Intel along with our prisoners upon return (see DSTL report). Regrettably we learned some died from their wounds. A debriefing on personnel and items recovered showed their significance and this will no doubt feature fully in the Intel report of the mission cycle.

The mission did raise grave concerns over the proposed meeting for the evening and most felt it was now a trap to capture senior UN personnel.

I am still deciding whether to commend Landers for chasing the runner that led to the important Intel haul or have him flogged for running straight in what could have been an ambush [and making me run in the process]. Dr Reynolds great caution over water bottles was duly mentioned by all!


Pvt Well

Planet: P116
Date: 29-Jun-02
Out Gate Time:1439
In Gate Time:1614

Pre Mission Intel

Non unexplored world




- found survivors from raid on Base 53 (France)
- 4 survivors 1 male rest female
- 1 badly wounded by gun fire (i.e. not and off-world weapon) or grenade
- had escape though gate to a planet
- later found by a woman who took them to this planet
- she left them with a Bergen of survival equipment and a diary
- ‘Dr. Jay-Jay’ (MD or nurse) high on valium/alcohol mix
- One soldier female
- male named Carl

Transcription of diary of Sandra Knight

Admin note: Please note that this transcription has not yet been verified for accuracy.

This is so weird, disorientating, crazy. Stop, stop, I get the picture. Where to start, why the beginning of course. What was the beginning? Science base? No, no my name. Okay, name Sarah Wright? Rank?? What is rank? Phrase – name, rank, contact serial number – must mean something to someone. Maybe me, when my head clears. Where was I? C015A, what was that? Military base? Yes, yes, now I remember. WO1. What happened? A scare? It may come back. What about the others? Where did they come from? 007566. the base possibly? Oh, I hope my head clears soon. This is so confusing. Who am I? Everyone else seems so sure about everything. They are so ORGANISED. Write to remember. Yes, yes, now I remember.

Good, good, head is slightly clearer, but the disorientation can strike any time. Don’t know how long it’s been since I last wrote. Better write down details, while I remember. My name is Sandra Knight, my rank was WO1, contact serial number was 070656, and I was  stationed at C105A, which was a multi-corporate scientific research facility. The others I am with were all staff members or visiting dignitaries. Not sure exactly what happened, there was a general alarm given, and very shortly thereafter, the evacuation alarm was sounded. Within a very short, but frantic period we were all herded through the gate, with as much equipment as we could carry. I miss my Huey. Someone’s coming. Must stop now.

Must remember to make notes, keep things in my memory. Also could be important for the President. I know we are not at war with the States directly, but I also know that they won’t let anyone get in the way of their main objective – destroy them. I have no idea who they are, and if anyone from home ever reads this, they will attack you if you get in the way. These people are nuts. They want more recruits and don’t really care how they get them. And they know more will follow now. I am sick of Coca-Cola. Have not found them yet. Must keep a low profile, as I think I am different somehow.

I miss my family very much. I wonder if they know I am even alive, and if they are missing me half as much . sorry, I am feeling a bit low today, had another disorientation bout earlier, but hope they stop soon. Strange that I don’t remember anyone else mentioning family. No they must of, just feeling a bit down, it must be a side effect, my wrist glows. They are family, everyone instinctively trusts each other, because we are all fighting the for same cause, aren’t we? No-one questions motives, or argues, or screams or shouts in anger. It is a very bizarre community.

Everyone is expected to fight for the cause.. with my military background I was put into an offensive unit. I did some good screw-ups to get me out of the front line. I am a spec, NOT a grunt. I have been downgraded to the scouting unit for the community. Our objective is to look for likely food sources. Well the army did have to increase their female success rate, didn’t they?

I found out that a number of runs between this planet and C105A had been made, apparently the base has been stripped bare. A few more personnel were recovered this th time. They can open gates at will. I wonder if I run I can. If I can it means I cannot return to Earth, and if I can’t they will realise at some point, and then what? How much longer can I maintain this charade? How soon before I give myself away? I wonder if acting lessons would have been a good idea, oh well, it didn’t happen and it is useless speculating on “what might have been”.

