![]() Updated: 02/19/2007 |
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CON-027 |
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Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 |
Gatewatch Report
No surviving gatewatch report for this CON.
No. | In/Out | Target | Launch | Landing | Notes |
September 9th 2000 | |||||
01 | OUTBOUND | XC213A | Post 12:00 | Post 12:00 | FT = #mins. Mission 1 |
02 | INBOUND | XC213A | Pre 18:00 | Pre 18:00 | FT = #mins. Return From Mission 1 |
03 | OUTBOUND | UP043A | Post 19:00 | Post 19:00 | FT = #mins. Mission 2 |
04 | INBOUND | UP043A | Pre 00:00 | Pre 00:00 | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 2 |
September 10th 2000 | |||||
05 | OUTBOUND | XC213A | Post 09:00 | Post 09:00 | FT = #mins. Mission 3 |
06 | INBOUND | XC213A | Pre 12:00 | Pre 12:00 | FT = #mins. Return from Mission 3 |
General | Training | Mission 1 |
1. Anderson. Simon. (CMO) 2. Anderson. Tracie. (S2's 2IC) 3. Booley. Christopher. 4. Boral. Sean. 5. Burton. Declan. 6. Cox. Leslie. 7. Crane. Jon.* 8. Crawshaw. Michael.* 9. Davies. Luke.* 10. Dickenson. Alan. 11. Doncaster. Marc. 12. Edwards. Simon.* 13. Galway. Clive.* 14. Gathercole. John. (Joint S5) 15. Gill. Shanine. (Joint S5) 16. Gill. Stephen. 17. Graham. Ian. 18. Hayton. Nicholas. 19. Hedger. Jasper. (9th) 20. Henderson. Paul.* 21. Kellet. Brian. 22. Kennon. Nicholas. 23. Milman. Gregor. 24. Nicholson. Paul.* 25. Slaughter. Martin. (S2) 26. Wayland. Dean C. (S1) 27. Worsfold. Graham. ? (S3/S4) Notes: |
1. Anderson. Simon. 2. Booley. Christopher. 3. Boral. Sean. 4. Burton. Declan. 5. Cox. Leslie. 6. Crawshaw. Michael. 7. Davies. Luke. 8. Dickenson. Alan. 9. Doncaster. Marc. 10. Edwards. Simon. 11. Galway. Clive. 12. Gathercole. John. (10th) 13. Gill. Shanine. (10th) 14. Gill. Stephen. 15. Graham. Ian. 16. Hayton. Nicholas. 17. Henderson. Paul. 18. Kellet. Brian. 19. Kennon. Nicholas. 20. Milman. Gregor. 21. Nicholson. Paul. 22. Slaughter. Martin. 23. Wayland. Dean C. (10th) 24. Worsfold. Graham. Notes: 2nd session: 10th |
M-1 SG Teams
(SG-16) (SG-17) Overall C/O:Gill. Stephen. ? (2IC/3IC) M-1 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC//3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Notes |
M-2 SG Teams
(SG-16) (SG-17) Overall C/O: Kennon. Nicholas. ? (2IC/3IC) M-2 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
M-3 SG Teams
(SG-16) (SG-17) Overall C/O:Gill. Stephen. ? (2IC/3IC) M-3 Perimeter Patrol ? (C/O/2IC/3IC) Notes: *CASEVAC |
WIA = 2+
KIA = #? MIA = 0 Purple Heart Awards Notes: |
Intelligence Summary: Standard Arborial world. Stargazer unit deployed. Multiple hostile contacts made. Prisoners returned and sent to Porton Down for further tests.
After Action Reports:
SG16 deployed to RGHQ 5.1 on Fri. 8th sept as required. 4 members of the original team were present with 2 attachments. We rapidly found that Landers had been promoted to 2nd lieut and Ryan to Sgt due to rank restructuring. SG16 quickly reached mission readiness due to a division of team roles - weapons, food, accommodation [and beer]. Useful orientation lectures took place on that evening allowing all members of the project to meet as well as explaining to us grunts the scientific purpose of the mission and the history behind it. This was actually invaluable and cleared up some of the confusion from the previous mission weekend. Gate security procedures for the weekend were also laid down that evening for any incoming gates. However the level of security varied immensely over the weekend - sometimes it included 2 SG teams with mg support and other times a scratch force of admin staff depending on who was available.
2 SG teams were deployed this weekend - SG16 and the newly formed SG17 under Lt Foster.
The Saturday morning involved some exercises which at the very least showed how much SG16 had trained as a team in the last few months with clear orders from landers being usually followed - this led to one of our support team being transferred to assault! also it helps if your pointman can remember a password he was given 5 minutes earlier. As an aside it also helps if your point team opens fire on suspected hostiles when they don't respond to a challenge 3 times in a row and then give the wrong answer. This not withstanding the famous SG16 comradery was present as was its well known love of heavy firepower!
That afternoon we were deployed under Lt Foster and SG17 to deploy STARGAZER recording devices on a lost contact world. This was done successfully as was an impromptu study of flora and fauna and some ruins by team techies and science types (see DSTL report) . As a last task prior to extraction the teams split to complete a reconnaissance of the area. At the end of a sweep we were about to return when I informed my team [who were all looking the other way] that a man with a gun was heading towards us. This got their attention and we deployed for a contact. Several challenges were issued but the hostile cantoned to advance with his weapon so Lt landers reluctantly gave the order to open fire [his exact words are now part of the SG16 folklore and consisted of **** it, slot 'em]. In a frantic firefight SG 16 confirmed some 4 kills and 2 prisoners [1 of whom was killed trying to escape later]. It later transpired 1 hostile may have been seen escaping. SG17 then rejoined us with all bodies being extracted although there was concern regarding the safety of the STARGAZER equipment.
On return we were informed that due to a confusion in the briefing it was not made apparent there could be a lost research team on planet and these were who we may have taken out [albeit it in a very effective tactical manner].
Needless to say SG16 spent a long time despairing over the tragic consequences of this incident.
<Apologies in advance if some of this information is inaccurate, especially with regard to timing, I appear to have lost all my notes>
Assigned to the UNMC group of UNSGC at RGHQ 5.1 at the request of Philips corp. as three Philips personnel had gone MIA while on assignment to the UNMC at RGHQ 5.1 last year. Having requested assignment as a marine to get to know the teams better I was placed in a newly formed unit - SG17. The unit consists of Lt J.Foster, Sgt K.Vorsfelde, S Webb, T.Reynolds (scientist), and myself. There was also a larger UNMC unit on base at the time - SG16, they had already completed one mission cycle. The unit consists of Lt Landers, Sgt A.Ryan, T.Castle N.Daniels, P.Munch (scientist) & P.Garibaldi.
The base was functional, though a little short on comforts or recreation areas for off-duty personnel. Off-duty personnel were usually to be found in the emergency exit area. The only practical problem with the base was the crowding in the ready room, field personnel were using it while on and off duty, and equipment preparation was a little chaotic to say the least. All personnel seemed fit enough, and keen which is generally more important.
A mass meeting was held to introduce everyone present. Several people, primarily officers, had received new ranks or roles. Something of a reorganisation of the command staff had occurred. The group was also informed of the Nakamura Science Foundation (NSF), a new group formed of representatives of the various corporations with off-world interests. Some of the basics of what is known about gate travel were discussed. A new standing order was also passed on - no bodies, alive or dead, to be left on the other side of a gate in order to prevent their use by enemies (it was not specified what should be done with the bodies of indigenous people, nor whether any indigenous people found should be forced to return to Earth). We were also given standing orders to be on alert to protect the gate area in case of incursion, all incoming gate activations were to be treated as dangerous.