Had a run in with a British based team today, and most of my unit was killed. But they DIDN’T DIE. I don’t know how to explain it, but they got up, walked to the gate, activated it and left. I don’t know where they went, but later returned, alive, healthy, as if nothing untoward had happened. Will this happen to me if I die? Am I like them in all respects, except the drive of pure righteousness?

The community is abuzz, I haven’t seen them this excited before. Today, they found the perfect planet to set up a base camp. It is very much like home in climate and vegetation. They have set up some distance from the gate, apparently not many people will stray this far from the gate and accidentally spot us. If the base camp is not noticed within a fortnight, it will be set up as a permanent farming village. Scouting teams keep track of the various corporations [a page has been torn from the diary but this does not appear to affect the flow of the narration] and their government guards. NOTE to self, must find out how they do this, so I can make a written notation. You never know, I might find a way to get this notebook to the States. No sign of the yet. Sometimes I wish I had the same knowledge that the others have, all this talk of war, the sickos, the psychos and them is very confusing to follow. But, for now I have been accepted into the community. For how long? Probably until I make a major blunder and they realise that I am not like them.

The others do remember, but they choose not to. They remember Earth, and their families, but it is distant past, almost like it happened to a previous generation. I remember my family like I was with them yesterday. Made a blunder with a comment about my sister, April, and the look I got was withering. I was told – “ we no longer talk or think about that time as it reminds us how ignorant we were!”  So I wonder what enlightenment they had, maybe someone will inadvertently fill me in. I wonder how their families would fell if they knew they were no longer important, just because they are unenlightened. Please, if I ever find a way of getting this to Earth, PLEASE tell my family I love and miss them very much, and I am truly not bad, just got caught up in a catch 22. Thank you, whoever you may be.

Found an old German supply dump. All food rotten. Munitions inert. But many useful tools. No signs of human habitation, but the birds look very free today. I wish I was up there with them again. No sign of the Russians.

I don’t know whether to jump for joy, or scream and shout!! HOW SAD!! I found out today that I am more like everyone else than I imagined. I can use the gate. I don’t know how, but it accepted me and opened to where I wanted to go. I was out scouting, and got separated from the group. The gate brought me back to the farming village. Oh, that reminds me, apparently this village is not enough, now that there are some young ones about. Scouts are being sent out to find a similar planet for another community to e set up. This means I cannot go back to Earth. Some British guys are telling horror stories about some place called Porton Down in England. They won’t recognise me a friend, they will see the tell tale signs and believe me enemy. Should I continue to write? Is it worth it? If I continue to try get this home, maybe, just maybe my family will know that I did not turn against America, even though I am destined never to return alive. I will think about it, maybe I will write again.

I have met a young guy, Jeremy, we are in love and will be getting married this Spring. I love his accent. I always dreamed of a white wedding in the Spring, oh well, never mind. A simple betrothing will do, and I do love him very much.
It is time for the clean sweep. God help us.

I know it has been a long while, and I still don’t know if it’s worth it. Is anything worth it anymore? Jeremy is gone, vanished somewhere in the gate system. Nobody paid any attention to the misbehaviour of the gates, and now Jeremy has been lost these past 5 months. My children. My children are still worth it! I have two lovely children, Laura and Gavin. Well it seems now I decided to write, I better catch you up. We now have 14 farming villages, each on a separate planet, and all a affair distance from the gate. I know that Earth never had bases on any of these planets, but I cannot tell you if [3 pages torn from diary. Again this does not affect the flow of the narrative] you have been to any of these before, but I know that you have not been since. There are a lot more children, the phrase – breeding like prairie dogs – springs to mind, oh yeah, I know why, we are at war.

Yoshi is dead.