Two missions were planned for the Saturday afternoon. SG16 was to meet with a Nakamura courier to pick up some information. SG17 was to accompany a scientist from the NSF to deploy a Stargazer package. On the Sunday morning SG17 was to return to pick up the Stargazer package. The mission info was given during the mass meeting with non mission related personnel present - a fairly serious security breach. The Stargazer project is designed to solve the boffins' biggest problem with gate travel. Did the gates permit travel between planets in the same dimension, travel across dimensions on the same planet, or a combination of the two? By analysing the star constellations visible from target planets it was hoped to solve this riddle.
First thing Saturday morning we had a training session of three mini missions. SG16 were practicing possible options relating to meeting the courier while SG17 were getting used to working together. The results were not overly satisfying. Although SG16 were operating well together they seemed to be unlucky (or have problems with) completing their objectives, their biggest problem appeared to be a lack of coordinated aggression during assaults. SG17 had very few opportunities to get to know one another's abilities or approaches to combat during these missions, generally being split up to give SG16 a more realistic experience, a serious shortfall in our training together.
During lunch Lt Landers and myself were informed by UNI personnel that the Stargazer target planet had previously been a colony world, but a tectonic catastrophe had destroyed the colony.
Shortly after lunch we were informed that the Nakamura exchange was not going to plan. The courier's bodyguards had been attacked while waiting for the courier. The mission was changed to a meeting that night, the courier would be traveling alone. Yet again the mission info was given during a mass meeting with unnecessary personnel present - a repeated security breach. As a result of this changed mission plan it was decided that SG16 & SG17 were to accompany one another on each mission with the unit originally intended for the mission retaining overall control of the mission. During this briefing we were informed that the Stargazer planet should be treated as hostile (later turned out that there had been confusion between UNI passing on the colony info and the briefing).
Insertion to the target planet went smoothly. The scientists (including Dr Campbell) had no problem setting up the Stargazer package in a few minutes, unfortunately we had a couple of hours until the inbound gate. Patrols of the immediate area found nothing except ruins of the previous colony and the scientists spent some time taking samples.
SG16 were very antsy, keen for a little 'excitement', and just prior to us moving back to the gate for exfiltration we went on a longer patrol with SG17 guarding the scientists and SG16 fanned out providing cover. In the region of the turn-back point a firefight started. SG17 members were keen to rush over and join in but I managed to convince Lt Foster that we needed to protect the scientists so he assigned Sgt Vorsfelde and marine Webb to assist SG16 while the two of us guarded Dr's Campbell and Reynolds.
The firefight ended quickly and the rest of us moved up to consolidate the area. There were four dead hostiles and two wounded captives. After checking the area we moved back to the gate. It was a bit tight on personnel, with two needed for each body and others to guard the captives. As we waited for the gate to open the captives complained a lot about being attacked without provocation. One of the wounded captives attempted to escape and unfortunately I had to shoot her as she refused to stop when ordered to.
Intelligence Summary: Rescue mission. Team ambushed by unknown hostiles. Team and rescued courier with cannister exited through the Stargate. Some enemy retrieved and sent to Porton Down for further tests.
After Action Reports:
8-10 sept 2000
The next mission once again involved both teams being deployed - this time under landers - to rescue a courier with an important artifact. Despite some difference of opinion between the teams as to following orders - ie SG17 did not follow landers orders - we traced the courier who had done a fantastic job in evading his pursuers - we then returned to lay up not too far from the extraction point where the SG17 dealt brilliantly with some infiltrators. SG16 then moved to the extraction site where they were ambushed and landers [at an unbelievable range] took a stray round in the head [typical] eventually both team moved to the extraction point where patrols were sent to secure the area under sporadic sniper fire which caused some casualties. LT foster deserves mention here in that he slept through most of this action! Some enemy dead and wounded were brought back for interrogation.
SG16 then broke open the beer and stood down for the night when we were informed we had recovered a very important artifact indeed [but none of us can remember what as we were shattered].