They have contacts on Earth, who get information out sporadically, but at least we are kept informed about any major developments back in the old country. This could be bad news for Earth in this war. We have found THEM, and it is not good. They have learned to use us. Apparently their fighters have evolved since we met them last?? Don’t ask me, I am just relaying facts. Is this some sort of racial memory that creates the unrelenting belief they are right? They can now use manipulate FORCE the gates to obey. This is not good news, as this was our great advantage over them. I have lost may friends to them, they convert us into nothing more than zombies of destruction. I would rather face capture by the UN!! All we can do is destroy them, FIRE is good, fire is very good, but it takes along time. It is also draining our resources faster than anticipated. They work in teams, no, no that’s wrong. What is the best way to describe it? Words fail me. When their masters come they will EAT everything? Must think. Need time. Have to get across the full horror of the enemy. I will write again.

Heard today that an Earth based team encountered one of our  scouts, and let him go freely. This is a first, could it be that Earth’s attitude towards us is changing? I n some ways I hope not, we are not to be trusted, as we have only one goal in mind and there can be no compromise. Peace is good, but we need them. The same team came under attack by Them, so now I do not have to try to put into words the full horror of this enemy – DO NOT BE CAPTURE BY THEM, IT IS WORSE THAN DEATH!!!

I was surprised when the decision to aid them was made, usually we just treat recovered personnel, but we helped them after they were wiped out. The earlier debt has been repaid in full. Don’t expect any further reprieves. Especially as we they  we desperately need more fighters.
Oh no, no, NO!!! Earth what are you doing?? These people are your enemies you CANNOT negotiate with them. Do I dare take a chance and try to get to Earth? There is no time!! What about the barriers in front of the gates?? I will NEVER make it through. Earth is about to be overrun and by INVITATION! Stupid, STUPID people, well maybe you DESERVE it! The enemy of your worse enemy DOES NOT a friend make. STUPID!!! Now I will return to Earth alive, but as it’s enemy. I CANNOT afford to give myself away, nit now!! I AM PREGNANT!!


Mission 3

Intelligence Summary: Standard Arboreal world. Meeting with Type-1 reanimators as set up in mission 1. Contacts engaged, mission would appear to have been a set up.

After Action Reports:

CPT S J Vosloo, Training Officer, RGHQ-51

Mission 3 – P162 – Sat 29/06/2002 – 20:56-22:05

Mission personnel

SG-16, SG-17 & SG-19
Captain Vosloo in overall command with Lieutenant Castle in tactical command

Mission objectives

Recon (pathfinder),
Diplomacy with extreme caution

Mission protocols

Treat any encounters with caution, expect an ambush.


From the beginning of the mission a couple of us had serious breathing problems, possibly caused by blocked respirator filters.

It didn't take us too long to find our contacts. They were sitting in a small clearing near a lot of cover. The situation was too obviously a set up, it wouldn't have been any worse if there was a white cross on the ground and instructions to 'stand here'.
They were insistent that they had to speak to a senior officer and we were insistent that none had come with us. They responded to this obvious threat with force - case proved.

We fell back slowly to the gate as troops gradually gathered to follow and attack us. SG16 went on point to clear the way and SG17 held the rear. Mad minute called as part of fade back to gate procedure which went surprisingly smoothly - Captain Vosloo and Lieutenant Castle coming through last.


Definitely can't trust the reanimators.


Lt T. Castle, SG16, 51st Peacekeeper Division

This was a night mission to a planet whose designation I have written down but cannot read my own handwriting. It was to meet representatives of the tree huggers further to earlier missions but tensions were high given recent discoveries and the suspicion of a trap was ever present. In addition it was another 'pathfinder' mission I believe .

All of SG 16, 17 and 19 volunteered. We deployed through the gate in what was meant to be a leapfrog action but this broke down - thankfully we were not contacted by the gate moved to cover to form up in order of march to patrol the area .
2 members of the enemy contact team - now fully armed were observed in a clearing. Our teams deployed along a track where it was noted the vegetation on this planet was causing severe asthma/hayfever problems for team members - even those who didn't normally suffer from these conditions [better mask filters required].