Inserted at night, accompanied by Dr Harris, intention being to home in on the courier, who would be carrying a large container, by radio. We deployed into an open area. SG16 moved ahead with SG17 following with the doctor. SG16 moved onto a small hill, and wouldn't take our hints about their cammo making them look like currants on a bun, we moved onto the top of the hill to try protect the doctor better. Intermittent radio messages were received from the courier, but communication could not be achieved, it seemed like he was in trouble though. While on the hill I saw someone moving across the hill in front of my position, reported it to the Lts but they were more interested in trying to get radio comms.
After a while we moved down a trail that led away from the hill. Lt Landers wanted to move into a densely wooded area, but a little coaxing convinced him that staying in the open would both allow us to cover more ground and give us better vision. Along the trail we found a small building. SG16 was preparing to search it when I spotted a figure on the crest of the hill above us, a figure with a weapon and a container. A few moments of confusion later and a detachment of SG16 went to investigate. It was the courier, confirmed by Dr Harris, apparently he had been captured but managed to escape. We moved back along the hill to the region of the gate and formed up in the shadow of a hedgerow near the original forming up point. SG17 guarded the doctor and the courier while SG16 spread out lower down.
While we were laying low Sgt Vorsfelde spotted two armed figures sneaking down from the top of the hill and radioed it in. This is the point where comms problems became apparent, we were unable to raise anyone in SG16. Lt Landers was roaming the hedge at the time and we tried to let him know of the situation, unfortunately everything we tried failed and eventually I had to virtually yell at him that there were two people sneaking down the hill. Sgt Vorsfelde and marine Webb put suppressive fire into the two figures and SG17 were asked to assault them. In an amazing display of overcaution SG16 then sneaked carefully up to the two figures while Vorsfelde and Webb kept the suppressive fire on them and Lt Foster and myself protected our two VIPs. The two interlopers were taken down and their bodies joined our VIP collection. During this period Dr Harris confirmed that the previously rumoured TD1471 device permitted gate activation outside the normal cycle to return to the originating point of the last gate in.
Movement was spotted near the gate and SG16 went to investigate, one hostile was taken prisoner. Shortly afterwards, in a short firefight, another hostile was taken out, though only after seriously wounding Lt Landers. After this we all moved to the gate area to wait for it to open. Around this period flares were set off by unknowns (probably hostiles) near the trail, we have no idea why and it seemed prudent not to investigate. Just before the gate opened we came under attack again, a couple of us were wounded but somehow Lt Foster managed to remain calm enough to sleep through it.
After the mission we were treated to a view of our prize, a preserved alien foetus. Apparently this item had been wanted by the UNSGC for a long time, but had always eluded the UNMC's grasp at the last minute. A prisoner we had taken somehow managed to trigger a grenade hidden on his person while being escorted to transport to Porton down, killing himself and wounding two members of SG16 who were escorting him.
We had more info about the Stargazer planet. It had been a Philips colony and after the disaster it had been confirmed that there were no survivors. Gained permission to try a rescue mission, or at least drop off supplies.
Coleman, C
Well, I was asked to file a report on the farce that was my last (hopefully) field mission. I was told that an escort would be provided on this mission, but due to what can only have been a leek, my 'hand holders' were wiped out by enemy forces on transit. Fine, no problem. I'm in a nice hotel room, taking it easy and relaxing, missions been cancelled. Time to enjoy my self. WRONG! Go to site X, collect the package and report to site Y and draw stores for a mission and then report to the armoury for weapon allocation and familiarisation. What? I'm a non-com!?
I get issued a silver case, asked to sign for it and not let it out of my sight until I hand to some doctor or Porton Down. Next, collect kit and report to armoury. Okay, some Yank sergeant says 'This is yore weapun. Yew will not let ainy one helse handle yore weapun. This is yore safety, this is yore triggur, this is where we put the magazine, the little black box thang. You point the weapun this end towards thee enumee and pull the little triggur thang and thee eneumee, being norty people will fall down ded! Sign here and scram limey!'
Next I get dumped at the gate and 'transfer' to another planet, cross to another gate and 'transfer' to the target planet. The mission statement said, and I quote 'Planet XXX is a dry planet of temperate climate with no known hostile forces. The terrain is flat and the weather clement'. Ha, bloody ha!