The hostiles refused to leave the clearing and by then suspicion was rife. After discussion with Capt Vosloo it was decided to send someone expendable to initiate the contact. Landers subsequently went forward where our new 'friends' were obsessed with his rank and identifying senior NCO's and officers. He informed them there were no officers present due to a last minute change of priorities and we needed to re-schedule the meeting [this was our cover story]. The contact was less than pleased and a bit excitable so I went forward, with both Landers and I sheltering behind the only piece of cover in clearing/killing area! I identified myself as a senior civilian negotiator authorised to enter into treaties and asked what they wished to exchange. The contact grew more irate and walked off. We waited a few seconds when he returned with his weapon down his side - I knew he was now hostile and both Landers and I brought our weapons up and opened fire beating him to the 'draw' by micro seconds. Unfortunately despite both being sure we hit him with half a mag each he just walked back to the woods! We therefore withdrew in the most tactical manner possible to the track. Landers was unnerved the enemy seemed not affected by our weapons and wanted to run to the first gate home. It was 500m away and I was worried about running into an ambush so Vosloo and myself decided to go for the second gate after patrolling the area. Unfortunately the wooded area was so dark inside we couldn't make out anything and there appeared to be some form of tectonic activity which made listening impossible.

When we did try to find another way into the forest we heard the enemy moving parallel to us. It was therefore decided to return to the gate. Sg19 on point believed they had a contact in the bushes and the rearguard also reported movement. I therefore engaged the blocking force with a stun grenade and 19 probed by fire which seemed to move him and we did a left flanking move towards the gate. We came under enemy fire from our rear. SG 19 moved to the gate to clear it but Daniels - unable to breathe by now due to the severe asthma/hayfever problems previously mentioned - said he was willing to sacrifice his life to clear the gate and charged it firing. No enemy were encountered and 16 and 19 formed a firing line at the gate while 17 held the edge of the vegetation barricades. It was only minutes til gate when the enemy moved forward - the range was still extreme and then they got into the barricade field.17 put down a horrendous amount of fire but no enemy casualties were observed. Landers and I went forward so they could pepper pot back through us - with low ammo state!- and a full line was formed at the gate with 30 seconds to go. I then issued orders that when the gate opened we would peel in from right . Everyone shouted ok but then the old military problem of knowing which was the right occurred! The enemy then made a final rush - desperate to grab a prisoner I felt. Someone was hit in the helmet in the last seconds - probably Landers as usual - but we all retired through the gate unhurt under cover of my smoke grenade .

Basically I think it was a set up from the start - the meeting area was ringed and if they had a senior rank in it then would have initiated the ambush. To go into the woods after them would have been dumb when we didn't know strength or location and they knew we were coming - but especially since at the time we were concerned our weapons were ineffectual! All in all everyone there showed coolness under fire - a bit more practice of fire and manouevre techniques would be of use. Of note is the useful reminder of how fast auto weapon fire uses ammo that came from this mission. As the gate approached when we had our final defensive line I ordered a 'mad minute' to keep the enemy back. I certainly felt happier being behind it as about 10 guns opened fire on fully auto to keep the enemy at bay! Certainly there rush seemed temporarily halted by this and incoming fire slackened as we peeled back through the gate.

Once back personnel continued to report breathing difficulties even the next morning .


Pvt Well

Date: 29-Jun-02
Out Gate Time: 2056
In Gate Time: 2205

Pre Mission Intel

- World Unexplored
- Expect to meet with ‘leadership’ of group meet on Edge Hill 3
- Analysis of dairy found on Edge Hill 2 indicates that meeting may be at trap; that ‘NOT Them’ are mealy looking to capture an officer.


Meet with ‘leadership’ of group meet on Edge Hill 3


- Meet with ‘leader’
- Our representatives identified them-selves as NCOs would not talk with them demanded to meet officer
- Fire exchange when it became clear to other side that they would not meet officer
- Team returned to gate with enemy trying to position them selves to attack.  Aggressive movement by team prevented this.
- Team came under concerted attack by 6 to 8 hostiles just be for gate opened

Mission 4

Intelligence Summary: Former Phillips colony world containing surviving colonists. Multiple contacts made and engaged. Some bodies burned to prevent re-animation.

After Action Reports:

Cpt. Morticia Ash, SO, 51st Scientific Division

Cpt. Jameson and Dr. Well gave a joint briefing, which occurred at 09.15 hundred hours and we were now going to C213, the so-called "Stargazer" world. Primary mission was to gather intelligence. Secondary objectives were to get comparative flora and fauna samples for our database. A high threat level was considered to be appropriate for the SG team security. We were ordered not to initiate fire, as intelligence gathering was a priority. Our gate out was at 10.16 hundred hours and the return gate would be at 11.38 hundred hours. The composition of the force was to contain elements of SG16 & 17, with Dr. Carter, Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Webster. Cpt. Vosloo and myself rounded out the personnel assigned to this mission.
For some reason Dr. Carter and myself exited from the stargate last and a few minutes behind the main body. I know that when we left Base 51 we were in the middle and I can only account for the difference as being a product of stargate travel. As a result when we exited together, we found ourselves ordered not to join the rest of the team, but remain in the rear with Dr. Webster, while a contact was brought through our perimeter. Shortly afterwards, a person called Craig was brought in and we were told to guard him. We took the opportunity to talk and he said that he was from South Africa. He thought he had been out of contact with the UNSGC for about 2 years and described himself as miner. He gave a grim picture of surviving on his wits and fighting madmen. Though he also said that his own team would act pretty mad at times. A firefight broke out and we stayed out of the way, keeping a close eye on Craig.

He said that he scavenged equipment from dead people and gave an account of how he would test guns to make sure that they were not booby-trapped. He also said that his team and him had mined the area and set traps for people who were unkillable, which from his description sounded like THEM. We noticed that his team had made pyres for burning THEM and Craig told us that they would lure their targets into a trap involving pouring inflammable liquids over the target and setting them alight. It also became quite clear that Craig was very right wing and still thought that President Botha ruled in South Africa and that forces should be sent to aid Israel to sort out the Middle East problem. He was to say the least a little bit surprised to find out that Nelson Mandela had led a peaceful transitional government in South Africa.

Lt. Castle ordered myself and Dr. Carter to move up. We were to guard the dead prisoners that the team had killed in the firefight. Cpl. Vorsfelde was dead and several other members of the team were wounded. While we were guarding the prisoners shots rang out and we were told that Craig had shot and wounded Dr. Webster, but he had been taken down in turn. Needless to say our prisoners turned out to be reanimators, probably FERALs and I had to shoot them to stop them from escaping. Due to the fact that a lot of our team were wounded and we had Cpl. Vorsfelde and Craig to bring back, it was decided that we would leave the others behind.

Fortunately for us, if not them, their piles of prepared wood for making pyres came in handy. It made the job of consolidating enough wood for a big fire easy. We placed the prisoners on the pyre and I shot them again for good measure. This was to prevent them from prematurely reanimating. Then Lt. Castle ignited an incendiary grenade to set off the blaze. As we left through the gate, the smell of burning flesh and the roar of the open fire smelt like victory.


CPT S J Vosloo, Training Officer, RGHQ-51

Mission 4 – C123A – Sun 30/06/2002 – 10:16-11:38

Mission personnel

SG-16, SG-17, SG-19 & scientists
Captain Vosloo in nominal command

Mission objectives

Drop off ammo & supplies if possible

Mission protocols

Cautious approach required.


Had breathing problems once again. Had to pass tactical command over to Lt Castle very early in the mission.
After consolidating the gate area SG16 went out on recon. Almost immediately they met one of the Philips' colonists we'd met on a previous mission. 

He was passed back and interviewed. He explained they'd been attacked a lot by 'them' and described methods they'd been using in their fight - fire and explosives, mainly fire. He seemed to have a lot more memories of life on Earth compared to our previous meetings and was very interested in getting hold of cigarettes and beer. He didn't know of the end of apartheid in SA nor even that Mandela had been let out of jail.

An enhanced recon team moved up but they came under fire which they returned. Called cease fire in which Lt Castle identified himself as being from SG-16 along with some remark along the lines of 'who else would claim to be from SG-16' at which point the firing restarted with what seemed like redoubled energy.