I get to the planet, call up the UNMC team that is supposed to meet me and the company issue radio goes on the fritz! Okay, not too much of a problem. Ah! Contact, 'Courier Coleman to UNMC, have arrived on planet. Please advise rendezvous location… ', next thing I know I'm taking fire from all around. At first I thought I'd been stitched up by the UNMC, but then I realised the 'no hostile presence' planet was crawling with enemy. I tried to defend myself only to find that the new prototype weapon they'd given me, with no bloody training, was no bloody good!
I ran through some fields dodging trees and bullets when a searing heat ripped through my knee. I'd been shot! Me and courier! Business class flights, good food and comfortable hotel rooms! Writhing in agony I was captured by said enemy. They bound and hoodwinked me and took me to a building and left me in a room with instructions not to move. After about 10 minutes I risked testing my bonds and managed to get my right hand free and carefully lifted the hood. I was alone and all my kit was on a table at the side of the room. I went to the door a listened for a few minutes and couldn't here any movement so carefully picked up my kit and tried the door. It wasn't locked. In the next room was the container. I took it and left by the window and ran into the night.
Fleeing through some woodland I found a bridge over a stream and proceeded to cross it. At that moment my radio came alive. The UNMC team were calling. I grabbed the radio and promptly a loud crack rang out. I landed on my back looking up at the stars thinking I had been hit by the pursuing enemy. It was then that I realised that I had fallen through the bridge and the wet feeling was not my life blood pouring out but actually the stream. Picking myself up I threw myself back into the night and found the only lake on the 'arid' planet.
Several times I heard the enemy getting closer and broken, garbled messages from the rescue team trying to locate me.
Cursing the Company I ran for my life every time, not able to even defend myself. A number of times I thought my number was up when shots ricocheted off trees and rocks. Sometime later I found myself in the middle of a ploughed field and spotted movement coming towards me. Praying to any god that may have been listening I called to the approaching group, noting with uncanny clarity how the feeble moonlight glinted off a plethora of weapons. They were UNMC! Thank the heavens!
Bandaging my knee they helped me towards the extraction point and we all took it easy by a hedge. Cursing the Company and praising the wonderful soldiers surrounding me, we came under fire from an enemy team. The Marines saw them off and we made our way to the actual gate. Things were quiet for a while and then, once again, the dear old enemy decided they wanted us to stay. The sky turned green as tracer scored patterns across the night sky. It kind of reminded me of watching a meteor storm on Phobos. Once again the heroic Marines beat off the enemy and sporadic sniper fire sounded from the enemy with savage answering from the guys. At last the gate came to life and I escorted the now injured Doc through the gate and entered the base with a huge sigh of relief.
An hour or so later I was finally seen by the base MO and then even later interviewed by some major. Contrary to the orders I had been given, the base commander opened the canister and revealed that an alien embryo was inside.
Some time later, with orders not to say what the CO had done, I was given a full military honour guard to the base helipad and returned to the local Company facility. I would personally like to thank all the brave men of that UN Marine team who risked their lives to find and protect me on that god forsaken hell hole.
I would also say, thanks for nothing to the Intel and Supplies divisions of Nakamura for being about as useful as a bucket with no bottom for carrying water! I also demand a full pay grade increase, and the right to shoot the lousy American sergeant who issued my that 'great noo rifule' that could even work under water. He should go on stage. He's a real comedian. And as for the Technical division, next time they want someone to test a new weapon for live fire, I know a division I could recommend as targets!
Intelligence Summary: See Mission 1 for world details and initial reports. Multiple contacts made and engaged. Stargazer unit damaged and results lost.
After Action Reports:
8-10 sept 2000
The next day we were sent with SG17 to recover the STARGAZER equipment with a first contact specialist.
Contact was made but whilst this took place SG16 took sporadic fire from other 'residents' of the planet - this was ignored despite casualties until grenades were thrown - all hell was then let loose resulting in a swift end to conversation and casualties to both sides. The end result was that the equipment was destroyed [but recovered] with the results captured by the enemy - perhaps another team will be able to negotiate for its release in due course.