Large firefight continued with casualties on both sides. Stalemate broken when Lt Castle went on a solo flanking manouvre, but this unfortuantely coincided with a bit of a rush from the rest of the team resulting in a couple of friendly fire casualties.
Discussion with the colonist, Karl?,  went well. Gained a lot of useful intel from him. However he was just biding his time. While I took a drink of water he opened fire seriously wounding a member of SG19 and wounding me before being brought down.


Colonists have become reanimators. Seems to mean one of two things: either 'natural' contamination can cause reanimators or that other 'type 1s' had converted them. Could the  'type 1s' be intentionally dropping off contaminated food and drink, especially Earth products that will trigger happy memories, to convert colonists that are going native (c.f. the ration packs dropped near us after our first encounter with 'them')?

Noticeable that Karl? could remember Philips and some of what the situation in South Africa had been when he left. It seemed to me that it was more than when we previously encountered this group. He was also curious about his family and whether or not they thought he was dead. At one point he was asking to come home with us.

The 'gaiaistic' or earth worshipping tendencies reported from our first visit were no longer noticeable, possibly due to the conversion to reanimator.

Karl was very keen to get hold of Earth luxuries and made specific, and repeated, requests for beer and cigarettes. This is very much at odds with the previous claims that the planet provided all their needs and an obvious sign of mental changes to go along with the physical ones. If these desires for little luxuries and vices are common amongst off-worlders, especially reanimators, we may be able to exploit them by doing a little interplanetary booze running.

Need to confirm if both off-worlders we brought back were Philips personnel, there's a possibility that some of the reanimators we were fighting were not locals but had been brought in to fight 'them'.

Karl referred to himself & his people as 'human' like us, unlike 'them'.

Karl seemed to think that 'them' were more likely to appear when we came to the planet - are they tracking us through the gates?

Karl had got his P-90 from one of ‘them’ and implied he had got his ammo from someone that had dropped it off – need analysis of origins of both the weapon and the ammo ASAP.


- Need to try find more concealed routes for recon detachments. 
- Friendly fire incident understandable given the confusion of the fight. Need better battlefield communication.
- The situation that occurred with Karl was also understandable given that team had no reason to distrust Karl's statements at the time. Need better cover of all field interviews.


A French research centre (their equivalent of Porton Down?) was attacked by persons using on- and off-world weapons. Looks like some of the reanimators that attacked RGHQ53 had made it out of the area before the base was sealed.
Reoccupation of RGHQ53 apparently went smoothly. There was no opposition, the base had been stripped bare, nothing left but the gate.

Decisions for future

Need to find a way to get  SGC to provide us with a way of identifying friendly forces (other SGC personnel, Deep Black agents. etc.) when off-world.
Presuming the intel extracted from Karl, the Philips colonist, is correct there is still a chance of rescuing some of the personnel left behind during Op Clean Sweep. It seems that the contamination process could take up to 10 years.

Alternately the project could step up to full military status. If this should happen I would suggest that no mission should be of less than company strength. I would also suggest heavy use of bio-chemical weaponry - especially Agent Orange and other defoliants in order to impact their farms/bases as much as possible.


Lt T. Castle, SG16, 51st Peacekeeper Division

This was a mission on the morning of 30/6/02 to C213A. This plant is not a lucky one to say the least for SGC! The little incident that cost Landers his commission occurred here as well as numerous other skirmishes. It is a former Phillips colony world which is known to still have surviving colonists on it who have gone native. The planet itself is classified as hostile but wherever possible we are seeking to build bridges with the colonists. The primary mission was therefore diplomacy and secondary was recon and Intel and since I saw the science team taking samples I believe tertiary must have been science.
The mission team was SG16, SG17, 2 members of SG 19 and Drs Reynolds, Ash and Carter.