SG16 then returned to base where it transpired at debriefing the SG17 Sgt had decapitated a corpse brought back in the last mission.
Suitably confused SG16 stood down having earned the reputation of an efficient fighting force - if not a diplomatic one.
Had two VIPs to protect this time, Dr Campbell and miss De Beer from UNI as she was also from Philips and could speak Afrikaans. Rapidly looking like SG17 is specialising in VIP protection. Unfortunately we didn't receive the promised supplies in time for the mission. After insertion we immediately discovered the Stargazer equipment was trashed and the main unit was missing. We fairly rapidly made contact with the natives and miss De Beer and myself began negotiations with the extremely hostile (for obvious reasons) natives while SG16 and the rest remained behind as a covering force. Surrounding hostiles fired once or twice on the main group but they managed to keep their cool though they did maneuver for position despite my request that they remain far back to help keep the tension down. The comms problems of the previous night came back to haunt us here as only SG17 appeared to have functioning radios.
Unfortunately one of the hostiles' shots hit a member of SG16 and the order was given to return fire, very loudly. Myself and miss DeBeer came under fire instantly and were both hit as we went for cover. Luckily I was only hit in the arm, but miss De Beer was not so lucky. The firefight was short and sharp with two hostiles neutralised. Seemed to receive more incoming fire from the SG teams than the hostiles so I kept very low indeed. A cease fire was arranged and negotiations reopened. One of the natives agreed to help us find the missing unit as long as the teams left afterwards, I would have to remain with them as a hostage until colonists that had been taken away during the first mission were returned.
During this period one of the remaining hostiles threw a grenade at members of the team and another firefight ensued killing the grenadier. Another cease fire was arranged and the native that had promised to help joined us in searching for the missing unit, unfortunately the native who had hidden it was nowhere to be found. During a long, tortuous discussion with the native it transpired he had no memory of life before the disaster or even of his own family other than his son, the grenadier that had been killed. Time ran out and we had to leave without the missing unit.
Miss De Beer was successfully revived on our return to base.
Quite a while after the mission Sgt Vorsfelde realised that one of the prisoners was contaminated (there was also a rumour that some item on him was contaminated). Sgt Vorsfelde apparently lost it and cut the prisoner's head off.
Discovered that none of the colonist bodies sent to Porton Down had been revived although the doctor had stated they were all in a fit state for resuscitation.
Practiced fire and maneuver by fire team, 2 fire teams of 2 assaulted a bunker with 2 defenders. Each fire team operated individually, one member supporting the other's movement. The results were extremely promising for a first attempt, the assaulters took the bunker each time with a couple of injuries received - better suppressive fire control would have prevented even these.
During the mission cycle closing meeting we were informed that despite our successes over the weekend Sgt Vorsfelde's actions meant that the base now had to be treated as contaminated and would be locked down. All personnel would have to remain on site for at least two months for tests and decontam. Various unsavoury practices were to be performed on Sgt Vorsfelde.
Both SG teams performed very well for the circumstances, although the officers needed reminding occasionally of the mission at hand.
Combat coordination was especially good in SG16, it was obvious they have worked together before.
Both SG16 and SG17 could do with more practice at night combat.
SG16 could do with a slightly more diplomatic attitude to strangers, which is odd as they were earlier being complemented for the clever way they had avoided unnecessary combat in the previous mission cycle.
Need to introduce more stringent security for incoming prisoners, especially with regard to searching them.
How do a bunch of colonists manage to keep military grade weaponry functioning while being cut off from Earth for five years and being unable to remember anything prior to the disaster.
Are they truly surviving colonists at all?
How did the courier's mission manage to get compromised twice? Is there a mole in RGHQ 5.1, was the leak at the Nakamura end, was there a leak at both ends, or were communications intercepted?
How (or why) did Porton Down fail to revive five bodies that were certified as fit for reanimation?
CON-027 Intelligence Debrief
End of Page