As we deployed through the gate we met an individual armed with a P90 and a speaking with a South African accent. Capt Vosloo entered into dialogue with him and, being close by, I overheard that he was separated from his fellow colonists and they had been on the receiving end of attacks from 'them'. To that end they had laid minefields. Leaving Capt V with the prisoner and all the science personal bar Reynolds I formed a skirmish line to sweep the area and try and establish contact with other colonists. Before the line could be established we took fire on the extreme right flank. Cpl Vorsfelde went down in a hail of fire and marine Williams was pinned down and appeared wounded. Two hostiles were in well defended positions at the top of a slope and would be tough to shift. Our skirmish line turned to face the threat with suppressive fire going in instinctively. I ordered a cease fire in an attempt to establish dialogue. This occurred and I identified myself as from the UN and there to help. In a momentary lack of judgement I identified myself as from SG 16. The hostiles told me to show myself and already knowing what was to come next I did so - and flung myself back a microsecond later when about 50 rounds headed towards me. I then ordered a return of fire - in a somewhat less than polite way and then ordered a right flanking manouevre.

Unfortunately the right flank was pinned down so I moved there myself. I was slowed on the way by a swampy area and then got above the enemy fire position. There was not much shouting at this time and not much firing. Fearing the worst I advance cautiously and then saw an enemy in his fire position. As I fired marine Williams moved over the top and I hit him, the enemy and apparently Dr Reynolds with a ricochet. Leaving them to render first aid to themselves and check the 2 enemy in these positions I moved forward to find Daniels bandaging his leg. He informed me as they moved forward they had taken fire from the flank from 2 shooters who appeared to have been lying in ambush. I then took a round in the leg from one of these and bandaged myself. Having spotted the 2 shooters I went to work putting fire on them through my scope while Daniels went right flanking. One enemy gave his position away and when his head bobbed up I put a round into it taking him out. I then put fire on the other as Daniels flanked her and killed her. We checked the bodies and the female was dead and the one I shot was unconscious. Forming a perimeter with Daniels and Reynolds I left Well and Williams to recover the enemy bodies to one spot as well as Landers who had been hit approximately by no less than 12 bursts of fire - obviously people on this planet still remember his first visit!

About this time I heard a burst of fire from the science enclave and returned to find several personnel had been wounded by the individual we first encountered. They had disposed of him and I will leave someone who was present to describe this incident. We therefore returned through the gate carrying our 2 dead [Landers and Vorsfelde and the wounded enemy as well as the dead one we first met] (See DSTL report). We attempted to burn the remaining bodies using a smoke grenade as an ignition device having shot them when they reanimated . I was concerned at the ambush set for us. But for some aggressive action on our part - Landers and Daniels especially the L shaped ambush combined with the positions high on the slope could have been very serious indeed - as it was they caused considerable casualties in any event.

Back at base we debriefed having been told of an attack on the french equivalent of Porton Down which once again raised safety concerns . It was also mentioned Landers should be promoted to Sgt - if his mangled corpse could be resurrected again . I believe Daniels should be mentioned in dispatches for this mission cycle - on both the 3rd and 4th missions he charged ahead to clear the way for others with no thought for his own safety - in typical marine fashion! And so ended the mission weekend with lots of developments and recovered Intel which will hopefully lead to more info being available to us grunts before we gate out the next time.


Pvt Well

Planet: C213
Date: 30-Jun-02
Out Gate Time: 1016
In Gate Time: 1138

Pre Mission Intel

Volcanic planet
Base lost to lave
Ex-Phillips colony


Make contact with colonist
Bring back if they are willing leave supplies if not


- Meet single ‘colonist’
- 30 meters from gate encountered a colonist
- Armed with P90
- South African accent
- Said had scavenged from bodies of THEM
- Said they always burn bodies of them - ‘only way to stop them re-animating’
- Ambushed by 4 hostiles
- While deploying to sweep area Cpl Vorsfelde and Marine Williams where ambush by 2 hostiles
- Vorsfelde killed
- Attempts at negotiation failed
- Encountered 2 other hostiles in sub sequent action
- Landers kill
- While main body of team dealt with hostiles ‘colonist’ attacked his minders
- Cpt xx and Dr yy injured
- Burnt bodies of  hostile and ‘colonist’

CON-036 Intelligence Debrief


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